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Fantasy – Realm of Asmus – (Open!)

Vuljun observed the happenings of the tavern. The gambling, the drinking, the laughing. What would happen if he was a human, but could still use the Breath? It would be everything he ever wanted. This random feeling of un-contentedness was new to Vuljun. But this means he could go on adventures, find treasure, slay dra-save dragons. I'd like that. Vuljun sighed, staring at the happiness of the people in the tavern.

(whoops didn't know you said that, pretend this was already on the last post)

Vuljun snapped out of his thoughts and looked at the elf. "Drem yol lok."
"Girls gotta make a living and thank you for pointing out I'm short." she said sarcastically, "Fine. What would you like to know?" she asked, raising an eyebrow.

Did she really remind a Goblin for himself that much?

Aelin rolled her eyes then looked at him, "I find people. That's what I do and most of the time I hear things to. Don't think lowly of me." she said in a lower tone.
Yoljud nodded "Of course. Dii lokaal, we're heading back to ground level to watch a tree burn." and without another word the rek-dovah soared away from the tavern and to the tree to watch it burn gloriously. She landed by the tree and folded her wings down so that Xani could dismount. "You're right, it does look nice burning."
Vashti ignored the Dragon at the window of the Tavern, and the other being who she didn't know the name of. She made her way to the door,

and opened it without hesitation. The door was old and cracked, but usable. The handle was just a metal hoop that one would pull or use to

knock with. She pulled the large piece of wood out and away from her, and shut it as she entered. The room smelled of brewing ale and sheep's skin.

The Tavern was full of hunters and townspeople. She didn't fit in, but she didn't really mind it. That's who she was, and that's how she would stay.
(Lol it's fine ^.^)

Aerith smiles again, before the room went quiet. She turned back to look at what was happening, and sighed when she saw a girl walk in. Not just any girl, an elf. A FULL elf. Aerith envied her, and her abilities, but she shook her head and turned back to the dragon. "Why the long face?" She asks, seeing the longing look in his eyes. That look had been in her own eyes so many times.
Kaznik chuckled a bit at her response, she was like him it seemed he was also chuckling at the fact that his short to short person talk worked. "I wish to know a bit about the fairies and....the dragons see where I come from the Warlods will p-" he said in a deeper tone trying to match her's a little sarcastically, he also cut himself off maybe to leave a short paper trail. Kaznik let his hand go off his dagger thinking "That's all I wanted to know, nothing else and for no specific reason." He kept up the trail, he could use someone like him for this Dragons we're quite a handful.

Vuljun sighed. "What's it like to be human, elf, or any of the other anthropoid? It's sometimes a pain, being this massive. Having to deal with the worthless Dragon Court politics, however I love using the Breath. I wish I was a human which could use the Breath as proficiently as I currently can. But what am I complaining about? I love my life. This is just a strange random feeling. " He watched as humans and elves alike entered the tavern laughing.
Vashti glanced at Aerith, seeing that she was having a sort of conversation with the Dragon. It was odd, for she had

never spoken to a Dragon before. They ignored her, knowing that she was just a girl who had nothing to offer. Vashti's ears

protruded out of her hair, which gave away that she was an elf. However, no one really judged her for it.

She sat down at a table, it quite near Aerith and Vuljun. Vashti hesitantly tapped her long, pointed nails on the wooden

table. It was a long, boring wait, but eventually someone would come to ask her what she would like to drink.

@Unique Username

Vuljun looked at the girl at the table, alone. He was interested in the fact she was alone, as everyone else had seemed to have someone to talk to. "Drem yol lok, stranger. How do you do?" He spoke to the girl, wanting her to join the conversation.
"Fairies and dragons huh? Curious thing aren't ya." she said, kin of annoyed he cut himself off, "The rumors I know of the Fairies -which are quite tricky- is that they live in the mushroom forest but unless you plan on getting past the Silk woods I wouldn't suggest going there. I've also heard rumors of them having a treasure. You could probably sell it for more rewards then countable." she said, taking a breath before moving on to the dragons, "The dragons are large an mystical all unique in one way or another and live in there own little area, they have a king -who's name I can't remember at the moment- and he's known to be very wise. They like to wonder around here though." she finished, quickly checking the time, she had an... appointment, "Now if you excuse me I have to go and call those little tidbits on the house." she said before shifting to her eagle form, the blinding light flashing for a split second and her muscles aching as she changed then flew away, heading towards her clients home.
Aerith gave a smile to Vashti, who had sat down close to them. She pushed a strand of hair behind her ears, suddenly feeling jealous of Vashti's long pointed ones. She had only gotten a few traits from her father, which was mostly her looks other than her ears, which were normal human ears. "It's great, really, as long as you aren't different." Aerith answers the dragon's question. "An elf and a human have offspring and its as if I'm a demon. I'd rather be in your place." She jokes, but she also turns to Vashti. Instead of saying anything she just smiles, her hands clasped in front of her.
She turned to Vuljun, "I'm quite tedious." She replied, quite talkative considering she had just been confronted

by a Goblin. Vashti turned to the taller of the two, and looked at him with an inquiring stare. She hadn't seen a Dragon

up so close in years it had seemed.

Vashti glanced at Aerith, and placed one leg over the other. "So, are you two of forest native?" She asked oddly.
Vuljun was confused by human-elf society. "You're looked down upon because you are a hybrid? That makes no sense. Shouldn't you be praised for being two in one?" He then turned his attention to the elf. "That's a shame to hear. Afraid to say I'm about to go to tedious things in a bit. Dealing with grown dragons acting like hatch-lings, essentially." He was glad to talk to someone who isn't completely biased towards him, trying to constantly please him to earn his favor.
Kaznik wouldn't have any of this, after all the information he got he was satisfied...to an extent. Hearing about the Dragons in the area he knew he'd need an accomplish and he was disappointed that the bread trail didn't work right away but he knew the idea had stuck it self. Kaznik didn't waste anytime he climbed back unto the boards he was under and ran after the eagle that the girl had become some how....this was really puzzling he thought to himself. He chased after her thinking it over, shape shiftier most likely he thought to himself again Kaznik kept up the chase not lagging to far behind the eagle thought the gap between them was slowly becoming farther.

Aevith shrugged, and sighed. "Some humans look down on elves, and they shame my mother and I for 'consorting' with such. I think they're just narrow-minded." She gets in, before listening to the dragon's plans for the day. "Delightful." She says, sarcasm dripping from her voice and she sighs.She raises her eyebrows at Vashti, and tilts her head to one side. "My apologies, I don't quite understand your question." She says
(Quiet is Violent asked for me to post for her since her computer died and she currently can't reach the charger and it won't work on her phone so I'll be posting for her in purple)

Xani dismounts smoothly and fixes her eyes on the tree. It's glorious. The edges are red, and the the middle is orange. The origin of the Flames is yellow, but at the very center Xani could make out white. She smiles and watches the flickering flames with adoration, entranced by the destructive dance. Each leaf seemed to make a new pattern in the flames, and when the flames consumed wood, the pattern changes again. Xani could have watched that tree burn for hours and would never get bored.
Vuljun looked at the sky to get a measurement of time. I've got about a hour until I have to deal with the Scales-Skin Contract's signing. I'm curious what will happen within that hour if I keep talking to these two. Although he wasn't directly talking, he was listening intently to the elf and half-elf speak. It certainly intrigued him. Vuljun also realized the elf asked him a question He didn't inherently like elves, but he didn't mind talking with them. "Yes."
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"Oh," she starts, her face going slightly pink I should have known that. "Yes. I am."

She carefully rocked from heel to toe where she stood, another smile showing her slightly bucked teeth.

"What is it like?" Aevith starts accidentally, her thoughts getting the best of her, "Being full elf? I've known quite a few full elves, but some don't like me because of my human blood."
Aelin scanned the area under her, looking for the large roof. Once she saw it she turned, circling in and shifting mid air, a bright flash indicating she shifted as she dropped, landing in a crouch on the terrace of the manor. This was a rich client as far as she knew and the door was wide open, just like she told him to leave it.

The Fae stood up straight, trotting inside to find she was at sword point, "If you even nick me. Your dead." she said in a dangerously low tone.

It was the man from earlier and he seemed pissed, this happened every now and again but she usually had her dagger in her hand. At the moment if she reached down she was dead.

"Well, well, well. Look at the little girl thinking she's so tough. Taking me down with ease." he said running the sword along her arm, without even a move she continued. Knowing if she even flinch he'd jam it into her arm.

"Well, when one it me. I am all that. Want to know why?" she asked and he raised an eyebrow, "Because of this." she said. Flicking up her other arm and sending face full of of water before swerving away from the sword and jumping off the terrace Gregory quick on her trail.

In seconds she had her dagger and they started a full out spar in front of the fountain. She was hissing to, exposing her canines and twirling around with a lethal grace.

Well that's one way to please a client...
Vashti narrowed her intense blue eyes. She disliked people who wanted to know more about her,

but she said nothing that would defend herself. Vashti sighed, sat up in her chair, and gave her an answer.

"Your race is not all that you are. It's what you make of yourself that defines you. But if you're really that curious,

all I can say is that being an elf can make me fearful at times." She admitted, which she hadn't done in her whole life.

Vashti rarely admits to weakness. "Despite the fear, being an elf is satisfactory. I can't quite complain."
Interesting. Humans and elves aren't completely acceptable of each other. I thought they were. Hence, signing the Scales-Skin Contract would make us all content with each other. Maybe signing it isn't so good, as humans are in majority. Vuljun was gathering fantastic political information, but was still depressed he had to do it at all.

He constantly shifted his eyes from elf to half-elf, most likely more interested in the conversation than they were. Oh how he longed to be a human.
Kaznik watched as she transformed back and entered the house, he waited a few building over watching. Soon he saw her jumping out the window and into the streets. He moved closer to the building behind her as they fought outside, examining now to see if she truly would be a could companion for his new quest of dragon pelt. Kaznik put his pack between his legs as he sat and watched the fight, while it was going on he removed his crossbow from his pack unfolding it. After he loaded an arrow and pulled it back he sat himself up focusing down on the two, in it's scope he started trying to focus on the man. Kaznik waited a moment then let out a sharp whistle hoping to get the girls attention, knowing that the size and strength difference between the two fighters would soon become very apparent to the girl.

Aerith's posture turns from cheerful to stiff when the elf narrows her eyes at her.

"Forgive me for asking," She says, her voice becoming unusually strong and clear, "I only wanted to know, for my own benefit."

She thinks for a moment, swallowing the lump in her throat and jerking her head to the side to get some hair out of her eyes.

"You don't like people.. Do you? I understand, the people here seem to be scared of you, but I'm not. You're but a normal elven girl to me, so I see no need to be afraid."
"Your uneasiness is evident, but I won't judge you for it. Anyway, I don't prefer to like people because they're not very bright." She said,

breathing out her opinions. "I've never been a people person." She stated, glancing at a few other Asmus residents who remained

seated in the Tavern. "I suppose some people are born into this world with unfortunate perspectives." Vashti added.

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