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Fantasy Pump those pistons, you steam powered sonofab****

Valentina gave a grunt of amusement. "Good job. Come on, we got sh*t to do and I made food." and with that, she lit another cigar and let the lilac coloured fumes drift around lazily as she strutted off to the house.
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She grunted and arrived at the house, opening the door and prodding the girl. "She's still out." she huffed, lying on her bed.
From a distance the two hear gunshots crackle on the other side of town. Jason6had found the slaver that got his sister Jason killed the guards and dragged him to the apartment building "Now you cowardly runt this will be your last hour on this forsakend planet have anything to say" the slaver had his mouth sewed shut "didn't think so" Jason opened the door and seen his sister laying there he fell toyhis knees and at the same time shot the slaver in the crotch "no no no no no Aisha no NNNOOOOO you can't die I just foued you please open your PLEASE" Jason took off his mask and wegan to cry and put his revolver to his head
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"Hey, Hey! Calm down ranger. She's still got a pulse, chances are she caught something while in the closes. She's gonna need medical care if she has and that ain't cheap these days."
Valentina nodded lightly. "I know basic remedies, but we definitely need some help from a professional." She turned to Darren. "Do we work doubletime tonight or go rob someone?"
"We're not really gonna get much in the way of customers, not in our current state at least. I say we hit that mechanics, maybe steal that mech they've got while we're on it. Gonna have to leave Edinburgh if we do though." Darren started disassembling his heat rifle and cleaning it.
"Theres a ranger outpost in a small well was a small fishing village to the north if you help me save her I can take you there" Jason put his face mask back on facing away from the others not letting them see his face "Now if you don't mind I have buisness but save me a piece of whatever is in that oven"
"Wait, what? You're living in an unwalled town? How the f*ck have you survived this long?"
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Valentina was now collecting her belongings in her bag-like thing, which she carried with surprising ease. "I'll stick this in the automated carriage." she sighed.
"You do that, I'm gonna head to where my flat used to be, see if my steambike survived." Darren headed out of the apartment and down the streets till he reached the ruins of the flats. There hadn't been any visible attempts to clean the place up, the corpses and rubble still lying in the street. He raked through the rubble for about ten minutes before finding the dented brass bike, mostly intact save for a few bits of piping.
Valentina headed downstairs to the stable area and took out the mechanical creature, marvelling at it's rearing and seemingness to have it's own will. Which it indeed did. "Come, Lazaruis." she said, and the blue-eyed mechanical beast moved forward, metal hide shining in the dull moonlight. "To your carriage." It obeyed quietly, as it had registered Valentina as it's owner (as the beasts could choose whom to serve, you see.) "We need you to move fast tonight."
Darren rode up next to them on his bike, smoke drifting from the furnace and steam leaking from the pipes. He lifted the bike and loaded onto the carriage, chaining it in place. "Keep this ready, if I can't get the mech I'm gonna need a quick exit."
Valentina nodded and stilled the beast, lifting up a hatch on it's head to look at the brain. It was an unusual blue colour from the enhancing it had received, as the horses in Edinburgh and most other places all died out and needed their brains transferred into metal beasts. They had, however, been modified so it could scavenge and defend itself, and was now very capable of free will and thought. "No problem, sir." said the metal stallion, turning it's head with a creak of pipes and metal.
Twenty minutes later Darren and Jason were sneaking into the warehouse of the mechanics. "Money's in the vault, that way, normally you would need the key to get in, but you being a mutant and all you should be fine. I'm gonna see if I can get this working." Darren whispered to Jason as he began climbing up the twelve foot tall mech.
Jason looked at the lock and thought "double lared brass confined lock this guy needs to be robbed what an amateur" with a single movement the vault opened
Darren smashed the front view window and clambered into the mech. "Right," he thought, "Arms go in here, legs in here, pull this bit to start, and..." He tugged at the lever and felt the mech shudder to life. "Grab the money and get on!" he yelled to Jason. "Hurry up!" he yelled, watching guards and engineers come running.
Valentina waited on the carriage, her head low and covered with a hood, horns arching out of the back as the rain began to slowly wake into a downpour.
"RUUUUUN!" screamed Darren as he charged out of the warehouse, Jason still in the vault, bullets ricocheting off the mech's armour. The pair charged down the street, tearing up cobbles beneath the mech and knocking over literally anything in their path.
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Valentina gave a startled grunt as they came running towards her and leaped into action, startling the horse into action so it was at speed beside the mech.
Darren halted at the end of the street, turning as the mech skidded. He grabbed a chunk of brickwork from the ground and tossed it at the pursuers. As he began to run again several more pursuers came up behind them on steambikes.
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Jason packed the bag and kicked over a barrel of water "I'm on go!" the mec began to run he took out his revolver and fired into the water and caused an electric current to go through the spilt water stopping the guards in their tracks "ha that stopped them"
Darren spotted Jason sprinting from the warehouse. "Val!" he screamed, "Wait for the ranger! I'll hold off the guards!" He charged towards the men on steambikes, smoke and steam pouring from the mech's furnaces. As the first biker approached him he dropped the mech to it's knees and caught the biker in it's claw, flinging them across the street. A second biker leapt off his bike and scrambled up the mech, trying to tear his way into the cockpit. "You m***********!" Darren yelled, wrenching his arm from the control slot and swinging a punch at the man.

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