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Fantasy Pump those pistons, you steam powered sonofab****

The two adventurers ran but the rangers stood the one with the green tints took off his gloves showing his bright red hands containing the explosion "wow did they just do that Trini Jason go check if they are okay Zack kim and I will clean up here" It wasn't hard to find them Jason kindly knocked at the door
Valentina gave a low grumble and came to the door, her hair soaked and flat against her shoulders and back, wearing men's clothes. A very inappropriate action considering the era. She stretched lightly and leaned against the door. "Can I help you, Darling?" she drawled, her arched horns glinting in their vague dampness.
By the time the rangers got there Darren was already streets away, at the mechanics institute, arguing over the price of a new arm. "That's utter s***, I refuse to pay two florins for this hunk of metal!"

"If you want a better price go scavenge some metal from the wastes, make your own bloody arm!" The mechanic tried to snatch the leg from Darren.

"Okay, we do this the hard way." Darren said through gritted teeth as he swung his knee into the man's crotch. and ran.
Jason took off his hat and took out his medkit "Uh ma'am we are just here to make sure you are okay where's the other one" Trini remained silent
Valentina gave a grunt. "I am missing a freaking eye and half of my face, hence the bandage. And my companion lost an Arm." she heard footsteps up the hallway and peered out. "Here he comes now." she mused. "With a new arm and a full purse."
Valentina shoved him through the door and headbutted the Mechanic with her thick skull and horns, knocking him out cold. "There." she grunted.
Jason pulled out a replacement eye "It is okay ma'am I am a mechanical muty I can fix you up in no time" Trini just snickered "I'm heading back to the rest of the team we'll be back in 100 years" Jason nodded "Hooah see ya later friend"
"Thank you Val, now if you could excuse me, I must clean up and get this arm working." Darren headed into the apartment and began to fit the arm to his steam turbine.
She shook her head lightly. "I am a daemonic Mutant, I cannot have mechanical attatchments." She flicked her tail in a neat circle. "Please, come in." Valentina turned and settled at the Vanity, brushing her thick, dark red hair nonchalantly.
"Don't like others doing my mechanics for me. I did my spinal attachments myself and they turned out just fine" Darren strapped the arm into place and flexed it, "Excellent." he said as he watched the finger blades slide in and out of their sheaths.
Valentina gave a grunt and shook her head. "I think I shall pass on that, Darling." she began to braid her hair into a singular plait and pinned it up in a bun, a few of her curls falling loose before she settled on the bed.
"Very sloppy work friend here if you turn the dial here add this tubing into your bicep and I attach this to increase whatever strength you had left oh I almost forgot sorry it's not to standerd but it should be good enough" he handed val a very real looking glass eye
"Excuse you, I said I prefer to do my own attachments, that includes changes to said attachments." Darren huffed and tightened the knuckle bolts.
"Okay I'll just take my arm plating away and be on my way I have a city to protect" Jason put his hat and his rebreather back on "sir, ma'am"
"Person" Darren said as they walked off. "Valentine, you should get some sleep, I'll watch for more gangers." He climbed up to the roof and readied Mabel.
Jason opened the door of Vals apartment put down the eye and the arm upgrade next to it and put some pound coins on the ground "For your troubles my apologies for the daemon" then Jason left
Valentina headed over to the bed and flopped down into it, sighing heavily. She was soon asleep, though, curled up in a ball with her sharp claws wrapped around a pillow. Her tail flickered to and fro every so often and she would release a small growl, ears twitching and feet spasming much like a sleeping dog.
Darren sat on the rooftop till morning, taking a drink from his hip flask ever now and then. "Wish I could still get drunk." he mumbled to himself as he watched the sunrise.
Jason was walking around the streets twirling and playing with his tesla revolver wondering why no one likes the rangers
Valentina woke and gave a soft grunt, rubbing her eyes and stepping off of the bed to sort her hair. She decided bathing would be a waste of time since they seemed to be getting in a few scraps nowadays and settled at the vanity, attempting to patch up her missing skin with a red powder. She gave a frustrated snarl and threw a hairbrush at a door, sulking where she sat.
There was a rumble as something fell from the roof, followed by a cheer. Darren climbed down a drainpipe and began dragging a vaguely humanoid corpse into the apartment. "This valkrie's been circling me for hours. Feels good to give it what for."
Jason walked around the streets helping whoever he can but avoiding any fight with the local militia he went to any where he can bet with his revolver gaining more and more shillings and tupens then he set his eyes on the apartment building he thought to himself "I need to get eyes and ears on the streets and all things illegal by my books what better spies than escorts" Jason made his way to the venders to get a few meals from one of is IBR ranger comrades that owed him
Jason came out of the former rangers stall with a few ration packs and a cleaning kit for his mech eye and arm as he thought to himself "I hope they haven't got themselves killed I need them"

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