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Fantasy Pump those pistons, you steam powered sonofab****

Darren trudged down the street, having been kicked out by Valentine. Apparently bringing a dead valkrie into the house isn't considered appropriate. "You," He shouted as he saw the ranger, "You're that ranger guy right? Follow me, I've got something you'll like." He jogged into and alley and waited for the ranger to follow.
"This way," he said, leading the ranger through the back alleys, down into the closes under the city. He led him through the dark, damp passages, till they reached an open area, similar to a market square, but with no visible entrance other than the one they had come through. "You've heard of black markets, well this is the literal black market of Edinburgh. Anything and everything is on sale here, and there's quite a few contracts up for grabs, if you're into that business."
"Keep your bloody voice down. And keep that weapon holstered, they've got magic protecting the place," Darren gestured to the chalk circles on the walls, "Besides, slavery's legal, in most places."
"Buy them then, they're going for three shillings. Deal and a half if you ask me." Darren shook his head and began to search for parts for his arm.
Jason looked around and seen a stall with pictures of people at the top Jason searched and searched until he seen his sisters picture he ripped it off "I would like to buy her please" the slaver looked at the picture "Oh I was supposed to take that down she was just sold to that man there" Jason made his way to the man and grabbed his holster and pointed the pistol at him but it remained in the holster "I'd like to buy that slave of you here is double her price now hand her over or I will make your life hell"
Jason kept his weapon pointed at the man but made it as if he was sorting his trousers "I'm sorry but is pulling your trousers up a crime in Edinburgh" he said as the rings began to dim
The mantook the money and handed over Jasons sister "mate I need to go back to the flat and if you want an upgrade get the syncronisation chip helps better than most upgrades for the arm"
"Sync chips are expensive crap, all you need is some copper wiring and a bit of know-how." Darren replied, handing over a few coins and taking several pieces of metal and piping. "I'm gonna stick about here for a bit, see if I can't find any work. I'll meet you at Val's place."
Valentina opened the door and dragged him inside, shoving him onto a chair and exhaling from her cigar calmly. "What's up, Darlin'?" she drawled, her tail flicking in slow circles. An oddly nice scent seemed to be emanating from the cooker, as it would seem.
"This is my sister I just saved her from slavers I need you to look after her whilst I wait for the slavers to come out of the black market" Jason stroked his sisters face now asleep on the seat "don't worry she'll look after you until I come back" now looking back at Val "you will won't you"
Darren finished making adjustments to his arm as he spotted the slavers leaving the market. "Better go after them," he thought, "even if it's just for that damned ranger." He pulled himself to his feet and swiftly followed the slavers down the dark maze of closes. He followed the slavers for almost an hour, confused as to their choice of directions in the passageways. He turned at a junction to follow them, and found the passage ahead of him empty. "B*******." he whispered, turning back. He go to where the next turn should have been and found a dead end. "Double b*******."
Valentina nodded and observed the female sharply, much like a hawk, before returning to her baking. She supposed making food would be useful for the group in general.
"Hey! Anyone! Can you hear me!?" Darren yelled as he wandered the closes below Edinburgh. His lantern had gone out long ago, and there was no way of lighting the tunnels other than that. He held his hand to the wall as he walked, hoping to find a doorway or drain cover of anything that would help him. then he heard the drum. The quiet, steady beat of the drum, a rhythm which had wandered the tunnels for years. "Not now, anytime but now." Darren whispered in a terrified voice, "Please, I just want to-" He stopped dead as he turned a corner and saw the tell tale glow of a spirit coming from down the passage.
Valentina blinked for a moment. "Where is Darren...?" she murmured, looking out the windows for his tell-tale lantern light. "He isn't in the sewers..?" She heard the faint drumming noise with her acute hearing and heard Darren shouting. "For fu-" she locked the door behind her and slipped into the sewers, holding up her light with a grunt. She headed along swiftly, trying to listen fore Darren. "DARREN!" she yelled.
The wall ahead of Val was smashed open by Darren flying through it, his shadow leaking from his eyes. "M*********" he screamed at the glowing figure following him through the hole. "You're in for it now s*******!" Darren leapt to his feet and flexed his mechnical arm, unsheathing the finger blades. [some epic guitar solo wouldn't be out of place here]
Darren shoved his hand into the figure's stomach and threw it across the sewers. "This is a bloody spirit, Val, it can't be killed! Just f*cking run!" He yelled.
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Valentina sighed and sprinted back the way she came, swinging on a pipe and through a sewer hole, landing on the cobblestones and almost slipping due to her heels.
Darren came scrambling through the hole a few moments later, slamming the cover on, and drawing a symbol in chalk on it. "That aught to keep the b****** in."

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