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Fantasy Pump those pistons, you steam powered sonofab****

Darren had killed another two by the time Valentina returned, and was crouching behind a pile of broken copper piping. "You take the one with the shotgun, I'll get the guy with the shard rifle!" He yelled, leaping over the pipes.
Out of one of the ruined buildings eight more gangers came charging armed only with shivs and other pathetic weapons with them was a mec suit but it seemed that they were running from something they all spread out surrounding the mec then from over the building came six shadowy figures came charging into them one of the figures seemed to be a wolfkin and another a husk but the others seemed to be human. After the gangers were killed they all pulled weapons out that came together to create a mega rifle that fired at the mec. The shot seemed to be a concentrated beam of steam that went right through the mecs chest killing him instantaniosly.
"Bloody rangers, showing off as always." Darren said, firing a couple of shots at the gangers and crouching to reload, "Always did like to be fancy."
Valentina had drawn her revolvers from her thighs and was pointing them at the last ganger, firing two shots into him quickly. The bullets hit their mark and the man evaporated, leaving only his clothes and valuables. She quickly collected anything valuable and pocketed it, staring at the Rangers. "Zey stole our kills, Darren." she drawled, eyes narrowed slightly, tail lashing in annoyance. "Ve could have handled it. Rangers." Her russian vocals rung loudly, but she did not even seem intimidated. "Come, Darren. I vish to see vhat you have stored." She turned on her heels and put her revolvers back into their thigh-holsters, also returning her sword to it's place. "I need to pick up fuel for my Chainsword."

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Darren grabbed a couple of grapple hooks from the dead gangers and tossed one to Valentina. "You'll want this, if we try and get in from the streets we'll be spotted instantly." He headed through the armoury back into the passage.
Valentina caught it expertly and and tossed her hair, waving in a vaguely flirty manner to the Rangers before she followed her companion. "Our Lady Vill be annoyed at us if she has noticed we are gone." she whispered, re-lighting the cigar she had been storing and taking a long draw of it. "Ve should move fast, Darling."
"If we're in trouble, might as well be a lot of it." Darren continued down the tunnel, entering the ruins. As the pair darted from ruin to ruin there was a terrible screech from the sky. "Oh B*******. Run!"
Valentina was glad to hear the shout run, as she still had plenty of energy. She sprinted past her companion and reached the wall, hooking onto the edge and removing her heels. She swiftly strapped them to her belt and was now scaling the wall rapidly, her nimble feet and clawed hands doing most of the work, the rope merely there for if she slipped. She soon reached the top and stared urgently down at Darren.
Darren expertly grappled up the wall, turning as he reached the top to see a beast with massive brass wings land on the ruins of the castle. "Damned reavers," he mumbled under his breath, "Come on, don't let it spot you." he said to Valentina as he grappled across the rooftops.
Valentina snickered lightly and followed swiftly after him, her feet very quiet without her loud heels. "How far are we from your house?" she asked, ducking under some pipes to avoid clanging them with her horns.
"It's in that building," he said, pointing to a tall building a few streets away, "Third floor, second window to the left. Lookout thought." He guestured towards the buldings surrounding it, and several figures hidden in windows and on rooftops.
The reavers screeched and started to fly away. When they left the rangers were still in the courtyard the reavers ignored them and kept flying "There are very few daemons that can shoo of reavers like that SILVNAR COME OUT AND FIGHT US WITH HONOR". After that shouting ten daemon minions teleported around the main castle and one very large daemon wearing silver armour "RANGERS I WOULDN'T HAVE IT ANY OTHER WAY" the rangers with the red and green headband charged Silvdar and the others charged the minions.
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"Have they summoned a f*cking daemon now?! Why in the name of Cthulu would you do that?! What the everliving f*ck would make you want to do that?!" Darren yelled as he saw the telltale glow that accompanied daemons. He looked back towards his house and saw several gangers raising rifles from their windows and roof tops, "So much for a f*cking sneaky entrance!" He tossed his grapple and began swinging across the rooftops towards the gangers, raising his revolver and firing a few explosive shots towards them.
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Valentina gave a low growl as her eyes turned to slits and shot towards the Gangers, swiftly reaching their spot and crouching on a ledge. She grinned to Darren and swung into a window, kicking the Ganger in the nuts and grabbing his throat before she smacked her fist into his windpipe, causing him to splutter blood. She took a vase and smashed it over his head, using the shattered ornament to slit his throat. She then sprinted through the house, killing and wreaking havoc as she went, as silent as a cat with a grin the shape of the crescent moon.
Darren hooked himself on his windowsill and set about dealing with the Gangers on the rooftops. The first one had their legs blown off by an explosive bullet, the second fell four stories onto the cobbles, landing with a satisfying crunch, and a third had their head blown apart from the inside after an explosive bullet hit their eye. Darren paused to reload his revolver when a shot cut through his rope and he fell to the streets below.
Valentina gave a cry of anger as something clawed down the edge of her face and began to growl loudly, blood rushing down her face. She felt her eye fall loose and doubled over slightly, her ears folding backwards to her scalp as her nose and lips wrinkled into a ferocious snarl, destroying the rest of the gangers in the building and smashing through the window with a loud bellow, her tail lashing to and fro. Her dress was tattered and her expression was one of that which displayed immense anger, and her remaining pupil had shrunk so small it was invisible. She glared around at the Gangers before she renewed her assault, tearing out throats with her bare hands and her teeth and cackling as they began to run from her. No, not one would escape. She made short work of her targets in her pure rage, reaching Darren soon and clasping a clawed hand over the missing half of her skin. If she had fur, she would have been bristling wildly, this displayed by the hair tuft on her tail-tip.
Darren reached out for a window ledge and spotted the trap seconds too late. A demolition charge went off on the side of the building, blasting Darren across the street and tearing his arm off, and bringing parts of the building down on top of him.
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Valentina gave a gasp and turned to the Gangers, snarling defensively as she crouched, moving in a semi-circle around him. They seemed to have disappeared, however, so she set about tearing the rubble from her companion. She threw the rubble behind her, one setting off a mine but she did not even flinch. She soon uncovered Darren's tattered body from the wreckage and picked it up, disappearing into the house Darren owned and setting him on the bed.She then settled on a chair. "Hey, you dead or what?" she asked gently, wandering around the house until she found a replacement outfit. An old dress was on the floor which she found rather ugly, but she changed into it regardless and returned to Darren.
"Not quite dead yet. Ah s***." Darren said, clutching the stump of his arm, "That's gonna leave a mark." He groaned as he stood up and hobbled over to a metal door. He fiddled with a set of locks for a moment then swung the door open. "This is the armory you were wishing for, right?" The walls of the room were coated with weapons, everything from clockwork grenades to a shard cannon, tesla revolvers to gatling guns. "Take your pick, but be careful with the shard weapons, they're a bit old."
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Valentina heaved a grunt of approval. "You have an impressive amount ov weapons here." She curled her tail and whipped it around as she paced the room, examining guns with a look of calm happiness. She was, of course, still missing an eye and half of the skin from her face, but the weapons had completely distracted her. She picked up a staff and observed it. "Zis is a very interesting weapon, Darren. Where did you acquire it?" She swung it lightly, watching the head of it split into a double-sided scythe with ridged edges which spat red-hot sparks from the small yet intricate holes in the framework which wove into a vine-like design across the metal staff's length.
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Silvar backed off after all his minions were destroyed "I'LL GET YOU NEXT TIME RANGERS AND THE REST OF THIS WORLD AHAHAHA" then he teleports out "And we will be ready Silvnar" the rangers made their way to the metal door "Hey you guys okay sorry you had to see that"
"Quit following us, we're having a serious talk about weaponry here. It was probably in France, before the whole load of s*** with the goverment and the revolutions and stuff, you know what the french are like. If you check the centre of the staff there, you'll notice the alcohol tank, though I wouldn't recommend drinking it, it's just for fuel." He raked through a pile of guns on the far side of the room, and pulled out a strange looking gun. The barrel was about a foot and a half long, and wide enough to get someones fist into, the firing mechanism was a unique thing, designed to fire shells as large as a shoe. "I call this one Mabel, she's my personal favourite, though a tad temperamental. This is the shells she fires." He picked up a shell about five inches long and two inches wide, made of copper engraved with leaves along it's side. "I like to make them look pretty," he said with a smile, before setting about raking through the pile again, "This though is... oh. Grab the staff and run!" he screamed, grabbing Mabel and slinging a bag of shells across his shoulder, and running from the building. As he ran a couple of rifles fell from the pile, exposing a large pile of mines stacked under a powder bomb.
"Oh for ze love of-" she grabbed a few boxes of ammo and stuffed them in her utility belt, also grabbing grenades and such before she sprinted after Darren. "So, ve heading to my place to rest?" She grinned and decided that they indeed were and headed up to one of the apartments an old customer had left her to inherit (very sweet of her, she supposed) that was settled upon a dark street, past various winding alleyways she was sure to move through just in case Darren was still being followed. She then slipped into the house and lit it up so she could see. The one-roomed bedset was large and appeared to contain one bed and a lounging sofa-chair, with a vanity to the corner and a small kitchen area to the other side. A small door lead to the bathroom if needed. She did indeed need a shower so she gestured around the room for her companion to settle somewhere before she began to run a bath, dabbing at her face with a soft grunt of pain as she did so.
As they headed into Valentina's apartment they heard an explosion from the building they had been in. "I wonder if those rangers got out in time. With any luck at least one of them died and they stop being such show offs." He looked at the cracked bone sticking out of the stump of his arm. "I'm gonna go see the mechanic about getting a replacement arm, I'll be back in an hour or so."
"Alright." she called, stepping into the bath and dropping into the water with a sigh. She took a clear soap with rose petals into her hands and lifted it to her nose, inhaling the scent calmly. She was soon washed and smelling fresh and had secured a bandage over her face gently, deciding to simply lie on her bed and sketch until Darren returned. Of course, she had remembered to put on a corset and some trousers for the simple purpose of being vaguely comfortable.

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