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Fandom Pokémon: Rise of Shadows

April let it continue for awhile, savoring everything. She had been so afraid for so long and now... now, at least for a moment, it didn't seem to matter. No one else mattered. She was infinitely glad to be sharing this moment with Arcanus.

After a few moments which, in reality, were short, though they felt like eternity, she finally pulled away. She smiled and stared at Arcanus, laughing and crying though they were tears of joy. She said nothing for so long, she wasn't sure what to say. In the end, she opted to just be simple. "I love you."

Arcanus smiled back at her with around the same expression on his face; A smile, but teary-eyed, as well. He cleared his mind as he stared back at April, the happiest look in his eyes. Though he had never been interested in romance or anything of the sort... He was happy that it had finally set off with her. He was glad that April had come this far. He was overjoyed that he finally felt something different. Something new and exciting, that he had to go into blind. 

Arcanus put his hand on the back of her head, and put his forehead against hers, closing his eyes, and through telepathy, saying the same words as before, this time with confidence...

"I love you, too, April."

April smiled and placed her wing on his chest. After a few moments, she enveloped him again, becoming a sort of blanket. This time though, she was shivering from excitement rather than fear. However, soon after, even this subsided. An overwhelming exhaustion overcame her. The emotional baggage she had just released was tiring, not to mention the physical strain she'd been under throughout the day. It all hit her like a truck. She layed down, her head touching Arcanus's.

Arcanus let out a long breath as he relaxed a bit more. He began to wonder if all of this was a dream or not. But as he lied down, he began to feel the tiredness sink in, as well. He wrapped an arm above April's wings, and closed his eyes. "Oh, I'm only resting my eyes for a few moments.", he thought to himself. But without realizing, he soon fell asleep after the tiring day with a happy ending.

Nathan searched around for her Pokemon, ready to round them up and put them in Pokeballs for the night. Orion and Darin, both fast asleep, went in. However, as she went to find April and Amber, movement in the dark stopped her.

"Who's there?" She said cautiously. 

"Relax, mistress, it is only me." The voice of Amber in her head calmed her, and Nathan sighed before nodding.

"Alright. Have you seen April?" Amber pointed into the darkness, and Nathan followed it. After searching for a moment, she made out a figure in the dark against a tree. However, further inspection revealed it to be two figures intertwined, one of whom she made out to be April. The other could have been either Max or Arcanus, but it didn't take a genius to figure out which one it was. Nathan smiled. "Do you think we're gonna have to give her the talk soon?" Amber giggled.

"I'm sure she already knows well enough." Nathan opted to leave the two lovebirds- er, one lovebird and one love... thing, to their company. She turned to return Amber to her ball, but Amber raised her hand. "Um, mistress, if you would... would you please leave me out for tonight?" Nathan could see Amber looking at the pair, and with a smile Nathan nodded and waved as she walked off to find her own area to sleep.

Max meditated quietly before bed. The raw emotions caught his attention, and it was with intrigue that he detected the two before they went off to sleep. He smiled, happy for the both of them, but especially happy for April. Hopefully, this would be just what she needed to reintegrate with the group.
As the night passed it was unearthly quite. Not even the chirp of a crickatune or the hoot of a Noctowl could be heard. The only sound was the light breeze passing over the tall grass. It made things creepy that the usual wild life sound that were normaly here were no there. However not all life was gone. Once more, in the trees, were the eyes. They watched the sleeping party with curiosity without making a sound. 

@Assailant @Daisie @Emperor Of Embers
Max continued to pay attention as he meditated. His aura sensed now a growing number of spectators. He could not make out their intentions, though he sensed no malice in their emotions. He did not go to sleep as he waited for the creatures to make their move. He did not wake the others, as he had no reason to believe they were in danger, but he was vigilant.

Genesis felt uneasy as he stood guard, watching over the group as he watched for any threats. He sighed as he looked at the skies, the stars shining bright. He then whispers, "I miss you Jackson...... But I made new friends. Are you proud of me? I met Latios and Latias....... I remember how excited you would get when you think about it. Now I am saving the world with them.... Are you proud of me?" He did not know if Jackson was listening, but he knew that she was watching from above. A tear rolled down his face, and he looked down, and sighed as he began to silently weep. He is still suffering from losing his Trainer, and thinks of all the good times he had before. He then notices a pair of Eyes looking at him, and immediately got into a defensive stance, and got ready to fight. @Latios
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All the eyes did was blink and look back. They didn't move, nor did they look away. They just kept staring despite theirs presence being noticed.

@Emperor Of Embers @Assailant @Daisie

Genesis started walking towards the eyes, and rubbed his claws together, sharpening them. "Come on out..... I know you are there." He said as he stopped, and had a staring contest with the eyes. "Come on out, do not make me force you out." 
The eyes all suddenly vanished from the trees. However lots of moves could be here. Shakeing of branches and the scratching of claws were everywhere. It got louder and louder until it silenced completely. Out from the bushes popped out a single Linoon. It looked at Genesis for awhile before looking at the two Lati sleeping. Dashing over to them it stared even longer than it had at Genesis. This staring did not go unnoticed however. Latios, who may have only been pretending to be sleeping at the time, or at lest trying, picked his head up and looked at the Linoon. "So... Your clan does still live around here. I thought you had disappeared."

"And we thought we would never see you again black Latios. Did you find what you were looking for. Is that why you came back."

"Yes, I did find what I was looking for. However that's not why I came back. I'm mearly stopping here for the night."

"Oh..." She said a bit sadly. "Well it's a good thing you did stop by. The elder found something that your really gonna like."

"Hmm? And what would that be."

She gave a playful smile at this "Hehe, I'm not going to spoil the surprise. Your going to have to come see the elder for that."

@Assailant @Daisie @Emperor Of Embers
The eyes all suddenly vanished from the trees. However lots of moves could be here. Shakeing of branches and the scratching of claws were everywhere. It got louder and louder until it silenced completely. Out from the bushes popped out a single Linoon. It looked at Genesis for awhile before looking at the two Lati sleeping. Dashing over to them it stared even longer than it had at Genesis. This staring did not go unnoticed however. Latios, who may have only been pretending to be sleeping at the time, or at lest trying, picked his head up and looked at the Linoon. "So... Your clan does still live around here. I thought you had disappeared."

"And we thought we would never see you again black Latios. Did you find what you were looking for. Is that why you came back."

"Yes, I did find what I was looking for. However that's not why I came back. I'm mearly stopping here for the night."

"Oh..." She said a bit sadly. "Well it's a good thing you did stop by. The elder found something that your really gonna like."

"Hmm? And what would that be."

She gave a playful smile at this "Hehe, I'm not going to spoil the surprise. Your going to have to come see the elder for that."

@Assailant @Daisie @Emperor Of Embers

Genesis saw the Linoone and calmed down. He then followed the Linoone as she ran up to Latios. "Wait.... You two know each other? Boy.... I feel stupid. I thought you were hostile." He said to the Linoone in a confused manner. 
"I don't know her personally, but I know her tribe that used to live close to our home. The elder she speaks of help me when I first came looking for my family and with his help I found them."

@Emperor Of Embers
Max watched the Linoone emerge. He quickly realised that his suspicions were correct, that is that it wasn't hostile, and he simply watched it. He was curious to see what it was doing here and what exactly it wanted. @Latios
"Well. If I must see the elder can't he come here. I'm very tired from flying all day." Said Latios.

"That's ok. He's already here, along with the rest of the tribe." She then turned around, cupping her pawn around her mouth and yelled out. "Come on out everyone! The black Latios wants to see his surprise!" Sudden Linoones as Zigzagoons alike began to poor out of the bushes and trees. I'm a matter of moments the entire area was pack with them. All of the immediately bowing to the two Lati they saw. 

"Oh great. The worship is back." Said Latios very sarcastically. Once they had all stopped filling in, a path between the large group opened up in the middle. Strolling down it was a very old looking Linoone with long tiffs of fur on his face that looked like some sort of beard. When they said elder, they ment it.

@Assailant @Daisie @Emperor Of Embers
Nathan, who had arrived moments ago, elbowed Latios. "Hey man, you didn't tell me you had a cult. You think if you asked them to, they'd start ritualistic sacrifice?!" She seemed weirdly excited at the prospect.

"Well. If I must see the elder can't he come here. I'm very tired from flying all day." Said Latios.

"That's ok. He's already here, along with the rest of the tribe." She then turned around, cupping her pawn around her mouth and yelled out. "Come on out everyone! The black Latios wants to see his surprise!" Sudden Linoones as Zigzagoons alike began to poor out of the bushes and trees. I'm a matter of moments the entire area was pack with them. All of the immediately bowing to the two Lati they saw. 

"Oh great. The worship is back." Said Latios very sarcastically. Once they had all stopped filling in, a path between the large group opened up in the middle. Strolling down it was a very old looking Linoone with long tiffs of fur on his face that looked like some sort of beard. When they said elder, they ment it.

@Assailant @Daisie @Emperor Of Embers

"Latios.... What is going on? I have so many questions that need answers." he said, way more confused than before. He did not understand why the linoones and zigzagoons worshipped the Lati, but it was clear that they treated latios and latias as gods, or something similar to it. 
"I don't have a cult. These Linoone were just some of the residents of the nesting grounds back then. Their numbers sure haven't faltered." He then looked to the elder Linoone that showed up. "Garvious, what can I do for you."

"It's more what we can do for you. I trust that you found your family when we sent you off the last time we saw you."

"All thanks to you. Your information on where my family could be found was correct. And I did indeed find them there. This is my sister Emlas."

"Hi ya!" Said Emlas when her name was mentioned.

"Please to meet you my lady. But where is your father. If I recall he escaped too with your family."

"I got there to late. He was dead when I arived."

"That's sad to here. But I'm not here for sad stories. There is something of interest that showed up while you were away."

"And I'd like to know what that is. It's starting to get on my never a that you won't just tell me already." Gracious nodded and proceeded to motion for one the the Linoones to enter the bushes. When he returned a new figure was following him. It was hard to make out in the shadows of the trees but when it moved into the moonlight it became clear what it was. It was a Latios who was very muscular and larger than Latios (I hope that makes sence). He aslo had a very large scar traveling down his face and over in of his eyes leaving it pure white. Feathers no longer grew there leaveing the pink flesh visible underneath. It was down right gnarly. 

"Hello brother." He said with a wave.

@Assailant @Daisie @Emperor Of Embers 
Nathan and Max were both silent for a few moments. Max eventually grunted with a nod while Nathan smiled. "Hey, Latios, you never mentioned you had a brother!" She touched her lip in a contemplative gesture. "Or... maybe you did, and I'm just forgetting." She shrugged. "Nice to meet you!"

"I don't have a cult. These Linoone were just some of the residents of the nesting grounds back then. Their numbers sure haven't faltered." He then looked to the elder Linoone that showed up. "Garvious, what can I do for you."

"It's more what we can do for you. I trust that you found your family when we sent you off the last time we saw you."

"All thanks to you. Your information on where my family could be found was correct. And I did indeed find them there. This is my sister Emlas."

"Hi ya!" Said Emlas when her name was mentioned.

"Please to meet you my lady. But where is your father. If I recall he escaped too with your family."

"I got there to late. He was dead when I arived."

"That's sad to here. But I'm not here for sad stories. There is something of interest that showed up while you were away."

"And I'd like to know what that is. It's starting to get on my never a that you won't just tell me already." Gracious nodded and proceeded to motion for one the the Linoones to enter the bushes. When he returned a new figure was following him. It was hard to make out in the shadows of the trees but when it moved into the moonlight it became clear what it was. It was a Latios who was very muscular and larger than Latios (I hope that makes sence). He aslo had a very large scar traveling down his face and over in of his eyes leaving it pure white. Feathers no longer grew there leaveing the pink flesh visible underneath. It was down right gnarly. 

"Hello brother." He said with a wave.

@Assailant @Daisie @Emperor Of Embers 

Genesis stood there as he saw the new Latios, and was shocked with the sight of him. "Whoa.... What happened to you?" he asked the Latios. He assumed he got it from a vicious pokemon fight. 
Latios however didn't reply to Nathan's comment though. He was frozen there in the spot in shock. "E-edron?" He mumbled almost inaudibly 

Edron's smile disappeared when Nathan spoke up. He hasent seen her untill now. "A human? What are you doing here." He snarled.

@Assailant @Daisie @Emperor Of Embers
Nathan sighed. "You know, I'm honestly shocked that this is the first I've heard that." She dismissively waved her hand. "Don't worry, I'm on a noble quest with your brother Latios over here. We're gonna save the world. It's pretty cool."

"Ahlamos, is this true." Asked Edron. However Latios still didn't respond. He was still in shock. "Ahlamos?" Said Edron. He went over to Latios and looked back at him for a long time... Before giving him a slap across the face. 

"OW! What the hell was that for!" Yelled Latios. 

"You zoned out there. I had to bring you back to reality."

"So you slap me!"

"What esle was a supposed to do." He shrugged. Latios looked back at him with a death glare. However this was interupted when Emlas decided to make herself know. 

"Oh my gosh. Your my other older brother. -gasp- That's so cool. We all thought you were dead, but now you not. It's a family reunion miracle!" She yelled before trying to bring the both into a bone crushing hug. However her arms were a litter to small to wrap around the both of them.

@Assailant @Daisie @Emperor Of Embers
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Max smiled at the reunion whilst Nathan hung back. Latios, or Ahlamos, had never confirmed what she said was true, so until he helped her get on Edron's good side, it was probably best to stay back.


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