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Fandom Pokémon: Rise of Shadows

Nathan noted the solemnity of the group around her. She felt strange and out of place. Sure, the place was hallowed ground, but this kind of reaction... could it be the difference between Pokemon and man? Could it be that connection to the world that humankind lacks? She looked around at her own Pokemon. Amber seemed solemn as well, April shuffled uncomfortably, and even Orion and Darin seemed to take pause, though their childish nature still allowed for some levity between the two. Nathan sat on the grass and looked at the water. What was she missing? It was strange to be a human and still feel so out of place, and a part of her almost felt guilty for not understanding the pain of the place.
Emlas came around to look at the rubble Latios was looking at. She was confused to as what it was. "Hey Latios, what are you looking at." 

He was quite for a moment before coming to attention. It was as almost as if he was zoned out into a different world. "What? Oh, this. This was the alter that once housed the 5 Soul Dews our community held. Each came from a Lati from our group that had great importance. I don't remember how they were important though, I was to young for that, all I knew I'd that they just were. We Lati looked upon them for guidance when things were going bad. They even gave us strength for our hunting trips and made the land here grow lush and plentiful, allowing us to easily feed all who live here. Without them this place wouldn't have survived as long as it did. Things were wonderful back then. But now it's just not that easy anymore." He went quite once more after he finished.

Emlas looked back in both shook and wonder. "But... If it was so perfect, why did we leave."

"We didn't have a choice. The humans found us and destroyed the alter, taking the Soul Dews as well. Once they left, those who were still alive and were not captured decided best to leave and hide from the humans. So we split up to make us less subjective to being found once more. And that was the end of out peaceful times... Even though you don't know it as well as I do, we lost a lot that day. Our home... Our family... Our friends... I however was subjected to far worse loss. I lost all that everyone else had, but I also lost my freedom. Doomed to become a science experiment for many years. And that's why it's so hard for me to forgive humans. When you lose everything you possibly have in life to them it's almost unforgiving." 

@Assailant @Daisie @Emperor Of Embers
Nathan grit her teeth as Latios monologued. When he was done, she stood up with clenched fists and fury in her heart. However, it seemed that the rage wasn't directed at Latios... Could this be? Could this be the reason I don't understand? She shook her head and looked around.

"I see..." She shook her head and turned. "I suppose I shouldn't be here." She gently kicked the dirt beneath her feet. "I'm dishonoring the memory of this place." She turned and began to walk into the forest. "I will wait outside the clearing. Come and get me when you all have taken your time here."

"But there's no way you'll make it. We've already been flying for hours and it's getting late. If we spend the rest of the time crossing the entire region it all take all night. We'll fall right out of the sky before you get there. Not to mention getting lost in the dark. None of us are built to fly at night." Latios tried to explain.

@Assailant @Emperor Of Embers @Daisie @SkycøderCrøta

Max wandered around the ruins, observing the history of the Lati unfolding in silence before him. Part of him feared that Eclipse would expect them to come here, however, despite his worries, he was not one to tell them they could not return here. He would simply have to be on his guard moreso than usual. He gently traced his paws along the trunk of a tree, and along the riverbed, pulling up soil as he did so. Even having been evacuated for so long, he could still sense trace amounts of the aura of the once-inhabitants of this sanctum, and within each of them he detected emotions and thoughts from ages past, adding a personal touch to the stories of the fallen and lost.

Genesis looked around the place, and was immediately hit with with a feeling of death around him. "Wow..... This place reminds me of  the Sky Pillar. This place was home to both of you?" he asked in an inquisitve tone as he looked at Latios and Emlas. 
Latios looked up from his sorrow when Nathan said she was leaveing. In truth, he wasn't mad at Nathan at all for what happened. He had come to terms with the idea of good humans and that she could be trusted. However his rant made it seem like the opposite and Nathan must have taken that to heart. He sighed and looked down again. He couldn't really do anything to cheer her up as he wasn't much of a therapist. However Draka took note of Nathan's leave and followed after her. "Hey, Nathan. Is there something wrong." She asked.

Nathan laid down on the grass and looked up at Draka. "It's tough, you know? I don't... blame Latios. He has every reason to be angry. Even still, hearing all that hate for my kind... it's justified, and in some ways that makes it so much worse. It's tough to hear someone rag on your entire species... and worse, to have earned the right to do so." She sighed and flopped her hands down.

"And there I was, sitting on the scene of my species' crime... and I just didn't feel it, you know? I just... I guess I don't deserve to be there... I'm ruining it... y'know?"

Latios looked up from his sorrow when Nathan said she was leaveing. In truth, he wasn't mad at Nathan at all for what happened. He had come to terms with the idea of good humans and that she could be trusted. However his rant made it seem like the opposite and Nathan must have taken that to heart. He sighed and looked down again. He couldn't really do anything to cheer her up as he wasn't much of a therapist. However Draka took note of Nathan's leave and followed after her. "Hey, Nathan. Is there something wrong." She asked.


Emlas came around to look at the rubble Latios was looking at. She was confused to as what it was. "Hey Latios, what are you looking at." 

He was quite for a moment before coming to attention. It was as almost as if he was zoned out into a different world. "What? Oh, this. This was the alter that once housed the 5 Soul Dews our community held. Each came from a Lati from our group that had great importance. I don't remember how they were important though, I was to young for that, all I knew I'd that they just were. We Lati looked upon them for guidance when things were going bad. They even gave us strength for our hunting trips and made the land here grow lush and plentiful, allowing us to easily feed all who live here. Without them this place wouldn't have survived as long as it did. Things were wonderful back then. But now it's just not that easy anymore." He went quite once more after he finished.

Emlas looked back in both shook and wonder. "But... If it was so perfect, why did we leave."

"We didn't have a choice. The humans found us and destroyed the alter, taking the Soul Dews as well. Once they left, those who were still alive and were not captured decided best to leave and hide from the humans. So we split up to make us less subjective to being found once more. And that was the end of out peaceful times... Even though you don't know it as well as I do, we lost a lot that day. Our home... Our family... Our friends... I however was subjected to far worse loss. I lost all that everyone else had, but I also lost my freedom. Doomed to become a science experiment for many years. And that's why it's so hard for me to forgive humans. When you lose everything you possibly have in life to them it's almost unforgiving." 

@Assailant @Daisie @Emperor Of Embers

"Nathan wait.... Please... Don't go...." Genesis said in Nathan's mind, trying to grab her attention. "Latios was only talking about the humans of their past..... You are the one trainer that Latios and Emlas trust.... I.... I sympathize with them..... Mainly because I lost my family too....." He added, this time speaking speaking using his voice, loud enough for everyone to hear. "I wanted to go to Petalburg woods..... Because I wanted to show you all something... Something you all should see sometime while in Hoenn...." he stopped, since he started to get emotional during his speech. 
Draka thought for a moment, trying to come up with a good response. "Yes that's true. But it's only part of it. I think you know that there's more to his perspective. Over the past few days you've had an impact on him. Before you came along Latios could hardly trust anyone. Even other Pokemon. Trust was hard to come by for those who didn't know already. However once he agreed to let you come along with us you slowly chipped away at him and opened him up some more. Take a look. He trusts you now, and your the last person I would think he would do so."


Latios was interested in what was so important for them to see. "What is it Genesis." He asked. 

@Emperor Of Embers
Draka thought for a moment, trying to come up with a good response. "Yes that's true. But it's only part of it. I think you know that there's more to his perspective. Over the past few days you've had an impact on him. Before you came along Latios could hardly trust anyone. Even other Pokemon. Trust was hard to come by for those who didn't know already. However once he agreed to let you come along with us you slowly chipped away at him and opened him up some more. Take a look. He trusts you now, and your the last person I would think he would do so."


Latios was interested in what was so important for them to see. "What is it Genesis." He asked. 

@Emperor Of Embers

"I wanted to show you..... My trainer's grave site...... In Petalburg Woods. I wanted to tell you a bit of my past no one else knows.... I wanted to tell you why i never trusted anyone else but myself... Before I met you all." He said, a tear rolling down his face as he turned to look at Latios and Emlas. "My trainer and her Mother were my family.... And 18 years ago everything was taken from me within minutes. All the good times, the feelings of joy and freedom..... All gone within a day." he said, trying to hold his composure. 
Nathan rolled over and looked at Draka. "Yeah, it's gotten better, but even still... it's still hard." She stood up. "Imagine if I said 'I hate all Dragonites. They're awful and evil creatures. Oh, but you're okay.' Would you feel fine? I know he trusts me... to a degree, but it's still hard to hear." She shook her head. "Of course, the problem still remains that it just feels... wrong with me to be there with the rest of them. I feel out of place... like a criminal returning to the scene of a crime... yet I didn't commit it."

Latios was slightly surprised. This Pokemon once had a trainer. Not to mention the similar backgrounds they had. "If this site is so important than I promise that we will stop there when we can."

@Emperor Of Embers

"You forget that I to had the same past with the humans. I lived here as well. But even after what happened I didn't have the same view point as Latios. I know the difference between humans who want to do good or bad. And I could tell you wanted good. Latios has his opinions, but their not the only on you should take into account."

Latios was slightly surprised. This Pokemon once had a trainer. Not to mention the similar backgrounds they had. "If this site is so important than I promise that we will stop there when we can."

@Emperor Of Embers

"You forget that I to had the same past with the humans. I lived here as well. But even after what happened I didn't have the same view point as Latios. I know the difference between humans who want to do good or bad. And I could tell you wanted good. Latios has his opinions, but their not the only on you should take into account."


"Th.... Thank you...." he said to Latios, and nodded. "You have no idea how much this moment means to me.... I feel like my trust is getting stronger with you guys. I hid from everyone because I lost hope in finding something good..... But then I met you all.... And I feel like I am Changing.... Like a change in here." he said as he tapped on his chest. 
She huffed. "I know, I know, but... mmmm..." She sighed. "It's not like I'm leaving the group, I just can't... be there. Not right now... not right there...it's just not right."

Latios nodded and moved to one of the smaller clearings and started to work on a sleeping area. by removing the extra plant life. 

@Emperor Of Embers

"Alright. Just think about it, ok. We'll be waiting back at the nests when your ready to come back. We should probably get ready for the night."


Little did anyone know, there was multiple eyes watching them from the trees. They were whispering things like "Who are they." and "Why have they come back." One of them even said "We must notify the leader." and took off.

@Daisie @Netherdragon @SkycøderCrøta
Max detected auras through the trees. He listened carefully to the voices. Before he could notify anyone, they were gone. It didn't seem like they meant harm... but he was sure to be on his guard.

Nathan nodded. She wasn't sure she'd return to the nest, but Draka's words did mean something to her. She knew that she personally didn't deserve to feel guilty, but the association was one she could not just ignore in her mind. Maybe she'd come around, she had no idea. She would wait though.

Once Latios has finished with clearing the sleeping areas he looked to see that Draka was returning "Any luck." He asked

"Kinda. She's feeling better but she still a bit upset and staying away." 

"Well she needs to come back. Night is upon us as is rather she not be out there in the cold." He said before taking off to get here. The last rays off light were just starting to disappear so it was hard to see but he found he nevertheless. "Nathan? It's time to come back. We're ready for the night."

Nathan begrudgingly nodded and stood up. She felt out of place and undeserving, sure, but she wasn't suicidal. As such, she followed Latios back to the sanctuary where the others awaited.
When they got back it seem Draka had already taken care of starting a fire. There had been plenty of resources from all the plant life they had removed. By now it looked as if the place was no longer abandoned with the lack of vines taking over everything in sight. The only thing left was the broken alter which would probably never get fixed. Even the smaller clearing had their beds remade for everyone to sleep at. "Take your pick. There's one for everyone."

@Assailant @Daisie @Emperor Of Embers
Arcanus simply nodded to Latios, and lied down on one of the beds and closed his eyes, even if just for a few minutes. He was immensely tired after that long day of.... Well, running, mostly. Away from danger, towards their goal...

He looked up towards the sky and stargazed.
When they got back it seem Draka had already taken care of starting a fire. There had been plenty of resources from all the plant life they had removed. By now it looked as if the place was no longer abandoned with the lack of vines taking over everything in sight. The only thing left was the broken alter which would probably never get fixed. Even the smaller clearing had their beds remade for everyone to sleep at. "Take your pick. There's one for everyone."

@Assailant @Daisie @Emperor Of Embers

"I am not tired..... Afterall, someone has to take watch duty.' Genesis said as he looked at Latios. "I do thank you though, i appreciate what you are doing for us all, but you all need rest more than I do. I am used to staying up for a week straight, and only 30 minutes of sleep is just enough for me." he added as he looked up, and sighed. "Beautiful night, yes?" 
April flew overhead, exercising her wings. She dashed across the starry sky, flapping her wings as she grew steadier and faster.

Darin and Orion slept, curled up together.

Amber watched April fly around intently, hanging on her every action.

Nathan seemed to be attempting to sleep, albeit somewhat restlessly.

Max frowned as he thought about their adventure so far. Things had been going remarkably well, almost concerningly so. There was the fright with April, but other than that their journey had been smooth since Umbra's unfortunate demise. He couldn't help but worry. How long until someone else fell? Who would it be? Nathan? Amber? April? Arcanus? Latios? Emlas... Emlas...

He shook his head. He wouldn't let that happen. He was prepared. If someone else was going to die, it would be him. After Umbra, he swore that he would not let another die on his watch. He would die before anyone else... that was what he promised... to himself... and to her.
Arcanus' eyes were locked on April's movements, as well. Though, a bit more relaxed than Amber, it would seem. He felt a bit less gloomy as he watched her soar, he was really happy that she was healing this quickly. He couldn't afford to lose her. Or anyone else, for that matter.
April noticed Arcanus watching her. Grinning, she did a few stunts really quickly like flips, corkscrews, and pullouts over the ground. Noticing him watching, she chuckled. "What're you looking at?" She flew down in front of him, not setting down but instead hovering just above him. She puffed her chest out and tossed her head, whipping her plumes. "Like what you see?" She mocked.

Arcanus smiled lightly, unable to hold his eyes all the way open because he was so tired. "Of course.", he simply replied tiredly. "Who would not?". Something gave April the impression that he didn't even fully comprehend what he was saying. It'd been a long day.


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