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Fandom Pokémon: Rise of Shadows

Genesis gets up, and points to the main room. "Go. I will catch up." he told Max as he slowly regained his strength, and picked up his Douse Drive on the ground, and loaded the drive back into his cannon (Assuming Latios dropped it.). @Assailant
Max hesitated, looking at Genesis for a few moments. He eventually decided the Pokemon was fine, and with a nod he left to join the battle. Amber, as usual, was on patrol for any wounds, but she also strengthened the protect that prevented the horde from getting through. April flew around, billowing up dust into the enemies and swooping in, striking where she could.
One by one the room slowly cleared of shadows. Latios's barrier was starting to show tons of cracks in it as the Shadows outside hammered away at it. "Hey Lugia. Now that we've saved your butt. Can you help us get out."

"Very well. Quickly. Everyone get to the top of the waterfall. There's another way out up there." Said the great beast.

@Assailant @Daisie @SkycøderCrøta @Emperor Of Embers
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Arcanus quickly scanned the wall for a way to get to the top of the waterfall, before shaking his head. "I calculate the fastest and easiest way to get to the top is to fly.", he suggested before climbing on Draka.
"Nathan, your gonna have to scoot over with someone else because I'm a little busy keeping these guys out." He said gestureing to the mass of monsters intent on chewing them up from behind the barrier. 

"Nathan, your gonna have to scoot over with someone else because I'm a little busy keeping these guys out." He said gestureing to the mass of monsters intent on chewing them up from behind the barrier. 


Genesis ran into the main room, and hear latios talking to Nathan. "I will take her to the top." he added as he shifted into Flight Form. "Do you need me to make trips? Or no?" he asked, since he thought taking trips to and from the top, transporting the others was a good idea at the moment. @Assailant
"Nathan, your gonna have to scoot over with someone else because I'm a little busy keeping these guys out." He said gestureing to the mass of monsters intent on chewing them up from behind the barrier. 


Genesis ran into the main room, and hear latios talking to Nathan. "I will take her to the top." he added as he shifted into Flight Form. "Do you need me to make trips? Or no?" he asked, since he thought taking trips to and from the top, transporting the others was a good idea at the moment. @Assailant

Nathan frowned and held her chin in thought. After a moment, she turned to April. "April, how are you feeling." April rolled her eyes and sighed.

"I could probably take you for a decent distance, I guess. My wing is mostly healed by now." She nodded and turned to Genesis and Latios.

"I'll ride on April."
Genesis nodded as he then shouted, "anyone else need a ride?! I have room!" he stayed in flight form, knowing that someone may need to be carried up to the top. He could carry up to 3 pokemon or humans. 
Max nodded as he ran up to Genesis. "I could use a lift," he said. Normally he flew with Latios, but given the current situation, that wasn't viable.
(Time to move things along)

Once everyone had a ride they quickly took off with Lugia to the top of the waterfall. There water rushed from tunnel at the back of the cave. "The water here leads to the out side. If we follow it we can escape." Lugia said. Just then Latios zipped up from behind them.

"Good, because their working in climbing the waterfall now." He said before talking off down the cave.

@Assailant @Daisie @SkycøderCrøta @Emperor Of Embers @Netherdragon
Genesis looked at Nathan, and then asked, "Do you want me to fly you out of here? Your pokemon look tired." he said, though he was really trying to gain her trust after making his first impression with her. He did feel bad for her, and wanted to try to make up for it. @Assailant
Nathan paused and looked down at April. "April?" The bird huffed.

"Please, I can handle this." Despite her words, it was clear the Pidgeotto was struggling. Her wings were not fully healed, and though she was capable of carrying Nathan, it seemed they hadn't accounted for the added stress of flying at full speed. Nathan shook her head.

"No, you can't." She turned over to Genesis. "We don't have time to stop and switch. If I jump, can you catch me?"

@Emperor Of Embers
Nathan paused and looked down at April. "April?" The bird huffed.

"Please, I can handle this." Despite her words, it was clear the Pidgeotto was struggling. Her wings were not fully healed, and though she was capable of carrying Nathan, it seemed they hadn't accounted for the added stress of flying at full speed. Nathan shook her head.

"No, you can't." She turned over to Genesis. "We don't have time to stop and switch. If I jump, can you catch me?"

@Emperor Of Embers

"I can. Just jump when you are ready, and I will zoom in under you. Just let me know when you jump, yeah?" he said, knowing he could quickly catch her, but needs to know the timing of her jump to actually pull this feat off. 
Nathan nodded. "Alright." She stood up on April, who winced.

"Hey, watch it!" Nathan nodded. Unfortunately, still not having a perfect understanding of the Pokemon language, she waited a few seconds and then jumped.

@Emperor Of Embers
Nathan nodded. "Alright." She stood up on April, who winced.

"Hey, watch it!" Nathan nodded. Unfortunately, still not having a perfect understanding of the Pokemon language, she waited a few seconds and then jumped.

@Emperor Of Embers

Genesis zoomed out and hovered under Nathan's path of falling. He kept watch of her, and adjusted himself accodingly. He was 4 feet below her and counting. He tried to remain calm, and stayed under her. 
Arcanus looked back at the Shadows as they made it to the top, his heart racing due to the stressful situation. Blanking for a moment, he shook his head to snap out of it, and he looked back at Latios with a quick nod. "Agreed."
Nathan landed on Genesis with a thud. She grunted as she made the landing and chuckled as she wiped the hair out of her eyes. "Alright... whew... that worked. Thanks." She recalled April. Max shot Aura Spheres back at the shadows to slow them down as they progressed.
Nathan landed on Genesis with a thud. She grunted as she made the landing and chuckled as she wiped the hair out of her eyes. "Alright... whew... that worked. Thanks." She recalled April. Max shot Aura Spheres back at the shadows to slow them down as they progressed.

As soon as Nathan landed, he grunted as he felt pain from impact. "Maybe I should grab you, then ask you to hold on next time." he said telepathically to the girl. "I feel a little bit of trust towards you and the others.... But it's gonna be a while before I open up like a Clamperl, So don't take my distrust personally.... It's been 18 years since I last talked to a human or another pokemon." he added, feeling some weight being melted off of him emotionally. But he still felt a massive anchor of emotion still holding him down. He will eventually break free of the chains of hatred and distrust, but right now he needed to become part of the group, to feel accepted before he can open up to anyone. 
After a good long while of flying they were far away from the islands and the shadows they left behind. "Lugia, we need to talk. Let's land." Latios said to the great beast. He nodded in response and began to descend. When they had all landed Lugia was the first to speak. "I must thank you all for your efforts. If you hadn't shown up then those fowl beasts might have defeated me. However I assume you went there just to save me from the attack. What is it you need young ones."

"Two things actually. One, we need your help with defeating these shadows completely. By the sight of them just know I'm sure you know what's going on. Arceus has called for all to meet at Spear Pillar. Second, do you have any idea where we can find Ho-oh."

"I actually do know where my brethren is at the moment. However I believe in the current circumstances it would be more efficient if I went in find of him. His location changes from time to time and I know his traveling path."

"Yes we are indeed pressed for time. It would be very helpful if we split the work load. However be cautious."

"I will young one. Thank you all once again. I wish you safe travels." And with that he left. 

@Assailant @Daisie @Netherdragon @SkycøderCrøta @Emperor Of Embers 
Arcanus watched for a few moments as the great Legendary set off. After a bit of silence, as the dust settled, he spoke up.

"That certainly makes things easier... What would be our next destination?"

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