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Fandom Pokémon: Rise of Shadows

Max focused and locked onto Lugia's aura. "I can sense him," he said. He looked around at the winding caverns. "However, I am afraid I can't sense his trail throughout the caverns. We are going relatively blind in this, I can only give you his general area."

@Daisie @Latios
"Lugia is know as the beast of the sea, right. Won't that means he likes water. Just go wherever it's damp." Said Emlas pointing at the one path slightly more wet than the rest.

@Assailant @Daisie @Emperor Of Embers @SkycøderCrøta

"Sounds like a good Idea. Let's go on the wet path." he said, agreeing with Emlas, since her reasoning was logical. He then waited till they started moving forward. 
Max locked on to Lugia's aura. Though he couldn't tell if they were going exactly the right way, he did notice they were getting closer and closer. As such, he stuck to the path and followed.

Deeper and deeper the cave system went. And the deeper they went the darker it got. Draka used a fire punch to help keep the place illuminated by holding out her claw. They kept walking until Latios came to a stop in the middle of a path. There was no fork ahead and there was no blockage. "Umm... Laitos, why..."

"Shh!" He cut her off. "Do you hear that. There wasn't a sound though.

@Assailant @Daisie @SkycøderCrøta @Emperor Of Embers
Ghren and Alejandro had their eyes closed for a bit, listening before they opened at the same time.

"Ghren...." Alejandro said. 

The infernape nodded. "Yes, I feel it too..." he said quietly. 
"Ugh, come on. I don't hear anything. What is it." Emlas moaned.

"That's just it. It's too quiet. Caves like this are buzzing with rock types yet there's not a sound."

"So wait. It that a good thing or a bad thing that there's no other Pokemon around."

"Either way, I agree with Latios. I haven't seen a single Geodude this whole time."

@Assailant @Daisie @SkycøderCrøta @Netherdragon @Emperor Of Embers

"Keep moving, whatever is here may be trying to psyche us out. If needed, I will fight off whatever it is. Besides, I do not think rock types would live in a wet cave where Lugia lives." he said as he got into a defensive posture, ready to fight if needed.
"Yeah. Let's..." But he wasn't able to finish when a Shadow Gabite burst through the rock wall of the cave and tried to impal Latios. His first reaction was to move out of the way and slam it in the back with a Dragon Claw. The Gabite was sent flying into the other side of the cave creating a loud smack. The Pokemon rose to its feet in a drunken state and tried to attack once more. Latios quickly struck it again acrossits head with another Dragon Claw attack knocking it clean out. "Damn it! We just can't get ahead can we. Time to speed things up a bit."

@Assailant @Daisie @SkycøderCrøta @Emperor Of Embers 
"Yeah. Let's..." But he wasn't able to finish when a Shadow Gabite burst through the rock wall of the cave and tried to impal Latios. His first reaction was to move out of the way and slam it in the back with a Dragon Claw. The Gabite was sent flying into the other side of the cave creating a loud smack. The Pokemon rose to its feet in a drunken state and tried to attack once more. Latios quickly struck it again acrossits head with another Dragon Claw attack knocking it clean out. "Damn it! We just can't get ahead can we. Time to speed things up a bit."

@Assailant @Daisie @SkycøderCrøta @Emperor Of Embers 

"If it is speed you need, then I got it." he said as he used Gear Grind, where the gears inside him grind furiously and loudly for 3 seconds, giving him a boost in speed and attack. "Now I can hit harder, and run faster. Now let's go, before more show up." he said as he ran forward, for being big, and a steel type, genesis ran fast thanks to his speed boost from Gear Grind. 
"Then stop yapping and start running. The sooner we get to Lugia the better." He said as another Gabite jumped from the rocks. It went for another lung attack but was meet with a swift end from Latios delivering a Dragon Claw to its head mid air causeing it to slam it face into the hard ground. Afterwards he began to run back down the cave path. Behind them several Rock type Pokémon could be seen borrowing out of the walls and chasing them.

@Assailant @Daisie @Emperor Of Embers @SkycøderCrøta
Arcanus, running after the group, used Future sight on the swarm of rock types that were chasing after them, in an attempt to slow them down in a few moments. "How many of them do you suppose have come?!", he yelled after Latios.
"A lot, and it looks like they were trying to get the drop on Lugia until we figured out something was up." He said. All of the sudden a Garchomp came up from the found in corny of them blocking their path. However Latios used Giga Impact to knock it down onto to floor. The rest of the group continued to walk over top of it as if it wasn't there. 

@Assailant @Daisie @SkycøderCrøta @Emperor Of Embers
"A lot, and it looks like they were trying to get the drop on Lugia until we figured out something was up." He said. All of the sudden a Garchomp came up from the found in corny of them blocking their path. However Latios used Giga Impact to knock it down onto to floor. The rest of the group continued to walk over top of it as if it wasn't there. 

@Assailant @Daisie @SkycøderCrøta @Emperor Of Embers

Arcanus, running after the group, used Future sight on the swarm of rock types that were chasing after them, in an attempt to slow them down in a few moments. "How many of them do you suppose have come?!", he yelled after Latios.

As he ran, Genesis unleashed his fury as he used X-Scissor and Blaze Kick on the many Gabites in front of them. "Darkness will not hold me!" he shouted as ran over the Garchomp, stepping on its chest as he kept running. "I hope no fire type shades show up. That would be bad news for me..... Wait.... I have a douse drive, and my Techno Blast is water type because of it. Nevermind." He thought. 
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They continued to run down cave paths with the hoard of shadows trailing them. Every now and then a shadow would get in their way but way quickly pushed to the side by one of the groups powerful attacks. It seemed the cave systems of twists and turns went on forever... Until it started to get brighter again. At the end of the tunnel Latios could see a room with a huge waterfall in the back. But he also saw Lugia who was currently fighting Shadows of his own. "Come on, we got to help him." They were just about to reach the end when a Shadow Onyx smashed into the exit causing rocks to fall and block the path. They were now cut off from Lugia and the only other way to go was through a hoard of Shaodw Pokemon. "Anyone know how to dig really well, extremely fast." 

@Assailant @Daisie @SkycøderCrøta @Emperor Of Embers
They continued to run down cave paths with the hoard of shadows trailing them. Every now and then a shadow would get in their way but way quickly pushed to the side by one of the groups powerful attacks. It seemed the cave systems of twists and turns went on forever... Until it started to get brighter again. At the end of the tunnel Latios could see a room with a huge waterfall in the back. But he also saw Lugia who was currently fighting Shadows of his own. "Come on, we got to help him." They were just about to reach the end when a Shadow Onyx smashed into the exit causing rocks to fall and block the path. They were now cut off from Lugia and the only other way to go was through a hoard of Shaodw Pokemon. "Anyone know how to dig really well, extremely fast." 

@Assailant @Daisie @SkycøderCrøta @Emperor Of Embers

"Maybe I can try blasting that wall down. Latios, Emlas, Could one of you remove my Douse Drive, and hold it? I am going to use Normal Techno Blast on it to bring it down." Genesect said as he pointed to the blue drive sitting in his dorsal cannon. "Push the dark red button to eject it, then watch the rocks fly!" he added.
"I don't think explosions are the best idea in a cave but we're running out of time fast." He said. The pack of shadows was quickly closing the gap between them and it would be a matter of seconds before they were swept up by the mindless wave. Latios quickly pressed said button and then ripped out the square box. He and the rest stepped back where Latios proceeded to encase everyone in a Protect bubble in case of flying debris. 

@Assailant @Daisie @SkycøderCrøta @Emperor Of Embers @Netherdragon
Arcanus quickly prepared a Hypnosis, raising the pendant into the air. "Thank you, Latios. It may save our lives, at this point.", he gratefully thanked.
"I don't think explosions are the best idea in a cave but we're running out of time fast." He said. The pack of shadows was quickly closing the gap between them and it would be a matter of seconds before they were swept up by the mindless wave. Latios quickly pressed said button and then ripped out the square box. He and the rest stepped back where Latios proceeded to encase everyone in a Protect bubble in case of flying debris. 

@Assailant @Daisie @SkycøderCrøta @Emperor Of Embers @Netherdragon

Arcanus quickly prepared a Hypnosis, raising the pendant into the air. "Thank you, Latios. It may save our lives, at this point.", he gratefully thanked.

"Get ready!" he shouted as he kneeled. "Techno.... Blaaaaaast!!!" he shouted, as a beam readied up, then zoomed out of  barrel, the white beam of energy tearing through everything in its path. The beam hits the wall, and as soon as the beam disappears, the wall was no more, and a hole was made on the other side of the cave where Lugia fought, though it took out a fraction of the Shadows fighting Lugia. "Go! Go! Go!" he shouted, somewhat winded from the attack. He needs to rest before moving, since the attack takes so much energy out of him. 
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Arcanus rushed through the hole that had been readily made by the shining red Genesect, quickly and carefully using Hypnosis on the first Shadow that came into his gaze, his mind rushing with a million thoughts.
Max jumped next to Genesect. Noticing that he couldn't move, Max opted to protect him from the oncoming shadows while he recovered. He swept his foot around, getting into a battle-ready position as he faced the foes.

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