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Fandom Pokémon: Rise of Shadows

Max nodded. "You could always simply ask. We are on a crusade of sorts, attempting to prevent a darkness from consuming our world." He shook his head. "It sounds a lot more exciting than it frequently is."

"I see. What exactly is this "Darkness" in which you speak of? Is it a giratina?" He asked in a curious tone. He had all sorts of questions, and wanted to know about this group. 
"One can only hope he does not join their cause. No, it is not. It is a Shade. I cannot pretend to fully understand the being, but what we know is that it seeks only for the death or assimilation of everything there is. It forms an army from those it defeats, and it becomes stronger with every victory."
"One can only hope he does not join their cause. No, it is not. It is a Shade. I cannot pretend to fully understand the being, but what we know is that it seeks only for the death or assimilation of everything there is. It forms an army from those it defeats, and it becomes stronger with every victory."

"Shade? Can't say I've heard of him until now. And he does sound like a big threat with what you tell me. Maybe I can lend a hand in your journey?" He said to Max, knowing he would probably have to take it up to the Latios and Latias. "Stronger with every victory?  Does he absorb energy or something?" He asked. 
"Any help would be appreciated. Every victory gains him more soldiers, for the most part. He also gains strength in death, especially of the Lati."
"Any help would be appreciated. Every victory gains him more soldiers, for the most part. He also gains strength in death, especially of the Lati."

"oh. That is no good. So in a sense, we got to protect the Latios and Latias?" He asked, hoping they will land soon. He does not like to fly long, mainly because his metallic shell gives him away, not to mention his red coloring. 
"It would be very bad if they died, for more reasons than emotional, yes. However, they can hold their own. They don't need much protection."
"It would be very bad if they died, for more reasons than emotional, yes. However, they can hold their own. They don't need much protection."

"with an enemy that gets stronger in death, i cannot take any chances. Besides, this is the first time I have encountered a latios and latias together."  He said, he had met very few legendaries in his life, but the legendary pair was on the top of his list of pokemon to meet. He hopes they would accept him in their group. Afterall, the more pokemon there are, the better the chance of winning. 
When Latios noticed that strange Pokemon wasn't leaving he thought to notify Max and ask him on the situation. Even though he didn't know they had already been talking. "Max, have you noticed we're being trailed."

Max grunted. "Yes, I have. We've been speaking telepathically. I have explained our situation, and he seems intent on joining."

"And he doesn't appear to be a threat. Dispite the fact that you two have been talking without me knowing, I can't just trust anyone off the bat."

Max frowned. Latios had let so many others in with little forethought. "We know who our enemies are, what reason is there not to trust him?"

Latios looked down to see that they were now above their destination. The many islands with whirlpools raging around them. It was obvious where the name came from. "Lets land first. No point in talking in the air when we can be on the ground."

@Assailant@Emperor Of Embers
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Latios looked down to see that they were now above their destination. The many islands with whirlpools raging around them. It was obvious where the name came from. "Lets land first. No point in talking in the air when we can be on the ground."

@Assailant@Emperor Of Embers

Genesis saw the islands they were heading to, and saw everyone going down to one of them, so he decided to follow suit. He wondered if there were any hostile pokemon or humans waiting, or if the Latios and Latias would accept or reject him. So much was going through his mind, he did not know what to do. 
The moment they touched ground, Latios immediately turned to Genesis. "Ok, two things. One, why were you following us. And second, what is it that you want."

@Emperor Of Embers

Genesis changed to his normal form, his head extending forward, arms and legs extending, he then stood as he cannon hung over his head. He looked at Latios as he spoke. "Do you have to be so abrasive? Anyways, I saw you guys flying in the sky just as I was going to enter a cave. I followed you because I was simply curious. And with your friend telling me of your situation, I want to lend a hand. Or claw." Genesis said in Latios' mind as he saw distrust. "I feel distrust between us. I too am not very trusting of anyone. But curiosity got the better of me. Anyways, how about I prove myself to you, if you want." He added, waiting for his response. 
"First off, get out of my head. You don't need to use telepathy now. Second..."

"Woah! Another new Pokémon. What kind of Pokemon are you." Said Emlas zipping in out of nowhere. But then her fountain of questions began. "What's this big thing on your back. Why are you metal like. Are you a steel type..."

@Assailant @Emperor Of Embers @Daisie @SkycøderCrøta @Netherdragon
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"First off, get out of my head. You don't need to use telepathy now. Second..."

"Woah! Another new Pokémon. What kind of Pokemon are you." Said Emlas zipping in out of nowhere. But then her fountain of questions began. "What's this big thing on your back. Why are you metal like. Are you a steel type..."

@Assailant @Emperor Of Embers @Daisie @SkycøderCrøta @Netherdragon

With the latias zipping up out of nowhere, and was overwhelming him with questions. "Wow.... Happy to meet you too. I am a Genesect, which is a Bug/Steel type. And this thing on my back is my Cannon, like a Blastoise." He said to Emlas as he looked at Latios. "You were saying?" he asked. @Latios
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Arcanus raised an eyebrow at Emlas' excitement, keeping an eye on the Genesect. Though he was fairly sure that he wasn't hostile, he still kept an eye. But his attention soon turned to Latios as he realized that he was acting suspicious of the newcomer. Unusually so. But still, he said nothing.
Ghren and Alejandro were surprised to see another new Pokémon, but didn't question it. Ghren went over and listened to the Pokémon while Alejandro stayed back, untrustworthy. 

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