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Fandom Pokémon: Rise of Shadows

Ghren and Alejandro followed Nathan around as her Pokémon, just to be careful. Alejandro didn't seem to like it much, but since it was necessary, he dealt with it. 
Nathan shrugged. "Only way for that to happen is for us to get a job. Of course, there are many reasons that can't happen." She frowned. "Actually... there IS one other way... but I don't think you all would like it."

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She sighed. "Battling trainers. It's standard that if two trainers battle, the loser pays the winner. Only problem is, my own team isn't combat ready. Not enough to take on other trainers, at least. Which means..."

Nathan nodded and pointed around. "We've got Amber, who's competent... Alejandro, Ghren, Emlas, Latios..." Max sat up. 

"I would also be willing." Nathan nodded.

"Alright, that's a full team. Anyone else who wanted to join could do so when one of us gets injured." He looked around. "Now, other than Max... I don't suppose there is anyone here who either has a Poke Ball or is willing to get in one? Not that it's a requirement, we'll just get... a lot of odd looks if I'm sending out a bunch of Pokemon not in balls."
Arcanus, looking up from the ground quietly, gazing at the group, soon broke his silence. "If it is necessary, I would not mind.", he volunteered. He was curious as to what it was like.
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Nathan smiled to Arcanus and nodded. "Just a disclaimer here. If you agree, I would NOT claim ownership over you. It would simply be for convenience, and you'd only need to act like my Pokemon in battle. When this is all said and done, you would be released. It's not a binding contract or anything." She nodded. "It's all of your choices." She then turned to Arcanus and pulled out a ball.

"Are you sure you're alright with this? I'm gonna let you out immediately, of course."

Arcanus smiled, a bit of anxiousness and excitement underneath his expression. "Of course. Pokeballs are a technology used all over the world, every day, by millions of people. The probability of something going awry is minuscule."

Nathan nodded. She held the Pokeball out in front of her and pulled it back. "Brace yourself. It's not gonna hurt or anything, I promise." With that, Nathan threw the ball as Arcanus was absorbed into it. After a few moments, the ball clicked shut. Nathan walked over and released Arcanus.

"Well? How do you feel?"

Arcanus looked down at himself, a little disoriented. He inspected his arms, legs, made sure that everything was alright. Afterwards, he looked up at Nathan and smiled widely. "I am in perfect condition. That was... Rather strange." His mind was obviously racing, it could be seen broadly on the baffled expression on his face.

"Huh." Nathan smiled. "Well, I've always wondered what it feels like to be captured. No real way for me to test that." She tucked his Pokeball away in her backpack. She looked back at him with a chuckle. "You certainly seem... excited."

Arcanus looked up at Nathan. "Hmm.. Well, certainly. I have not experienced anything quite like this before, and I am more than happy to learn about new things. My family was all chosen by their trainers, they must all know how it feels, as well." He put on a thinking face for a few moments. "I wonder how this was invented: How humans imagined such a thing, and found ways to create it.", he rambled on, to nobody in particular. It seemed like nothing in this universe could stop him now that he was curious.

Arcanus nodded in reply. "No time to waste.". He looked around to everyone, making sure they were all there, ready to go.
Genesis had wandered around the johto region for a while, and stops at Union Cave. About to go in, he looked to the sky, and saw multiple dots flying from Azalea Town to some place else. "I better check it out. Could be someone who needs help where they're going." he thought as he ran, and jumped into Flight form and zipped to the large group of dots. As he grew closer, he saw a Latios and Latias leading the group over the sea, but made sure to keep some distance from them. "I got to be careful, one wrong move, and It's extinction for me." he thought, since he had not seen any other Genesects in his travels, therefore assumes he is the only one. Though something in the back of his tells him he is not. "Wow.... I have not seen a Latios and Latias together, and flying in the open with a large group... Maybe I should observe, and watch everyone." he grew slightly closer, still behind them. @Latios @Assailant @Daisie @Netherdragon @Acethekidd
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They were about halfway to the Whirlpool islands when Latios picked up a strange signal with his psychic. It was a habit of always keeping watch with his mind to spot those who might attack without him knowing. But the strange thing was, he had never sences a presence quite like this. It felt... old, yet new in a way. What ever it was, he didn't like it. Latios looked over to see a red, flat, metalic object coming at them. If this was a Pokémon it sure didn't look like one he knew. It looked more or less like a human flying contraption. But then how was he picking up a living signal. Latios proceedings not raise alarm. If it was trying to sneak up on them, then he could turn the tables by surprising it when or if it tried to attack.

@Assailant @Daisie @Emperor Of Embers @Netherdragon @SkycøderCrøta
They were about halfway to the Whirlpool islands when Latios picked up a strange signal with his psychic. It was a habit of always keeping watch with his mind to spot those who might attack without him knowing. But the strange thing was, he had never sences a presence quite like this. It felt... old, yet new in a way. What ever it was, he didn't like it. Latios looked over to see a red, flat, metalic object coming at them. If this was a Pokémon it sure didn't look like one he knew. It looked more or less like a human flying contraption. But then how was he picking up a living signal. Latios proceedings not raise alarm. If it was trying to sneak up on them, then he could turn the tables by surprising it when or if it tried to attack.

@Assailant @Daisie @Emperor Of Embers @Netherdragon @SkycøderCrøta

Genesis knew he was detected when the Latios looked back at him. "Well then. So much for stealth. But I still got to be careful. I have never fought a Latios or Latias before, and do not want to do that either." he thought as he grew closer to the group. He wanted to communicate with the Latias and Latios, but had to get close enough to do so. But he had to do so without alarming the rest of  group, if he alerts everyone else, he could only imagine a battle he would lose miserably. @SkycøderCrøta @Daisie @Assailant @Netherdragon @Acethekidd @YourLittleSylveon @Latios
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Max sat up as he noticed an aura following them. Latios seemed to notice as well, though he did not react much. Max closed his eyes and looked at Genesis through his mind's eye, and he soon decided to speak up.

"Greetings," he said in Genesis's mind. "Might I ask why you are stalking us?"

@Emperor Of Embers
Max sat up as he noticed an aura following them. Latios seemed to notice as well, though he did not react much. Max closed his eyes and looked at Genesis through his mind's eye, and he soon decided to speak up.

"Greetings," he said in Genesis's mind. "Might I ask why you are stalking us?"

@Emperor Of Embers

"Well there's two." he thought before replying to Max. "I am following you all because I am observing you. I am rather curious as to where you are headed,  and what will happen next." he said in Max's mind in a nervous tone. Though the real reason is because he wants to know if they are all friendly or not, and whether he can trust to be around them or not. With his past experiences, he has to be careful with who he chooses to be friends with. 
Max nodded. "You could always simply ask. We are on a crusade of sorts, attempting to prevent a darkness from consuming our world." He shook his head. "It sounds a lot more exciting than it frequently is."

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