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Fandom Pokémon: Rise of Shadows

April paused in surprise. A blush arose as she fell down, landing over Arcanus. She stood over him, looking down at him with a blush on her cheeks. "W-well of course!" She finally responded. She looked away for a moment, though she still looked back at him through her peripheral vision. "Anyway... y-you're just tired. You don't know what you're saying, th-that's all!"

Arcanus sat up a bit, the same tired look. "Am I, now?", he mumbled slightly. He looked like he was about to say something for a moment before he shook his head slightly and shrugged. "Perhaps I am tired... But that is not my point - you are a gem, April.", He complimented as he fumbled his words slightly.

April's eyes widened. She stared at him as the blush grew even more. Her head turned even further away, and though she tried, her eyes kept flitting back over to him. "Y-you don't really mean that. I'm not special or good... not any more than anyone else here for sure..."

"Dear, you have worked harder than me, do trust me on that." Arcanus sighed as he sat up fully against a tree. "Not only have you taken more hits from the Shadows, but you have come so far from where you were before. Both in the real world, and in maturity.".

"Everyone is special. It only takes the right kind of person to notice how. And I can see clearly how you are."

April lowered her head. Maybe she was tired... but this was really affecting her. She was silent for a bit. "I only took more hits because I tried to betray everyone," she muttered under her breath. After a few more moments, she finally looked up at him. She was on the verge of tears. "D-do you really mean that? Are you sure I'm special?"

"Think of it this way, dear." Arcanus started, smiling at her a little bit. "Why would Nathan choose you if you weren't special? And why would she keep you, and care for you, and show concern for you when you were hurt? Everyone here cares for you."

"There is no other Pokemon in the world that could ever possibly be you."

"Yeah; I guess it is nice. But just make sure you alert us in case there's anything that goes wrong. Alright?" Said Latioss.

@Emperor Of Embers

"Sure thing, boss." Genesis said as he nodded. He was going to make sure that everyone stayed safe, even if they were sleeping. However, if it is something he cannot handle, then he will alert everyone.
"The fact that you fight hard for what you believe in. Your stubbornness, your determination. Your kindness - even if it seems reluctant at times." Arcanus chuckled slightly as he listed some of the things he enjoyed about her.

April chuckled. "My stubbornness is a good thing now?" She shook her head. "But... Max has all of that... Amber has all of that... Latios has all of that... everyone's here because of those things..." She stepped closer to him, looking closely at him in confusion and desperation. "So... why me?"

Arcanus thought for a few moments on the subject, closing his eyes to help him think. "Because.. Well, I suppose I simply find your personality enjoyable. You are not like Max, Amber, or Latios."

"I chose you because you were calling to me. You may not have known it, but you were. All while you were acting the way you were, I kept thinking to myself: There's something deeper to this girl. This is a person who has depth, a part of her she has concealed within. And I knew that if I could reach out to that someone.... Well, perhaps.... One day I can grow to talk to her. To laugh with her. To be able to hug her. Someone I can look to and think to myself: 'She's really come a long way. And you know what? I am proud of her.'."

April looked aside. She clearly was debating saying something. She seemed to struggle with her words for a moment before she finally spoke. "Y-you chose me because you wanted to help me, right? S-so what happens when you're done helping me? Will you leave?" She looked back at him, and her eyes were watering. Her voice trembled. This possibility very clearly scared her deeply. "I-I won't be special anymore... there will be no reason for you... t-to stay with me..."

Arcanus sighed. "There is more to it than that, gem.. I will not leave you, trust me. I first chose you because I wanted to help you, yes... However, I stay because I see the real you. I do not like you simply because I can help you. I like you because I enjoy the real you. And the way to see the real you is by helping you along.". He smiled a little bit, eyes drooping down. "I like you because you are you, April. Because nobody can ever be you. Because you are just right to me."

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April laughed gently and shook her head. She placed her head against his and looked down at his drooping eyes. She was silent for a bit as she sat on his lap and laid down on his chest. She gently enveloped him in her wings. "Getting sleepier still?"

Arcanus' eyes faded even more as April spoke. "Indeed, it would seem.. It feels like I have not slept in ages.", he admitted as he put his hand on her head.

April quietly contemplated for a few minutes. Her wings stretched around Arcanus like a blanket, and their body warmths mingled. Even despite the radiant heat, she shivered in fear of something. After a few moments, she sighed. She quickly darted her head up towards Arcanus.

Her beak was warm and surprisingly malleable as it made contact with Arcanus's lips. There was a gentle pressure, though it might be a tad hard as April pushed into Arcanus. Gentle tears fell down her beak and onto Arcanus's fur. After a few minutes, she separated.

Tears ran down her feathers full force, but she was smiling. Even so, her smile was laced with fear in the wake of what she'd just done. "I-I love you, you big idiot," she said with a teary laugh "S-so you better stay around!"

Arcanus completely froze, suddenly very very awake. Eyes widened, he blushed very heavily, and didn't even say a word. Muscles frozen, he probably was incapable of speaking or moving at all for those first few moments.

After that first bit of time had past, he tried to speak. "..I-...W-...I-..."

Nope, that didn't work.

April chuckled and shivered slightly in anxiety. She smiled at him, but she seemed hesitant. "I-I wish you'd say or do something!" She said. Clearly her last action terrified her.

Arcanus' heart was beating so much, April could probably feel it through his chest. He let out a breath as he tried to decide what to do next.

The next thing that happened was that... Well, he just started laughing. Not loudly enough to wake anyone or disturb anyone, but still, nervously laugh, he did. He held onto his chest with one hand, and put his arm around April on the other side. Through his laughter, he managed a few words. "Hahah-April, y-you are the b-best thing that-t's happened in m-m-my life..."

He realized fairly soon that laughing might have been a mistake, but he still couldn't stop. It was all he could do to laugh quiet enough to at least try not to gather attention.

April frowned. Of all the reactions... She pouted. "I-I don't know whether to feel flattered o-or insulted." She looked away with a pout on her face.

Arcanus managed to calm himself down a bit more as he realized that April was unhappy. "N-but-I-I don't mean-.. I-I love y-you too...!", he blurted, not being able to think clearly.

Arcanus nodded rapidly, chuckling a little bit as well as he trembled. "Y-yes, I-I just-this... This h-has not happened b-before.. I don't....". He handled everything else with a clear mind. A logical one. But he had never truly considered a situation like this, he had no idea how to reply to anything. And that terrified him a little bit. Okay, it terrified him a lot.

April laughed. She just... laughed. She was so relieved. After a few moments, she cupped his face with her wing. "Oh, shut up you!" She quickly jumped back in and pressed her beak to his lips once more and felt happier than she had in a long time...

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Arcanus, letting his heart lead him at this point, simply let it happen, hugging her closely and enjoying the kiss while it lasted. He shared April's joy and relief as he relaxed, knowing in that one moment, everything was going to be alright. Everything else slipped away, he didn't care if Nathan or Amber or anyone else was watching.


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