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Fandom Pokémon: Rise of Shadows

"Ahlamos, is this true." Asked Edron. However Latios still didn't respond. He was still in shock. "Ahlamos?" Said Edron. He went over to Latios and looked back at him for a long time... Before giving him a slap across the face. 

"OW! What the hell was that for!" Yelled Latios. 

"You zoned out there. I had to bring you back to reality."

"So you slap me!"

"What esle was a supposed to do." He shrugged. Latios looked back at him with a death glare. However this was interupted when Emlas decided to make herself know. 

"Oh my gosh. Your my other older brother. -gasp- That's so cool. We all thought you were dead, but now you not. It's a family reunion miracle!" She yelled before trying to bring the both into a bone crushing hug. However her arms were a litter to small to wrap around the both of them.

@Assailant @Daisie @Emperor Of Embers

Genesis watched as the Lati hugged it out. In a way, he felt happy rather than jealous towards them. He then walked back outside, past the large group of linoones and zigzagoons. "They seem happy to see each other. I will stand out here and keep watch, so nothing can get to them." He thought as he got into a defensive stance, ready to fight if any threats come at them.
Edron looked confused. "Sister? What a minute. You must have hatched from the egg the mother was tending to many years ago. I thought that egg was destroyed when the humans came. Is your name Emlas. Mother said that is a Latias was born she would name her Emlas."

"Yup." She said with a smile. "And your my eldest brother Edron. I herd that you and Latios got along well as children."

Edron looked to Latios with a. questioning look. "Ahlamos, what did you do to deserve the sign of the nameless." 

Latios's head hung low in shame. "I don't want to talk about it, at lest not until I redeem myself for it." Edron's look didn't fade. 

@Assailant @Daisie @Emperor Of Embers
Max finally decided to participate. He stepped forward. "Greetings, Edron. I am Max, a companion to your brother on this perilous journey we have begun to undertake." Max outstretched his paw in a sign of friendly greeting.

"Hellow Max. I must ask you. You all keep saying your on journey. Does this have to do with the recent shadow problems. Most of the world may be obvious to it however I am not."

Genesis stood, watching the outside world as he listened to the Lati's conversation. He was focused on his job as a sentry, and is on high alert, just in case something were to show up. @Latios
"Some of these shadows came by here a few days ago. They left quickly once they found that no one was here. However what intrigued me was that they returned the same direction in which they came. I don't think they were just passing through."

Max shook his head. "Likely not. They probably figured we'd be heading here, and wanted to see if we made it. However, they were a few days early." Max frowned and adopted a thinking pose. "Or perhaps they were searching for something else."

"I think they left too soon to be looking for you. Otherwise they would have stayed around for maybe a few days." Said Edron.

Then a thought came across Latios's mind. "Maybe they were looking for Lati in general. This was the largest nesting ground for any group of Lati in the world. When they saw there was no Lati left maybe that's why they left. They weren't a few days earlier, they're 25 years too late."

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Max nodded. "That makes some sense... but why check here again? Wouldn't they have checked long ago, only to find it desolate and deserted? Why would they check another time? I cannot believe they never thought to come here..."

"Do remember that Eclipce has only been on the more for about a week or two now. The Lati left 25 years ago, Eclipce was born 12 years later. 13 years after that he then decided to check this place. Considering the chances of any Lati returning in that time period, if I were Eclipce, it wouldn't hurt to look. Right."

"Reasons we most likely won't ever find out. Either way. There's a possibility that he may check again, and maybe with a greater force then just the small squad they showed up with." There was a long pause before he continued. "The humans gave us rightful reason to learn how to hide. Now it seems that if your going to stay here, you'll have to learn the same. Or, by the looks of it, your already planing to leave. Isn't that right... Latios." He said looking directly at the black eon. 

"Edron..." But he was cut off. 

"Don't. I already know what your going to say. Besides, we have so much to catch up on. Like why your feathers are black."

Latios chuckled a little. It appears that even after all these years Edron could still read him like a book. "I'm not the only one with a physical change. You need to tell me how you got that scar."

"In due time, however we both know how scars are formed. Your change is much more intriguing. But for now the subject I really want to learn is my new sister." He said looking down on the Eon in question. However she was already fallen asleep again, nestled away in Edrons side. Despite the predicament, he smiled at this. "I have to say, she grew up to be quite cute. I guess I can catch up on 25 years of childhood later. Let's say we all get back to sleep. Some of the Linoone can keep watch. After all, they can see better in the dark then I ever can."  

"Yes, I think some more sleep would do us all some good for tomorrow. I can tell you our stories then." Latios said. They then both proceeded to carfully move the sleeping Emlas to the bed once more without waking her.

@Assailant @Daisie @Netherdragon
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Max nodded as the two went about themselves. With more creatures to keep watch, he casually went to sleep.

Nathan rubbed her arm awkwardly. She'd been waiting for someone to hate her for being human, and it seemed she'd finally gotten it. She hoped she would be able to convince this new Latios otherwise, but...

She found a comfy spot of dirt and went to sleep once more.

@Daisie @Netherdragon @Latios @Emperor Of Embers
Morning rose as eerily as the night was. Without the normal sounds of nature humming and chipping it was just as creepy as the night was. But as the sun rise from the trees, the normal beauty in sight was still there. A Zigzagoon soon dashed from the trees when first light arived. He stopped where three Lati were sleeping again. "Great Lati, it's morning. You must wake for your departure." 

Edron was the first to wake due to being used to the wake up calls. "Yes, thank you young one. That will be all." The Zigzagoon nodded and ran off once more. Edron then proceeded to wake up the other two who were still sleeping. "Wake up you two. It's time to go." 

Latios groaned at this. "You know I usually wake myself up."

"Huh, what's going on." Said Emlas sleepily, but soon perked up. "Oh hey, it's morning. Everyone wake up, it's morning finally." She yelled as she dashed around shaking everyone awake.

@Assailant @Emperor Of Embers @Daisie
Arcanus luckily was awoken by Emlas' voice shaking everyone else awake before she got to him. Looking down at April for a few moments, he blushed, and quickly shifted her away before Emlas arrived, in a tired state of semi-panic.

@Assailant @Latios
Max begun to wake up when Emlas first yelled. However, before he could fully awaken, he felt the red eon begin shaking him.

"Buh!" he uttered in confusion as he was shaken awake. After a few moments, he laughed. "Why did you do that, hm?"

"Cuz I could." She said shrugging a little. "At lest your awake now."

Meanwhile Latios and Edron started talking to each other. "She seems very energetic. Is she always like this." 

"Most of the time." Said Latios as he dusted himself off from the red Eon's shake attack.  

"I see... Did she ever get to meet mother and father."

"Mother died before she hatched. However father she was able to meet, but he wasn't himself during that time. He died a year before I found others again."

"Wait, you got separated. When did that happen?"

"The humans took me in their raid. I was in thier custody for 12 years untill I escaped. It... wasn't pleasant."

"I'm sorry. I understand that it must have been awful. At lest your still alive."

@Assailant @Emperor Of Embers @Daisie
Max sat up and smiled at her. "Yes, I suppose it did succeed in getting me awake." Despite having been just woken up, quite rudely in fact, he seemed quite happy.

April shivered from the cold as Arcanus separated himself from her. Still sleeping, she reached out and draped her wing over Arcanus, pulling herself close to him again.

@Daisie @Latios
Arcanus sighed quietly, but couldn't help the smile that snuck to his face. He put an arm beck around April and relaxed as he leaned against the tree.

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Genesis had stayed awake the entire night, keeping watch as he guards the group. He saw the sun rise, and heard the others talking to each other. He turned to find the two Latios talking to each other, and Emlas waking up Max. "I hope Latios at least remembered that I want to stop by Petalburg Woods.." He thought. He wanted to say something, but did not want to rush everyone. @Latios @Daisie @Assailant
"Id love to talk more Edron but shouldn't we get moving. Not to mention we can talk on the way there." Said Latios

"Might I ask where we are going." 

"First off, we're heading to see Rayquaza. As far as I know, none of us can swim, and still be able to breathe, to the bottom of the ocean or explore the inside of an active volcano. So when we Find Rayquaza, he can go get Kyogre and Groundon."

"So why are we getting the legendaries."

"Arceus has called on the legendaries to group up against the Shade. However the Shade is running interference with Arceus's ability to communicate with them. So we have to get them the old fashioned why. Now no more questions, let's get going, then we'll talk."

"Alright, fine by me." He said before going to help everyone pack.

@Assailant @Daisie @Emperor Of Embers
"Id love to talk more Edron but shouldn't we get moving. Not to mention we can talk on the way there." Said Latios

"Might I ask where we are going." 

"First off, we're heading to see Rayquaza. As far as I know, none of us can swim, and still be able to breathe, to the bottom of the ocean or explore the inside of an active volcano. So when we Find Rayquaza, he can go get Kyogre and Groundon."

"So why are we getting the legendaries."

"Arceus has called on the legendaries to group up against the Shade. However the Shade is running interference with Arceus's ability to communicate with them. So we have to get them the old fashioned why. Now no more questions, let's get going, then we'll talk."

"Alright, fine by me." He said before going to help everyone pack.

@Assailant @Daisie @Emperor Of Embers

"Are we leaving Already?" Genesis asked as he touched the Pearl string around his neck, reminding him of what he needed to do. "Oh! We also have to visit Petalburg!" he exclaims in sudden realization. "I have someone I want to see before we go any further, If it's ok with you Latios."  He said, because he knew saving the world was more important, but needed the visit to pay his respects. 
April protested groggily for a bit, but eventually she finally opened her eyes. As she first spotted the yellow fur her head rested against, her eyes widened. She looked around in confusion for a moment before looking up to Arcanus. It seemed the memories of the night before came flooding back, and a smile grew on her face. For a moment, she just looked at him before suddenly blushing and standing up.

"Y-yeah... I g-guess we should get going!" She stammered, still embarrassed by the situation they were in, as well as the growing probability that someone would find them.


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