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Fandom Pokémon: Rise of Shadows

Arcanus stood up as well, blushing just as much as she was. "Most definitely...". He looked around for anyone watching nervously.

April lowered her head for a few moments before fluttering up and giving him a quick peck (the romantic kind, not the bird kind) on the lips. She quickly looked away and began to head back to the main group.

Amber and Max both nodded to Genesis. Both of them had promised to bring him to Petalburg, and that was what they were intent to do.

Netherdragon Netherdragon @SkycøderCrøta Latios Latios Daisie Daisie Emperor Of Embers Emperor Of Embers
Arcanus stood there, still dazed for a few moments. Even though all that happened last night, he still felt as if a thick fog was around him as he went into this.
He shook his head and followed, a short distance behind.

Assailant Assailant
(I'm assuming that everyone is ready now?)

Before they left, Edron motioned for one of the Zigzagoons still around to come to him. "Tell the elder that we will be taking our leave now, and that I'll be leaving as well with them." The Zigzagoon nodded and ran off to its tribe to inform their leader. Once it was out of sight Edron turned to face where Nathan stood. His eyes narrowed as he watch. "Latios, tell me again why the human is with us. I do not trust her."

"She's a friend of one of our companions with us, and she's also helped us out quite a lot since she's joined us. To me she's earn her right to stay."

"Well not to me." He grumbled.

"Edron, don't do anything rash." But it was to late, the larger Lati had stormed off in her direction. "Oh great, this won't be good."

"Human, I want to know exactly how you've managed to earn the trust of my siblings." He said quite sternly
Assailant Assailant
Nathan lifted her bag and hummed. "Uh... let's see... I guess it would've been back in the village. The shadows attacked, and I healed up a lot of Pokemon and gave the gang a place to sleep for the night." She thought again for a moment. "From there, I've just kinda hung around and helped out where I can."

Latios Latios
"One encounter will not gain my trust. I know that you are a trainer. So, I ask that you battle me for my trust. If you lose, you will leave this group."

"Edron, stop..."

"No, I have made myself clear. I don't trust humans, especially trainers."

"But..." However Edron cut him off again.

"If you have faith in this human then you shouldn't have to worry about her loseing."
Assailant Assailant
Nathan paused and looked over at Latios. "Ah, not to be a debbie downer here, but I don't think I can win this."

Latios Latios
"Then you forfeit." Said Edron.

Latios quickly reacted by useing telepathy to tell Nathan something important. "It's not about beating him. I know what he's up to. It's an old Lati tradition. He's trying to see how well you and your Pokemon work together. If your Pokemon trust you enough in battle then he will do the same."
Assailant Assailant
Nathan hesitated for a moment. "I don't want to send my Pokemon into a battle that I know they can't win... that's just hurting them."

"Do not fear, Mistress."
Nathan started and looked over. Amber walked over with a smile. "I will battle." Nathan smiled at her.

"Alright... Amber... you'll face Edron then?" Amber nodded.

Latios Latios
"Edron, don't do anything rash." Said Latios before they began. "I don't want to see blood. Other wise there will be consequences."

He nodded. "Your move." Said Edron getting into a fighting stance.
Assailant Assailant
Amber and Nathan nodded in unison. Rather than assuming a standard combat stance, Amber seemed to remain in her normal, graceful pose. "Mistress?" Nathan thought for a moment, covering her options.

"Alright Amber, I've got a plan. Use hypnosis." Amber nodded, her command coming in telepathically. A blue light overlaid her eyes as she tried to put Edron under her trance.

Latios Latios
Edron had no plan to make this easy for her. He went to shutting his eyes from the hypnosis to avoid falling under the spell. He then formed a large Shadow ball in his claws and fired it in the last direction he saw her in before he close his eyes.
Assailant Assailant
Amber raised her arms and took the Shadow Ball. It hurt pretty badly, but not enough to really put her down. As long as Edron was too worried to open his eyes, she had a major advantage.

"Alright Amber, Moonblast time!" Amber nodded and summoned a ball of concentrated energy before blasting it at the Latios.

Latios Latios
While his eyes gave him nothing to go on, his ears worked just as fine. He did his best to move out of the way in time but even with his speed it clipped his wing, and with type advantage it hurt a lot. Now that the hypnosis was over he was free to open his eyes. He then unleashed a torrent of blue and green fire, the attack being dragons breath.
Assailant Assailant
"Protect!" Amber raised her hand as the attack bounced off of her shield. Nathan's mind reeled, trying to think of a comeback. "Umm... Future Sight." Amber foresaw an attack.

Latios Latios
Knowing he only had to long before the future sight hit, he began to charge his body with electricity, small arcs could be seen jumping around his feathers. Soon after he unleashed the massive thunderbolts toward Amber, each ripping away at the group as they scrapped against it.
Assailant Assailant
Amber braced herself as the thunderbolt struck true, shaking off the pain and fighting on still. She stood up. Nathan grit her teeth. "These undodgeable moves... we need to start getting prepared... Amber, Double Team!" Amber nodded and moved swiftly, seeming to appear in two places at once. She was more alert, more ready... she wasn't going to be struck again.

Latios Latios
Edron looked at the two blurry images of his foe. There wasn't time to find out which one was the real one so he was going to have to attack both. He prepared two shadow balls and fired both at the copies.
Assailant Assailant
In his haste to shoot both before she could make a move, his aim was sloppy. Amber quickly jumped out of the way of the ball, dodging the imminent danger. Amber should have increased evasion now... if I do it a few more times, I should have a good shot at dodging most of his attacks. I can't just do that though... counter-offensive. Old habits die hard. "Amber, use hypnosis!" Once again, Amber's eyes glowed blue, hoping to hit her target this time.

Latios Latios
The Bule Eon wasn't going to fall for that trick again. When he herd the command being called he once more shut his eyes however thing time he threw in a trist. Directly after his entire body vanish in light. Moments after he reappeared behind one of the clones with a massive Shadow Claw plummeting towards the foe.
Assailant Assailant
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"Double team!" The clone created another clone, along with Amber. As he punched through, the clone disappeared, but now there were three versions of her. "Teleport!" Each of them teleported to scramble the clones. "Now... Psychic!"

Latios Latios
A grin appeared on his face when the clone was destroyed but soon disappeared when he looked up to see two more in new locations. This cuaght him completely off guard and ended up taking the full force of the Psychic unprotected. When he recovered from the attack he smiled. "Two can play at that game. Try this." He said flicking one of his claws up. Suddenly all three of the clones began to hover uncontrollably in the air like they were in outer space (Edron used Telekinesis). He then brought forth two more Shadow Balls and lunched them at two of the clones.
Assailant Assailant
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One of the clones was able to put up a Protect to stop the shadow balls in time, but the other was hit by it as they phased out of existence. The other two struggled, with one teleporting to get out of the grasp of the telekinesis while the other remained caught.
Edron quickly took care to the last clone stuck in his grasp with a dragon claw. That left just Amber now. He then began to focus on her and charged away with a Zen Headbut.
Assailant Assailant
The clone was struck by the dragon claw. With a yelp, she flew onto the ground with a thud and gently got back up, her arms buckling from exhaustion. It would seem the one that was caught was not the clone!

The true clone was struck by a Zen Headbutt and faded from existence. Amber used Psychic!

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