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Fandom Pokémon: Rise of Shadows

Max nodded and got on Latios with his usual "Thank you." April let Nathan on as Amber approached Genesis.

"Actually, if you would be so kind... may I accompany you? I have had to stay in my ball on all of the journeys, and I would like to journey outside once."

Latios Latios Emperor Of Embers Emperor Of Embers
Max nodded and got on Latios with his usual "Thank you." April let Nathan on as Amber approached Genesis.

"Actually, if you would be so kind... may I accompany you? I have had to stay in my ball on all of the journeys, and I would like to journey outside once."

Latios Latios Emperor Of Embers Emperor Of Embers
"Sure. In fact, you can accompany me whenever we fly around to someplace." Genesis said as he turned to Amber. "Hop on, we are leaving now." he said as he saw everyone prepping for take off.
Amber smiled and hopped on, to which Nathan nodded, acknowledging that Amber was riding with Genesis. She then paused. "Hey, wait, Genesis!" Nathan yelled from April. "Do you have room for just a bit more?"

Emperor Of Embers Emperor Of Embers
Amber smiled and hopped on, to which Nathan nodded, acknowledging that Amber was riding with Genesis. She then paused. "Hey, wait, Genesis!" Nathan yelled from April. "Do you have room for just a bit more?"

Emperor Of Embers Emperor Of Embers
"I can only seat 3 passengers! You got more coming on?" he asked, since he can only fit so many passengers on his back, since he is a flying disc at this point, and he has only so much room before it gets cramped. "Hurry up, we are departing soon!" he exclaimed.
Nathan smiled. "I actually think you'll find it remarkably easy." She tossed out two pokeballs, and out popped Darin and Orion. The two looked around in confusion before Nathan beckoned them to Genesis. The two happily jumped on, and Amber held them tight. "Thank you!" She yelled over to Genesis.

Emperor Of Embers Emperor Of Embers
Nathan smiled. "I actually think you'll find it remarkably easy." She tossed out two pokeballs, and out popped Darin and Orion. The two looked around in confusion before Nathan beckoned them to Genesis. The two happily jumped on, and Amber held them tight. "Thank you!" She yelled over to Genesis.

Emperor Of Embers Emperor Of Embers
"Not a problem! It's nice to hold passengers for once. Just hold on tightly, and you'll be fine!" he shouted back, and got more and more excited to fly.
Once everyone was ready they soon took off to the sky, leaveing the sanctuary behind. Emlas was a little disappointed to have left. She wanted to learn more about the place. Edron flew far behind them, having no intention of talking to others. If anything it looked like he was mad about something, that something obvious to only some. Latios stayed ahead though, occasionally looking back to see his brother behind. Nevertheless, he led them to their next destination.
Assailant Assailant Daisie Daisie Emperor Of Embers Emperor Of Embers
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Orion and Darin both marveled at the sights, and Amber too could not help but feel some sense of majesty before her. However... she had to get something out of the way first.

"Arcanus," she said as she psychically contacted the Hypno. "It is Amber. How are you?"

Daisie Daisie
Arcanus paused and blinked for a moment, receiving the unexpected telepathic connection. "I am doing well, Amber... And how are you this morning?"

Assailant Assailant
Arcanus glanced back at Amber briefly. "....Indeed.", he replied, suddenly more quiet. He lowered his head and prepared for the subject he knew was going to take place soon.

Assailant Assailant
Once everyone was ready they soon took off to the sky, leaveing the sanctuary behind. Emlas was a little disappointed to have left. She wanted to learn more about the place. Edron flew far behind them, having no intention of talking to others. If anything it looked like he was mad about something, that something obvious to only some. Latios stayed ahead though, occasionally looking back to see his brother behind. Nevertheless, he led them to their next destination.
Assailant Assailant Daisie Daisie Emperor Of Embers Emperor Of Embers
Genesis took off after the Lati rather quickly, and still managed to keep up with everyone else. He said nothing the entire trip, mainly because he put all of his energy into flying, and focusing on their flight path. He did think along the way. He thought about the moment he met Lugia, the shadows swarming them, and the thought of his friends being overrun and helpless. He shrugged it off and kept going.
Amber closed her eyes. "Even if she won't acknowledge me as such... I still love April as if I was her mother... and that means I want to protect her through relationships... I want her to be with the right person."

Daisie Daisie
Arcanus looked downwards as he listened to her words. "I... Acknowledge and respect that.", he replied, contemplating for a few moments. "....Are you alright?"

Assailant Assailant
Amber paused, thinking. "I will...I will be alright. On topic though... Arcanus..." She smiled. "If there's anyone I could have chosen for her to be with, it's you. I am very happy she found love again, and in someone as kinda and protective as you are."

Daisie Daisie
The Hypno looked outwards in front of them as they flew. "..Thank you for your kind words."

"...I am still rather unsure. We... Both know fully that this is both the wrong place, and the wrong time, for romance. War is difficult.. The odds very much are against us."

Assailant Assailant
Amber frowned. "Maybe. But that also makes it the best time. In all the despair, the presence of a loved one might be just what you need. Just what... all of us needs."

Daisie Daisie
"I... Cannot know that for certain. Never have I been so blind. Caught in a maze of tunnels I have never studied, shrouded in the thick fog of emotions, being chased by the beasts of war. My life has been dedicated to knowing what is happening. For once, I do not."

Assailant Assailant
Amber chuckled. "I bet Max feels the same way. You two are remarkably similar." She smiled at the sky. "Sometimes, not knowing is the thrill. For instance, when I had my son... the circumstances around it disregarded... it was something unfamiliar and new. I was scared. But just because you are scared does not diminish the value of it. Despite the horrifying conception of my son, I do not regret having him and loving him. It is okay not to know..."

Daisie Daisie
"There is always a chance that it isn't okay. But, I thank you for your words.... They mean much. Even if they do not take my fears away.", Arcanus replied. He thought for a moment, on the fence about what he should do... Eventually, he decided to shy away from the subject. "I am... Uncomfortable talking about this. Is there anything else you need?"

Assailant Assailant
Amber shook her head. "Hold on. Sorry to keep you on the subject, but I do have a few ground rules to establish and requests." She giggled a bit. "Protective mother things, I hope you understand."

Daisie Daisie
"...Alright. Speak, then.." Arcanus responded, glancing back at her again uncomfortably. "Whatever it takes, I suppose..."

Assailant Assailant
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"Sorry to be making you feel uncomfortable, but we might as well get it over with." She thought for a moment.

"First off, no having sex without asking me first. I'm not unreasonable, but I want to know what's going on and you two need to be close enough. If April doesn't ask too, I'm saying no. I need to know she wants to as well, y'know... I'm kinda a..." She stops and gathers her thoughts again.

"Second, don't go easy on her. She needs to learn some manners, and you're one of the only ones who can teach her right now. Even my voice has become muted to her... Be honest with her."

"Third, don't go to hard. She's had a rough time, and it's not been her fault. be open and honest, but don't be hard or mean on her... that's not what she needs.

"After those, I only have three short requests."
She smiled. "Be there for her, protect her, and let her know she's wanted. That's the best you can do for her." She paused for a little while.

"Actually... I have one more request"

Daisie Daisie
Arcanus chuckled at the first rule. "I am far, far away from going there anytime soon.", he interjected quickly. He let Amber speak on, though, listening carefully and quietly.

"Then one more request it shall be."

Assailant Assailant
Amber was silent for a bit. "It might be... selfish of me..." She finally and hesitantly responded. "No, not maybe. It is. Um... I just..." Despite it being through telepathy, it was clear she was getting choked up. "I wanted to ask... could you please bring my daughter back?" Whether Arcanus could see it or not, tears had welled up in her eyes. "I know awful things have happened, and it's not her fault, oh it never was, but... I just... I haven't seen her in so long, and I miss her... SO MUCH..." She was crying by now. "C-could you please try?"

Daisie Daisie

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