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Fandom Pokémon: Rise of Shadows

Nathan slowed down her pace until she caught up with Arcanus. "Hey," she said. The normally bubbly quality of her voice was gone. Her voice sounded surprisingly somber. "I... wanted to thank you for what you've done for April. She's a little abrasive, so I'm not sure if she's said it, but I'm sure she's thankful too... and..." her voice was very hesitant. "It means... more than you could ever know..."

Arcanus looked over to Nathan, smiling a little bit. "I do what I can.". He glanced upwards at April once more for a few moments. "She has been quite an interesting person to be around".

The golden Hypno paused his gaze for a few seconds before looking back towards Nathan. "If you truly are thankful though, then you can do one thing for me, can you?"

Arcanus smiled. He pointed to the new smile on Nathan's face. "Do not change that expression on your face, will you? Happiness is the one thing this world cannot take from you, if you set your mind to it."

Nathan laughed and rubbed her arm. "Sometimes... that can be a little difficult." She tried to keep smiling, as per Arcanus's request, but one could tell it was a tad strained. "I... heard what April did- er... tried to do, yesterday. Well... I figured it out, anyway." She looked back at Arcanus, and the smile was very strained. "Am I that horrible of a trainer? I thought I'd given her everything she needs..."

Arcanus looked down for a moment, thoughtfully. "Hmm... Well, I do not believe so. Everyone makes mistakes. There could have been one or two things you would have been able to do, but even so, that may not have worked, considering April's surprising stubbornness."

"And also keep in mind, I am not the one to make judgments of you. You are not my trainer, and I do not know first-hand what you are like, at least not much as April does. Something tells me that you are asking the wrong person, here."

Nathan looked down, unsatisfied with the answer but understanding at his inability to give a proper response. She quickly hugged him. "Thank you for stopping her..." she whispered as some tears came out. "Thank you for helping her where I've failed... as a trainer..."

Arcanus stopped suddenly, shocked. He put his hand on top of Nathan's head. "You should not beat yourself down like this, child. No good will come from self-deprecation. No good ever comes from it.", he consoled her in a softer voice. He didn't expect this, that was for sure.

"Please do not cry."

Nathan couldn't help herself: she cried and laughed at the same time. It seemed the stress that had been building up for so long was finally breaking out. Some of her tears were tears of joy: knowing that April had someone truly competent who cared about her looking after her. Some were tears of sorrow, that she'd failed so miserably as a caretaker. That she'd failed so horribly that April had... had almost...

Max frowned at the lead of the group. He could sense the mixture of emotions being let out. It was quite... potent.

Nathan finally quieted down and chuckled, wiping the last of her tears off of her face. "Thank you, Arcanus... for that and for everything."

"I do what I can.", Arcanus simply replied, smiling down at her. After all that had happened, everything in his life, this seemed the most real. Trapped in the tight, shadowy grasp of war, he still knew his place. He looked up, a melancholic look on his face. "It brings me much sorrow that helping others in society is something to be valued, since it is so uncommon. People seem to fear opening up, and giving a helping hand, because it is difficult."

"All I do is what everyone should be doing, truthfully."

Meanwhile, X'Zaat is flying above everyone. He thinks about the Ruins of Alph - not only just about his family and friends, but the armies of Unown living there. Perhaps they are protecting one of these 'Legendaries'? X'Zaat certainly doesn't know.
(It's okay, he'll explain it. And Assailant knows a lot about it.)

"never? I thought other Pokémon had them..." he said. "Well...a Z move is like a powered up version of a regular move. It requires the trainer to wear a Z-ring and the Pokémon to hold a special stone. It's much easier to see than explain..." he said. 

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(Well I got that much.) 

"Well if these Z-moves require trainers then I wouldn't know. We've never had trainers before so there's no way to find out."

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(Well I got that much.) 

"Well if these Z-moves require trainers then I wouldn't know. We've never had trainers before so there's no way to find out."


He nodded. "You don't need to be the trainer's pokemon to do it, so long as you both wish for the same thing..." He said. "I...I don't remember if I've done it before or not. I think I did, bt I'm never really sure...." He said.

Nathan smiled and shook her head. "Doesn't mean I can't be thankful for it. Even if it's the most mundane thing in the world, when someone helps you... you should always be thankful, right?"

Arcanus smiled back. "You should be grateful for everything. Of course.". He let out a breath of air. "What a situation I have gotten myself into.", he chuckled a little quietly.


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