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Fandom Pokémon: Rise of Shadows

Arcanus made sure that he was with the rest of the group, ready to depart. He heard Latios and Ghren talking, and decided to chime in. "A great darkness is spreading across the land. One that is taking Pokemon by the hundreds, and converting them into mindless shadowy minions to serve a dark and evil power known as the Shade."

(This will be my last post for tonight. Sorry I wasn't around, but I can't always be here 24/7. Cya tomorrow!)

@Latios @SkycøderCrøta

Alejandro started shaking and pacing back and forth before he tried to fly around to calm himself, which didn't seem to be working. He started flying frantically, unlike April.


Ghren looked to Arcanus, eyes widened before his face hardened again. "I see..so others have seen it too." He said in a rather grim tone. He looked back to Latios. "I know you see no reason to, but I'd like to ask you to let Alejandro and I join you. You are aiming to defeat them, correct? I want to help. And judging from Alejandro's reaction..he needs to help." He said. "Besides, we offer some good assistance. Alejandro and I know the regions of Johto and Alola well, shuld you ever venture to Alola. We could help get you to where you need to go. And none of you will have to carry me when flying, Alejandro has been doing that for a while now." He said.

@Latios @Daisie
Arcanus tilted his head slightly. "See no reason to?" The shook his head. "I beg to differ. The more people we get on our side, the easier the task will be to accomplish. And the safer we will become. One of ours has already been lost, and with more Pokemon on our side, there is less of a chance that will happen to anyone else."

"Though, the final decision is up to Latios. He is the leader."

@SkycøderCrøta @Latios
Arcanus tilted his head slightly. "See no reason to?" The shook his head. "I beg to differ. The more people we get on our side, the easier the task will be to accomplish. And the safer we will become. One of ours has already been lost, and with more Pokemon on our side, there is less of a chance that will happen to anyone else."

"Though, the final decision is up to Latios. He is the leader."

@SkycøderCrøta @Latios

"I only say that because I know some groups of pokemon aren't so accepting and sometimes are very..exclusive on who they choose. I try to give everyone benefit of the doubt ever since Alejandro and I trained with those fighting pokemon a few years back, but Latios, you seem hesitant with information, as we're just strangers to you. Because of that, I thought he might not be open to it." He explained to them.

@Daisie @Latios
April glanced over at Alejandro. "The hell are you doing? You shouldn't fly while having a seizure. If you wanna get yourself killed though, that's not my problem."  April gently hovered, flapping her wings at just the right pace as she looked at them.

"They seem to be healed," she murmured to herself.

April glanced over at Alejandro. "The hell are you doing? You shouldn't fly while having a seizure. If you wanna get yourself killed though, that's not my problem."  April gently hovered, flapping her wings at just the right pace as she looked at them.

"They seem to be healed," she murmured to herself.


"I-I'm not having a seizure!" He said loudly back in a semi-angry tone. He tried to calm himself down and Flew down to the ground, hyperventilating. He didn't know what was going on or why he was like this at the moment, only that he was freaking out.

"I mainly done want to start panic. That's why I held it back. Fear causes people to do irrational things. But you being strangers was another reason. If you really want to come than know this. You'll be putting yourself in more danger than before. Where we go there's likely going to be lots more shadows and possibly the treat that's bigger than the shadows themselves."

"I mainly done want to start panic. That's why I held it back. Fear causes people to do irrational things. But you being strangers was another reason. If you really want to come than know this. You'll be putting yourself in more danger than before. Where we go there's likely going to be lots more shadows and possibly the treat that's bigger than the shadows themselves."


"I see." Ghren said, looking to the side. Even though they all were the only pokemon there and paying attention. pft, Legendaries. He let it go and looked back to him. "You're telling me what I've already dealt with before. I know how dangerous they are." He said with a stern face, lookikng like something was bothering him. He shook it off and nodded. "We can handle it. I've been through hell and back. And Alejandro..." He said, looking over breifly to his feathered friend, then back to Latios. "Well, I take it he has too, from what I've seen. Now it's up to you. May we assist?" He asked.

"Good!" She yelled down at him. "Now I've got some airway for m-" She paused as she remembered what Arcanus said. She frowned and gently flew down to Alejandro. She stared at him for a few seconds before sighing. "What's wrong?" she said in a somewhat indignant tone.

"-Sigh- You may have already felt with shadows but there's bigger and more powerful dangers out there that we'll be facing. It's entirely up to you if you wish to come. I'm just warning you that your personal safety is not guaranteed."

"-Sigh- You may have already felt with shadows but there's bigger and more powerful dangers out there that we'll be facing. It's entirely up to you if you wish to come. I'm just warning you that your personal safety is not guaranteed."


"..." Ghren could see that he apparently wasn't gonna get a straight yes or no from Latios, so he sighed. "Alright then, we're coming with you." He said and saw Alejandro shaking. He began heading over to him.


"Good!" She yelled down at him. "Now I've got some airway for m-" She paused as she remembered what Arcanus said. She frowned and gently flew down to Alejandro. She stared at him for a few seconds before sighing. "What's wrong?" she said in a somewhat indignant tone.


"I d-don't know...I've never reacted like this before...I just...Latios and Ghren were talking with another pokemon about som-.. shadows, or something, and I just started freaking out. I can't figure out why...." He said.

April raised an "eyebrow." "The shadows? What's the deal? They're not even all that scary, they're just jerks who don't listen when you ask them of one simple thing and-!" She huffed and shook her head. "They look stupid too," she murmured.

April raised an "eyebrow." "The shadows? What's the deal? They're not even all that scary, they're just jerks who don't listen when you ask them of one simple thing and-!" She huffed and shook her head. "They look stupid too," she murmured.


He looked at her, standing up and trying to compose himself. "I know. I'm not scared of them, I know that, just...something about even the mention of them seems to bother me...maybe it has something to do w-with my m-m-memory.." He said and took deep breaths.


"Right. Now we just got get to town. You might want to help your friend calm down so we can leave."


Ghren only gave a nod as he was walking away from Latios and went over to Alejandro, putting a hand on his shoulder. "Are you alright?" He asked. "Take a minute and just focus." He said.

Alejandro nodded and took a few more deep breaths before he went quiet and focused. When he opened his eyes a few seconds later, he seemed normal and looked over to Ghren. "I'm...alright now. I don't know what happened..." He said. 

"Could it have been something from your past?" Ghren asked.

"I'm not sure, but...whatever it is, I'll make sure it won't happen again....come on, let's get going." He said and began walking to lead the group to the nearest town.

Ghren sighed. "Alejandro....I don't like when he closes up like this. Hopefully he'll be willing to talk more about it in due time, remember a bit more..." He said, talking to himself before he saw April. "Ah sorry for the mumbling. I worry about him sometimes." He said and smiled. "Well, on to the city." He said, hands behind his back as he began walking.

@Assailant @Latios
Max nodded as he approached. He began walking independently of them, already knowing the way to the nearest city. He was slightly ahead of them, though not so far as to be dangerous. Nathan walked on as well as Amber walked next to her, humming her own little tune with a smile. Orion and Darin played alongside them, though they knew to keep with the rest of the group. April flew overhead as normal.

@Daisie @The Fabulous Emerald @Latios @Daisie
Arcanus stayed towards the back of the group, enjoying the walk. As they went onward, he gazed up at April as she flew overhead, wondering about everything.
Tristan followed along. He would split off at some point when in town, to grab some rawst berries.
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Ghren came up to Alejandro, who was close to the front and put a hand on his shoulder. "You need to relax and stay calm, so...maybe it would help if you made some friends, since we're with them now. Asit stands, you have three options. The Xatu, the Latias, or that Pidgeotto flying in the sky." He said and looked up to her with a smile, then to Alejandro.

Alejandro thought about it. Ghren hadn't steered him wrong before, and was usually right about what to do, so he figured it wouldn't hurt and nodded.

"I'll take over leading the way." He said and kept walking forward.

Latios walked with the group as well. While normally he would want to fly as to get there as fast as possible, it seemed the everyone had already gone for the scenic route. Emlas kept close behind them, enjoying the little stroll.

@Assailant @SkycøderCrøta @Daisie @Netherdragon @The Fabulous Emerald

Alejandro moved to the back, walking next to Emlas. He didn't really know how to make friends. "Um...hi." He said.


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