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Fandom Poke High: School For The Pokemon/Human Hybrids

Rose smiles and claps " brilliant work you two" the bell rings and class is over. Raven grabs her things and looks at the schedule "hmm.....science...." she muttered.

Delphine looked at her schedule. "Yay!! Dance is next for me!!" she said and started running after taking everything with her.

Joshua laughed. He went to his dorm to put his guitar case pn there and went to his next class, math.
Ray looked at his schedule 'Dance huh well I guess I'll be with Delphine.' He thought, he too went to the dorm and puts his stuff away and went to Dance. Upon arriving he could the excited Delphine.

Raven looked at the piano again ' maybe I should play it again later...' she then left the classroom for science. She softly sand as she walked to her class.

pyros noticed he had a free lesion next so he decided to retire to his bed for an hour with him normally sleeping 14 hours a day he had a free lesson due to him had skipped a year in his old school but only in one subject science.

(I'm gonna call it quits here i need to sleep another exam tomorrow last one thank all that is holy sorry night)
Delphine giggled as she was stretching herself. She already knew what was going to happen. It was the same each year. She grinned. Only the dance was different each time.
Ray walked in as his usual self and began to stretch, after he finished he was waiting for instructions but he could see how happy Delphine was. She looked Overjoyed to be here.

Raven sat near the window in science class. She looked at her schedule and grinned. After this she has martial arts. ' I made the right choice to come to this school...'

Delphine looked around and saw Ray. She waved at him. "Hello!" she said and smiled.

"So now we can start~!" the teacher said. "I am going to play the music twice to get you in the mood!"


<-- The song))
Ray dances to the song trying to get each move as close to the rhythm as he can though when he looked to Delphine he saw her dance gracefully.

Raven's class started and she listened to the teacher as she looked out the wondow.

Joshua was so bored! He already knew what the teacher was saying. He sighed and started drawing on the table as he really had nothing to do.

Delphine giggled. "This is so fun!" she said.
Kenny ran in late, obviously having slept in a bit too much...He was panting, as he knew being late only renders punishment, though he managed to hold his breath long enough to sit down without making too much of a ruckus, shifting his eyes around to get a good look at each person in the room and see their reaction, if they had any.

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Just then a Pachirisu girl came running up to the door, stopping the teacher from yelling at the boy, the girl then began ranting about how she had to help the gardening club. "I'm so very sorry! My early meeting with the gardening club ran late, then I had to pick up the pots from the front gate and water the pansies, then I tripped and fell into the mud so I had to change! By the time that was done I still hadn't picked up by book for my class and then...." She went on and on.
Kenny's eyes went wide, watching the girl go on and on about why she was late. He almost snickered in satisfaction and relief, knowing he wasn't the center of attention anymore.


The dance was interrupted by two late students, everyone was looking at them including the teacher, Ray almost fell as the two barged in and scared him as they apologized for being late.

@LyraDark ((I'm assuming they're in the dance class.))
The teacher laughed a bit. "Don't worry, I do understand that it's the first day" "Now please get in position!"

Delphine sighed. She was not happy anymore.
Ray was enjoying himself until these two ruined the mood but now they had to wait for them to dance as well.


"Yes, Ma'm!" Pi stopped blathering, she looked around at all the people leaning over to the one next to her, "Hey, I'm Pinichi! You can call me Pi though. Can I ask what I've missed so far?"

(To whoever is on right now or whoever feels like responding)
He glanced at her through the corner of his eyes, hiding his smirk from her earlier entrance, though truly grateful he wasn't the only one late. However, he still found her a bit too energetic for his liking, especially since she drew all the attention to her. Because of this, he intentionally ignores her, deliberately turning his head away from her and shrugging her off. He stares at the teacher intently, not quite sure what she means by "position."...

Ray was waiting for the other two to get in position but he guessed they didn't know they were in dance so he sighed.

Delphine giggled. "We are in dance class~" she said in an happy tone.

"You just have to follow everyone," the teacher said.
The bell rang because the two late students wasted the classes time with their tardiness, Ray's next class was science so he hurried to class.

@LyraDark ((Sorry it was going to take really long plus they're not online at the moment.))

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