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Fandom Poke High: School For The Pokemon/Human Hybrids

Raven gathered her things and went to her martial arts class. She was so excited to let loose in that class like she did in music. She smile and walked to that class excitedly.

He blinked at the sound of the bell.

Was I really that late??

He quickly pulled out his schedule and looked at it wide-eyed. He glanced at the clock.

Oh my...

Ray finished his science class and had a free period so he spent his time thinking and writing a new song.

((I'll post ago somewhere between 8-9pm tomorrow, American eastern time.))
Raven arrived at her martial arts class. With a change of clothes. She went to the changing room and got changed into a black tank top and red shorts. She also wore black fingerless. When she got out began to stretch.

Kenny walked around the school. This next class he had never been to in all of his three years at this school, which is why he was having such a difficult time finding the location for it. He figured it must be some mandatory advanced class one must take before graduating. He huffed in frustration. He was not on top of his game today. If he was late to this next class, too...He clenched his jaw.

Serenity was a while late to her first day of school as she arrived she Jumped out and ran to the main office with a nervous expression and attitude. "im sorry im late." she said with a British accent as she looked around and received her schedule. She headed down the hall looking for the Dance class room.

((sorry i didnt know how to start off my character))
Ray's free period was over so he then went to his next class math as he entered he took a seat next to the window and waited for the rest of the class to join him.

The teacher said that the student can do free sparring exercises with anyine since its the first day. Raven's smile widen and she looked around class for her first opponent
For the first time in years, Delphine was lost. Yes, really. She was lost, she didn't knew where she was in the school. Great... I lost myself... How I did that... she thought to herself and looked at her schedule. She then sniffed the air and ran to her class. One she got there she realised she was not late. She muttered something as she sat in the back of the class. History was the subject she hated the most.

Joshua was bored so he looked outside and sighed. So boring... he thought. He then did something really unexpected and just jumped out of his class through the window. He then started walking around.
Ray's class was over and he looked at his schedule, his next class was chemistry so he trudged on to class. As he walked past the window he thought he saw Joshua but thought it was his imagination. He entered chemistry and sat down waiting for the rest of class. Maybe Delphine would be in here but who knows right.

Raven found an opponent. She got into a fighting and waited for the t3acher's signal to start. Once the whistle was blown the match started. Raven dashed forward and tried to punch the person in the gut and kick him on the side.
Delphine sighed and went to her next class, that was indeed chemistery. She went to sit on the back of the class, as she always did.

Joshua was still outside walking, now listenning to heavy metal. He had a free period. Thanks god about this one, he thought.
The person blocked the punch but wasnt able to stop the kick on the side. He stumbled and tried to attack her. She side stepped an attack and then tripped him.
Ray saw the rest of class come in and he saw Delphine. The teacher came in and began explaining. Ray was listening to him and the teacher finished and said "Any questions? If not you may talk to your friends quietly." And he sat down at his desk and began to do some work. Ray was just sitting in the middle row alone while everyone else was talking and gossiping. Maybe someone will go talk with Ray or not.

Delphine was doing the work quietly, not caring about the people talking in the class. She looked up from her work and noticed Ray who was probably working too. She grinned and took out a paper from her note book. She wrote something on it and then she made a plane with the paper. She throwed it with an extreme precision and discretion to Ray.
Ray who was working was hit in the head by a paper airplane, he unfolded it and saw some writing on it and he began to read it.

Asia was shaking a little when she saw her new school. Well this will be new. She thought as she walked towards the school with her stuff.. She walked into the office and stood at the desk. "May I help you?" A woman with red hair asked her. "Yes. I am Asia Grace the exchange student." Asia told the woman. "Ahh yes. Here you go." She handed Asia her information. "Thank you." She said as she looked at her information. Okay so I am in that dorm. She thought. She walked to her dorm and set her stuff down in it.
There were only two words written on the paper. Behind you. Delphine was looking for a reaction or something. Even herself didn't really knew what she wanted at this point.
Just by reading those words Ray got a creepy vibe as he looked behind him he saw Delphine and sighed in relief and waved his hand.

Raven giggled as sthe person tripped. The person then tripped her she and quickly rolled out of the way when he tried to punch her. She got up and the person tried to punch her. She grabbed his and flipped him on his back and smirked. The teacher blew the whistle and she won the round.
Delphine smiled. "Hey" was all she said. She then went back to her work. What in the god's hell am I doing? she asked herself.
Asia quickly walked across the campus trying to get to her first class. She opened her schedule and saw that her first class was reading. Oh good. I love to read. She thought smiling. She got lost a few times on her way to the class. When she walked in everyone was staring. Oh my god. Dont freak out. Dont freak out. She thought looking a little panicked. "Who are you?" The teacher looked at her. "Asia grace. I am a foreign exchange student." She said with a hint of hysteria entering her voice. "Oh yes. Go take a seat." The teacher said. Asia nodded with a breath of releve and went to sit down.
Ray continued to go back to work as he also said a "hey" but wondered was would she go though all that trouble just to say hello and just instantly go back to work. Ray was having trouble concentrating because of this and maybe Delphine would notice so he tried his best not to look suspicious but was failing pretty badly.

Delphine was too busy thinking that what she just did was idiot that she didn't noticed at all. She facepalmed herself. "What an idiot am I..." she muttered. Her cheeks were a soft pink, what was somehow rare for her.
O-O ((okay))

Ray continued working and he dropped hid little thought process and sighed as he stretched.

A student that was talking to someone close to Delphine saw that she was blushing so she decided to walk over to her and asked "Hey Delphine Why are you Blushing? Do you see a really cute Boooooy?" She said loudly but nobody heard except Ray who was listening.


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