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And then came the moment where Susie finally checked her cell-phone to see the message. There was a message! From one of her friends!

One of the Cultists of the Coven sent a cute looking video. It was an adorable little video of an animal doing, something. Susie would've checked the previous messages, but she had something important to do. She had the mission. The simple task of eliminating a front to the Trafficking Organization, or it completely if it was a small organization. And free the poor people who were forced into the life by them. And the more fun part, engage in her sadistic blood-lust, possibly with a brief dance in the blood as per Elven Tradition.

Oh well, the building needed to be cased and crushed. No time to dawdle. And with that Susie opened the driver side door of the cleaning van, and picked up Ferdie and placed him on the passenger's seat. She reached over to open the glove-box to examine it for any contents, and of course a little glance to the back section.

"Right. Well this'll be fun!"
Lily looked at the Centaur, completely unamused. She wished she had some super awesome plan to take both the bus and Anya, but that one disappeared with the teachers. It was all her, and there were no more tricks. It was best to just get it all over with.

"Same here, mon ami," replied Lily curtly, "so let's get down to business."
"Right, then." the centaur snapped his fingers, and the lizardman popped open the trunk. He dragged out a young child, with her head concealed by a burlap bag with a cord tied around the neck. Black hair tumbled out from under the tie, and a cat's tail poked out from the bottom of her back. Her knees trembled as she walked forward. The dress from earlier had been taken, leaving her dressed in only an undershirt and a pair of panties with a fish printed on the back.

"Mon cher, your friend Lily's here for you."

"L-Lily? LILY?!" Anya's voice called, only to be interrupted by the centaur slapping the back of her head.

"Children should be seen and not heard, my sweet chatton." the centaur chastised, as if she'd stolen a cookie.

"And as for you, mon cher. Toss the keys and any papers on the ground."


The cleaning van's glovebox contained a pack of French cigarettes, and assorted papers of no value. The back contained a wide variety of cleaning tools and chemicals.
Lily took a good look at Anya, taking in the entire image. She seemed so frightened and pathetic, but perhaps not yet broken. Lily tossed the keys and the papers in front of the duo, as per their agreement.

"Alright, send her over. The dress, too. People are gonna stare."
"Ah, I am afraid we forgot that at home." the centaur said, as the sedan drove away. He took a step around the alraune, and the lizardman swiped up the keys, going inside the bus.

"A real shame we lost it. It must have been quite the pretty penny, no?" he asked, ascending the mahogany steps.

"Still, it was a real pleasure doing business with you. We ride in style, now. Au revoire, mon cher. Oh, Blu-ray players!" he called, as the doors shut behind him. The engine roared to life, and pulled out, entering the French traffic.

"....L-Lily? Are they gone? Can we take the bag off now? It's hard to breathe and I'm scared." Anya called, shivering in the snow.
Susie grumbled as she glanced through the glovebox. "Least they got some cigarettes... What no damn lighter!?" She huffed out. Whatever. She would obtain joy from the job of crashing the front, in a bloodbath. Of course they wouldn't leave any survivors as they'd need to do a proper job. Though, the sex slaves, they would be let out as survivors. So really no survivors who are related to the operations that weren't victims of the system.

She rolled down the driver side window as she beckoned to Natalya, "You'll probably get a kick from the back."
Lily watched the kidnappers drive off, disappointed that she couldn't save the bus as well. Of course she still wanted to kill these guys, but that would have to wait. They would be easy enough to track down later, driving that behemoth around, and she doubted any of them knew how to fly the thing so it would probably still be somewhere in Paris. Probably near the slummy apartments.

"Yeah, sweetheart. They're gone," Lily replied, taking the bag off of Anya's head. This was more important at the moment.
The burlap sack was tugged off of Anya's head. A thin layer of gauze was wrapped around her head, covering the space of her right eye. Attached to the catgirl's cheek was a stickynote, reading 'I said I wanted a souvenir', followed by a winking face.

Anya sniffed and looked up at Lily, her eye welling with tears.
Lily gritted her teeth, looking at the note attached to Anya's cheek. She wanted to get after those bastards right now, but she couldn't leave Anya alone again. Instead, she texted Susie once more, despite the fact that she wasn't answering.

I got Anya back. They took her eye too, and they got away with the bus. Even if you don't care about this, please find them. I'll pay you.

Lily took the note from Anya's cheek and looked down at her. Perhaps this was a thing that couldn't be undone. Time would tell.

Wordlessly, Lily removed her own skirt and handed it to Anya, exposing her own pink and white striped panties.

"It's cold. Wear this."
"T-thanks." Anya said, taking the article of clothing. Shivering, she placed the skirt over her head, wearing it like a shoulder wrap.

"Lily, can we please go home? I'm just really tired." she asked, staring into the alraune's eyes.
Susie tapped her foot on the ground of the vehicle as she again glanced at the back. Cleaning supplies will be useful, I imagine. I'm sure she'll find a way. It was then she noticed a familiar buzz. She checked her phone as she noticed two messages from Lily.

Glad it wasn't ambush. Good the two of you are safe. Was preparing for Cleaning anyhow. Pay not needed. If eye is found, I'll make sure to get it back. And bus. Want anything else there?

And with that Susie ended the message. She glanced at Ferdie as she placed her hands on the wheel, as she began in song.

"Alouette, gentille alouette./

Alouette, je te plumerai./

Je te plumerai la tête/

Je te plumerai la tête/"

Truly, it would be a bloodbath over there, full of horrible magics and depraved drugs.
Lily looked down into Anya's eye. She'd loved those eyes so dearly, and now one of them was gone. Lily recalled that Asuka could really pull off an eyepatch (as well as be the best character in the incomprehensible mess that was Evangelion), but she didn't want that for Anya.

She wanted both eyes and all the fingers and no psychological trauma and complete physical purity. That shouldn't be too much to ask for a 9-year-old.

But still, Lily saved her. Lily came for her. When there was no one else, there was Lily, who was willing to do anything. The Alraune began sniffling.

"We'll go home as soon as we can, alright? Until then, we have to stay in the smelly hotel room."

Lily heard her phone, and replied to Susie quickly.

Their heads.

Lily put her phone away and began crying as she took Anya's hand.

"Come on, sweetie. It's not too far."
Their heads. A simple enough request. Susie vowed to collect the heads of those who participated in the trafficking. At the least she needed to get the heads of those directly responsible for the kidnapping of little Anya. But of course, no need to leave a job half done! For the all suffering that they caused, and of course to appease a certain aesthetic, they would be eliminated. And any of those unfortunate souls who were there due to the system would be freed.

"It is going to be a slaughter." Susie grabbed the pack of cigarettes and plucked one out. "Gonna smoke it right now?" Ferdie inquired. Susie shook her head, "If I had a glass of wine, maybe. But I don't have the glass of wine, so I'll save it for later, after the fun." The puppet turned its head to the side. "Aahhh, the glass of wine to go with a smoke. Shame ya don't got it. AH well."
Trembling, hesitantly, Anya's fingers -sans pinky- wrapped around Lily's hand, and she reluctantly stepped forward, feet trudging through the wet snow and slush.

Though the pair attracted the attention of more than a few eyes, they arrived at the hotel uneventfully. Anya had remained silent the entire time, staring at the ground.
As they walked in silence, Lily thought of a few more things she needed and texted them to Susie. She seemed to be taking things seriously for now, but until Lily saw gore Susie was on probation.

Oh, they also took Anya's dress. I think it's special, so she needs it. And while you're out, maybe some electrolyte-enhanced water? That would be good for her. And bandages. Thank you.

The two arrived at the apartment, and Lily opened the room up.

"You can rest in my flower. These beds are filthy," said Lily.

The Alraune paused for a few moments as various things ran through her mind. Finding the words would have been difficult for her if she hadn't been thinking about this same situation for years, but she already knew what she would have wanted to hear if someone rescued her. She just hoped Anya wanted to hear the same.

"...Sorry it took so long. I love you, Anya."
"...Y-you too." Anya whispered, slowly climbing onto the flower. Lying sideways, she curled into the fetal position, bringing her knees to her chin, and blankly stared at Lily from where she lay, speaking not a word.
Lily watched as Anya adopted the fetal position and stared at her blankly. Lily slowly got out of her flower and turned away from Anya, grabbing a small bathroom cup from inside. She didn't need for the Neko to see her harming herself.

Lily bit her thumb open once again and pressed it up against her index finger, allowing the nectar to drip out into the cup. Shen enough was collected, she turned back to Anya, hiding her torn thumb behind her back and offering the cup with her other hand.

"Here, drink this," said Lily, "it's, y'know, magic. It'll make the pain go away and keep you from getting infected."

Her nectar could heal just about anything, which was good for Anya, but it still couldn't regrow body parts. Anya would be eyeless and pinkyless until Susie returned with her eye and some bandages to keep that finger on.
"For drugs? You know where could we sell them around here? Or do you mean...? Oh, you mean to throw it at them in case we find more 'cleansers', right?" - Natalya chuckled as she gently pat Susie's shoulder - "Oh girl, are you sure this is your first time? You know all the tricks!"


The interior of the van's back was filled with several cardboard boxes, each one full of all kinds of cleaning products and tools to aid in the removal of the hardest spots. To the untrained eye, this would look like a regular van of a regular home cleaning company; however, for the crazy drugmaster, this was clearly a portable chemical weapons laboratory of the highest caliber. Damn, those corporate fucks sure wanted her dead!

Cooking something up with an amateur driver at the wheel was going to prove difficult, but not impossible. Well, probably easier than that time she did it with a "professional" driver at the wheel. We all know how that went.

Natalya grabbed one of the gas masks that were hanging from the van's cold aluminum walls and put it on. Getting high with toxic fumes didn't sound like a good plan for this morning, specially now that she was trying to run for her life. However, since running out of oxygen on top of a bunch of acid chemicals would be just as bad as inhaling the wonderful aromas of pain, the teacher decided to partially open the back door and the side door, attaching one side of a string she found in one of the boxes (obviously for asphyxiating people in case the drugs plan didn't work well) to one of the van's side shelves for each one. The doors could open only a few centimeters, just enough for air to circulate properly, but that could change if enough force was applied to them. The strings didn't look very resistant, after all.


Rolling for production of paralysis drug (high priority), pepper spray (medium priority) and Mr. Bones (low priority)

Natalya started to pour several liquids into a bucket she found in a corner. "So, what's the plan, er... you haven't told me your name yet, did you?" - said the woman, the sound of her voice slightly muffled by the gas mask - "No, wait, don't tell me! We're fugitives now, we have to get proper nicknames. Forget about my name, call me Basic Sunny from now on."
"Yes! Absolutely, when we encounter more 'cleaners', after all they would appreciate such 'handiwork' in 'removing stains'." Susie said with an eager nod to Natalya. She smiled a bit when she pat her shoulder, though she did retract a bit. "Isn't my first boarding, surely won't be the last." She noted.

As Natalya got into the back, she checked her phone for any last messages. So a bit of a laundry list. Grocery shopping after finishing a bit of slaughter, always a tradition.

Kay. Cleaning. Please wait for future messages.

Right, that was that.

Susie began driving towards the front, in a hopefully, safe and cautious manner. She knew better than to disturb a craftsman during their work. That situation was never fun for them. She didn't like being disturbed in creating her zombies for the assault, and she had the misfortune of disturbing another craftsman before. It didn't end well. Santiago was a mess.

As she drove on, Natalya asked her about the plan. Susie glanced back, "Well. Er this may sound a little strange uh, but these guys took the Super-bus. So we need to get that, along with an eye, and a few heads as trophies, possibly symbols to the organization that we aren't to be fucked with, also cause uh, well honestly more trophies. As for the plan, uh, I was mostly thinking just killing them all with no survivors, except like the sex-slaves, long as they don't see our faces and stuff. Gotta make sure to knock out the cameras and stuff. If it's the main-front that's it. But if we uncover a larger base, we need to get rid of it as well."

She paused for a moment, "If we could spare time for getting more supplies that might be useful. But uh really, other than recovering lost goods, just infiltrate and exterminate. Course we know the business. You more so cause of time in it." Susie paused for a moment as she snapped her fingers together. She knew what she wanted her code-name to be. "As for the name, call me Albatross. And, roger that Basic Sunny."
Anya nodded, and sat up for a moment. Taking the cup in her hand, she sipped at the cup before coughing, almost gagging on the thick, viscous fluid. Stifling her gag reflex, she forced herself to down the rest of the nectar, then reached out a shaky hand to give the cup back to Lily.


The cleaning chemicals was made up of quite a few irritants, and made a great makeshift pepperspray, while still having more leftover to make Mr. Bones
Lily took the cup from Anya when she finished, and continued looking at the girl. With just one eye, Lily couldn't tell how much she was damaged. The Alraune had to look into both eyes, and if the sweetness and innocence contained therein still made her ill, then they would be good.

God, she hoped they would be good.

"Do you, uh, need anything, Anya? Like some water? Food? If it's something I can get without having to leave you, I'll do it. Think I might have some leftover pie stowed in here. Along with travel water."
Natalya licked her upper lip with the tip of her tongue almost unconsciously as she produced several hums to let Susie know that she was listening. "Hmm... yeah, pretty standard stuff" - said the teacher with total indifference - "Although I have quite a few questions as to why should we do half of that stuff, but I know better than asking."

The master chemist poured some last squirts of the first bottle she grabbed before the content in the bucket turned a glowing dark purple; the way this magical drug illuminated the room was unsettling, almost spooky. And that was how she knew it had been properly cooked.

"Oh yeah, we could use some, er... heavy cleansing equipment. I know a man that could get us some pretty neat stuff here in no time, but I will need to use your phone", said the petite Russian, rather excited about how that sounded. However, as soon as she heard Susie dropping that she might know a thing or two about what she might have or have not done in the past to know about running, her smile disappeared.

"Who told you that, Albatross?". The woman didn't seem angry, but she certainly had a cold murderous stare. A stare that was piercing Susie's nape, whose only protection was a thin glass that separated the cargo compartment from the driver's cabin. Natalya's inexpressive masked face was dangerously hovering just a few centimeters from the window, which in combination with her wide-open, insane eyes, made the scene look like straight out of a Japanese horror movie. "I can trust you, right, Albatross? You wouldn't want to make your teacher angry at you, right?"
Susie continued driving towards the front, as the chemist continued crafting her goods. When the point came of getting heavy cleansing equipment she held out her phone. "I'll park in a lot or alley near the site, so you can conduct the call. Feel free to use it Basic Sunny." Susie said as she waved her phone a bit, "Can't run low on the cargo when conducting business. It's good to know others in the line of duty. I can see if I can make a call or two to see if I can, get a bit of help. Though we should be fine, I'm gonna guess it isn't going to be the biggest operation." She quickly returned her attention back to the road, navigating through traffic as she drove closer to the operation point.

Though of course, she needed to get to a nearby lot. So Susie made sure to keep a good eye out, so she could wiggle between the traffic to hit some good alley or grocery/gas station, or some sort of place to stop at. Susie continued driving, making sure to maneuver through the traffic, and keep a safe speed.

Her ears flickered as Natalya inquired upon someone telling her. "What uh, the Super Bus missing? Let's just call them Honeypot." She glanced back through the window as she saw the gasmask face staring back. Right against the glass. Literally the face was right next to it. Susie twitched a bit as she turned back to glance at the road. "Er-ah, oh uhm. I g-guess you are talking about that uhm, b-business comment? I was just presuming. Cause like, uhm. Because you seem old and you looked quite natural doing what you were doing, with injecting the guy and knowing not to show faces, and, and..." She blinked as she realized what she said.

"I don't mean old as in like appearance wise! But uh, you are a teacher, so you need to be old! Er, definitely not commenting too much on appearance looking old. Because you look youthful! Like, no crows eyes or anything! Quite nice actually. Aaaherm! Oh jeez! Ohjeez. Ohjeez." Susie's face flustered completely and utterly. "ER, forgotthecommentsIsaidaboutyoulookingnice. I mean, er don't, if you'll take that as an insult. But!" She quickly shook her head, "Right. UH we can trust each other. I trust you Basic Sunny, and I want you to feel that you can trust me. So to make quick amends, uh, I'll share something about my background, if you want? Right, so I've done a few jobs like this before. Well not exactly like this, but I have done activities in this line of work. So, okay, I've said that small little bit. Do you feel you can trust me now? Do I need to do erm, anything else. I don't uh, want to start off on the wrong foot or anything- A-anyway, how long would it take to get the stuff?"

And so Susie continued to drive towards the front, looking for a good place to stop off and see about getting those other goods.


Achim rubbed his head as he glanced around idly. "Anyone know what time it i-" A thought suddenly dawned upon him! He cursed himself, not literally of course for he had far too many literal curses, for not realizing this sooner! Focusing his glance to Richter he spoke up.

"What time is it? Aaaand do you have a phone on you? I need to check up with my sitter for Junkyard. Need to make sure she's doing alright, and making sure to feed her the proper dog food. And course need to confirm whether or not he took her to a trip to the local dog park."
The shadowrunning duo soon arrived at the cleaners' building. On the surface, it appeared to be a normal building. The logo was printed on the front of the building; though small in width, it was two floors high, with glass front doors. It attached to a parking lot with several identical vans inside.


"....I just want to go home where it's safe." Anya said, pulling her skirt-scarf around her shoulders.

"Can you take me there after we go back?"
"You know, I had no idea where the hell I was. I had no idea what the hell this place was, because I can't understand a word of French. Hell, it took me years to learn English and tone down my thickass Kyoto accent. And I REALLY regret coming in here because I feel like a fucking gigolo."

A number of women around the Justice Skeleton's toned outfit began giggling, not understanding a lick of English. Just knowing that this guy looked like an Olympic athlete.

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