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B20 clinged to King Nums' shaggy fur like it was a life raft. B20's arms didn't move quite like they should have, but B20 couldn't possibly explain it. It was like they were not attached properly! Finding the strength to grip into The King's side was difficult, but B20 put all the effort it could into it. Tufts of stray hair dropped from The King's sides as B20 shifted in its attempts to find a comfortable position.
A familiar white van pulled around, and parked in front of Susie and Natalya. A human man in a blue jumpsuit stepped out, and greeted them.

<Hello, I am Rupert from the cleaning services. Are you the one who called us in?> he asked them.
After removing her tooth brush and paste from the zip-lock bag she had kept them in for the field trip, Lily bit down on her thumb. Her incredible jaw strength easily ripped the outer layer of her green skin off, and she let the nectar underneath drip into the bag. When enough had collected, she placed Anya's detached finger inside of it. This would preserve the digit until they could re-attach it.

Placing the box and its contents into her flower and shoving the kidnapper's cellphone into her skirt, she looked down at her own phone uneasily. On one hand, she really didn't want to talk to Susie right now. On the other, Lily felt bad for not keeping her updated. Even if she was too busy with hookers to look for Anya, Lily wanted to believe that she cared for the girl at least a little. Sighing, Lily began typing on her cellphone. She didn't want to talk, but this was at least important enough to text.

They cut off Anya's finger and sent it to me, in case you were still interested in what's happening to her. I've arranged to give them the bus if they'll return her with no more harm, and I'm waiting for a teacher to help me sign it over. It's done.
Achim spoke up. "Soooo, anyone know the way out?" The biker rolled his shoulders around, "I mean this is a fancy place. But, I imagine not everyone here enjoys the atmosphere like me." Achim glanced around, staring at the speaker machine, the fog-machine and the countless mounds of debris. With a smile on his grin he spoke up.

"Oh these tunnels full of waste/

Though you are full of romantic charm/

I'm afraid I must leave you in haste/

Though in my thoughts you'll not be debased./

But fortunately the Rat's Tyranny is gone./

You shall no longer be in any harm./

But whenever I am at a Porto-john./

The memories we shared will always re-spawn./"
"Cleaners?" - asked Natalya, confused - "CLEANERS!? Oh my... are they already here!?".

The teacher frantically looked around, watching out for possible hidden troops with her termograph. Nothing suspicious on sight, but at least it made her notice some signals coming from Susie's hands. That was when Natalya realized the elf had a smartphone with her all this time.

The paranoid Russian quickly snapped the device out of her. "Don't worry, it will only be a few seconds", said Natalya as she frantically typed a phone number on the screen. <"Yeah? Hey, hello darling! Long time we don't talk. Yeah, I've been doing fine, but... listen, I need two pairs of standard fishing equipment* deployed RIGHT HERE, RIGHT NOW.">


<"What do you mean you don't have standard fishing equipment!?"> - screamed the teacher angrily at the phone - <"Then get me whatever, I am fresh fish bait here! [...] Rue de Merde 5817. Yeah, I am in Paris, it's a long story. Be quick!">

The teacher smiled nervously at her student. "I just called a... friend from Paris, yeah. He will be here in some minutes with, uh... I am sorry to ask you this, but do you know how to handle a gun?".

* Usually composed by a sneaking suit, an automatic gun and a hookshot.
"Yeah cleaners, it's gonn-" Susie just stared at the teacher as she took her phone, especially when she coulda got a message. She just blinked at her teacher, "O-okay." She quickly spoke up. Susie glanced at her puppet for a moment, before returning her focus on Natalya who was screaming on her phone.

As her teacher inquired of her ability to use a gun, she gave a simple nod. "Depends on the type. Friends are useful here. I expect this will go well, hopefully a little messy, so they get it. But hopefully not overly so."
King Nums nodded. "Yes, you plebeian, of course I know the way out of here! Why there's a manhole just over..." He struggled to think. Though he had the mind of a man, he still had the brain of a dog, complete with poor short-term memory. "There?" He indicated with a front paw towards what seemed to be a light source nearby. "That way! I think." He made sure to leave it open as to whether or not he could be blamed if they got lost.
"There's a manhole over here!" Richter called, ascending a ladder. As he climbed, he spoke.

"Natalya could be anywhere in the city by now. We have to find her before she does anything that could be traced back to the school. You know the bus is listed as collateral if we cause too much property damage? Because it is."

Richter's hand pushed a sewer lid up a crack, and peered at this new area: the grimy, slummy red light district. Neon lights surrounded him, advertising all sorts of immodest things.

"Wanna check the strip club?" he called down.


A few minutes after Natalya made the call, a man on a motorcycle skidded around, stopping very briefly in front of Natalya. Nodding briefly, he placed an attache case on the ground, and sped off. Inside was a Tec-9, several magazines, and a pair of spandex catsuits.
Achim followed King Nums as he pointed out the way. However, he was a dog and had to make sure he knew he wasn't pack alpha. So he quickly sped up to get in front of the dog, taking the opportunity when the dog paused. Achim glanced at the dog, "So how lo-" And that is when the vampire found a manhole. He glanced to King Nums, "You can't climb that with the paws. Right I'm carrying you up then." Achim quickly went over to King Nums to grab the dog and lift it up. "Gotta get you out of here. Just, hold still."

He peered up to Richter as he spoke of the collateral damage. "Yeah we aren't gonna risk the bus. I don't have my bike to drive the faculty and students back. We just need to find her before then." And then Richter brought up another matter.

"You know it!" Achim yelled back to him. "AFTER we find her of course."
Natalya opened the suit and looked at its contents with great disappointment. "This is... gah, this is shameful!" - yelled Natalya while inspecting one of the catsuits - "Well, still more discreet than a nightgown and a detective costume, I guess. This is Paris after all."

The teacher handed one the catsuits to Susie. "Dress up. I will handle the fucking single gun here. Quickly!"
Susie glanced at the passing vehicle before glancing to Natalya. "A-ah er, d-do we have to use the spandex?" She said as she lifted up the latex catsuit that Natalya tossed over to her. Her face flushed a bit, "Well I er did say being er r-... A-alright! Just, please don't tell anyone about this. And when they er, get here, let's just ah, cut to it. I mean, c-could but with the spysuits and everything."

Looking for some-place slightly more discrete, she changed into the catsuit. Which, upon changing a distinctive cat-whistle was given by her horrid puppet along with a small chuckle. After the change she readied herself for the situation that was to come.
"I don't mean later, though." Richter called down.

"I mean, she's probably in there. She didn't bring money with her, right? This would be good if she needed cash. Or maybe she's enjoying the show or something."
Achim quickly grabbed King Nums and lifted him up. "Stay still." He glanced up to Richter and shouted, "Do you have to assume that to be the case? I mean it probably is. Hell yeah, let's go." And so he hoped the dog would stay still long enough he could get the dog out and through the manhole. Achim began slowly climbing up in a very careful fashion.
"Oh, don't worry darling, I understand. I would never tell anyone about these things!", said the teacher with a wide smile. A feeling of nostalgia invaded her heart; while she actually decided to work as a teacher to get far away from these things, she had actually missed the thrill of shadowrunning. Now she could have the best of both worlds, or probably none from neither, depending on how you look at it.


The first thing Natalya noticed was that Susie's catsuit didn't quite fit her. Well, it did, except for one part, which made Natalya blush. "Dammit libido, not now! Yes, they are good, but she is my student! [...] Huh? Well yeah, but it was him who started it by asking me about electron configuration! I thought you of all things would know about innuendos!"

But her lewd thoughts got interrupted by a man going out of a van. Natalya knew what a van meant in this context, but when he said they were the cleaners she got the confirmation she needed.


The teacher grabbed the man by the throat with her cybernetic arm, and with a quick leg movement, threw him to the ground. When she assured the guy was at her mercy, she pointed the TEC-9 to his head. "WHO'RE YA WORKING FO', BITCH NIGGUH!? I'LL BLOW YOUR FUCKING BRAINS OUT IF YOU DON'T ANSWER IN LESS THAN TEN SECONDS, MOTHERFUCKER! ONE..."
Rupert immediately let out a series of French screams as he was thrown on the ground by a foreigner.

Susie slowly walked up to the van as she spoke in a fairly soft voice. Following shortly behind was the unholy puppet. <You will answer. PROPERLY.> Susie howled out as she walked closer to him. <The organization. Now. Where does it operate? Where do they bring the things?> She held out her hand as it began glowing a light red, as the smell of sulfur began gathering around it. <I want you to answer, but maybe I need to give you a little extra incentive first.>

As she approached Rupert, she held out her glowing hand as she slammed it against his chest. The smell of sulfur continued as the hand would generate a rather nasty heat.


She heard a distinctive burning sound, as she placed her palm against the man's chest. <Speak. Now, or I move the hand down lower, and turn up the heat. Files and the like would be nice. But ANSWER THE QUESTION.>
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Rupert screamed in pain as the air began to reek of burning meat.

The woman punched the man in the nose with her cybernetic arm, now that she already managed to get her knee over his shoulder. <"WRONG ANSWER, YOU SONUVABITCH. You have listened to her, now reply or I fucking swear the asphalt is going to kiss your wetware, furlicker!">
King Nums perked up at the mention of a strip club. "A... Gentleman's Club? Yes, I do believe a visit would do my royal self good." He was thanking god that he found companions of such low morals. "Perhaps I could purchase a 'private room' for our enjoyment! After all, I do carry a Visa Black Card..." Royalty was, after all, not without it's perks.
Achim simply wondered for a moment as he finished up ascending the manhole, whether or not the clubs had a no pets allowed policy. "Yes the Gentleman's Club is always a nice spot." He placed King Nums down on the ground near the manhole. The bare biker quickly stood up and stretched out his arms. "Alright, let's go check'em out then."


<I'm sure you wouldn't like to have that happen would you?> Susie said in a soft and mockingly caring voice. <Do you really want to do that to yourself? Come now and confess your sins. If you aren't pure enough for confessing now.> She wiggled her right hand around in front of the man. <I can assure you I still have plenty of cleansing fire left.>
It wasn't every day or every place one saw a vampire, biker, corgi, mannequin, and superhero walk into a strip club, most of whom were at least partially disrobed and all of whom smelled of sewage. But this was Tuesday and also in Paris.

They'd fit right in.

Loud, repetitive music echoed from one corner as the B-team earned its wage on the pole. The bartender stood half asleep as a few losers chugged swill and listlessly stared at the dancers.

Achim took a good hard look at the B-team, as he entered the club. Watching their motions he began judging them on their performance. The bare biker paused as he took in a deep breath. He observed the area as he listened to the music. It was, not what he would want. But it was certainly better than the electronic music down below.

Swaggering up to the bar he glanced at the half-asleep tender. He tapped his hand on the table, "Whatcha got in the way of booze? Aaand can't ya get the damn DJ to play some other music?"


Susie's ears twitched as the man shouted. <Bzzzz.> She said in the fashion of the game buzzer. <Ooooh so sorry that was not the sin that was wanted! Good try though, hopefully he was a nice strong man? Poor wife. Though you didn't answer correctly don't worry, you still won! But what you won was a trip to the BONUS ROUND!> Susie eagerly declared as she glanced at Natalya, <And what does our lovely contest get for the Bonus Round Challenge?> She returned her attention to Rupert as she eagerly smiled.
<"You did what?">. The teacher stared at Susie with the eyes of a mentally unstable lady. "Oh well, he saw our faces, so we have to deal with him. Do you prefer I blow his brains out, choke him to death, burn him with chemicals, or...?". Natalya stopped. She suddenly remembered she had some drugs that could come in handy for this situation.

"Watch this, it's pretty funny! The police is going to think he is completely nuts!", happily muttered Natalya as one of her hand's nanosyringes pierced his neck and injected the man with powerful hallucinogens.

"Well obviously." She tilted her head to the left as she pondered on the subject. Lightly tapping her cheek with her index finger she glanced back at the man. "Don't wanna blow out the brains, could still have info. Ooooh choking is a fun one. Chemical burning goes with the current the-" She glanced back at her teacher as she glanced at her injecting the man.

"Oh? That's useful! How nuts are they going to think he is? Gonna be a lot of pain right? Oooooh I hope he is gonna be in so much pain from it!" Susie declared eagerly."Though wish he talked about more info."
<Wha- there you are!> the barman called to Achim, waking up.

<Ladies night is gonna start any minute; put on a costume and tag out with the girls.> he pointed to the stage.


Rupert immediately began to babble and spit, then scream as he looked everywhere. His body began flailing as he screamed about something crawling all over his body, not stopping.

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