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Lily wasn't shaken so much by the Frenchman's taunts, but when Anya called out for her, Lily's heart sank. It should have been easier to detach herself from this, but somehow, Anya had already wormed her way into Lily's heart. Like an adorable, raven-haired heartworm.

"You wouldn't be calling me if you didn't want to make a deal," Lily stated firmly, "and I've got some things I want to do with her myself. Keep the goods nice and shiny, and you'll have a good price. If not, I guess I'll find another. She's pretty, though, so the ideal is that we can work something out without any more damage."
"I'll be direct: Here's my deal for you, mon cher. I want capital, and I'd rather have a lot now than a little later. And I mean a little; this one appeals to a very niche audience. She's flat as a board. I checked. Anyways, I can tell from her and your style of dress that you're rich American girls out for a fling. Don't deny it; I know your type, and I know how the news gets so excited over young white girls in danger. So, I'll make it simple: I want one million Euros, tonight. If I don't get it, I'm processing this girl and selling her. Does this seem like a fair deal, Lily?"
Lily paused for a second before replying. This man was sorely, sorely mistaken, but Lily wasn't sure what she could do.

"Actually, we're on a field trip from the crappiest school in America and that dress is the only nice thing the Neko owns. If we were rich little American girls, why would we be sleeping in the motel de suck? No, we're from a cheap-ass school that can't afford mediocre rooms for like 30 kids," Lily concluded. She paused for a second to let that sink in before continuing.

"She is pretty niche, though, huh? People who are rich enough to afford what you're asking, even if they were the most dedicated of pedophiles, would just keep it in their pants because they'd be too afraid of the media storm if anyone found out. Your target is the upper middle class, and their house costs less than what you're asking. I may as well just get a new one for free. I'll tell you what, though; I can get you something that is of similar worth, and it won't cost you or I shit. How does a flying fucking bus sound? The school spent literally all of its government money tricking this bitch out, and I can get it to you legally so the cops can't hound you. Use it for a flying sex circus or sell it for mad dosh. I don't care. But it's nice like you wouldn't believe, and I guarantee there's a bigger market for it than for a Neko loli."
"Hmmm... I dunno, we go through young girls often enough. It'd have to be one hell of a bus to be worth a cool million." the voice called. Several other muffled ones talked in the distance for several minutes.

"Lily, are you still there? Does it have DVD players?"
Lily began to smile slightly. For once today, something seemed to be going her way. She still wasn't at all pleased with the circumstances, but it felt like maybe they could work something out.

"Yeah, it's got DVD players," Lily replied, "and, like, maybe you thought I was exaggerating when I said it flew? But I mean this literally. I don't know if it's magic or what, but it flies in addition to normal bus shit. Also I think it also does Blu-ray in addition to DVD, and I'm pretty sure it's armored."
The voices murmured in the background for several more minutes.

"Okay, we'll take a look at this bus. Park it next to the Arc in six hours. Don't bring the police. If we smell anything fishy, we'll shoot the girl before they shoot us. Au revoire." The line disconnected with a click.
After the kidnapper hung up, Lily headed back to the motel. She would need a teacher for this one, because she promised that they'd have the bus legally. A teacher was probably needed to sign the thing over, and they were probably up by now.

When she got Anya back, she would take the girl for some breakfast like she promised. As long as they didn't do too much to her, Lily would be able to fix it. Lily needed to fix it. Friendship may have been trouble, but in Anya's case, well, she didn't mean to get kidnapped. She'd get another chance.
<Pierre's Superior Cleaning, how can we help you? Wine stains, snail slime, we clean it all.> a voice answered over Susie's cellular phone.
<Yes, hello. Could I ask who I am speaking to, beyond the company name of course. And clean all stains you say?> Susie replied to her cell as she glanced back at Ferdie for a moment.
<Well Jaques, there is a stain I would like solved. It's a rather nasty one.> Susie glanced at the crowbar for a moment, <How fast could you get a cleaning van over?>
<I would need one over as quickly as possible. I'm sure you know how parties can get.> Susie said with a chuckle, <Ah, are you familiar with 5817 Merde Street? Need any directions on how to get there? Still in the 30 minute time-frame?>
<Mmmkay. The stain is at that apartment complex. See you there.> Susie responded as she gave a knowing glance to Ferdie. "I have a particular feeling about what will happen." Susie simply headed back towards the address.
King Nums was appalled by the commoner's suggestion. "FEED the peasants? Feh! Let them eat cake!" He stamped his tiny feet for effect. "And shots? A king needs no shots!" Still, he waddled quickly behind his new serfs. They would serve him well.
B20 flailed impotently in Achim's grasp. With no natural weapons of any kind, B20 could do little but pinch the skin on Achim's hand with its wrist-joints, a fairly fruitless endeavor, considering the man's hideously sturdy calluses. After frantic slapping and pinching failed to achieve the desired results, B20 opted for a new method: frantic pushing downwards in an effort to squeeze itself out of Achim's clutches. With all the strength a wood-shop manikin can muster, B20 pushed its arms against Achim.

This, too, had no positive effect. B20's rusted metal joints creaked with a sound only ever heard by the terminally-unlucky on top of an old scaffolding. Obviously, three months in filthy vents without any maintenance had done little to keep B20 in tip-top shape.
Right. The dog didn't care for veterinarians. One of those dogs. Achim would easily be able to deal with that situation. "But you wish to live long don'tcha? You'll get to live longer with the shots. And more to the point, they'll treat you like nobility when you are in the office. Don't you want to have the adoration of more people?" Achim knew they loved the dogs, giving them all sorts of attention. Hn, don't think I should take this particular dog to my preferred vet. What? No, that's stupid Achim. A dog is a dog, and deserves good treatment. Least I can do for the stray. Poor fella.

"So, stray before this?"Achim inquired as he glanced at B20, struggling in his grasp. "Hold on, let me getya a ride." He walked up towards King Nums and dropped B20 above him.
Lily, having made it back to the motel, waited next to Superbus. She assumed she would see a teacher around soon, because they were supposed to be gathering a little later. 10:00 AM, she believed.

As a matter of fact, Lily had been so alarmed and frightened today that she didn't even know the time. The Alraune opened up her phone and checked. She hoped they would be here soon.
The King thought carefully before responding to the peasant's questions, the weight of the horrible not-man atop him making it harder to do so. "Nay, before this I was nobility! King of all Frabce, Louis the Nineteenth!" This sounded like a good answer. "And as for your offer of shots... Long live the king, I suppose..." He just hoped the peasant didn't have a mind to give him the ol' bait-and-scissor.
Note to self. Get a psychological analysis on the pup. And if not going to a home for purposes of breeding- Achim glanced back at the Napoleon Ward Doggie. At least it realized the importance of going to the vet. Good. "Well right Louis, when we get back I'll make sure to take you to the vet. Won't be a painful process, just a few shots to keep your health up."

"Tout plan du tout?" The unholy puppet inquired. Susie chuckled, "Je vais faire le seul plan que je peux faire. La fourgonnette a été incendiée. Je ne ai pas resté longtemps avec les dames. Évidemment, je dois faire la seule chose que je peux bien faire. Vous savez exactement ce que nous allons faire. Si les choses tournent mal, au moins nous allons descendre en flammes." Ferdie simply raised a single hand in approval, as Susie snickered.

"Ha. Qu'est-ce que je pensais? Je ai juste besoin de revenir dans mon véritable élément."
She finished with a twisted grin. "Oh Je probablement ne vais pas obtenir quelque chose de cela. Les destins ne ont pas permis moi pour réussir. Je vais profiter de l'instant. Ce sera quelque chose pour aider à me détendre."

It would be a simple, and crude solution. Exactly what she needed to get back on track. A bit of returning to those roots. The Elves, were never truly a tamed people. It was time to get back to the rules of nature, and when the time was right to unleash part of the true Elven aesthetic. Acting restrained, brought nothing. And it would continue to bring nothing, but miserable failures. Worst case scenarios, probably prison time, or nothing. A necessary risk, and something that had already happened.
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Dust. Lots of dust. Clearly the ventilation conducts weren't the most glamorous part of the subway, but at least they were above the sewers, since they didn't stink and there weren't (as many) rats. However, after much crawling and collecting an amount of dust over her skin big enough to look several tones darker, she finally found a proper exhaust to escape to the surface.

Climbing proved a bit difficult, since the last time she did something like this was several years ago, but the basics of the technique are never forgotten, like knowing how to ride a bicycle. After setting her ring finger into drill mode, Natalya broke the exhaust's filter grid and jumped out of there, which led her to a painful two and a half meters fall. Nothing serious, fortunately, but the little dignity she had left definitely disappeared the moment she started rubbing the unfortunate knee that absorbed most of the impact as she barely contained her screams. At least she was lucky to have some seriously trained iron (figuratively) knees.

After making a fool of herself for several minutes, she awkwardly got up and shook off the dust out of her skin. Natalya looked around, just to realize this place looked suspiciously familiar. Yes, the architecture looked oddly familiar to the slums the cheap motel the school slept in was located on. Dammit, so much ventilation conduct crawling for nothing!

There was some weird burnt plastic aroma in the ambient, but she wasn't able to pinpoint exactly where did it come from. That, and an elf dressed as one of those detectives from movies of roughly two hundred years ago with a hideous puppet dressed just like her. The teacher was fairly sure she had seen that girl somewhere else, more specifically in the school bus. Oh yeah, those breasts can't be forgotten so easily.
<When are they gonna get here?> Ferdie whined. <It shouldn't be long. We just, need to be patient.> Susie muttered out as she glanced around. There were no signs of the cleaners just yet. <...It'll be a simple enough operation.> She glanced around the area before she let out a sigh. It was there she noticed Natalya.

As soon as Susie spotted her
she quickly turned back to her puppet and spoke frantically. <Is that the teacher?! Oh jeez, we are going to, how are we going to explain this?!> The ventriloquist head turned sideways. <Hell if I know on either account. Let's just, look they'll be here soon. Then we'll unleash the firepower.>
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Natalya approached the elf. There were many questions to be asked, like where were the rest, if she had a phone with her, if she had seen some corporate bitches running around with scary looking weapons or why was she dressed like that.

"Oh, hey! Are you from Orange School?" - said Natalya as she cheerfully waved at the elf, putting all her willpower into avoiding looking at her student's gorgeous body - "I'm Natalya, your chemistry teacher! I think we haven't meet be... oh wait, screw that, there is no time for this stuff. Have you seen the other students? We have to get out of here before hell is unleashed upon Paris."
Susie leaned her head back as she glanced at Natalya. She gave a small wave to her, and glancing back down. "E-er ye- There is no time for it. Listen, this is gonna sound crazy but uh, students, danger. I er, just really need to wait for this van that is coming up."

Susie glanced back at Natalya.
"Er, gonna be erm, messy, cause, cleaners need to show. Aha yeah." With a nervous chuckle she began to rub the back of her head, with her phone still in place. Upon realizing she still had her phone, she moved her hand back to her side.

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