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King Nums approached the bar, not far behind the disturbing nude biker peasant. "You there, Bar servant! I am royalty in this great nation, and I demand you provide me with a martini!" The foolish dog was not aware of the fact that he himself was not speaking French, and would likely be completely misunderstood by the bartender. "And bring me a pretty umbrella in it!"
Achim, had absolutely no idea what the barman was saying. But he appeared to be eagerly addressing him, in some language Achim did not speak, not even in pieces of it. Maybe he was still sleepy and couldn't get the words right to address him properly? He glanced back at the stage and gave a simple shrug. Perhaps he needed to talk to the man backstage in order to get the music changed? Stranger things have happened.

And so Achim swaggered to the backstage.
The barman stared at Nums, and the puppet he carried.

<I heard we were getting something exotic, but...> he looked around. There was a vampire with his shirt unbuttoned, and another wearing full tights. It was like a fruity cacophony if he'd ever seen one.

<Man, management is hiring more than one tonight? Must be expecting a big turnout. Come along, you lot.> he led the group backstage. It was a mostly bare area, with several dressing mirrors, and various racks of costumes.

"We've infiltrated the club, and thankfully on ladies' night. Now all we have to do is wait for Natalya's manlust to get the better of her and she's ours." Richter said, stripping down to put on a pair of assless chaps, boots, and a ten gallon hat, plus a pair of bandoliers.

"Everyone assume a disguise. I will be Antonio Darkstorme: Vampire Cowboy.'
Achim glanced around as he noticed, costumes? This was not the manager's spot where he could ask about the music changing! He glanced at Richter as he spoke up. Achim slammed his left hand against his face, as he slowly brought it down. "Great, so we're gonna be gigolos." He shrugged as he glanced at the costumes. "Well guess it's a prison experience that never dies."

Grabbing a simple orange G-string and placing it on, Achim was ready. "Done."
It was then that the King realized what he was expected to do: He was to perform for the ladies in the audience, make them see what a glorious star he was! "SERVANTS! FETCH ME A KINGLY CROWN AND ROBE! TONIGHT I SHALL BE THE BELLE OF THIS BALL!" He blushed beneath his fur when he realized he had said that list bit out loud. "I mean... The star attraction, or... You know!"
"...I don't think that is a good idea." Achim glanced towards the dog. "However, it is better than letting a stray run around." Grumbling out he gave a shrug, "Eh whatever. Sure." And so he reached through the costumes as he pulled out a flamboyant pimp cape, and a cheap plastic crown. He walked up to King Num as he began the process of securing these things on the dog.
"Nonsense, this is a great idea." Richter said, strutting through the curtains.

"Remember to tip generously, ladies!" he called, walking up to the pole. Immediately he twirled himself on the pole like a professional, gyrating his hips with supernatural grace. But it was not mere gyrations that would win Richter this dance: Richter knew for a fact there was always some Hollywood asshat who'd convince women that a vampire was good dating material. This was in the bag, he knew it deep in his loins as he did an upside down split suspended on the strip pole.


The Nokia inside Lily's skirt began to buzz and ring again.
There was an unfamiliar buzz inside Lily's skirt, as opposed to a familiar buzz, and Lily recognized it as the phone she had placed there earlier. Once again, Lily waited a second before picking up.

"Yeah?" she answered.
King Nums decided that, after THAT shameless display, it was his time to show the gals his stuff. "Step aside, knave, for you are about to witness true beauty!" And with his best seductive (read: silly doggie) face, he high-stepped his way onto the stage. "Behold my magnificent charms!" And he splayed himself out on his back, showing his luxurious tummy fluff for all who cared to look. "I am your King, bow for me!" he waved his stubby little legs in the air. "BOW!"

Achim grumbled out as he rolled his neck around. He glanced at Richter as he spoke up, "No this isn't a great idea." He swaggered on out as he followed Richter onto the stage. He pushed the curtains back uninterested, as suddenly, something sparked his interest. It was a motorcycle.

Achim grinned at the motorcycle as he quickly got on it. Unfortunately it was built into some weird contraption, taking the role of a electronic bull. But it still had the majority of the parts correct. Achim slowly and sensually got onto the bike as he activated the contraption. While on it he swayed off and on to the left. But the majority of it was rubbing on the motorcycle handles and leaning forward.



Susie eagerly began laughing at the twitching and horribly scared man. "Ooooh that's a good one." With a beaming smile she glanced at Natalya, "Right, time to take the van."
B20 stared in confusion as one of the things accompanying it walked out to an outcropping amidst a sea of howling, chanting things and... what did it do? Its muscles spasmed erratically, it seemed to fly at times, it twirled and rose and twitched like a cockroach in the poisoned frenzy of its death throes. B20 couldn't look away from this eldritch sight, and grew mesmerized. It had to replicate this cyclopean dance of the dead, lest it be struck dead by the gnawing curiosity of the act. Soon, it would take its turn, but for now it would deign to allow the others to perform their renditions. Judging by the looks on these thing's faces, they were all-too-eager to perform in this awesome spectacle.
The numerous women who had begun to gather around ignored the seductive vampire and the rugged biker, and began to swoon around the corgi, eagerly petting his fluffy belly and stuffing bills into his cape.

Several of them gave moans of pleasure just from rubbing their hands across his tummy, and a few even requested private dances.

Richter looked over from his pole, confused.

"....What the Hell."
Lily frowned. She had had the perfect plan, but the irresponsible teachers here just wouldn't fucking show up. Probably at a strip joint, or something. Was anybody she knew actually capable of not screwing everything up? Once again, Lily felt justified in believing that she was the smartest and most sane in the entire school.

"Haha, look, I said that the school really sucked, right? Well the teachers are the worst. They were supposed to be here and I was gonna threaten them with a lawsuit which the school can't afford and you'd have gotten the bus. Clean and legal. You can't give me the few hours? The fuck happened between then and now?"
As B20 sheepishly stepped out onto the stage, it was very nearly caught by the veritable stampede of frothing, raving things that were now assaulting the smaller, hairier thing it had just recently been riding on. B20's mesmerized journey to the stripper-pole was stopped abruptly by a careless thing's leg. Struck by a calf twice as thick as B20 itself, B20 was sent spiraling off the stage and onto the carpet below.

With a soft thud, B20 landed safely... on its outstretched hand. With an altogether-unpleasant snap, B20's left arm broke in half. All that was below the elbow joint was left behind as B20 hurriedly sought shelter behind the curtains below the stage.
Achim simply rode the bike-like construct and brushed its handle-bars. "Oh how I missed the allure of a bike. Even if you aren't technically a proper motorcycle. With those shiny handlebars, we shall reach the stars." He then noticed that the women of the establishment were surrounding the pet and handing out money.

Cocking his head to Richter he just gave a shrug. "People like pets. I mean it's not like this actually matters."


Susie rolled her shoulders around as she headed towards the driver door of the van. She proceeded to open the door, if it was unlocked anyway, which most likely it was. She glanced at Natalya, "Wanna throw it in the back to properly ditch? Then again reduced to gibbering wretch so should be fine there."
"Look, we have bills to pay too. We missed a good deal, so we're gonna need the money sooner rather than later. Stop making excuses and get us that bus, mon cher. If you really need incentive, we still have your chatton in a cage. I mean a literal cage; she's in a dog crate next to ze others. It's not hard to set up Level Une training."
"Fine, I'll figure it out," replied Lily, looking the bus over, "we're still meeting by the Arc, right? That's not far. I'll get it to you within an hour."

Lily didn't dare to hope that her teachers were that stupid, but it didn't hurt to check on top of the bus's wheels for a key. Lily'd never driven before, but she was certain she could learn quickly.
They keys were cleverly hidden inside the glove compartment, along with the registration and insurance information, and other legal documents pertaining to the bus's ownership. There was also a flare gun, plus a normal gun. Specifically, it was a Glock 18C.

"You better find that Arc soon, mon cher, because she'll be going through level one training until you arrive. A lookout will call us when you're there. Park in front of that little Greek cafe." Click.
Sadly, there were no keys on top of the tire. She needed to get this done now, because level one training didn't sound good. Very quickly, she grabbed at the door and attempted to pry it open. That would start the alarm, and call the teachers over if they were anywhere nearby.

But there was no alarm, and in fact the door just opened. Lily quickly stumbled into the bus, and checked the glovebox for the papers. If she could get at the papers, perhaps she could push the bus-

There were keys. Inside the glovebox. Along with the papers, a glock, and a flare gun. Lily stowed the guns, grabbed the keys, and set to driving.

Lily set a course for the arc on her phone, and got to driving.

"Shit, OK, so I just, uh," Lily mumbled. She'd seen it done in movies and stuff. It couldn't be that hard.


B20 scuttled deeper into the confines of the understage, before coming to a rest at the very base of the stripper pole. B20 tucked its legs in and curled up into the fetal position, resting on its side. Shaking fearfully, B20's ruined shoulder bumped up against something hard and metal: the orphaned blade of a box cutter, its plastic sheath long ago misplaced. As soon as the remnants of B20's shoulder brushed up against the blade, it started glowing brightly!

Shrouded in a glorious corona of yellowish light, the blade twisted and shifted as if by magic, and struck B20's shoulder with a mighty ringing sound! When the afterimages faded from B20's eyes, it realized that, where once was nothing but splinters, there was now a new arm!

B20 flexed its miraculous new appendage. It was relatively normal up to the elbow, beyond being made of gleaming stainless steel. Below the shoulder, it had taken a wonderful new shape! Attached to a spotless ball-joint was now a wicked blade, of the same material and shape as the box cutter it was made of. Though this new forelimb was largely useless for gripping and holding, its grand sharpness would make it phenomenally useful for anything that would need a sharp, flat object. As B20 gripped its blade-arm in awe, it noticed something else: its joints had also been augmented with the same material as the boxcutter! Fitted with shiny new joints and armed with a shiny new arm, B20 felt its confidence spike!

Artisan-Tech Get: Blade of the Disgruntled Nevadan Schoolchild
Though slowly, and not very easily, Lily managed to navigate the bus through Paris, soon arriving at a Greek cafe nearby the Arc.

This part of the city was a lot nicer and more lively. There was even the occasional beat cop amidst the throngs of tourists and Parisians going about their day. Inside the cafe window, Greek baristas cooked and brewed.
Susie giggled at the suffering of Rupert, before she glanced back at Natalya. "Right, he saw our faces, but the drugs should take care of that." Glancing back at Rupert couldn't help but to continue giggle at the plight of the man. Natalya was right, it was pretty funny. "Eheheheh. Shame he didn't fess up more information. But we got the location of one of the fronts. Er, uh, not sure how secure it is though. Reeaaaaaally need to solve that." She glanced at her phone for a moment, before glancing back at the van. "So, oh! The van could have stuff for drugs maybe. Want me to drive to the front?"
By the time she arrived at the Greek cafe, Lily was fairly certain that she was the best driver in the world. She didn't know how the Mammals were so incompetent with their own machines, but Lily had bested them all with her display of prowess. If she weren't so concerned about Anya, she'd spend a few minutes patting herself on the back.

Lily grabbed the papers from the glovebox, exited the vehicle, and stood outside it so the lookout would know that this was the correct bus. She hoped they didn't do anything irreversible to Anya; otherwise, she'd be forced to start over. She'd grown to like Anya a lot too.
A beat up sedan with three men inside parked a few spaces away from Lily. Two of them exited: a lizardman, and a centaur, whose body took up the entire back seat.

"Ah, Mon Cher~!" the centaur greeted, his blond rattail flowing in the breeze.

"I was worried you were just bluffing, non? That's good; I like a man of his word."

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