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Achim paused for a moment, in his exit of the club. He heard the fellow say he was accredited, by the Board of Education! Whatever damage happened to the students would be lessened by the fact they would get one actual accredited teacher among the staff. It would be good for the students, and hopefully it'd make them easier to reach.

Re-entering Achim smiled widely. Though he tried really hard to play off his grin and reduce it. "Oh, yeah we are teachers. You know how field trips get. Accredited you say, with the paperwork to check his resume? I'm sure the school can get something worked out, for a teacher who needs a job."
"Well if you wanna get down to it, I think we only have three teachers in the entire school. And I don't think any of us have a real degree." Richter nodded, tipping his cowboy hat.

"In fact, I'm pretty sure we all have a criminal record.... I'm willing to bring him in for hire if you are, Achim." Richter said.
"I got my Bachelor's in English while serving time." Achim noted. He rolled his shoulders around and proceeded to stretch out his right arm. Then he stretched out his left arm. Quickly he placed them back at his sides. "Well, I'm the only one with the tattoos to show it. It's why I always wear the long-sleeved shirts and pants in front of the kids. I can't be a bad role model and show them all my prison tattoos. Oh and I am definitely in favor for bringing him in as part of the staff."
Achim nodded at the skeleton, as he held out his right hand for a handshake. "Welcome aboard." He glanced back towards Richter, "Yo, did ya spot any parasols? Maybe you can just nab one from here? If not when I exit to get y'know, real clothes, I'll make sure to get you one."
Lily looked with a degree of pity at the pathetic little Neko as she resumed the fetal position. Lily had heard that the humanoid mammals assumed this posture because it was similar to the position they would have taken in their mother's womb. It comforted them on a psychological level, reminding them vaguely of the warmth and comfort and safety there as a fetus.

Lily, also, had something like that. The inside of her flower, which was just for her. A warm place where nothing bad could happen to her. She supposed that, in a way, it was like a womb. Her own fetal position, maybe. There were just some things that she could never understand about mammals, but it was similar enough in concept.

"I don't really have a cloak, but I'm sure there's enough here to cover you," Lily answered.

Lily pulled from her flower a variety of very slutty articles of clothing. No one piece would cover Anya adequately, so she draped the girl in as many blouses, tank tops, tube tops, shorts, and skirts as she could pull out. All in all, it probably amounted to about a cloak's worth of material.

"Uh, is this alright?"
Anya breathed deeply, taking in Lily's scent. The tiny catgirl hugged a tube top, sniffing it, as her breathing slowed.

"This is alright. Thank you, Lily." she said, her face poking out from the pile of slutty clothes.

As Anya's remaining eye peered into the alraune's pair, she gave the softest smile.
Lily smiled softly back at Anya and placed her hand where the girl's shoulder would be beneath the pile of clothes. She gently rubbed Anya's arm up and down as she continued too look at the girl laying down across from her.

"I'll be right here, alright? I'll be right here the whole time. I won't let anything bad happen again."
"It's okay, Lily." Anya said, cuddling closer to Lily. Sniffling, she wrapped an arm around the alraune, and buried her face in her chest. It was warm, and smelled nice.

"You don't have to lie to make me feel better." she continued.
Lily welcomed Anya into her new position at the Alraune's chest by putting an arm around her and rubbing her back. It was probably alright to spoil the girl a little seeing as she'd just had her eye removed and her finger cut off. Lily became slightly pale after hearing what Anya had to say, though, and her smile disappeared. Lily was no liar. Or if she was, Anya wasn't supposed to think that.

No, Anya wasn't supposed to think that Lily was a liar at all. She was supposed to swallow every lie the Alraune told her with a smile on her face and endless confidence in Lily's truthfulness. That was how it was supposed to be.

"I... I'm not lying, Anya. I wouldn't- I don't lie. Why would I lie about being here and protecting you? I promise. I'm going to."
"It's fine, Lily. I don't blame you and Susie for not being strong enough." Anya replied, her voice slightly muffled.

"It's not your fault you weren't good enough. It's not like you're Papa." she said, closing her eyes.

"...Hey. Do you think he'll come home soon?"
Lily bit her lower lip. She was certain that she needed to be patient and gentle with the traumatized Anya, and knew that it would probably be best if she let it go. But Lily couldn't let it go. She was good enough. She was strong enough. Lily was certain that 'papa' couldn't have done any better, anyways.

"I... I'm good enough. I'm strong enough, too," said Lily, trying to keep her voice down despite wanting to yell, "I'm as good as papa, alright? I did as well as he could have, you know? As well as anyone could have. I did better. Thanks to me, I had you back within a few hours."

Lily rolled over, facing away from Anya and instead towards the ceiling.

"Well, whatever. I'm sure we'll have him back soon enough if that's what you're concerned about," said Lily petulantly.
"It's fine, Lily." Anya said, resting her head on her friend's belly.

"You know, you were the one who saved me, even if we don't have the bus home. Papa is Papa, so you don't have to get mad you're not him. But even if you're not Papa or Mama, you're still my best friend." she said, giving the alraune a tight squeeze.
Achim glanced back at his associates and darted his eyes to the door. "Right then, we've done enough here. Those of us who aren't on the Sun's Shitlist come on and lets ditch this joint." He paused for a moment as he remembered his audience. They would clearly view the lack of bitches as a problem for leaving. These concerns would be addressed.

"If bitches are in question they're a Credit Unit for a Cartload. Hell we can go pick up a Synthetic Gynoid, instead. Well, unless the Frenchies can't field a decent 'bot. But back to the machines. Sure they're pricier but they're useful things, long as you make sure your crafter checks'em for bugs. Especially if you ask for them to be loyal to ya." Achim began laughing wildly at something before he slapped his knee. "Holy Hell that was a fun night. Not for him, but me. I had a blast!" He returned to cackling for some time.

He cleared his throat and started up again. "Point is we're blowing this popsicle stand." With a quick motion Achim picked up B20.

"Apologizes on it taking so long." He muttered out to the Mannikin, as he kept a pretty soft grip on him.

He focused on the surely genetically modified dog, King Louis, "Come on Napoleon, er Louis. Can't let other potential ladies miss out on ya. 'Sides this club really good enough to keep you for this long? Really? You're a good boy, to good for this place."

Achim returned his attention back to the Justice Skeleton, "When we get back to the fancy shindigs, we can work on getting the paperwork and such done. Just make sure you got your résumé and paperwork." Achim knew damn well Administration would like this guy.

And finally back to his colleague Richter. "Orlok we'll come back for ya. Cause I doubt you wanna meet your friend Mister Sun, unless you get a frilly umbrella or some shit. And rest of us can't just keep dicking around here. Suppose you can if ya want." With that he gave a quick wave with the back of his hand. "Later."

And with that the bare biker exited the establishment. He glanced around at the shoddy red-light district.

"Gents." He said to no one in particular. "Really we should just head back to the lodgings." Rolling his shoulders around he smirked. "Buuuut if you fellows are up for something else, I'll oblige. Long as it isn't getting brickfaced. Now I don't think you can these bastards to make a good booze. Course if it is making a little extra Scratch, I'm up for it. I'll go look for a Rep, that can speak the language. Or Hell, stop a gang or two. Oh or, if this shithole has an Underground Fight Scene I'm up for that. Probably won't participate unless the stakes are high and the prizes are higher. Or there is always the local library. Need to catch up on my reading and writings." He cleared his throat.

"As long as I get some threads from somewhere. So whaddya say? What do ya fellows wanna do?" The biker inquired. "Some volunteer work? Watching two men duke it out in an honorable fashion? Delivering some package for some Corp? Or rushing in and get some sensitive files? Extra Credits are always nice. Bring some justice against some gangbangers? Or you gents just want to turn in back at the lodgings. All are fine choices, and feel free to shoot up with whatever."

The biker again took a quick look around the red-light district. So many possibilities existed. No matter which path was chosen, he'd still find some muse.


"Can we go yet?" Said the horrific flesh-bound spawn that was Ferdie.

"No." Susie said slightly annoyed at her creature.

"Why not?"

"Because Basic Sunny is busy with drugs and contacts. Drugcrafting is a careful proced-" She found herself interrupted by the creature flailing its claws about.

"Aaaaaah! But I wanna go nooooow!" It whined out. "I haven't gotten to kill in forever! It's because we are stuck with total losers instead of the crew! Stupid Weed and Cat! They are so boring! Talking about feelings and being sensitive and they're stupid and boring an- GAAAAH I hate waiting!"

"But doesn't waiting help you appreciate the craft more? The blood cascading through your fingers. That look of utter shock as you stare into their eyes. That final gateway to the soul, closing ever so carefully. Watching as they draw their last breath before entering the throes of deat-" Susie nostalgically waned on before being interrupted.

"Not helping!" The creature huffed out. "See talking about it, and not doing it isn't helping. It's just letting the problem fester."

Susie smiled softly as she shivered a bit, "As the maggots burrow ever so carefully out of the eyes. The fluids bursting out like a-" She stopped as Ferdie just stared. "Er s-sorry. Am I making it worse?"

The unholy spawn chuckled, "Nah. At first yes, but now I can wait. Because I know this'll bring so much joy for us. We're gonna go do Shore Leave proper after this right? It's tradition."

Susie wagged her finger, "After we bring the stuff back. Obviously. And it won't just be the standard shore leave." She said with an everbeaming smile, as she clasped her hands together, "Tonight we'll gorge ourselves on decadence at the Velvet Tigress. Truly our luxuries will be ever opulent at the finest establishment. Hopefully the Madame will be able to play."

Susie frowned a bit at the thought that the Madame of the establishment could be too busy, to participate. After all it took much work to run and maintain the prestigious institution. She hoped the Madame could at least pay a quick visit. "And any Confessional would be unusable after just the slightest murmurs of what will go down this night. More so if at least one other of the crew is there. What I'm saying is its going to be a pure unadulterated escapade of hedonism."

Ferdie had a hard time wiping off his razor toothed grin. "Ah this, this somewhat makes having to be around those loser twips at that shithole worthwhile." And so the creature silenced for a moment.

"Can we go yet?"
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Lily blushed a little as she continued staring at the ceiling.

"Y-yeah I saved you," she muttered, "and I'm totally your best friend, so you should treat me like it. A best friend is basically as good as a parent anyways."

Not, of course, that Lily would know. She didn't have parents, but she was still pretty sure that having herself as a friend was even better than a couple of old people who were bad at cooking and didn't know a thing about being a kid in this day and age.
"Hey, Lily." Anya said, nudging the alraune.

"Want to play a game? I can't sleep like this. We may as well play a game then, right?" she asked.
"You know I'm just going to keep complaining. There is nothing more fun than murder." The unholy spawn stated. He waited for a good lull before restarting the conversation "Aaaand I'm not the patient type."

Susie tapped her foot. "Well let's think of it like this. We are simply Vladimir and Estragon."

The unholy spawn perked up a smile. "Alleviates some of the boredom I guess. Would prefer y'know, killing but I can play pretend for that play. Others too, but hey, Godot is a good one."

Susie glanced down as she pat the horrible aberration. "Let's get this started properly shall we? We know who our respective roles are. You play Estragon, and I shall play Vladimir. And Basic Sunny shall be treated as Godot."

Wagging his razor talons Ferdie glanced back at Susie. "Fine. But Godot will actually show this time. And if not, I'mma actually go and wreck the place."

Susie gave a shrug, "I'd expect you to do that. Just as much as I'd expect you to try to slit their throats when they are sleeping if I left you like that."

"Ahahaha!" The creature grinned, "Yup you know me. Anyway, let's begin the scene. Shall we start from Act 1?"

Susie shook her head, "Obviously we are going to improvise from the lines we know and remember." The creature gave a bit of a frown.

"I was expecting to do the entirety of its play proper. But we can't check for the script, cause, Godot got the phone."

She crossed her arms under her chest and began tapping her index finger.

"Yes, yes I know. Anyway, shall we start?"

The Unholy Spawn gave a single nod.

"Yes. Though I feel without doing the play proper, we'll be doing a whole lot of nothing."

"Well, it is fitting as it is an absurdist play."

"Woe to the fact we aren't actually doing the play. Though I still say we should go."

Susie shook her head, "I told you we can't."

The creature stared at her incredulously, "Why not?"

"Because we're waiting for Godot."

"Are you sure this is where Godot would meet us?"

"What?" Susie tilted her head as she inquired. "The van i-"

Ferdie shook his head as he placed his right palm against his. "Remember the tree scene? We were doing that now. God Susie! Remember your lines!"

She glanced at Ferdie and shook her head. "But we have no lines. As we have no real script."

"Are we not re-enacting Godot?"

"We are."

Ferdie wagged his index finger, "Then logically should we not stick to the formula?"

The Elf chuckled as she glanced back at her associate. "But we are following the formula." This took the aberration off-guard as he just stared at her for a moment.

"But we are not."
The creature stated flabbergasted at this farce of an answer. He knew they were not following the formula of the scene.

"Aren't we waiting for Godot?"

"I suppose we are."

"Then we are still following the formula."

Ferdie plopped down as he frowned, "I don't like waiting. I just want Godot to show up so we can kill. Are we even sure Godot even exists?"

"Yes, we were in the same van talking to Godot just a moment ago."

"Gaah! The sweet dramatic tension ruined by your revelation!" Ferdie stood back up and waggled his claws, "I hate waiting! Let's go!"

"But we can't."

"Why not?"

"Because we are waiting for Godot." Susie replied once more.

"So how shall we fill the time?"

"The time in which we are waiting?"

"Quite. I'm referring to that time. The time right now Are we just going to chatter?"

"Isn't that what we are doing now?"

"I would say so."

"Hm." Ferdie discontinued in his discourse. "You know it isn't as exciting as I imagined."

"So should we just stop then?"

"Waiting in silence is less fun than talking. Perhaps if we talk enough something will happen."

"Well yes something will happen. A continued dialogue."

"Ah right, I suppose that would happen."

"And that is what happened."

The pair stood silently for a moment, before the abomination spoke up.

"What do we do now?"

Susie stared at her creature as she spoke up once more, with the simple answer. "Wait."

Ferdie rolled his eyes, "Yes, but while waiting."

"What about hanging ourselves?"
Ferdie asked.

Susie began laughing as she waved her finger in a dismissive fashion. "Aha, good one."

Ferdie growled out annoyed, "Damn it we should just follow the script from the start. I say we should start over?"

"But from where?"

"I- what do you mean from where? I mean from the beginning."

"How do we know the beg-" Susie started up before finding herself interrupted.

"No we aren't doing that."

"Doing what?" Susie said with a coy smile.

"Feh. Moving on."

"But we can't move on. Not yet anyway."

And so the dialogue took a short break.
"A game? I don't know, Anya. I really do think that you should rest," said Lily uncertainly, "but if you can't, I mean, I guess we could play a game until you're tired."

Lily turned her head and looked back at Anya. She should probably just do whatever the girl wanted for now. Maybe that would make her feel better.

"So what sort of game would you like to play?"
"I don't think I'm going to be able to sleep soon." Anya replied, staring blankly.

"....Anyways, we can play whatever you want. There's truth or dare. Or... those are movies, right? We can watch one of those, if you like movies." she pointed to the pile, her ears flickering with curiosity.
"Kept ya' waitin', huh?", said the teacher as she dropped the suitcases on the ground, a wide grin drawn on her face. She didn't exactly get what she asked for, but it was good enough. Good enough to raise some hell.

"Sorry for not coming earlier. I, huh... spent some time checking your phone to make sure it didn't have any tracking bugs". After saying this, Natalya handed the phone back to Susie. The device seemed intact, although the application historial had been completely wiped out. "It seems clean... or at least in that sense", she added, unable to contain a light smile.

"There is stuff in that suitcase, sweetie. For you" - said the teacher, as she put on one of the bulletproof vests - "I hope it can fit your splendid figure."

The crazy Russian picked up the assault rifle and loaded it like she had done it all her life. "So, are we going in loud or do you prefer to lay low?"
The horrific child sized spawn glanced back as he quickly retracted his talons back and forth. "Finally! Jeez! Murder is like, really fun. Waiting sucks." Susie paid her creature no mind, as she focused more on the suitcase. Then came the dialogue of what she was doing. Really, she shouldn't have expected anything less. She truly hoped her virtual membership card to the Velvet Tigress was still in-tact. And more to the point, there were some really private pictures there.

Susie quickly took the phone as her hand shook a bit. "R-r-right." She squeaked out. Oh god, she found them! The creature just walked towards Susie and gave her a quick consoling pat. She took the bulletproof vest and began struggling to get it on. "A-h e-er, we aren't the most uh, inconspicuous bunch. T-that's tig- ER, loud. Laying low will be, er ya know tad difficult, considerin' uh."

Ferdie quickly chimed in, "Plus ain't as much fun as going loud." Susie continued in her struggle, "Uh unless er, you'd prefer to go in quiet."
"Don't you worry about that, Albatross. I would usually prefer to go in stealthily, but we have got everything necessary to do it the hard way, so we might as well make use of it" - said the teacher as she adjusted her helmet - "But an attack plan is still necessary. We have to find some security camera so I can do my magic, then we will know exactly what to do."

Natalya handed the other gasmask she found in the van to Susie and proceeded to put the vapor cleaning machine on her back. Lots of painful burning-hot Mr. Bones and pepper sprays were already carefully prepared to be used when needed. This run had all the necessary ingredients to become a fun run, and the crazy drugmaster was sure she would love it.

"Before we go inside, you want some dorphs?"
Susie finally managed to secure the bullet proof vest upon her. "Used to stealth operations eh? I'm more used to much more loud operations. Occasionally a stealth mission or two, but usually always fast, loud and to the point." She gave a nod to Natalya. "Easy enough. I'll go use, some oh eyes to check on locations BEFORE we strike. Just to make going there a tad easier." After that bit of speech, Susie took the gas-mask and proceeded to place it on.

Peering behind the gas mask she shook her head at Natalya. "Prefer the natural rush." The unholy creature began cackling as he smirked with his razored teeth. "Let's fucking ro-" Susie waggled her finger.

"The dead never rest.

Always watching from beyond the beyond.

Show me the vision in which I seek."

Ah exploiting horrible dark magics in an attempt to get a good peek for security cameras. Always helpful. And more than that watching the ghostly things spawn to provide the visage was always fun.

Several eyeballs raised from the ground in a burst of ethereal flame, nodding to the necromancer before floating off through the building, slipping through the cracks in the windows. Several visions flooded Susie's mind.

One camera watched the front entrance. A second kept vigil over a large room filled with various chemicals.

With a supernatural shriek, the eyes dissipated in the green flame they appeared from.
"Basic Sunny there is a large room with more ingredients. Can't tell exactly wheeere, buuut Camera at Front Entrance." The gas-mask covered Elf glanced back at Natalya. "That all you need? Just a camera location?" The creature held out its talons as it began licking at its chops. It was salivating at the fact it was going to be able to play oh so very soon.

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