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"Um... no, I think that those movies are adult movies. And you are a child," Lily replied, still looking at Anya, "so ToD should be alright, I suppose. It's not quite as fun with just two people, though, and Susie is busy. You can't think of anything else you want to do?"
"Oh yes, just a camera! I may know nothing about magic, but I have a few tricks under my sleeve", said the woman before winking and showing her tongue, as she pointed at the metal plate in her nape with her index finger. "Come on, that front entrance camera is probably going to be useful. Let's get moving"

With those words, Natalya started moving towards the suspiciously deserted door, searching for the exact position of the camera and a good way to reach it comfortably.
"I think we can do ToD with two people. Unless you can think of a better game? Or are you afraid I'll win the rematch?" Anya asked, tilting her head.


The camera, a classic CCTV model, was hanging lazily above the front entrance, some eight feet off the ground. It didn't move, but a small red light was flashing, indicating its use.
Susie gave a nod to Natalya. "I would expect nothing less." Glancing from behind the Gas-mask she blushed at the sight of what Natalya did. Susie was so relieved she had a mask once more, it was really like the old days. "Just a littl-" The aberration waved its hand, "Yeah yeah. Things gotta be done." And so the pair followed Natalya to the entrance where the camera was located.

"Y'know don't you find it odd tha-" The abomination pointed out, "Yes. All that matters is the fun that will occur." Susie stated.
Lily managed to smile slightly at Anya's proclamation.

"Oh, is that a challenge? Alright, it's on. You can ask first, if you want."
"Hmm... that camera is pretty high, isn't it?", commented Natalya with her head tilted upwards. Indeed, the camera was far from her reach, and there didn't appear to be any boxes or ladders to climb. Of course, this wasn't a videogame, and things wouldn't be prepared for her arrival. But instead, she would have to prepare them herself.

"Albatross, help me climb" - said the teacher as she put herself behind Susie - "I hope you have strong shoulders."
"Yeah it is." Susie nodded in agreement. All the while the horrible abomination was humming a little diddy. "Er ah, s-sure. C-couldn't possibly go uh all that wrong." Susie readied herself to be used as an implement for climbing up to the camera.
"Dare," replied Lily without hesitation, smiling calmly back at Anya. Whatever the dare, as long playing made Anya feel better, Lily would do her best.
"Okay. I dare you to.... give me these. For hat purposes." Anya pulled up a pair of Lily's shimapan, and stuck them over her head. Her cat-like ears poked easily through the leg-holes, and flicked around experimentally.
"I am sorry to ask you to do this, but there is no better way", said the teacher as she put her right foot on Susie's hand. "I will give you a massage later if you want. I am quite good at it!"

Natalya put her left foot on Susie's left hand. She wasn't the best support, since even although the teacher was quite light, she was still a grown adult trying to climb on a teenager's back, but she seemed to be capable of holding her quite well.

Once she had assured her feet were relatively stable, the woman proceeded to the next stage. Slowly, she raised her right leg over the student's shoulder, then she performed the same movement with her left one. Soon, she found herself next to the camera, which was lasciviously showing its unprotected rear connection jacks to the shadowrunner.

"Alright, let's do this", said Natalya as she extracted a small cable from the device in her nape and connected it to the device.

Lily just stared at Anya, who was wearing Lily's own panties on her head, for a few seconds before replying.

"Alright, you can have one pair. You probably shouldn't wear those on your head in public, but I won't have a problem if we're in our own room. Is it my turn?"
"Ah jeez. Uuuuh... M-m-massage h-huh?" Susie stuttered out as she helped Natalya up. Behind the gas-mask she bit at her lip, before she quickly released it. Massage would be nice. She'd need to make sure to get one at the club later. Ferdie continued humming in the background. Susie meanwhile tried to maintain a nice and stable position for Natalya to work with. "Er ah, h-how long is it gonna take?"
Several video images lit up as Natalya hacked the system. One was a pair of girls in fetish suits standing outside the front door. The second was a large supply room, empty of people. The third was the front office, containing a bored man reading a magazine.


"Yes. I am satisfied, for now." Anya said, conceding Lily her turn.
"Damn, this place is dead!", whispered the teacher before unplugging the jack and jumping from her student's shoulders. "There is a single man in the offices. I expected a place as shitty as this to have several gangs inside its walls."

Natalya smirked. "Or maybe that's exactly what they want us to think. They are probably in a room that security cameras can't reach. I bet that lone guy must know something about them."

The teacher shot at the door's lock with her gun and kicked down the now loose plank. "Let's move to the offices before they realize we are here", said the woman before rushing into the building.
The elf gave a little sigh when Basic Sunny jumped off from her shoulders. She listened to the speech, while giving a quick glance at Ferdie who was twitching eagerly. The creature licked his razor sharp fangs as if he was ravenous. Which, he was.

"Let's go!"
The abomination declared eagerly. Susie quickly followed Natalya rushing into the building; The abomination smirked as it quickly followed along. The fun was about to start after all.


The biker recognized a stillness in the conversation, in which he was trying to engage in; a simplistic lull permeated the air. As this occurred, a light breeze brushed against the biker's exposed legs; It was a calming experience. Despite the fact the air brought on a chill to the man, it was still a tranquil experience. Achim could daydream here, outside exposed against the elements. It was a sensation that would give him plenty of muses.

While it was no stroke of serendipity, it was something to muse on. Well besides on what his new-found associates were plotting on doing. Were they mesmerized by this new experience? Understandable really. Decisions would need time to be properly crafted. Achim was certain his comrades would make a rational decision. They were, after all, in the ransacked and God forsaken slums in a foreign land. Could they trust the Johnson, the wageslave, and the corporate monkey here? In his introspection, Achim determined that yes, they could trust whatever Corporate Representative they met. However, would they trust them?

Gazing at his colleagues he knew they were a rag-tag ensemble. That alone would not mutate or warp the Johnson's perspective. If that was what the group decided to embark on, there was a good chance it would operate smoothly. But fate was not always serendipitous. Such was the constant curse that befell those willing to act for the monolithic corporations.

Other options existed for what the group could engage in. The biker gabbed in it earlier; all while he explained when leaving that den of vice and sin. Certainly, Achim declared his content in the various activities, in which he had listed off to the group.

Ah. The dreamer continued pondering on various subjects. All the while another breeze went by and graced him ever so gently. "Really need new digs."
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<Whoa, what the fuck?> The man overseeing the lobby glanced at the pair entering the building.

<Hey, I said in the ALLEY behind here at TEN. Are you trying to lose me my job?!> he shouted at the pair of spandex'd women.


Richter approached Achim, shouldering a bubblegum pink parasol, with 'cocksleeve' written on it in glitter.

"I stole this. It should suffice." he said, nodding at the biker.

"Let's head off, then."
"There you are Nosferatu." Achim said with a snort, as he wiped his nose with his right hand, "Right, I need new threads. However, I'm in the mood to get extra scratch, I assume our associates are as well." Achim raised up his right hand as he pointed it in a random direction. All the while he kept a fairly soft grip on B20. "Let's go find a Johnson." And with that he strolled onwards.


The abomination began cackling, as it heard the man shouting. He stepped aside from Susie. <FIRST BLOOD MIIIIIIIINE!> The creature cackled out as it lunged towards the man. Ferdie lunged towards the man's face as he opened his razor sharp mouth. As he headed over there, he began slashing in a wild frenzy. And when close enough would begin frantically chewing at the man.

Susie stared past the gas-mask as she held out her right hand. It glowed with a bit of a green aura, she tossed the bolt of flame at the lobby employee's legs.

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"Alright," replied Lily, still kind of staring at the underwear on Anya's head, "Truth or dare, then?"
<OH SHI-> the man was cut off by the tiny monster jumping on top of him. His screams of agony were quickly cut short as Ferdie wildly slashed, mutilating the body and scattering his innards about the floor.


"Hmmm.... I choose truth this time." Anya said, smiling at Lily.

"So ask me anything~!"
<Ahahahahaha! I haven't had this much fun in oh so loooong!> Ferdie said as he licked at the blood splattered against his mouth. <The Carmine color contrasting against the flesh. The color drenching my talons, giving them a new sense of life, just as I snuff one from existence!> Ferdie began digging through the mutilated body. The creature licked its lips as it burrowed it's talons deeper into the chest as it took out some viscera, that was flailed into ribbons. He paused for a moment as he draped it around himself as a faux-boa. <Hm. Yes, quite nice.> The creature climbed off of the prey's carcass.

With a quick flourish Ferdie spun around and gave a bow to Susie. <The Director must be thanked for allowing the actor to put on such a performance!> Ferdie immediately went back as he crawled back on the corpse. Ferdie gave the face a quick slap. <Lighten up! Oh wait you already did! Ahahahahaha. OH you should I know, I always knock 'em dead. But I don't see you smiling!> The creature stared at the face of the corpse. Oh sure it was mutilated, it had pieces of flesh torn off from the bite wounds. But it wasn't smiling. Ferdie couldn't have that, so with a quick flourish of his talons he burrowed it deep into the flesh of the man, and carved him a proper smile.

<Nononononono... Hm, how shall I make this target better? I can't leave a prop half finished!>

Susie glanced over towards Natalya, "Ahhh! Isn't he so adorable!?" She said as she tilted her head slightly and clasped her hands together just a bit close to her right shoulder. "Don't play too long. Others will be waiting for the show." The abomination twisted its head back to stare at Susie. "Kay! I'll just play around then! Until later I guess!" She returned her attention back to Natalya, "Right, we should press on. Well after we get anything else useful here."


Achim grumbled as he wandered aimlessly. He kept his eye out for anything interesting. Hopefully the Skeleton would want to do some Heroism, or could find some to do. Achim glanced at B20, "Keep an eye out little buddy." And of course, Achim hoped the dog wouldn't go run away like strays do.
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"Alright," replied Lily, "Then what is your biggest secret?"

The Alraune was curious about Anya, and thought that knowing her biggest secret was probably a good place to start from to get to know her better.
"Oh. My biggest secret? I...." Anya looked downwards in thought.

"It's.... it's getting harder to remember what Mama's voice sounded like." she said very softly, almost whispering.

"Papa might get upset if he ever finds out."
Ferdie paused in its mutilation of the carcass. "No, no. This isn't showy and flashy enough. Buuuut still got time to kill! Aahaha, before continuing on." Susie glanced around the area as Ferdie waved towards her. "Yo! Give me a musical."

Behind the gas-mask she merely blinked at her creature. "What you aren't going to do one of your standards?" The creature shook its head, "Nah not yet. This is first act, and I'd feel bad just breaking in with those songs. Not a high enough body count. Just, give me a musical." Susie tilted her head for a moment before she glanced at her friend who was pawing at the carcass.

"Hn, La Cage Aux Folles?" She gave a smirk, but with a gas mask, such expressions did not matter. Ferdie glanced at Susie somewhat annoyed. "Oh I see exactly what you are wanting and implying. Remind me to brutalize Weeds when we're done with this, wretched creature. Don't even get to choose my performance. Ah well. Can't disappoint the audience! Such is the tragic plight of an actor."

Ferdie tapped its talon on the temple of the corpse. "Shame you can't hear the performance. Oh well, I'll make sure to break into song for my later performances!" The creature began clearing its throat as it smirked and revealed its razor teeth once more.

"Once again I'm a little depressed./

By the tired old face that I see."
The horrific creature sang out as he slapped the carved face of the poor sod who was hired by this place. Ferdie hummed a tune as he delved one of his talons up the left nostril of the man.

With a waggle of the talon, he quickly slashed through the cartilage as blood rushed down the man's face. "Hm. No, no. I can't do that song. I need to wait for a more appropriate target. No, I shall use a different one for now."

"Grey skies are gonna clear up!/

So put on a happy face!"
The creature sang as it dabbed its talons in the blood of the corpse as it painted on a smile.


Achim continued his path down the treacherous skid row of Paris. He had to take action. His colleagues depended on him, to be swift in his decision.The breeze struck against the bare biker once more, engulfing him in a bitter stimulus. Achim disregarded it as he trekked on. He paused as he came upon a board covered with ratty pamphlets. For a moment he swore he found a parchment that had some English scrawling on it. This was quickly proven wrong.

Rolling his shoulders around and musing on the environment he turned back towards his associates. "Gentlemen", Achim spoke. "I'm most certain that we shall find some action of some sort." And that is when he peered towards a random section of the sidewalk.

He knew the signs of a shady deal; after all he was from the Detroit Hellscape. Two individuals communicating with each other, with one being rather twitchy. Achim held out his right hand as he cracked one of his knuckles, "Well, I do feel that we should set a good example. By disrupting this surely illicit activity of course. Who's with me?"

Of course, that was not the only reason Achim wished to stop it. He wanted to have a stellar time, by engaging against punks.
"Oh," murmured Lily, putting an arm around Anya, "Oh, hey, sweetheart, I'm sure your papa won't get upset, alright? You can't help it if you haven't seen your mama in a while. The important thing is your feelings for her. Even if you forget what I sound like, I won't mind as long as you have feelings for me, you know?"

Lily rubbed Anya's back gently and smiled softly at her.

"It's your turn now."

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