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"Oooof course they don't keep fully updated records!" Susie grumbled out with annoyance, "You seem upset. What about?" Susie checked the logged dates for the kidnappers van to see what, if any identification code was next to it. Whether it be employee's name, or number. She continued searching the desk for anything noteworthy. "Oh, don't worry your pretty little head. Just, we'll have more fun later."
"The daremaster picks dare," replied a particularly cocky Lily, grinning.

She was the daremaster, after all.

The Justice Skeleton really didn't do much different as he punched the chupacabra in the skull.

"This Mexican menace's goatsucking goal shall go unmet!"

The name listed as the van's most frequent and recent driver was one Jean-Luc Gerard. The same name could be viewed on a driver's license floating in a pool of viscera at Susie's feet.


"Let's see... I dare you to show me how to drive the bus." Anya smiled. She'd always wanted to know how to drive. She bet it would be like riding a horse, but louder and with more cliff sides.


The chupacabra's eyes widened in focus. It would have to use that technique. Its mouth stretched, and its jaw split, the sides going down its torso until its body was as one giant mouth. The tongues' full lengths wriggled out, slapping the walls and floor with splatters of slime and saliva, and another dozen proboscises whipped around wildly. With an unearthly roar, the beast charged at Skeltal.

"Uh... well, Anya, there are three problems with that. The first is that you are too young to drive anyways, the second is that I barely even know how to drive it, and the third is that I kind of traded the bus," said Lily, looking more than a little shifty.

"Tell you what: I'll pantomime driving the bus using my flower as a vehicle, and explain how to do it like that. We'll get the bus back eventually, so by the time you can drive, you'll have an idea of how to do it. I may amend my lessons a little before I let you do that, though."
"...Seriously? Right, I'm looking up his home address. I so hope he has a family." Susie grumbled out thoroughly annoyed. "More so I hope he has a loving wife or husband. I will -, I'm tempted to rip off his face and make one of them wear it. For sure they are going to have to eat part of it." She continued searching the desk for anything noteworthy. "I will damn sure take a detour to his house, just to torture them. Not fair! Stupid records being stupid." Ferdie chuckled, "Ah, always so cute when you're angry." Susie grumbled as she searched more. "Oh! There's that room with chemicals, you know what we are going to do there?" Ferdie paused for a moment, "Something extremely dangerous?" She gave a single nod.
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"Lily.... why would you trade the bus? It's a really good bus. It had heated seats, and a Blu-Ray player." Anya said, looking disheartened.

"But that's besides the point anyways! It doesn't count if it's not the bus. I guess I'll just need some other dare, then." Anya decided, folding her arms.


The Chupacabra's attack was far less than effective as his legs were swooped from under him, followed by the Justice Hammer landing directly on his head. He did several midair flips, then landed on the ground.

Several explosions went off some thirty feet away.
"You're more important than some stupid bus," Lily muttered, more to herself than to Anya. She quickly caught herself baring her real feelings, however, and immediately stifled the act.

"Right, so, new dare. Can't very well teach you to drive the bus when we don't have a bus. Think of a good one for the daremaster."
B20 narrowly rolled out of the way of the Chupacabra's stomping feet as it narrowly missed Justice Skeleton. Struggling to keep up, B20 once again made a daring leap for the sprawling beast's legs, this time tearing at the creature's knees. With another vicious strike, the creature's left hamstring was obliterated.

Achim realized he had his fill of violence against the creature. He glanced at the horrific creature, as his own eyes shined with pity. Achim kept a stern expression on his face as he slowly walked to the creature.

"Alright boy, you aren't the dominant creature here." Achim said in a perhaps overly serious tone. He reached out with his left hand as he quickly and firmly pinched at the creature's neck. "We are the pack leader. Not you." He said as he did the gesture again, this time with a firmer grip.

"Bad. You've been a bad monster. And you will behave."

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"Okay. In that case.... I dare you to do a handstand." Anya said, smugly crossing her arms. Surely Lily would be at a disadvantage with her weird plant-arms, and lack of other things.
"Ha, that's easy enough," replied Lily, placing her hands on the floor. She remembered once again, however, that she was wearing a skirt at the moment. A short one. Lily stood back up and smiled.

"Oh, you thought you got me. But it didn't work before and it won't work now."

Lily looked through her flower for some safety pins or something, but couldn't find any. She took some duct tape out, but that stuff might noticeably scuff up her skirt. She was not scuffing up a nice skirt on a dare.

"Hey, Anya, did you bring any safety pins? I don't want my skirt to flip up when I try this handstand thing."
"I think you're supposed to use a newspaper, man."

Seigi leaned up against the wall, drinking more of the milk through his mask. He could feel it strengthening his bones already.
Achim glanced back at Seigi for a moment. "Well I don't have a newspaper, as much as I like that classic." He returned his attention back to the animal. "Also with dogs, the alpha bites at the neck of the lower ranking dog. Y'know to assert dominance. So what I'm doing, is essentially that. I'm mimicking the biting gesture at its neck to establish the fact that it is overstepping its boundaries."

"So with that said, I'm beginning the training of the animal. Also we punched it enough anyway, I grew tired of repeating that. Probably hurt the creature a bit. I feel bad for that part, buuuuut it was a bad animal. And it needs to be disciplined properly before the true training can begin."
"Oh, oh yeah! Asserting the dominance. One sec."

Seigi leaned down, removing his mask to reveal... a skull. And vertebrae. And, if anyone cared to look down the neckhole, ribs.


The skeleton began shaking in place. At first, it didn't seem to be doing much, but then...


The skeleton's rattling grew faster and louder as he rose up, trying to make himself seem bigger, more dominant- and spookier- than the chupacabra.

"Why would I have safety pins, Lily? Even if I did carry some around in my pockets, they took my dress away. OH.... yeah." Anya looked downwards.

"That was my favorite dress. I hope we can get it back someday." she said, rubbing her eye.


The Chupacabra's jaw shut, and it regained its composure. It seemed that these people wanted to switch tactics. Just as well; the beast felt he couldn't win through brute force alone. Still though- that nudist couldn't tame what he didn't think was real.

The chupacabra put on a brown trenchcoat and sunglasses, and presented Achim with a newspaper stating very clearly that all UMA activity is merely weather balloons.

"Oh. Uh, hey, it's alright," said Lily, gently placing her hands on Anya's shoulders, "I'm sure we'll get it back soon, OK?"

Lily smiled nervously as she backed up and prepared to do a handstand.

"S-see? I'm doing the dare. I don't need any safety pins, so don't even worry your pretty little head about it."

Lily bent over, her hands on the admittedly filthy rug, and lifted herself up into the air. Lily's skirt fell up, revealing her pink and white striped undies. Her fantastic rear and thighs were on display as well, but the Alraune couldn't really worry about that. Anya had just been through much worse than this, and playing the game was probably helping her get back to normalcy. While Lily's arms were not particularly strong, she was rather light without her flower and tendrils and balance wasn't much of a problem.

"Alright, I'm doing a handstand. Is this alright? Is it my turn now?"
"Wait, so you don't need safety pins to do a handstand? What's the secret, then?" Anya asked, perking her ears.

"You should teach me someday. I bet if I could do it, I'd be super popular." she smiled, giving a giggle.

"Anyways, it's your turn now."
Lily fell back on her feet from her handstand before taking a seat next to Anya again.

"No, kitten, the safety pins are just for keeping my skirt up while I'm upside down. It's not good to show off your undies. Even if they have pretty designs, they are not meant to be seen. I'll teach you how to do a handstand if you want, but we'll have to buy you some pants first."

Lily put a gentle arm around Anya's back before asking the question.

"Alright, sweetheart, truth or dare?"
Achim stared as the Chupacabra swiftly changed into a trench-coat and put on a pair of glasses.This, was not at all weird. Really it was just usual Chupacabra behavior. It was trying in vain to look like it was not a pet, as it was, after all just a naughty pet. Though he slightly wondered from what hammerspace realm he pulled out the trenchcoat and sunglasses from.

He knew he'd need to raid it for clothes. Achim stared blankly as the Chupacabra gave him a newspaper. He opened it and began skimming through the articles. After all, he had not read the daily paper today. What he found, was not the news articles he sought. But he was given a newspaper for crackpots trying to disprove things everyone knew was real.

With his eyebrow twitching, he rolled up the newspaper. "No. Bad Chupacabra." Achim wagged the newspaper menacingly at it. "It is bad to try to make people think it is weather balloons. One of my friends is an alien who is a researcher on that Mars compound." He then proceeded to swing the newspaper at the Chupacabra's face.

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"But... Lily. Girls can't wear pants." Anya said, a look confusion upon her face.

"Pants are for boys, skirts are for girls. Why would-" she racked her brain for the information.

"Anyways, I choose truth, Lily. Ask me anything~" she purred.
"Eh? That's silly, of course girls can wear pants," said Lily, slightly confused, "There's no reason a girl couldn't. I know you've seen me in jean shorts, anyways."

Lily shook her head. Just where was this girl from? That would be a good question for later, but for now Lily wanted to know something more interesting.

"Anyways, truth. Right. Well then, what is the naughtiest thing you've ever done?" asked Lily, smiling slyly. This would either be pretty boring or really good.
"Hmmm.... the naughtiest thing I've ever...." Anya thought carefully.

"When they kept me in the cage... those people told me I was naughty all along. They said I'd enjoy it after long enough." Anya said, hugging her knees to her chest. "Then they had me do weird things like pose in my pantsu and bark like a dog for forgiveness."
Lily's face paled as Anya described the 'naughty' things she did. Then it blushed yellow with anger, and the Alraune gritted her teeth.

"I- I didn't mean-" muttered Lily, looking down at the filthy floor.

"They did all that, huh? Well, don't worry about it. Susie's gonna make sure they all... go to jail. For the bad things they did. You're not naughty, Anya. They are, OK? They're the naughty ones."

Lily pulled the Neko closer, her arm still around Anya's shoulders.

"You're a good girl."
"No." Anya whimpered, curling into a tighter ball. Her ears fell back, blending in with the dark hair tumbling down her back. Her tail was wrapped around herself.

"Bad things don't happen to good people, Lily. That's not how the world works. Right?" she asked, peeking her eye at the alraune.

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