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The shrieking of the teacher ringed in her ears. Susie realized that she still had one of her arms interlocked by Anya's and wrenched it out. Susie gave a quick nod in affirmative, conveying she understood the orders of the teacher. Well, I'm surprised she isn't asking me to clean port or starboard. Exiting the room, she searched for the rack, finding it on the right. Susie quickly undid the laces of her shoes, and placed them upon the top-rack. After she removed them, she re-entered the room and sat down near a wall, as Susie crossed her legs as she kept her back up straight. Susie now waited for class to fully begin.
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Anya stared as Susie went ahead into the class. She stared blankly at Lily before letting go of her hand, and went over to remove her own shoes. Wordlessly, she took a seat near Susie. She hoped this class would be fun.
The first things Lily was greeted with when she entered the room was the oppressive smell of an incense whose stench was infinitely inferior to her own, the paraphernalia of what Lily assumed was some manner of hippie, and a lot of shouting.

Oh yeah, this was going to go well.

"OK, my shoes? Brand name. Not filthy. I'll leave them outside, but if they get stolen you're paying for them," said Lily with some indignation as she retreated and placed her shoes on the rack. She took a seat next to Anya, and was already regretting going to class somewhat. As a matter of fact, she would have run right out of there if her teacher had happened to be a man.

But it was a moderately attractive woman, so she ended up staying somewhat reluctantly.
Brand name shoes? ...What's wrong with just a pair of cheap and simple shoes? Susie pondered to herself, she glanced around at the room, smiling a bit, when noticing some bones strewn about. Well the instructor has some good taste... Though the incense choice could have been better, some trace of myrrh would have been nice. Susie leaned forward and glanced towards Lily, "Er uh, if you don't mind me asking, how much do your shoes cost?"

Mirma clapped, giving the whole class a warm smile as she clasped a pair of hands in front of herself. She skipped up to the front of the class. "Your lines are beautiful!" Pushing a stray hair behind her ear, she continued, "Normally, we will begin the class with warm up meditation, to balance ourselves, but-" her third eye seemed to glow at the word 'balance', "I believe it would be better to get acquainted with your classmates and become more relaxed. Will be better for meditation in the future if we feel freely with ourselves and those around us."

Her arms expressed her emotions by making befitting gestures as she spoke, "Expect to learn freedom through self-discipline. Now please, stand and find a dance partner." She swayed and fixed her skirt, "Ballroom dancing. Your first task is to charm the other, but it is expected that you not give them any physical or emotional harm."

With that, she motioned for them to stand up. "If you cannot, do not fret. This just a fun exercise for us. You will learn, I will teach. 1, 2, 3; 1, 2, 3." Mirma self-waltzed herself to the stereo across the room and in a few prods, the speakers were playing a light, triple-time step.
"Well," replied Lily, "They're still sneakers right? They're brand name, but I wear them around. I run in them. It would just be dumb to invest too much in something that can become so easily worn."

Lily, only really half listening to the teacher once she had started with some babble about centering themselves, stood up as the other students stood up. There was something about charming the other students, but Lily already had them all charmed. She could dance with whoever she wanted, but she doubted she would be approached.

"So, like, four hundred dollars? Something around there," said Lily, shrugging. She looked around the room, and already the other students were attempting to charm one another. Though the Alraune ended up receiving a lot of hopeful sideways glances, nobody ended up approaching her just as she had predicted.

"Yeah, it would be good to have some more shoes. Right now my collection is mostly pink, but I think black would look nice with my skin tone. Maybe even yellow. I should get some more walking around shoes, because I don't normally get a chance to wear my really nice ones."
Four... Hundred dollars. You could get two fairly good ventriloquist dolls for that! Or several Marionettes! Or a few mint comics! Well depending on exactly what issue it is... Susie thought to herself as she glanced at Lily a bit visibly shocked at the price-tag. "H-huh.."

Susie watched as the teacher began to gracefully self-waltz. And then the music began to play a triple-step. Breathing in and out, she paused. I c-can do t-this. As an Elf I have a natural s-sense of g-gra- Can't screw up here! I'M GOING TO FAIL MISERABLY... AGAIN! Oh please no one pay attention a-h so I can just Solo Waltz! Susie nervously glanced around, as her pupils darted and observed, all the while trying to avoid active eye contact. She took a few paces back, to get a spot without as many others. And then she began to recall the precise steps the teacher took.
Anya walked up to Lily, taking one hand in hers, and placing the other on the Alraune's shoulder, then led her into a slow waltz, watching her feet to make sure she got the steps right. She hoped she got the steps right.

"I remember Papa said he wanted to take me someplace nice to dance, once." she said, staring downwards.
Lily really didn't expect to be dancing with anyone this class, but apparently Anya had different ideas. Lily placed her free hand on Anya's arm as the girl led her into a surprisingly nice waltz, somewhat taken aback but used to it by this point. It was all actually quite lovely until the Neko started talking, and Lily began to panic a little.

"Oh, crap. Does this mean she wants to talk about it? Is this an invitation? Shit. What am I supposed to say? I've never talked about anything serious before. Fuck, I don't even know if her dad's dead or just missing. Hell, I'm not even sure he's either of those things. How do I console a kid when I barely even know jack about the situation? Do I ask about it? Crap crap crap."

Lily looked down at Anya, who was watching the floor. Lily's hand trembled a little on Anya's arm, and the Alraune looked back up.

"O-oh," muttered Lily after a few seconds.

"Dammit what was talking to all those idiots about unimportant bullshit for if I can't even pull this off? Come on, I don't have a dad. My mom abandoned me. We should be connecting here. I should know what to say."

"Uh... well, I could take you some place nice to dance. Not that I'm replacing your father or anything. N-not that your father needs replacing. Probably? Er, how is your dad?"

Susie saw herself struck with a stroke of such a serendipitous state. She was in fact, not having to engage in anyone. After all, ballroom dancing was, an interesting dance which she would have to engage fairly closely with individuals, and... that would not be high up on her priority list. Whew... so far, just a shadow. Hopefully such fortune may continue.

And, with these revelations, her mind was in a more positive state, due to not having to promptly deal with individuals, who she would most likely fail in the elegant dance with, thus causing unfortunate events to both parties, and of course resulting from that, unwanted attention. Susie waited for the timer to hit back to the 1 in the 3 step beat, and began waltzing, well trying to anyway, hoping natural Elven grace would help in this situation, while dealing with an imaginary specter to be her partner. "Nous allons dansons, jusqu'à ce que la Mort Rouge entre dans cette boule..." she said with a soft smile, to the still quite imaginary phantom that was her partner. "Même lorsque notre peau gouttes la dernière goutte de sang, quand le Mort Rouge vient, nous allons continuer à danser partir. Comme nous dansons avec tel grâce, qui seules les âmes mortes pourraient posséder."
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"I don't know." Anya answered, still looking down towards their dancing feet. One, two, three.

"I.... I guess I could go dancing with you." she changed the subject, her voice trembling in caution.
"She... doesn't know? That barely gives me anything. Well, at least it seems like he's not dead. He walked out, maybe? He's a guy, so that sort of thing isn't surprising."

Anya seemed to acquiesce to Lily taking her dancing, but her voice was trembling. Lily knew she'd messed up, and it seemed like Anya was just being nice. She hated how she couldn't find anything good to say, but she'd had no practice with this type of conversation.

"I, uh, I mean... you don't have to," said Lily, uncertain of whether or not Anya wanted an out, "Hey, you're pretty good at this though."

This was better. Complements were good, and they made people feel good. They could change the topic of conversation when things got awkward or stale, and it was something Lily knew how to do.

And it meant that they could maybe stop talking about real problems.
If only this was a legitimate Masquerade. Susie thought to herself as she continued the dance with the imaginary partner. Only seeing the sea of smiles made of paper faces. A night where the world can't see your face, truly why they are some of the most romantic places... Along with the various shenanigans that come along with such a venue. ...Dressing as the Red Death and attending one would be and will always be fun.

She cracked a laugh at the idea, as she continued waltzing about, though she drifted closer to some pair of dancers. "Ee- s-sorry." Susie said abashed at her mistake as she twirled on back to her starting location. "Que fut un affichage stupide." Susie reprimanded of herself, growling out near the end of it. She breathed in and returned back to the dance.

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After a few moments caught up in herself, Mirma stood proudly, watching over her class and her students. That is, until her gaze fell upon Susie. She looked so alone, and it worried the teacher, this would not do. Everything must be even, there must be a partner for her somewhere! She would help this child. Mirma danced her way through the students and, upon reaching the elf, gave her a spin to break her solo waltz and take the lead. "Where is your partner, baal?" Her voice was light in tone, but stern as she took it upon herself to search the room for another lone soul.


Standing partially behind a tapestry, Waddi snoozed. It wasn't quite so evident he was asleep, other than a somber clicking noise and a thin ribbon of drool that escaped his sharp maw.
Susie was not expecting some things, to occur. Being elegantly spun by the teacher was one of those things she did not expect. "E-ee-" she squeaked out as she finished the spin and glanced at the teacher. "A-ah, u-uhm, I do not uh, have one... D-do I have to?" She nervously inquired of Mirma, as her pupils immediately shot down, avoiding direct eye-contact.
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Lily smiled slightly and pulled Anya a bit closer as they continued to dance. She was glad that she was able to say maybe one right thing because, besides that, she was kind of failing this conversation.

"Well, dancing is fun right? And you like being around me? I can see no reason why it wouldn't be the funnest."

"Not to mention you're taking the most beloved, idolized girl in the school dancing. It had better as Hell be fun considering how wonderful I am and how many people would kill for the opportunity."
Mirma abruptly ceased dancing and looked at the student, pulling her back to regard the elf straightforwardly. "Yes! Yes you do! Do not fear, young one, we will find you someone who you will have much fun with. I guarantee." Still unable to find someone, she frowned deeply and spoke over the casual practice music, "Has anyone not yet found a partner?" Her voice boomed and Mirma let go Susie, scanning the studio with fiery intent. Having eyes on her was the teacher's absolute favorite thing and, as she watched a few heads turn or the dancing slow, she tilted hear head up with dignity. "If there is no one, you always have me," patting Susie on the shoulder, she continued, "Or I can change the system, and all will swap partners in intervals. Good, yes? Like magical chairs, music seats, that game with the competitive sitting. Only you will not sit, you will dance and competitively charm."


The loud question shook Baz awake and he wiped his mouth, sliding out from behind the curtain. He coughed, nonchalantly stuffing his hands into his pockets and leaning back on his heels. Had he been caught sleeping? Not likely, he had been so cleverly hidden, he was sure no one had seen him. He faced the commotion head-on, hoping that by looking attentive, he would pass for having a partner. To make this more convincing, he moved closer to a pair dancing. One smelled like a bouquet, and he was really okay with that. It was a nice smell.
Susie was taken aback as she was grabbed by the teacher, as she really wanted to jump back. She began to sheepishly speak as Mirami "Er w-well, I u-" Then she yelled, right as Susie was still near, her ears twitched as the teacher yelled. But at least the teacher let go of her. Susie's ears were ringing from the yelling as she grimaced and hissed out, "Juste comme le feu des canons." Susie glanced at at Mirami as she patted her on the shoulder, "It's uh f-fine, uh er r-really it's fine."
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"Sh-she GUESSES I'm fun? There is no guessing! I am the most fun!"

Lily was about to inform Anya just how damn fun she was, when she looked down and immediately collided with those big, beautiful, innocent eyes. The eyes that made her decide to take care of the girl how ever she could.

Lily blushed slightly and looked around. She needed a distraction. She knew she had to take care of Anya, but she just couldn't deal with this.

"Right, Susie. She needs my help right now, so obviously I can't continue this conversation at present."

Lily let go of Anya, noting that some guy had wandered close to them while she wasn't paying attention. It was probably a pervert, and Lily couldn't leave Anya alone with him, so she grabbed the Neko's hand instead and walked over to the teacher.

"That guy looks fishy."

"Hey, teach," said Lily, addressing their dance instructor, "She seems to be learning the steps just fine, huh? As long as she gets it, it shouldn't matter whether she has a partner or not. I think Susie is fine as is."
Susie continued to keep her eyes down as Lily arrived and went to make a case on Susie having the ability to not have a partner. Her pupils darted slightly upwards, "R-right. And learning the art is really the vital thing here, right?" She again shot her eyes downwards. Er uh, h-hopefully the explanations will be enough for convincing for my case.
Anya looked up at the grown ups, rubbing her eyes.

"Should.... should I partner up with him?" she asked, looking up towards Lily.
Lily was sure that she was getting, like, all the relationship points with Susie right now. But looking down at Anya, the Alraune wasn't certain that she was getting any with her. Lily even felt a little guilty that she didn't know how to handle this better, and she almost never felt guilty about anything.

Lily pulled Anya closer, and wrapped her arms protectively around the girl.

"No," said Lily somewhat sternly, "You're not allowed to dance with any boys. I'm doing this."

And with that, Lily grabbed Anya's hand once again, and placed the other on her shoulder. She had said her piece, and would likely be of no further help to Susie anyways.

"I'll try leading this time."

Lily still wasn't the most coordinated with her legs, but this would be good practice. Besides, she much preferred it this way. Lily began dancing somewhat clumsily, especially without Anya's lead, but at least she remained in time with the music.
Mirma watched the girls, a small smile forming on her face. Such good friends, and so soon! Cheerfully, she pondered letting the elf stay alone, as that seemed like her preferred choice. Anyhow, there didn't seem to be any suitable candidates, "Well," she tapped her foot and continued, "you are a formidable dancer, though you are without partner..." About to reluctantly give in to the children's whims, the teacher's eyes fell upon a lanky figure leaving the sea of dancers, notably uncouthly, and she reached out two arms, pulling him back. "BUT-! It is good to make new friends!" She set them up in a dancing position promptly. "Yes, yes, older friends are glittering and golden, but new friends, always silver." She gave Susie a quadrupedal thumbs-up and a quick, comforting smile before finding her way to the side of the room to continue admiring where she had left off.


"Sorry," He seemed to be apologizing a lot as he tried to make his way away from whatever was going on, the bouquet having vanished after a few moments, covered by the positions of other people who ended up bumping into him. If he didn't know any better, he was sure he'd been traveling toward the commotion, rather than away from it. Well, that wouldn't be uncommon of him, but if he could only find his barrings...

Chuckling to himself, he knew he was definitely miles in the way of which he intended to travel. Or, that's what he was going to keep telling himself until it were true. Perhaps if he wished hard enough for it-

A familiar feeling of disconcertion filled him as he was yanked from his standing and moved into position. Baz squeezed someone's hand gently, realizing he'd been given a partner despite himself. He flashed an unknowing smile, his closed eyes searching for something he couldn't see. "Howzit goin'?"

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