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"You need more practice." Anya noted, speaking in a melancholy tone. She was looking at their feet again. Her ears and tail drooped, and her breaths started to come a little heavier.
Susie listened as Lily told Anya in a firm manner that she couldn't dance with boys, for some strange reason. Well that was... But, that did not concern her, no, Susie's ears twitched as the teacher complimented her dancing. Her pupils moved upwards, as she tried to hide back a smile of satisfaction of knowing the material. Which only, then a thought quickly occurred to her. Wait, did the Neko say partner with someone e- That was when the teacher used her spare set of arms as she grabbed a student, a creature looking more fit in the seas than on land, with claws, and she set him with her.

Susie glanced at the teacher as she gave four thumbs up, and extolled the virtues of making new friends. Susie's face immediately reddened as the creature's hands were, oddly gentle, and placed against her own fleshy hands. Then he flashed a grin, and engaged in conversation.

"Er uh..." she stammered as she began to lead in the dance, hoping that it would keep conversation to a minimum. "W-we-ell...uh, h-how a-are uh, um, you?" Susie's left lips pinched together as they quickly stretched to the side in a bit of contempt at her err, which would most likely only foster more conversation.
"I'll get better," mumbled Lily, looking down at her partner. She'd only had legs for a couple of months, after all, and even with her superior plant brain it was a bit tricky.

And then came the pity as Lily heard Anya's breathing become heavier and saw her tail and ears droop. Guilt and pity, and Lily still didn't know what to do. But she would find out.

"Anya... what's the matter? You look pretty sad. You know you can tell me anything, don't you?"
Baz followed her steps as best he could, keeping his feet light and partially hesitant in case he did manage to step on her. "It goes a'right. What's ya' name?" She had the scent of an elf, he realized, but there was something about her he couldn't quite make out. It was something he hadn't encountered before, which wasn't a bad thing, or rather, it made him more interested in her than anything else.

He kept his head tilted upward as if he were looking just beyond his dance partner, imagining their feet as they moved and added, "M'name's Baz, by the by."
Susie kept her attention focused on maintaining proper form and footwork, and fortunately the Aqua-Creature was taking it slow for some reason. She had her head kept up fairly straight, but had her pupils shoot downwards. Susie's ears twitched as the individual asked for her name, and did in-fact introduce himself. "O-oh. I'm uh, Suzette." Susie replied.
"I guess I can tell you anything." Anya admitted with a sigh. Lily did seem smart, after all.

"But... I don't think you can help me." she said, looking upwards at the alraune.
Lily looked into Anya's eyes as they danced, reassuring herself that it was the right choice to assist the Neko. Every second Lily stared, she knew more and more that this would help her. Those big, sweet, innocent, slightly melancholy eyes. Easily the most entrancing thing she had ever seen, and it was something she needed to protect.

"Save the doubts for later, huh? I'll decide whether I can help you or not, and I'm pretty awesome so I probably can. Tell me your problem so that I can crush it like autumn leaves under a steamroller."
"Fine. But.... I'm only telling you because you promise you can help me, okay?" Anya said, looking away again. She swallowed, then looked the alraune in the eyes again, tears welling up slowly.

"I... I don't actually know where my parents are."
"Suzette," he let the name roll off of his tongue and pondered what else to chat about. The weather seemed like a viable option, but also boring, and he wasn't ready to fall back asleep so soon. But with the steps falling into motion as he matched her timing, the sweet music, and her soft voice, Baz was starting to drift off. "So, wanna swap stories or do ya' wanna do whateva' the teachy asked of us?" He chuckled deep in his chest and little, happy clicks followed up in his throat before he continued, "Y'know, personally, I have no idea what that was."
Susie's ears twitched as the creature made joyous clicking sounds. "Ces clics ... ils ont une mélodie étrange. " She muttered out to herself, before glancing back at Baz."E-er well the teacher talked about dancing mostly." said Suzette as she continued the dance, keeping the pacing. "... And something about charming..." As soon as she recognized what she said, her pupils dilated wide as she shook her head fairly quickly. "Er u-uh, sha-aaring, uhm, s-s-stories would be better, of uhm, those two options. If uh, s-silence isn't uhm, there as a third option. B-but er uhm, y-yeah out of the two stories are er better." Susie's pupils shot back down as she glanced back down at her footwork.
Lily's dancing slowed as Anya stared at her, her eyes welling up with tears. Finally it seemed that Lily was getting somewhere, but the Alraune didn't know if that was anywhere she really wanted to be. She certainly said that she would help Anya, but tracking a child's parents down seemed a little harder than what she was prepared for.

"H-hey, hey don't cry," said Lily in a comforting manner, "I can find your parents. No problem."

Lily all together ceased dancing and knelt down to Anya's level, gently brushing away one of her tears with a soft and understanding finger.

"I promise."

"I promised, but I'll have to cash in some Susiebucks on a scrying. If she knows a scrying spell. And has the components. And if Anya has any of her parents' possessions. And if that falls through I'm boned and a promise-breaker."
Anya wiped her face with her sleeve, then nodded.

"You promised..." she said, then entwined Lily's pinky with her own.

"I know you won't break it then, Lily. You're my best friend, after all." she said, giving a soft smile.
Lily smiled as the Neko took her pinky. On the inside she had no idea what the fuck she was getting into, but since she was perfect she knew that it would all work out somehow. It had to.

Because apparently she was this child's best friend.

"I'm, uh, your what now?" asked Lily, slightly nervous. Her smile cracked a bit as she continued staring at Anya. How in the nine Hells could this kid already feel attached enough to call her 'best friend'? Lily never really had friends before, but this was weird wasn't it?

"Anya... we've only really known each other for about a day right? Why do you feel so close to me?"

"I wonder, is it just her proximity to the perfume? But if that was the case, Susie would be all over me as well. Does she really like me for some reason? I haven't been that friendly to her, right? Is she saying this to guilt me into taking this seriously? Will she just abandon me once I find her parents? Nobody uses Lilium Darlingtonia like that. I'll have to tread carefully here."
"Isn't it obvious?" Anya asked, confused.

"You're the only one who's been my friend since I came here. And now you promised to help me! That makes you my best friend. The best friend. One who will never betray or hurt me." she explained, smiling.
Lily smiled back at the girl. This would actually be kind of heartwarming in a way, if Lily had had a heart to warm. And also if one left out those parts about hurting and betraying Anya which made the Alraune a little uncomfortable.

"Well I guess her story checks out? I am pretty great to have around, after all, but I'm still going to be cautious. If things start to look unsavory, I'll just deal with it. She won't abandon me, I'll make sure of that. Whatever it takes, I'll make sure of that."

The smile on Lily's face stretched even wider; something slightly predatory hidden behind its seemingly good nature.

"Right," replied Lily, "Because I'm your best friend. Now that that's settled, would you like to continue dancing?"
He listened to her with understanding, even nodding to show respect, letting her get out her words. "Right, whateva' ya' comfortable with, birdy." he teased, "Ya' already got me charmed, but..."

Snickering at himself, he shook his head, "What I mean s'we can swap stories." That was a bad pick up line and he knew it, he just hoped she would ignore it. She did definitely set herself up for it, that's why he said it in the first place. Sure, alright, Baz. Very smooth. He made a mental note not to trip over his own feet now, he didn't want to look like a jerk and look uncool. Paying more attention to his footing now, his eyebrows knit together in concentration and he chewed his lip anxiously.
"B-birdy?" Susie said rather startled at the creature's choice of words and the tone in which he said it. This bewilderment did not stop after he said that, by some esoteric reason or another, Susie charmed the individual in question. Her face was already flushing a bit red, then came the next piece of dialogue. That is when her face fully flushed red, and she felt her hands go rather clammy and cold. Her steps, that were aligned to the music, were now out of place and, she dreadfully hoped that she wouldn't trip over anything.


"I c-c-can assure you, th-h-here is n-no-nothing c-charming about me. N-not a s-s-single aspect er uh..." Suzette said as her Elven foot-steps quickly returned back to dancing properly, as she initiated a Natural spin turn, trying her best to help the Baz do it. "E-er u-uhm s-so-sorry... Uuhm, uh..."
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"Yes." Anya said, grabbing Lily's hand and waist again.

"Do you wanna take the lead this time?" she asked, smiling as she looked up into Lily's eyes.
Lily closed her hand a little tighter around Anya's before pulling the Neko closer and looking her directly in the eyes.

"I'll take the lead," replied Lily, "I generally enjoy being the dom- uh, I mean I like being player one. You know. Mario."

She started leading Anya around once again, a bit less clumsily this time but still not fantastic. Lily continued looking into the Neko's eyes for as long as she could without becoming sick.
"E-er, u-uhm, o-oh, I uh, h-hope you don't m-mind if I ask you just a quick question." Glancing down Susie coughed, before she spoke up again. "H-how sharp are those fangs?"
"Wait, you mean May-ryo?" Anya asked as they danced.

"I think I heard of that. Is it fun? Are video games fun?" she continued, looking up at her partner.
He stumbles along with her right up until she corrects her footing and he slowly spins her, trying to imagine where she would be going or what she looks like. When they begin again, he's more sure-footed, but he tightens his hold subtly, afraid of loosing her in the crowd and being stranded.

"U-uh..." Becoming more flustered as she does, his gills flare when she asks how sharp his teeth are, "They'a um, sharp enough ta break skin, if that's what'cha mean." He clicks his tongue, nice one. Why don't you tell her she smells edible while you're at it? "If ya' 'fraid, don't be. My kinship ain't the flesh-eatin' type."

Baz gives her a wary grin, now hesitant to bare his teeth, "Ya' plenty charmin', yah? Ya' can dance, an' ya' voice is nice. I'd say ya's a top bloke." He swallows hard, trying to brush off his slight embarrassment.
Susie blinked as she continued to the pace of the music. "W-wha- OH. Oh n-no, no, I'm not a-afraid of the fangs." Pausing for a moment she danced a few more paces before she spoke up again, "P-per-er, ah, ahem." She coughed out as she bent her head down to the right.

"Ah excuse me. In fact I think fangs look cool. A-and Er ah, y-you have some tha-" Suzette shook her head as she quickly spoke again, "What I was trying to say is t-that y-y-y-your Er ah, f-f-fangs look uhm nice."

Suzette's flushed as the metaphorical gears of thought turned inside her head as she processed the compliments that Baz delivered to her. "W-w-we-ell I Er uh- s-su-uppose. I d-don't uh, p-probably erm, not good in w-whatever 'competitive dancing' t-though. My room-mates I would think would be far more charming than myself. B-but ah, a-as for v-voice, I ah, w-well it has a cer-tain ah uhm, quality to it? I s-suppose. I- OH. I Er ah... L-lost the train of t-thought on what I was err, uhm, g-going to say."
Lily raised an eyebrow at Anya when she asked about video games. It was hard to find a kid these days who'd never played one before, after all.

"Maybe her parents are in some sort of weird religious cult or something. That would actually explain a lot about how socially awkward and naive she is."

"Yeah," replied Lily, still concentrating on her steps, "Video games are awe- I mean, they're alright. If you're into that sort of thing. Would you like to try playing some later? Because I have a few, and I've never really had a player 2 before. I mean, if you wanted to."
"That sounds fun. We should do that after cooking class." Anya nodded. She had no idea what a Player 2 was, but if Lily said it, it was probably safe.


"Oh! That's coming up soon; what do you want me to make?"

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