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"Er uhm, I w-was going to ask about that." Susie said, as she held out the pants. "T-thanks again for going out so quickly to get them."
"You're welcome," said Lily, smiling triumphantly. She was getting all the relationship points today.

The Alraune slowly looked down, however, when Anya mentioned that they hadn't changed. Lily was silent for a couple of seconds while Susie chimed in.

"Well, see, I knew how uncomfortable Susie was so I went to get her pants as fast as I could," said Lily. She wanted to withhold what she was about to say next, but at the same time realized how obvious a lie her story was without it.

"Also, I kind of forgot a little. I swear, this leotard is really comfortable and it hugs me just right. It's like I'm wearing nothing at all. But even if I did notice, I would have gotten the pants first. Maybe I wouldn't have carried Anya around the school in a leotard, though."

Really, the entire situation would have been even more embarrassing if Lily hadn't taken to wearing significantly less than a leotard every single day. While almost any other student would have to live the rest of their social life in shame for this, Lily was actually feeling pretty good. She wasn't worried about it.
"But you did." Anya pointed out.

"Lily, are they gonna laugh at me for forgetting now?" Anya asked, tears welling up.

"I don't wanna be made fun of because I was wearing the wrong clothes."
"W-well, I'm glad that you would decide to help me first." Susie said to Lily, smiling a bit. Focusing her attention to Anya, "I doubt that'd happen." Susie then proceeded to open her locker, and prepare to change into the standard clothes for the day.
"Hey," said Lily, holding Anya (Who was still attached to her) tight, "Nobody is going to make fun of you. You're with me now, which means you're immune to bullies."

Lily smiled and nodded at Susie as the Elf turned to get changed.

"See? Susie knows it's not going to happen, and she's really smart. Trust me, our little escapade is only going to make people a little jealous if anything. Because you got to be carried around by me. I promise."

"And if anyone IS mean to Anya, I'll just have to take care of it until she only hears nice things."
Susie's ears twitched as Lily spoke. If only that intelligence, that she speaks of, would have let me successfu-... I COULD HAVE JUST TELEPORTED AND AVOIDED THE CLASS ENTIRELY! Susie quickly brought her right hand to smack her face, while her face flushed out of the embarrassment she suffered in attempting to escape, when she neglected the most obvious and successful means of escape. Susie just stood, as she hunched her back and peered at the inside of the locker between her fingers, and began a quick sulking.

Qu'est-ce un échec lamentable! She thought to herself. "Qu'est-ce un échec lamentable!" Susie hissed out in a hasty manner. Taking three deep breaths, she quickly took back her bindings as she took off the Leotard and began changing, first starting with the bindings, quickly wrapping them around her chest. Contained. Less noticeable... less prone to ... motions that would make the breasts noticeable. Nice and tight... Nice and tight. After that the new pair of pants, then the long-sleeved shirt.
"Hm? No, it's not about leotards. Well, I guess how unexpectedly great I look in one might be a source of jealousy, but I was talking about something different."

"Seriously, who but Lilium Darlingtonia could make a plain leotard look as magnificent as it did?"

Lily shot a surreptitious glance at Susie, knowing in her perfect little plantheart that the Elf did quite well in that regard too. Certainly Lily wasn't jealous at all, though, because jealousy was reserved for every other girl to be directed at her. No, her feelings were far less complex than that. Far more primal. In simple terms, she wanted to just rip all the clothes off of Susie's body and dress her in prettier things because her looks were wasted on those dorky rags.

Lily shook her head slightly and returned her attention to Anya.

"See, I carried you all around the school. I've never really held anyone like that before, and literally 99% of the students at this school would like desperately for me to hold them in a similar manner. I mean, I'm not even misusing the word 'literally' here. There was a poll. It was overseen by the statistics teacher. We're talking about legitimate results. Well, full disclosure it was actually 98.7% and I kind of rounded up, but seriously."

Lily returned her attention to Susie, and raised an eyebrow.

"Hey, aren't those bindings really uncomfortable? That just can't be healthy. Why don't you try, like, a sports bra or something? They're super comfortable, but they still keep the girls in line."

Not that Lily really had to worry about those things herself at the moment.
"Er -uhm p-personal matter." Susie said sheepishly as she shut the locker. While they are comfier than the actual binding, and most assuredly healthier, they can't do the job properly enough! Though they do go along well WITH the bindings... If I manage to tolerate it. She thought to herself.

"M-moving on!" Susie declared rather vigorously. Stammering a bit, "S-so did you ever get that statistics teacher to draw up uhm other statistics?" Susie inquired of Lily.
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"....What's a sports bra?" Anya asked innocently, looking up at Lily. Her eyes were full of curiosity at the mention. It was probably like a weird baton or something.
"M-moving on." Susie said again, trying to steer the conversation in a different direction. "S-so, uh..." Susie said, stammering as she tried to think of something that would quickly move the discussion in a different direction.
"Oh," replied Lily, "Well, if you ever do want to start wearing something a little more comfortable, go ahead and tell me OK? I'll shop for something with you; I know my stuff. Anyways, I could probably get the statistics teacher to do whatever, but I didn't actually ask him to conduct that poll in the first place."

Lily shrugged.

"It's a little weird."

The Alraune then turned to Anya, who had asked a peculiar question.

"It's a bra for the active woman. Or any woman who wants to be super comfortable in their undies, really. You... do know what a bra is, right Anya? You're around that age, so your parents should have told you."

Lily turned back to Susie and shook her head.

"It's an odd conversation, I know. But if her parents didn't tell her about this stuff, she should really know. And I guess that's my job as long as I'm taking care of her."
Anya stared up at Lily intensely, her brow starting to furrow as she searched the depths of her knowledge.

"...I have no idea what that is." she stated.
Susie gave a quick nod to Lily, "R-r-right." She tilted her head slightly to the right as she tapped her temple with her index finger. "...If I needed to go shopping for anything I could use some more socks." She said as she tilted her head back up fully. Susie blinked as Anya mentioned that she had no idea what a bra was. "W-well I'm sure you can uh, explain that then."
"She honestly doesn't know what it is? That's kind of weird, but I guess I could explain it."

Lily nodded at Susie, pried Anya from off of her, and began changing. She took off her leotard, and put on her underwear.

"This. This is a bra," said Lily, pointing to the pink sports bra on her chest, "When you start growing here, it will be important to wear one to... keep everything in place. Normally around your age, you get a training bra to get used to how they feel. Your parents didn't take you shopping for anything like this? Or tell you anything of this sort? If not, I guess we could go shopping later. And Susie can find some new socks while we're out."
Once she was pried off, Anya also changed out of her leotard, and put on her own underwear as she considered what Lily said.

"...No, they never had the time to tell me that." she said. This was basically the truth. Wordlessly, Anya slipped her borrowed blouse on.
"Though it is possible I may have just misplaced them." Susie stated, "I'd need to check on that, before uhm shopping. After all, if I already have the socks, I don't have any reason to go out and buy something else."
Lily gave Anya a concerned look as she continued changing. The way she said that made Lily fear the worst, so she decided to stay away from the subject of her parents until she wanted to talk.

"Hey, it's alright Anya. We'll go shopping together later and get you one. It'll be fun."

Lily then turned to Susie, who maybe didn't understand that they were all shopping together to make Anya happy.

"I checked, Susie. When I was looking for pants. You're low, and we're all going with Anya and it will be fun," said Lily, attempting to emphasize why exactly they were doing this shopping trip.
"Oh. Oh. W-well thanks for confirming that." Susie said. Well, I should take Ferdie with me, whenever that happens. She paused for a moment and blinked, "Well, er uh, I suppose it'd be interesting to see what the stores have."
Fanning out her modest, but vibrant, dance studio, the intoxicating scent of strong, sharp rose incense had Mirma turning on every one of the wall fans. The gold, red, and royal purple sheets hanging loosely to the ceiling swayed in the whirlwind enveloping the small studio. She panted, resting the sunshade fan, that she had previously been using to air out the room, over her shoulder like an accomplished warrior. "I need better ventilation." She breathed a sigh, reveling in the nice breeze despite what the weather may be. As the rattling animal bones and jingling tapestries hanging along the walls shook themselves of the lingering odor, Mirma tossed the heavy Egyptian fan to the side unceremoniously and made her way to the long, floor-to-ceiling mirrors that lined the opposite wall to the door.

Planting a pair of hands on her wide hips and crossing her other pair of arms across her chest, she glanced over her appearance in the mirror, admiring it. In turn, she looked over her righteous studio, as she took as much pride in it as her own beauty. Emblems graced each dosser perfectly, with their little tassels hanging proudly, and the glossy hardwood floor shined so brightly, it created the illusion you could eat off of it. The door stood open, propped with a stopper to let in the fresh air. Mirma let out a comforted sigh, feeling completely and arbitrarily ready for class.
Susie paused as she tilted her head slightly as she mused upon various things. Quickly snapping her head back right up, "C-class! Can't show up late."
"Class?" Anya said with a blank expression, realizing how long they'd spent goofing off. The girl ran towards the door, then back to her locker, and put her skirt and shoes on. Then, she grabbed her friends' hands and tugged them off towards the next class.
"I know, right? Super interesting. I love shopping so much, and I totally need some new shoes. My collection is way behind where it should be, probably because I didn't really have feet until recently."

Lily had just finished changing when Susie reminded her that they had another class. Lily didn't really care whether she was late or not, but Anya grabbed her hand and began leading her to class anyways. She figured she might as well go, even though she kind of wanted to do fun things and not school.

She hoped that this class was at least a bit fun.
Susie was just about to prepare a teleport spell to arrive at the class. That quickly changed when Anya grabbed a hold of her hand and dragged her and Lily to class. While quickly arriving towards the class, Susie mused on some things. I wonder if they have any decent comic-books. Oh! I'd kill if they have Birds of Prey, Issue 37! The Condiment King is hilarious! Though I would settle for Arkham A Serious House on Serious Earth... Susie smiled a bit at the potential of the mall having a decent selection of comic books.

Ah, but it was class-time, gathering comics would have to wait.
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"Shoes off! Shoes off at the entrance! Do not walk in here with dirty, dirty shoes!" Mirma swept the floor vigorously after the students coming in, using her free pair of arms to point and direct, "There is a rack, it is outside, you put your shoes on that. After, you come in and you sit on the floor, neatly. Straight and with head high, you cannot slouch. Make neat lines."

Counting the students, she was hoping for a small turnout. Dancing in a crowded room wouldn't be ideal for anyone. You need your body to breathe, and really, you can't do that when you only smell someone else's sweat. She also hoped for an even count, but sadly, not everything can always be so perfect and precise.

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