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"WHY ARE WE CALLING EACH OTHER BROTHER, BROTHER?" Anya shouted, doing a sumo stomp. She was confused, lost in a state of pure, unbridled hype. All she saw was her opponent in front of her. All she felt was where her raven hair brushed against skin yet uncovered by her leotard. Anya rushed forward, and began her assault.

Lily's mouth opened slightly as she saw Anya surrender to the power of the hype and charge at her. This kid was definitely not messing around. Caught slightly off-guard, Lily attempted a sprawl once again while marveling at the fact that Anya had apparently actually been paying attention.

Anya gave a giggle as she tumbled on top of Lily, bringing them to the ground. It occurred to Anya that if she used grappling, she could cuddle anyone anytime she wanted. Anya felt as if this had unlocked some savage side of her, one that delighted in pinning plant girls.

"This is fun, Lily!" she exclaimed, cuddling her cheek against the girl's belly. It didn't occur to her how smooth the spandex was; there was barely a wrinkle as it stretched across their skin.

"Whoa, this is so smooth. It's almost like I'm touching your belly by itself!"
Lily grunted as Anya tackled her to the mat. It was kind of exciting when Susie did it, but being tossed to the ground by a 9-year-old was simply humiliating. And not even in the good way.

"I... I was surprised. Yes, I was surprised. And obviously I was going easy on her. Can't use my full strength on a kid. And I mean, I felt kind of bad about what happened to her pie. I might as well let her have this. Yeah, I let her win. I'm such a good guardian."

With enough excuses piled on, Lily's pride quickly became repaired and she stroked Anya's hair in a gesture of sportsmanship.

"Yeah, it's alright," replied Lily, "But my actual belly is even softer and smoother."
Anya gave off a soft purr as Lily stroked her hair, wiggling slightly. "Well, then you should have no problem slipping away, right? Smooth things are good for sliding around, so try and put up a fight, at least." she smiled, looking at Lily.

Then she pulled herself forward and initiated a straddle pin.

(I am really sorry for my disappearance guys I had some issues with my computer for the last week.)

Elric creeped into the class and stood on the sidelines watching. Showing up for something like this wasn't usually his style, but he was intrigued. As he began to observe what was happening he could not help but break out into muffled laughter. The scene before him was ridiculous. Despite not knowing much about hand to hand combat of any kind, he knew that what he was looking at was hilarious. The two wrestlers were taking things into such a comically serious fashion. Had it been a knife fight he probably would have intervened before somebody got seriously hurt.
"Alright, well I suppose we have a volunteer. If Darlingtonia is okay with..." Martin was cut off by the sudden outburst of very loud trashtalking from the two girls. Ah, that brought back memories. Not of doing stuff like that himself, it was never really his style. He did enjoy smacking people who were too busy talking to fight back, though. Drove the bosses crazy but people loved it. Less talking, more fighting, just like in the good old days instead of that american bullshit.

To his surprise, the youngest one looked like she'd actually paid attention as she dropped into the stance an executed a good takedown which let her overcome the differences in size and weight between her opponent and herself. The kids were learning. They were actually learning how to wrestle properly wrestle before resorting to chairshots. He was so happy with himself that he decided he'd let the little one horse around a bit.
It was actually sort of relaxing, laying on the mat. The Neko beside her purred sweetly as Lily stroked her hair, and a certain calmness washed over her. Then Anya suddenly initiated the straddle pin, and Lily began squirming to get out of it. Why was a boy laughing? Why was the teacher not stopping it this time?

"Oh, come on! Susie was about to willingly put me into a headlock which you stop in less than a second, but Anya straddles me and you stand there and watch? What are you, a lolicon? WHY COULDN'T IT HAVE BEEN THE OPPOSITE."

Surely if Lily couldn't even get out of the pin of an inexperienced 9-year-old, it would be the most humiliating moment in her life. And it wasn't even the good kind of humiliation that Lily found out she kinda sorta liked.

"....Lily I don't think you're getting out of this." Anya said, sitting atop her friend.

"I guess I'm just too good at pinning." she smiled, stroking Lily's cheek.

"Oh, I guess this means I win, right? I dominated in the ring, just like I said I would."
Susie just stared at them, and blinked as Anya successfully put Lily in a pin. D-did she just? Pinching the back of her left palm, she did in fact confirm the fact that Anya successfully pinned Lily. S-she did. Susie thought incredulously. L-lily can get out right?
Martin clapped his hands extra hard to catch the students' attention. It was a pretty loud noise, enough to make someone's ears ring if he did it close to them. "Alright, alright, enough horsing around. Get off Darlingtonia, uh...whatever your name was, I can't remember right now, sorry. You did pretty well though. I think Darlingtonia's done for the moment, but if you want to keep practicing against someone else you can".
"I'm satisfied for now." Anya called back to the teacher.

She smiled back at Lily, brushing a strand of hair from the pinned girl's face.

"I beat you." she whispered, and slowly stood up, being sure to stretch standing over the downed girl. She carefully stepped over Lily's head, and walked with a bounce in her step back to Susie.

"That was fun." she told the elf. "We should wrestle Lily more often."
Susie's ears were still ringing from Martin's loud clap. W-why did he have to clap that loudly!? She thought to herself, as the ringing continued to persist in her elven ears, from the stimuli. Tilting her head, she then proceeded to use her left index finger to rub in her inner ear, in an attempt to clear out the persisting noise. She then tilted her head to the right and did the same process on the other side. Ah there we go... Much better. Le problème est résolu.

She glanced at Anya as she happily headed over towards her.
"E-er, w-well I'm glad you had fun." She said to the Neko.
Lily just lay there as Anya had her pinned, utterly ashamed. She wasn't even trying to escape any more as that would only embarrass her further. Lily blushed deeply as Anya reached down to stroke her cheek and turned her head away. It wasn't enough that she was pinned by a 9-year-old, but Anya seemed to want her to know just how easy she thought it was.

"I'm not easy... stop it. Maybe it was a mistake after all; attempting to work with these inferior mammalian legs. Walking around like the monkeys. I don't want to get caught again. What was I thinking?"

There really wasn't any room for excuses now. By this time tomorrow the entire school would know that Lilium Darlingtonia, in her boundless kindness and mercy, let a little girl pin her to the mat. Everyone in the school, that is, except Lily and Anya. The Alraune bit her lower lip in frustration until her teeth broke through the skin and some of her nectar began leaking out.

Lily got up after Anya and lumbered over to the wall, which she slid down and took a seat. She gazed at her flower as her lower lip quickly healed.

"It would be a lot easier if I just used that. I could subjugate anyone that threatened me. I'd never lose control again."
Anya watched as Lily went over to the wall, instead of standing with her and Susie. That wouldn't do at all. The cat followed her to the wall, and knelt down beside her.

"Lily, what's wrong?" Anya asked, nudging the alraune's shoulder. "Are you sad you lost? Do you want a hug?"

Without waiting for an answer, Anya drew Lily into a tight hug, pressing the plant's head against her chest, as she stroked her hair.

"It's okay. If it means that much, we can have a rematch later." she cooed.
As Lily contemplated where she would go from here, wondering whether she should just give up on having legs or not, Anya waltzed over to where she sat. The last person she really wanted to see at the moment. Without asking once again, Anya pulled her into a hug.

"Don't you pity me!"

To Lily, Anya's words dripped with condescension and were punctuated by the hug. Always without asking, as if Anya just assumed that she could do whatever she wanted with Lily. As if the Alraune was her property. Well, Lily was nobody's property. She pushed the Neko away, breaking the hug.

"Don't do that," she muttered, "Always doing whatever you want without permission. Why don't you think about someone else for a change? Just leave me alone, I'm thinking."
"But Lily, I am thinking about you." Anya said, her head tilting. It was odd that Lily would push her away like that.

"I'm hugging you because hugs make people feel better." she explained, drawing the alraune back in to squeeze her arms around her chest. "This way, you'll know you're not alone, because you have me."
Susie watched as Lily slunk over to a wall, and was followed by Anya. Peering in the direction, and focusing on the sight it looked like the cat was engaging in a hug with Lily.

Which was then broken, and it looked like the cat tried it again. Right. Well m-maybe I need to uh, help out over there, or uh uhm, something. Susie thought to herself as she strolled to the wall.

As she arrived, she her leaned in a bit forwards and downwards glancing at the two. "
A-ah, so uhm. H-how are you two doing?" Susie stammered out, as she straightened back up.
Lily looked up at Susie, Anya once again wrapped around her. Lily had explained before that not everyone wanted hugs all the time, but Anya still didn't seem to care at all. Well, either that or she genuinely didn't understand it.

"I'm fine," replied Lily, "Just trying to think, but I guess I still can't get a moment alone."

That was the tough part of being loved by an entire school, after all. She was always smothered. Again, not in the good way.

"A-and I'm not just being a sore loser, if that's what you're thinking," Lily added.
"A-ack, uh s-sorry to bother you then!" Susie apologetically said as she gave a quick nod, as she glanced at Anya, "Er uh, L-lily would probably like it very much if you gave her a breather, and uhm, d-do something else for the moment." Susie stated to Anya, before she headed back in the direction from whence she came.
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T-that wasn't really an effort to get her to uh, stop. She did more to help you out! Susie thought to herself as she was strolling back. She immediately spun on her heels and headed back to the Alarune and the Neko. "Er-ah-uhm, s-s-sorry for uh coming back so soon." Susie muttered out, as she glanced down at the Neko and reached over thinking about poking her on the shoulder. Deciding against it, she retracted her hand and moved it back to her side. ... You won't get her attention by inaction, unfortunately.

Susie thought, then again reached over and tapped the Neko softly on her shoulder, and quickly pulled her hand back as soon as she finished the gesture. "C-come on now."
Samuel walked from class to class, building to building, hoping to meet someone. He was humming a tune when he bumped Susie by accident. He quickly responded "Sorry, wasn't looking where I was going." Samuel sighed inside himself. He continued "I'm uh Samuel, by the way." Was his first impression really going to be awkwardly bumping into someone? Well, I guess this could go either way, I'm hoping for the best. Leo said in his thoughts.
Unexpectedly, Susie felt a bump at her side. "E-eep!" She squeaked out, as she quickly turned her head towards the individual as she moved back and pressed her back against the wall. The individual quickly apologized, which was, well common manners, and then introduced himself. Susie's face flushed a bit as she wrapped her arms around her chest. "H-hi...S-samuel you said?" she inquired.
"Yeah, uh, sort about that. So, you are?" Samuel said, a bit nervous. She seems flustered. Samuel thought about why he could say to lighten he mood. He took notice of Susie's gestures as smiled, though that was invisible due to his hood. Well on the bright side at least he was meeting people. Though, not in the way he expected. Samuel extended his hand, which was covers in a black glove to shake.
"S-suzette." Susie replied as she glanced at the man, noticing that he had offered his hand. Susie shook her head, and waved her palm a bit to the side. "Er ah, h-handshakes aren't uhm. Necessary." she said to him.

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