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Anya decided to comfort her friend by giving her a sudden, unwanted hug from behind.

"Don't worry" she cooed. "If I ever turn into jello, I'll try not to smother you when I hug you."


"In that case.... what's the worst that could happen?" Richter asked, and reached to his side. With a sweep of his arm, his shirt, tie, and jacket all flew from his body, landing on the lined students. His stance widened, and he prepared himself for what was sure to be a difficult battle- Richter didn't actually know shit about wrestling.
"Alright, we'll start with the stance then". Martin slowly went into his stance, making sure to do so slowly and obviously so the students could see. It was nearly frontal, only slightly turned sideways so his left side was a bit forward of the right side, both hands held at about eye level, slightly open, fingers relaxed. His body was leaning forward, but not too heavily, the back was somewhat rounded and the chin tucked in. Weight was split 50/50 between the legs, knees slightly bent, though the back foot, the right one, was touching the ground with the ball of the foot. He went through the mechanics of it, explaining them to the kids as he dropped into it repeatedly to show it off.

"It's a basic stance, good for striking, good for grappling. We'll not be doing striking yet but it's best to learn a stance that works for it. It's not the best at either but keeps your options open and lets you defend yourself from both. As you make progress you'll naturally take towards a stance that works for your strengths but this here is a practical starting ground. Now, the objective of wrestling is to control your opponent and place yourself in a dominant position. The rules change but it's always about controlling the other guy or girl. We're gonna start with takedowns and the sprawl. If you take someone down chances are they won't know how to fight back so we'll start with that, then I'll teach you how to not get taken down yourself.

Slightly lowering his stance in preparation, to make it more obvious at least, Martin went for a

on Richter, fast to show the kids the effect.
Richter wordlessly swung an arm in a wide arc, aiming for the Glasgow giant's head. He never needed to learn wrestling, with the abilities at his disposal. However, he didn't often get into wrestling matches against unbelievably swole men, either.

He felt gigantic arms like pistons wrap around his legs, and send him slamming down onto the mat. He was pretty sure he felt a femur crack.

"Whoa, uh, sorry about that. I went in a bit too hard I think". Martin got up from his dominant position over Richter, offering the vampire a hand. "That was a double leg takedown. As you could see, class, if done properly a takedown is a good counter to a swing and from there you can do any number of things to the other guy, because you have control, the dominant position. Even if you can't wrestle whatever it is you're fighting always keep that in mind, you gotta control the fight, keep the other guy off balance. Are you okay to continue or should I demonstrate how to do the takedown on something else Mr...Richter, was it?".
"No, I'm quite alright." Richter said, taking Martin's hand and pulling himself up. "Just let me get my bearings." the vampire made sure his leg wasn't too broken, and crouched back down.

"Let's continue then." Richter said, and lunged forward, attempting the move he'd just learned firsthand.

Martin nodded and slipped back into his stance, once again doing so slowly and deliberately to let the students get a good look. When Richter charged at him trying for a double leg takedown of his own it was fairly sloppy, but it'd get the point of the defense across. Rather than meet force with force, Martin performed the basic defense known as a

. It wasn't painful on its own, but it opened up a variety of options on a counter attack.
Richter's face hit the mat with a thud as Martin's heavy arms landed on his neck. He made a mental note to double check with the faculty before he was volunteered for the next gym class, and stuck his arm to the side, tapping the mat twice.
Martin lifted his weight from Richter and let the man stand up. "That's a sprawl. It's a basic counter but a good one, doesn't hurt the other guy but gives you loads of control. You can move into a better position, just beat the crap out of the guy from there while his face is on the floor or just scoot away and keep the fight on your feet if you that's your thing. Oh right, when you get hit with a takedown, a few pointers: tuck your chin to your chest so you don't hit your head, keep your body relaxed and breathe out normally. You don't want to hit your head , you take the impact better if your body's flexible and if you breathe out you don't get the wind knocked out of you".

"So, is everyone clear on this? Stance, takedown and sprawl?" Martin stepped away from the mats and signalled for Lily and Susie to step up. "Don't try to be clever or innovate, just stick to practicing those basics. Proper stance, takedown and sprawl. It's much safer than practicing striking, just gotta remember how to properly take the fall: tuck your chin to your chest so you don't hit your head, keep your body relaxed and breathe out normally as you fall. You can start now".
Susie watched diligently as Martin was demonstrating the techniques, observing the style. As Martin finished off her foe, she frowned a bit at how the thing went by fairly quickly. T-this is going to suck. She thought to herself as she reluctantly trudged onto the mat.

Susie then got into the stance, as Martin made sure to illustrate many times, before the rest of the match.

"So instead of not hugging me so that there will be no risk of smothering, you would hug me but just try really hard not to smother me?" Asked Lily as she watched the teachers demonstrate the wrestling moves. It was actually kind of cool, mainly because the stance they were taught was basically the stance that Haggar takes in Final Fight, and Haggar was freaking awesome.

Her ears especially perked up at the terms 'controlling your opponent' and 'dominant position'. Lily was almost certain that she would be some sort of wrestling prodigy, because she was an expert at controlling and dominating

When he was done demonstrating, Lily stepped up to the mat excitedly before she saw how distraught Susie was. Lily kind of wanted to wrestle her, but she didn't care to make the Elf uncomfortable. Lily bit her lower lip as she dropped into stance, and resolved to end this as quickly as she could so keep Susie's discomfort to a minimum.

"It's OK," Lily muttered, "It'll all be over soon."

Immediately, Lily went in for a double leg takedown as demonstrated.

Why couldn't I have just been able to run away!? I c-can at least go down on my own terms right? Susie thought to herself, and as Lily tried to go in for the double leg take-down. Not aware of any other wrestling moves, she tried to avoid it at all cost, and try the same thing. After all, it worked against the other one. "R-right..." She muttered out.

Lily let out a small, surprised squeak as Susie avoided the takedown and countered with her own, slamming her to the mat. It had been a while since she was in physical conflict, but Lily felt a certain rush that she hadn't felt in a long time. She didn't anticipate this at all, so Lily utterly forgot to tuck her chin into her chest and felt the full brunt of the Elf's fury. Or reluctance, more likely.

Lily gasped as she lay on the mat, Susie's head on her belly. Lily was not in the dominant position, but in that moment Lily discovered a part of herself that really, really didn't mind that.

"Oh, gods," she mumbled, a strange smile creeping up on her face.

"Wait, what? How weird AM I?"
Susie blinked, upon realizing that she actually slammed Lily onto the mat. She had her head on resting on Lily, as she finished knocking her to the ground. O-okay let's finish this quickly. She pondered to herself, while she was in the dominate position.

"Uhm uh... w-what do I do?"
She mused to herself as she glanced down at Lily. She thought of potential ways to quickly end this. One thought came to mind, when she witnessed her dad take out a Minotaur who was being rather rowdy in the antique shop, by apply a lot of pressure around the neck and head.

So in the spirit of her father solving a problem, Susie figured that she should try to put Lily in a headlock, and apply enough pressure so she'd want to tap out quickly.

Martin sighed as one of the kids, the one who seemed panicky and dreading the very idea of wrestling, countered the takedown attempt with a takedown of her own. Well, it was fine and dandy, she'd been quicker and slipped in while the plant girl was still setting hers up, but then she tried to...he guessed it was a headlock. It looked like a sort of headlock attempt. Stepping up to the tangling girls, he tried to grab Susie's arms before she actually maneuvered into the hold.

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And just as she was about to try to end it with a headlock, she had her hands immediately grabbed by Martin. "Eep!" She shrieked out in fear, as her hands were caught.
He was big, strong and trained for it so it wasn't too hard. He swiftly and he hoped gently pried the elf girl off the alraune, holding her just long enough to get her to stand up and step away. "Hey, I like the initiative but I said takedowns and sprawls only. I'll teach you holds some other day. You don't want to hurt your classmates do you?". He would've patted her in the back but she seemed uncomfortable with it. Eh, what the hell. He patted her in the shoulder and stepped away once more. "Now, take a quick breath and go at it again like I told you".
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Lily was actually sort of excited when she thought that Susie might put her in a headlock. It wouldn't hurt too much, and the position it would put Lily in with Susie would be the envy of angels. It was legitimately disappointing when Martin pulled her off and set her down, and Lily frowned as she got up.

"Great. Way to stop what might have been the most fun I've ever had dead in its tracks," thought Lily as she brushed herself off. She couldn't wipe the disappointment off her face for a few moments until she considered that she might have another chance to bring Susie to the ground and perhaps redeem herself. She would be the Haggar yet.
Susie was pried off gently, well as gently as a muscle-bound man could do anyway. "I Uh..." She stumbled out the message. Then he brought up the fact that he could have hurt another student doing so. "N-no s-sir! I w-wouldn't want t-" He then patted on the shoulder, as she shivered from the gesture. K-kinda like Dad... She thought, before glancing at Martin. "R-right s-sorry sir won't happen again." She said stepping back, with a high inflection of disappointment from her err, and the fact she had to do it again.

And that is what she did, as she attempted to do another double leg takedown.

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Lily glared at Susie with a look that could bore into someone's soul. She was serious this time, and watched the Elf's movements like a hawk. She was going to take Susie down this time. Lily was going to make her-

Wait, the point of this was to get it done so that Susie wouldn't have to be uncomfortable long. Lily had gotten really caught up in wrestling, and something inside her wouldn't let it go. Some remnant of her ancestry told her that she needed to prove herself the dominant partner so that her prey would submit completely and she could eat them without resistance.

Well Lily was no slave to her base desires. She'd take Susie down, but only to prove that she knew the material so that the Elf wouldn't have to grapple any longer. Lily preformed a sprawl as the Elf dove for her, and attempted to subjugate Susie that way.

Susie found herself caught in the sprawl that Lily had performed, and found herself caught. And as soon as the Alarune got her into that position, she quickly tapped on the mat.
Susie tapped out incredibly quickly, leaving Lily very little time to bask in her physical dominance. This was the first time she'd done something like this without her vines, and it felt really good to be getting used to these legs. She wanted so badly to bully Susie a little bit. Make her say 'uncle' or something similarly humiliating. But Lily had found herself growing fond of the Elf, and there was no way the teacher would let it happen anyways.

Lily immediately surrendered her hold and stood up. She wanted to help Susie up as well, but she wasn't certain how much her fear of physical contact extended. She offered her hand anyways, just in case.

"Only if you want to," said Lily reassuringly. She wondered if she'd be wrestling again, because it was kind of a rush.
Susie found herself scrambling out as Lily released her hold. She glanced at Lily when she offered her hand, "I-it's fine." She muttered out in a hushed voice. When she got up she quickly retreated off of the mat, keeping her gaze focused away. A-atonement for disobeying the orders of the Captain! IT was penance! Penance. She thought to herself, realizing the bit of sins she had committed. Yes, this day was going to be an absolute Hell, only question was how it'd become worse than it already was.
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"Me next! Me next!" Anya entered the ring as Susie exited. She stuck a finger in the air, and brought it down, pointing at Lily.


Anya crouched down, getting into a cool wrestling stance.
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Lily felt slightly disheartened when Susie refused her hand and instead got up on her own. She didn't think that she had won enough relationship points for such a gesture, given Susie's immense fear, but that didn't stop her from wanting it. Watching her walk away, the Alraune became slightly frustrated.

Then Anya announced her intentions, and Lily turned around; glaring at her.


Lily assumed her wrestling stance. She bet that wrestling was a good way to remove frustration, not that she was going to go hard on Anya just for that. But she might as well put on a show with the girl.

I-is this seriously happening? Susie incredulously thought to herself, as she tilted her head slightly to the left glancing at Lily and Anya on the mat, as they engaged in, something. Her ears twitched from the boisterous yelling. Right, so it is... Note to self, find somewhere calm later to meditate, and such. The thought was a pleasing one, as a small smile crept on her face, as she thought of the peace she could have. After the stuff that happened, she was entranced by the idea.

She tilted her head back, and sulked as she realized that she was currently unable to do it.
...With my luck, the peace and serenity I could have would be ruined. Susie then returned her focus to them.

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