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"Yeah, sure. Nice to meet you." Samuel said, retracting his hand. He looked around hoping to shake awkward tension, he said "So, uh I'm new."
"Oh." Anya's face grew sad, looking back at Lily as she stood up.

"I.... I guess I'll see you later then, Lily?" she said nervously, backing away.
Her ears twitched for a moment, as she glanced over and spotted Anya, "H-hey Anya." Susie said trying to get the Neko's attention, "Er uh, h-have you met the new student yet?" She said while she pointed towards Samuel. Glancing back at Samuel, she spoke up again. "S-so, uhm w-w-what do you think of the school so far?"
"Wait, you're no b-"

But by then, Susie had left. Lily wanted to tell her that she wasn't a bother at all, because she was quiet and respectful and didn't cling. Oh, well. Lily would have to say something later.

"Or now," thought the Alraune as Susie quickly returned and tapped Anya.

"You're no b-"

Then some weird cloaked guy bumped into Susie and started chatting her up. It was probably a pervert, but the Elf didn't seem to need help just yet. She was doing remarkably well, actually, but something still needed to be said. Lily was about to stand up before Anya got up and began backing away sadly. If this was an anime, these small misunderstanding would begin piling up and put her relationships in jeopardy. But there was a clear difference between anime and real life; Lily wasn't a complete moron.

"Susie," stated Lily, standing up and increasing the volume of her voice enough that it could be easily heard, "You're not a bother to me because you're nice and quiet and respectful."

Lily turned to Anya and grabbed her shoulder in a firm but caring way.

"Anya, sometimes people need to be alone to think, but I'm not mad at you. Also I'm done thinking now."

It occurred to Lily that she would never be the main character in a romance or harem anime, because she would nip all those stupid, crazy misunderstandings in the bud. And with that, she regarded the new guy who looked like someone's idea of a grim reaper costume.

"Sammy, was it? Yeah, how's it going?"
Her ears twitched as Lily declared that- W-wait so she didn't think I was bothering her? Susie thought to herself. She exhaled and gave a small sigh of relief after that comment. She kept her current position against the wall, and kept her arms around her chest. Though for a quick moment, she used her right hand to move a strand of hair that lingered, to be repositioned behind her ear.

Okay, now the conversation should shift away from me! She thought to herself, as Lily took up the conversation with the new individual.
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Meanwhile in the garage, Achim glanced at the open hood of one of the school bus, as some music by the Ogre Rapper Goldtooth was playing in the background. Junkyard was napping in an empty parking space, while Achim was working. Right, well hopefully administration will thank me for actually fixing the thing, surprised they haven't changed the engine on this bastard sooner.

He thought to himself, as he reached to undo the hose clamps which were holding the heater booster fan in place. Achim paused for a moment before joining in the song, "From the streets of Martin Luther/Got more firepower than a trooper/Ice on my fingers always red hot/" he sang along as he continued unmounting the heater booster fan, and taking it out completely, so he had more space to work. Placing it on the ground, he glanced back inside the bus. Achim continued his work to get to the engine proper and have a good amount of space to work with.
"Don't think, Lily." Anya stated, wrapping her arms around Lily's waist.

"Believe." she said, staring intently into her eyes. "Believe."
Lily immediately forgot Samuel when Anya looked up at her with those wide, sweet, innocent eyes. Eyes which Lily, to her knowledge, was unable to stay upset at. As the Alraune listened to her, her own eyes widened.

"Believe," she muttered, taking it all in.

The girl was right. What was she doing thinking about these things anyways? Lily was a genius, of course, and a very good thinker, but it seemed that she had forgotten something very simple.

"That's it!" Lily announced to nobody in particular, "I just have to believe. To believe in myself. I can master these humanoid legs, no problem. I'm Lilium Darlingtonia; I can do anything!"

Lily would still use her vines when she needed to get serious, though, because of how not stupid she was.
"That's the spirit!" Anya agreed, hugging Lily tighter. "But before you master them, you'll have to catch up to me. I'm a professional at legs, Lily."

"I'm a nine year vet." she declared, haughtily closing her eyes. "Stick with me, and I'll get you in shape in no time."
Susie's ears twitched a bit as Lily made her announcement, and Anya quickly hopped in the discussion. "I-i'm sure that Lily will master using those, delicate legs , a-after all she...." Susie muttered out, before realizing that she did in fact say it, while not loud, but it was still audible. Her face blushed a bit as she shook her head, as she wrapped her arms around her chest tighter. M-Merde! AND, I still need a new pair of pants.

Stepping a bit away from the wall she side stepped a few paces, away from the group assembled. She breathed in quickly, then breathed out, as the blush began to slightly go away.
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Lily's proud smile faded slightly as she realized that she had just blurted out her weakness to two of her room mates and a stranger. Something that she barely even wanted to acknowledge, much less talk about. As Anya encouraged her, however, she continued to smile; hoping everyone would think that she was so humble and trusting sharing her faults so openly.

Instead of the mistake that it completely was.

"Y-yeah, Anya. You can help," said Lily through gritted teeth, "I can't even wait for that."

She then looked over at Susie, who had moved away from the group a bit.

"What was that, Susie? Something about my legs? Y-you think I can do it too?"

Even though she wasn't at all ready to share her insecurities and weaknesses, it was somehow nice knowing the level of support she was getting. If Lily was to have friends, it occurred to her, these might be them.
So I did actually say that out loud... Susie thought to herself, as she found her attention drawn to Lily. She glanced at her and gave a quick nod, "Er uh y-yes. I'm s-sure you can do it."
"I can help right now!" Anya said. She wrapped her arms around Lily's neck and pulled herself up, then circled her legs around Lily's waist, crossing them behind her.

"Carry me. It'll help make your legs stronger." she stated, smiling.
"Awww, thanks Susie," replied Lily, smiling, "It's nice to have so much supp-"

Lily stopped and looked down at Anya as she climbed up and attached herself. Lily smiled at her too.

"That's... very nice, Anya. But leg strength isn't a problem, and working out doesn't benefit me much. It's mostly my motor skills that need work."

Lily was quiet for a second before continuing.

"...You really want me to carry you around like this, don't you?"
While this was going on, Martin was off in his own world. Otherwise he would've put a stop to the horseplay, obviously, but he had taken a seat and relaxed a little, something he hadn't done about since he'd ended his previous class, and it was just too much for his body to handle. He was off at the side, sitting on a bench and clearly struggling to remain awake. "Yes, alright, well...that's nice and good. I think. If Mr Richter would like to keep the class going, well, you kiddos listen to him. Magnus out". And with that, he straightened himself up, lay down on the bench and promptly fell asleep.
"Your fate was decided the moment I chose to be carried." Anya replied, only latching on tighter.

"If you wanted more motor skills, you should have taken an automotives class." she smiled.


Richter, after much fiddling, popped his arm back into place.

"......No, I think I'm good. Next class is dancing. You lot should change and get going." he called to the students.

"Class dismissed."
As soon as the class was announced finished, Susie eagerly headed back to the locker room. D-dancing? N-nothing bad can happen there right? Don't want this day to get any worse. She thought as she strode into the locker room.
"Well, I don't really care for that cocky attitude of yours," said Lily, walking back to their room to get Susie some new, not torn clothes, "But I'll teach you who's boss later. For now, I don't really mind carrying you around."

"Besides, being familiar with this position will help me out later."

"Anyways, I think I'll take driver's education next year when I'm more used to using these things. You're right, though. It would be really fun to drive around. I could go the the mall, like, whenever I wanted and buy a lot of clothes."
"Well you had the chance to teach me who's boss on the mat." Anya smiled, mere inches away from Lily's face.

"Lily, you've gotta do your best! I know you can defeat me if you get good."
Susie eyed her bindings that were left in her locker eagerly. Soon, I can contain them again, as it should be. Susie thought to herself as she stood in front of her locker. So uh, why aren't you using a Teleport Spell or anything? She thought to herself in the voice of her loyal unholy puppet Ferdie. She really had to fetch him later. B-because they were very nice and are probably already fetching me a pair of pants. Susie paused, as she turned her back towards the locker and sat down cross-legged.
"I... I was going easy on you," muttered Lily, looking away for a bit, "Near the first part."

Lily reached their room, and considered for a second going through Susie's drawers while she wasn't around to find secret things before dismissing it.

"She trusts you! Don't exploit that trust for something so trivial. Exploit it for something better. Something much better."

Lily simply opened a couple of drawers before she found some pants, and grabbed the first pair she saw before closing them all.

"I need to buy her some nicer-looking clothes, though. These rags simply won't do! Comfort and practicality mean nothing if they don't look good. Especially on someone like her, wearing things like this is a waste."

Lily began heading back to the locker room, Anya still in tow.

"Anyways, I'm a pretty quick learner. I have confidence that I'll beat you soundly next time, so don't get too cocky."
"You can't just give half your effort." Anya warned. "You have to do your best, every time. I want you to do your best, Lily."

Anya gave her a motivational hug, this time with all four limbs.

"So when you deliver these pants, give a hundred and ten percent!"
Lily patted Anya. Perhaps the girl was right; perhaps Lily needed to try her best no matter what. Lily felt somewhat inspired until she remembered that it was easier to just not try at all and still get good grades. She'd put that idea on the backburner for now, but would certainly humor the child by giving her all this time.

Lily raced back to the locker room with Susie's pants, flinging the door open dramatically and running up to the Elf. She held out the pants and looked at Susie seriously. Or as seriously as she could look while still carting Anya around in front of her.

"Please accept these pants," she announced, "And be warmed by my feelings for you."

Truly, this was the 100% effort way to give someone their pants.
As the Alarune dramatically opened the door and began running, Susie could only just stare incredulously at the performance. And that sober glance, while a Neko was attached, Susie couldn't help but giggle. "Eheheh..." She moved her right hand to take the pants, "A-ah, oh, t-thank you very much."
"Lily...." Anya looked up at her friend.

"Maybe we should have changed too?" she asked. "We're still in our leotards."

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