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Lily had just finished putting on the boring, white leotard (which still looked good because it was on Lily) when Anya called out for her. Lily quickly went over to the little Neko and patted her on the head, which was probably one of Lily's new duties as the girl's guardian.

"No, no sweetie. This is a different sort of wrestling. It's not the cool kind with masks, or even the cool kind with convoluted storylines and hitting people with folding chairs. It's the lame practical kind where you just, like, grab people."

Then Lily noticed something of a commotion and looked over to see Susie trying to escape but get stuck with her pants in a locker.

"Susie... I know you don't like being touched, but this is ridiculous. Put your leotard on and ask the teacher if you can practice on a dummy or something. Explain your fears and I'm sure it will be fine," stated Lily firmly, before looking back down at Anya.

"Anyways, think of it like hugging. Except you're getting graded."
How did you botch up the escape attempt! You botched it! BOTCHED IT! Susie thought to herself as she was loathing her complete and utter failure. As she heard Lily she tried again to free the pants from the locker itself, even quicker. "Vous vous êtes laissé prendre!" She hissed out, her words laced with poisonous intent, a mixture of sheer anger and self-loathing. "I er uhm...w-well I'd like to free myself uhm, first." She muttered out, as she continued desperately in vain to escape. Ruined! You were caught! Vile failure! Vile! Vile! You wretched excuse, it was a simple escape! AND YOU FAILED! She thought to herself, as she tried again to free pants from the locker without tearing them up.

Again she found that doing so would be rather challenging.
"Graded hugging? Well, I'm sure to ace this class, then." Anya decided, walking up to the pair. She took a moment to look down, and experimentally swayed her hips. It didn't feel like it had the same effect as when Lily swayed.

"Oh. I'll help you, Susie!" she snapped out of it, and grabbed the elf's pants. "Just hold still, and I'll free you."

The cat braced herself, and gave a gigantic tug, feeling the fabric give way with a loud rip.
Then Anya decided to help, which could be helpful. "T-tha-" Her ears twitched at the sound of the fabric of her baggy pants give way, into an incredible deep tear, as the locker itself kept quite a bit of fabric. And of course, it just happened to tear in such a way, that it gave a brief glimmer, before full access of what she decided to wear underneath, which were panties black with little pink grinning skulls on them. Susie's face flushed as she saw the remains of her pants stuck in the locker, but she was free. But without a pair of pants.

"M-my..." She said, as her knees shook. Dignity. Dignity was lost today and it will never be recovered no matter how hard you try! Susie could feel a few tears starting up. Today was going to be Hell, just an absolute Hell.
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"O-oh. Sorry, Susie." Anya said, holding up a shred of fabric. "It's okay, because we have to get changed anyways."

She put the fabric in a waste bin, and added with a smile, "I like the pattern, though. It suits you, like Lily's do for her!"
Lily was about to help Susie down, but Anya got to it first so the Alraune just watched. Lily had faith in the Neko for reasons that were perhaps unfathomable to others, and that faith was greatly rewarded. Lily found herself staring perhaps a bit too much at the results before averting her eyes when Susie began to tear up.

"A-Anya, we don't talk about our friend's undergarments," stated Lily, before getting close to the elf and looking her directly in the eyes.

"It does really suit her, though. Wait. We're maintaining eye contact. Don't look down."

Lily attempted a sweet, gentle smile as she addressed Susie.

"Hey, it's alright," cooed Lily, "Just put your leotard on, and I'll get you some pants from our room after class OK? All you have to do is stay in here until then."

Really, Lily didn't know which of them needed her guidance more; the elf or the Neko. Perhaps Lily would take the both of them under her wing- they both seemed to need it, after all.
"Oh, I get it." Anya said, nodding. "She's mad about us looking at her, isn't she?"

Anya walked over, her bare feet making a light pitter patter, and placed a hand on the elf's shoulder. "If you want, I'll show you mine later. Then we'll be even, okay?"
Wiping the tears from her face, she sniffled as she glanced at Lily "T-thank you..." She had to admit that was a rather soothing voice. Well you are already screwed, the attempt to escape failed miserably, and trying to free yourself from the failures ended up with... -that-. Susie glanced at Anya as she put her hand on her shoulder, "I d-don't know what to say."

She pondered to herself, on that matter She sighed, as she opened up her locker and reached in for her leotard. She glanced at it, and realized. OH come on! It doesn't look like it fit right with the bindings.... just what I wanted. OH JUST WHAT I WANTED. Pulling out the Leotard, she held it in front of her and, yup, suspicions were confirmed. Again she sighed as she took off her long sleeved t-shirt, and began unwrapping some white binding that was around her chest.

Upon finishing that, and moving them into the locker, she changed into the leotard proper, which was rather snug, and drew much attention to her rather voluptuous chest and shapely figure. This day was going to be Hell.

"Anya, we don't show our friends our undergarments. Unless we want an opinion on whether or not it looks good," said Lily, making her way out of the locker room.

As she was leaving, she looked back at Susie to make certain she was doing as she was told and not trying to escape again. She was doing as she was told, and a glance turned into a stare far too quickly.

"And I thought she was big before. That's just not fair! Save some for the rest of us! But she looks good in that leotard. NO."

The stare, in turn, turned into an ashamed glare at the ground- her cheeks yellowed with plant blush. And with that, Lily quickly ran out to the gym. Hopefully inconspicuously. She lined up in front of the teacher. Teachers? And tried to look as if she was concentrating a great deal on wrestling or whatever they were doing.

"C-can't wait for the, y'know, wrestling or whatever," she said to no one in particular.
This is just going to be awful. Just awful, ... let's just finish this as quickly as possible. She sighed in defeat, and sulked on out into the gym with a scowl. She glanced at the other students, and took a spot in the line.

Susie continued sulking, and kept her arms dangling down and hunched her back.
This is going to be awful. She thought to herself mortified about the entire situation. What I wouldn't give to have my bindings right now... OR really anything not dealing with this wretched outfit.
Anya followed her friends back to the mats. She was sure, deep in her chest, this was going to be the best day yet.

"Alright, alright." Richter looked over the clipboard. "Darlingtonia and.... Bellerose. You two are up first. Remember, it's no holds barred. Get ready."
Susie snapped to attention as she heard that she was being called up for a match. She raised her right hand, as it shook a bit, "D-do I h-have to do that? C-can't I just p-practice on a dummy or something?"

Why, why!? She thought to herself, feeling incredibly uncomfortable about the entire situation.
Lily got a little excited when she heard who she'd be going up against. It seemed like wrestling might actually turn out to be fun. She was especially glad for Susie, because who wouldn't want to wrestle with Lily? The Alraune sauntered over to Susie and smiled up at her.

"Hey, even if the teacher doesn't let you practice on a dummy, isn't it great that you got stuck with me instead of some stranger? Think of it like this: I'm just a plant. A beautiful, sentient plant but a plant none the less. It'll be just like hugging a tree or something," explained Lily in a calm, soothing voice. She didn't want Susie to be so scared, after all.

"And if there's one thing I know about Elves, it's that they're practically tree-hugging maniacs. She should be fine if she thinks of it this way, right?"
"H-hugging a tree or something? Y-you know from my perspective as an Elf, t-that could have been incredibly insensitive. D-do you think all Elves hug trees or something!?" Susie stated, surprised at Lily. "...I-I'm sure you didn't mean it like that, but still! A-and I guess it is better to be paired with not a stranger." Susie said, still with a tinge of upsetness about having to actually have to wrestle and not just practice with a dummy. "L-let's just finish this quickly okay?"
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Martin nodded at Richter, either choosing to momentarily ignore that this was really his class or just being too beaten up to care at all. He did, however, pipe up when Richter just paired two students together. Just like that. No holds barred, he said, or something. That just wasn't right. "Wait. Wait. No" he grunted, groggily waving his arms around signaling for the kids to wait and spread apart or something. It was a very vague gesture. "Do these two even know how to wrestle? I don't think they know how to wrestle at all. You can't wrestle if you don't know how. They're just gonna get tangled up and injure themselves and they won't learn jack because it wasn't even a real fight".
Susie quickly, and eagerly stepped away, after she wasn't expecting an opportunity to get away, though really it was trying to run out the clock. She glanced towards the highly bruised teacher, "Er s-so h-how do you uhm wrestle then? C-could you give an uhm, demonstration or something?" Susie asked to Martin.
"Well, the way I see it, experience is the best way for them to learn, yeah?" Richter said. "I mean, when you learn to drive, it's by getting in a car, right? So logically, they should jump right in, and we can move on from there."
Lily stared at Martin. While it was true that she didn't know a thing about wrestling, was she really supposed to learn self defense from someone who looked as messed up as their teacher? Lily quickly followed Susie as she stepped away, still looking the Elf in the eyes. Lily looked hurt.

"H-how could you think I would ever be so insensitive? All I've ever done is try and help you as best as I could."

Lily's big, innocent red eyes began to moisten.

"I just thought... if you thought of me as a plant rather than a mammalian creature, things might be easier for you. I o-only wanted to help," said Lily, suddenly looking away from Susie. She would have started crying if there weren't so many people around, but this was probably good enough. Oh, how she wanted to go along with Richter's instructions and just pin her. But Susie obviously wanted to stave this fight off as long as she could, and as Susie's new protector Lily decided to abide.

The Alraune thoroughly wiped her eyes and glanced up at Martin.

"W-well, you can show us I suppose. Why don't you try wrestling with mister Richter? I bet we could learn a lot from that."

At least watching those two guys wrestle might be fun, and no matter who lost that match, Lily won.
Susie frantically waved her hands, while she sweat nervously. "I Er, I r-really didn't m-mean it like that! I've just been having a really awful day today... I k-know it doesn't excuse it. I r-really appreciate the k-kindness you've shown to me. A-And I am grateful t-that you are trying to make this horrible situation better! P-please f-forgive me!" She begged of Lily, hoping she'd take pity on her.

She lowered her hands to her side and mumbled
"I g-guess I'll need to find some way to atone." She glanced over towards the teachers, as she stepped a few paces back and got off the mat. "B-but yes we should uhm, watch them do it so we uh know how." She hoped in her heart it'd take them a long time to demonstrate to rush out the clock.
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"Manache" Sergio thought to himself. Two little girls were going first. He rolled his eyes. "Saving the best for last" he mumbled.

"Santo cazzo Madre di Cristo!" Sergio screamed audibly, raising his shoulders in disbelief. He wanted to do something, but alas, another bigger, much manlier student had stopped them. Sergio dropped down and stared at Martin and Richter intently. "Yes! Let them fight! Get the girls off the mat! Women only do wrestling in two places: in jello, and in bedroom!"
Lily was somewhat relieved that Susie was so desperately apologetic. She was even begging, it seemed. It showed just how much influence Lily already had over her, and how much she already cared about their relationship. Not that Lily didn't care at all, but being needed so much made her feel... ecstatic.

Lily wiped some more moisture from her eye and, her lower lip trembling slightly, she replied.


But she was cut off by the loud Italian moron with what she could only assume was some manner of social disorder. Did he just disparage women? In front of her? Lily turned to the boy with the purest murder in her eyes.

"Yo Sergei, what the Hell? Do you have any idea how offensive that is? Women can wrestle however they goddamn want, alright? We're not here to impress you! Also? I've only ever wrestled in jello one time and it wasn't even for the reason you might think, so shut it!"
"Wait, wait." Anya said, walking up to Lily. "You can wrestle in jello?"

".....That sounds delicious. Why were you doing that? Can we do that?"
"Damn sexist pig." Susie muttered to herself, her ears still rang a bit from the shrieking of that Mad Italian, and she had the instinctual action of wrapping her arms around her rather busty chest. Which she quickly did, trying to hide it as best as possible. She glanced at Lily, who had a look of pure hatred aimed at the man. If those only shot actual daggers... She listened to her speech, before a certain part caught her attention S-she what now?

Her face flushed a bit red at the mention of that, and then the Neko walked up to Lily, and started going on about the subject. She, wasn't really sure what to do now.
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Martin shook his head, both to deny Richter and because he needed some clearing up truth be told. "Duking it out's good if you already know what to do. If you put someone in a car and they don't have a clue they're just gonna crash and burn and maybe kill someone else while they're at it. Best to teach em some basics to start with". And then there was a bunch of screaming about stuff that he really didn't care about on this day, so he turned to look at the students. "I'm having a terrible day so if you keep screaming I'm turning this into all of you sparring against me one at a time, please don't raise your voice much". He turned back to Richter and shrugged "I can show them the basics on my own or we can do it together, whatever you prefer, won't take long and they can practice together afterwards".
Lily blushed yellow a little when she realized what she'd just revealed, and grew ashamed when Anya began asking questions. Lily decided it would be best to explain, but first she had to talk to Anya a little. She patted the Neko's head and began speaking.

"Anya, you should never wrestle in food of any kind. Food is for eating, not for playing," stated Lily, matter-of-factly. The Neko's parents probably weren't the best, because they sent her here, but they probably at least told her not to play with her food. She then turned to Susie, who was understandably flushed.

"Long story short, a water spirit I was friends with got into my jello mix. She got really excited that she was finally viscous enough to hug someone, and I was right there when she decided to try it out."

Lily then looked to be lost in thought for a couple of seconds before continuing.

"You know, I end up being on the receiving end of a lot of sudden, unwanted hugs. Anyways, she was unused to being so solid and ended up not being able to hold herself up. When I say 'wrestled in jello', I mean that I literally wrestled. In jello. So as not to be smothered. It was actually pretty traumatic; I haven't eaten jello since."

Lily had a far away look in her eyes as she remembered every excruciating detail of her struggle. In retrospect it probably wouldn't have killed her for a while, but it was frightening none the less. A single tear came to her eye as she snapped out of it and looked to the teachers, who by the sound of it were ready to begin actually teaching.

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