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D-did she just!? Susie blinked at the Alraune, as she headed off with Anya. She just stood for a moment, as her face again grew red, before quickly shaking her head, and exiting out and heading towards the dorm room. S-she did. Suzie stopped in place as she clasped her hands together, extending the index and middle fingers up. She w-well, e-erm, is quite n-nice... She quickly unclasped her hands as she returned to the returned to the dorm.

Suzie went to her trunk and opened it, where she grabbed her unholy ventriloquist doll.
"... Torea-" Ferdie's head twisted around to glance at her.


Achim glanced at Junkyard, as he continued down the hall with his canine companion. He kept his left hand in his pocket, and he occassionally used his right hand to get Junkyard to heel when she was a little happy to make new friends among the random individuals who were making their way through the hallways. "Girl, why don't we go nab you a..." He fished around in his pocket, as he noticed he had a dog biscuit in his pocket.

Flicking out the treat, Junkyard eagerly stared at Achim and sat down, as she kept her tongue extended and slobbered a bit onto the floor. "Good girl, shake." Junkyard raised her left paw; Achim shook it, and tossed the treat into her mouth. Crunching it between her fangs, Junkyard eagerly delved into the treat as Achim smiled. "Glad you liked it girl."
Anya bounced up and down giddily at the thought of clothes that were warm on their own. It sounded like being wrapped in some sort of weird meta-hug.

"Are driers hard?" she asked, squeezing Lily's hand. "Will it need more soap? ...What was that wink over? Are... are we speaking in code right now?"
"No, it's not too hard," replied Lily, "It's even easier than the washer. And we're not speaking in code."

Lily opened up the laundry room and began tossing Anya's clothes from the washer into the dryer, tossed in a dryer sheet, and closed it up.

"See? That's all you have to do. Then set it for about an hour, and press the start button. Now you can do your clothes and my clothes every day," said Lily, looking perhaps too proud for someone who just started drying some laundry.

"Anyways, it was just a wink. You mammals give each other parting winks all the time, right?"
"A parting wink?" Anya considered.

"Not really. I think most people just wave. Papa and I used to hug if he had to go out." she explained. "....Lily you should try doing parting hugs instead. I think Susie would like them better."
"Oh so you're back, how was the Wiz-." Susie sighed, "Unfortunately it was culinary class." She kept her grip on Ferdie, as she turned him around so the body was facing towards her. With a quick spin of the head the puppet's head faced her again. "You interrupted my song while I was portraying the GREAT ESCAMILLO for that? Did anything interesting happen at all, when I wasn't around?" She paused, "N-Nothing you'd be interested in." She glanced at her puppet for a moment, "Well, clearly you are probably hiding something. I'll find out in due time, hopefully it's a Gypsy girl. They are the best seductresses, drive men to crazy feats. Carmen drove Don Jose to kill and forsake his duties, while Esmeralda drove Priest Frollo to murder."

Suzie just glanced at her unholy puppet annoyed.
"Yes, yes, seductresses tend to do that. Can we move on from discussions of Carmen and temptresses?"
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"Huh. I thought that there was winking," muttered Lily.

"Well darn, I hope no one saw that. They'd probably think it was strange."

"Anyways, as much as I would like to give Susie the hug of a lifetime, because she is incredibly huggable, she doesn't really like physical contact. I don't want to do anything that she wouldn't like, even if I was almost certain that I'd make her like it. Because I mean, come on. I'm soft, smooth, warm... who could resist a hug from me? I mean, I'm basically-"

But of course, Anya must have already known this. Lily's superiority was obvious to everyone, and on the subject of her superior hugging Anya was already well-versed.

"So, do you get how to do the washer and dryer now?"
Cackling devilishly, Ferdie focused on Susie. "Stop discussing Carmen, one of the finer opera pieces? Yeah, sure, I've got plotting to do anyway." Susie raised her right eyebrow at the puppet, "Right, well, I know what that means. Well, plan whatever you will." She glanced at Ferdie for a moment, before putting him back in the trunk. Her eyes glanced around the room for a moment, before she sat down cross-legged. Breathing in and out, she began to meditate.


Minds to mold, and to help individuals down the right path, this is my eternal quest. Achim internally narrated to himself, as he continued down the hallway with his canine companion. And nothing can stop this task. Hm, while I am internally monologuing, I should get back to writing the tale of Detective Connors, who needs to convince his retired partner Jake to go back to China-town, one last time so they can finally stop Qiang and his goons.

Junkyard glanced up at Achim and barked. Achim cocked his head down as he glanced at his compatriot. Junkyard looked at him pleadingly, with that one look Achim knew all too well. "Sorry girl, but I don't have any other ones to give you right now."
"Soap it, wet it, then dry it!" Anya smiled. It was good to learn new things. Her Papa told her a day you learn something new is a day well spent.

"And I agree." Anya continued. "Your belly was really smooth. I liked it."

She made her point by placing her hand on Lily's stomach.
Sergio went to his room with a sullied conscience. It had a foreign smell, like that of a cheap hotel. As soon as he stepped in, Sergio quickly fixed the problem.

With a yawn, Sergio opened up the window to let the light in- only to reveal a brick wall in the place of windows. Sergio sighed, then sighed again. He sighed upwards and he sighed downwards. Then suddenly, thumping. Another of his instruments had fallen. No. It was a case, meaning a whole myriad of instruments had fallen. Fortunate for him, Sergio's instrument spaces doubled as bags of holding (I can have this yes Senpai?).

As he walked over to lean back against the wall, however, Sergio noticed something had fallen out. It was something that Sergio swore he had lost. Another instrument, but something of sentimental value. Sergio bent down to pick it up, looking at it for a good minute.
"There's a good girl," said Lily, scratching Anya behind the ears. She seemed to grasp the concept, so from now on Lily would just make the Neko do all her laundry.

Of course, Lily's clothes were all very nice. She would have to observe the first few times to be sure. But after that, she just wouldn't worry about it. Lily removed Anya's hand from her belly and took it in her own hand, leading the girl back to their room. It would be an hour before the clothes were done.

"Susie, we're baaack," sang Lily, her tone laced with the sweetest nectar.
Her ears twitched as Lily announced her and Anya's return in a rather sweet voice. Susie glanced back towards the pair, as she continued sitting in a meditative manner. "Welcome b-back you two."

She glanced back towards her trunk and continued meditating.
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Anya wrapped her arms around Susie from behind, giving a smile.

"Hi, Susie! What are you doing?" she asked, tilting her head. "Are you sleeping? I thought we were too old to have a nap time."

She considered for a moment, and leaned her head into the nape of Susie's neck. "I guess crying did wear me out a bit. If you wanna take a nap together instead of playing, I guess that's fine."
As Anya wrapped her arms around her, Susie glanced back and frowned. "Er uh, p-please stop that. N-no I was meditating pea-" Susie shivered and grimaced as Anya leaned her head into the nape of her neck, as the neko's fluffy ears brushed against it. "P-please get off. A-and it was meditation. It's different than s-sleeping."
"But isn't meditation like pills and stuff?" Anya asked. Her ears began to twitch in curiosity against the elf's neck. "I didn't think you needed pills. Susie are you sick? Please don't be sick."

The neko squeezed her friend tighter. "I don't know what you're sick with, but I'll do my best to make it better, okay?"
"Well, I personally think that you're never too old for nap time, but..."

Lily grabbed Anya and attempted to pull her off of Susie.

"Anyways, meditation is different from medication. She's not sick, and even if she was, you remember what we talked about? She doesn't really like being touched, so we don't hug her unless she asks OK?"

Lily had her work cut out for her with this kid. At the same time, though, the more she saved Susie the more relationship points she got. Today alone probably gave her enough for some event CG.
"Er uhm, w-what Lily said." Susie's neck twitched, as Anya's ears were doing something. She glanced back towards Anya, "Please, please get off of me." And then she focused her attention towards Lily, "Er uhm t-thanks Lily." She said smilingly softly. T-this is the second time today... Well if it works out anyway.
Anya let go of Susie's chest suddenly, releasing her weight with more force than she'd anticipated. The neko practically flew back, stumbling into Lily as they tumbled to the ground.

Anya slowly picked her head up off of Lily's chest. "Not as cushy..." she said to herself, before looking into Lily's eyes. "Does that mean we can hug, though? It made me feel a lot better after I broke my pie."
Lily smiled at Susie as she was pulling Anya off, saying, "It's no prob-"

But she didn't really get to finish as Anya let go and they both tumbled to the ground. Lily looked at the Neko on top of her with a measure of disappointment after hearing her utterance.

"N-not as cushy?" Lily said, somewhat upset, "I-it's not my fault, you know? You can hug me if you apologize for that. And then tell me something you like about me. Three things, actually. And one of them has to be about how cushy I am despite my lacking areas!"
Oh! Oh dear! Susie's face flushed red at that, as she crossed her arms over her chest. From Susie's trunk came a bit of muffled laughter. Susie just paused, as her lips trembled a bit. Susie quickly shook her head, as she tightened her arms around her chest. "Er uhm..." She muttered to herself. She stood up and glanced at the two.

"I'm sorry!" Anya blurted, her ears drooping. "I mean, you're still soft, even if you're not big. And, I like the way you dress. I think you're a secret fashion person probably, even if you did dress me really cold. And, one more thing...."

The neko pressed her nose against Lily's neck, and inhaled slowly. "And, you smell really nice!" she added.
"That's better," said Lily, grinning. She knew she was better than other people, but it didn't hurt to hear it every once in a while. She loved being praised, though she kind of wished it wasn't always about just her looks.

Lily sat up and wrapped her arms around Anya, drawing the girl close. A deal was a deal after all. She looked past Anya's shoulder towards Susie, though, and gave the Elf a somewhat apologetic smile that hid a jealous examination of her figure.

"Damn, I'd always expected she was big under there. She should really show off more. Well, she should but it would probably piss me off every day. I haven't grown in two damn years... I need to do something."
W-well, I'm glad they erm uh, settled it. Susie blinked, before she turned around and sat back down. She kept her arms crossed, and crossed her legs. Breathing in and out, Suzie returned to meditating. Now then... to continue where I left off.
Anya picked her head up to discover Lily staring at Susie. That wasn't right. Even though she was hugging -and rather well, at that- she wasn't focused on the hug. Not like Mama or Papa would hug.

"Lily? Lily, why are you looking so hard at Susie? I'm right here!" she said, and began rocking back and forth to get the alraune's attention.
"Hm? Oh, sorry Anya. I was just... looking," said Lily awkwardly, before returning her attention to the Neko. Lily considered how she would feel if someone was hugging her but looking at someone else, and even though that would never happen, it would probably make her sad. And angry and jealous.

"Is this better?" Asked Lily, fixing her eyes squarely on Anya and looking at her with some amount of affection and understanding.
"Better." Anya smiled, resting her head on Lily's chest as she looked into her friend's eyes.

"....I guess it's cushy enough." She considered a moment, then backed up, resting her head on Lily's stomach. "I like this better, though."

"Oh, yeah." she remembered. "Lily, aren't you uncomfy on the floor? Why'd you choose to lie down here?"

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