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Fandom One Piece the New Era

Leon is making his way to the church since he don't want to be one of them. "I work at the cafe for one week and didn't realize that I was working at a place full of zombies?" He ask himself while shooting at a zombie giving the monster an eternal rest. "I need a new glasses." He arrive at the church before making his way towards a room. "Can somebody he...lp....me." He turn speechless as he see a room full of robots with two unknown people. "Bloody hell!?"
Mukade noticed Kandish and his crew had left his territory, He then returns to the Dinner quarter where all his crew was located and he sat back down at his throne. "Kahahahahahahahahahaha! Man, it's been an Eternity since I last had to act though! This was getting scary!" He looked at his subordinates who were all tensed up. He then spoke again "I guess they're dangerous after all...Well, I should begin working on preparing myself against them. But I also havee to Investigate Dekan...Oh well." mukade then Pointed at one of his Subordinates "Sango, I need you to infiltrate those rookies. You're the best man for the job, after all! As for the rest, I need 30 of you with me right away! We're sailing to Horidious!"

(Setting his appearance at the End of the Arc, also, @Sir Grego , Here's a good mission for ya)
Chase watched as crows accompanied him it didn't bother him but he felt bothered by there presence so he simply moved out of there way, taking his off the battle as he found a knew place to watch it seemed as if things were getting worse. While this bothered him he wanted to see how capable they were seeing as nearly a week ago they faced off against a monster, so this should be a good measurement of the enemies ability, he saw enough and decided to get involved. he headed towards the church were he saw Dru was headed. A while later on his journey something oddly enough it looked like people came flying past him, they seemed to be headed for the church "more enemies? maybe there friends...hopefully" he mumbled and continued to the church. He entered the church.
Leandra sighed as she leaned against a railing with her arms crossed. "Are we ready to piss of the marines even though its widely known they are not in a good mood? Last I checked yea, everyone here is ready for this suicide mission."

Stella ignored Cornelius and kept examining the fruit.

The robots feeling trapped didn't now what to do. They had a vanguard block the attack from a man that seemed to slice the air with his legs. Before they charged at everyone.

When Chase enter the area was clear except Ken was asleep not to far away.

(Sorry for very crappy post, but I have to go now ^^)
"I accept this mission." Sango said. He took a drink from his sake glass. "But, how should I get in good with them?"

(Sorry, it did not tell me when you all posted for some reason.)
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"Dunno! Figure it out!Take one of the Small boats and act like a you are a traveler of some sorts. Oh! Also you gotta hide the fact you work for me, as well. Luckily for you, none of those kids have a Photographic memory!" Said Mukade in a Jolly tone as he leaves the room with 30 other men and women. They Embark their ship and sail to Horidious.

@Sir Grego
Sango grabbed one of the small boats and sailed in the direction the the compass pointed. When he landed on the island he walked downtown he listened for fighting and heard some coming from the church.

The robots came at alexi so he ran back into an open room. He smirked. He used his power to pull him towards both the wall behind him and the wall in front of him. He pulled stronger to the wall behind him. "Pull pull... He said as he neared the wall behind him. Slowly building up tension in the atmosphere "...slingshot!" He said when his back touched the wall. He released his pull on the back wall and went flying toward to forward wall. He pulled out two heavy looking wrenches and smacked the robots with them as he passed by them with a high velocity. Smashing them to peices.

@Tellmeastory @Sinister Clown @Peaceswore
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Kandish waves his right hand, and his threads raised the sail. He goes into Hus rokn as he sits down on his throne room, his hands holding his chin. "Alright Marines. I'm going to expose you. Just wait." And with that, the ship starts to sail to the Celestial island.

Cornelius weakly struggles, his smile unwavering. He wasn't going to drop his smile, not for this robot bitch. He would stay positive.

Nine robots remained and they split into groups of three. Three went for Dru, three went for Alexia, and three went for the Sazuya. Each attacked them trying what they could to destroy them.

@Drumonkey @Sinister Clown @Sir Grego

Stella sighed as she looked over at Cornelius. "Odd you haven't eaten such a powerful fruit... Is there a reason for this? This fruit is very powerful... It can do quiet a bit."

Sazuya reacted quickly, using a combination of Soru and geppo he avoided the attacks by the 3 robots as the rushed towards him leaping into the air partially vanishing in the process he swung his hand back as if preparing to punch towards the 3 robots shouting out "More More: Size One hundred Fold" he increased the size of his right arm imitating 'Gear third' "Shigan!" his arm propelled as he stuck only a single finger aiming it down onto the three robots, the ground crumbling around them as a small eruption occurred as results.

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Alexi ran between two of the robots and pulled them towards him. He jumped and pulled to the ceiling, causing the two robots to smash into eachother. The remaining robot jumped up and grabbed alexi. The robot wrapped around Alexis legs and a blade came out of it sticking him in the leg. He pulled toward the ground while continuing to pull toward the ceiling. "PULL PULL HAMMER!" He screamed, then came crashing down on top of the robot. @Peaceswore
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Cornelius looks at the robot, his smile still there. "I want to wait until the right time. I don't think I'm quite there yet. My best friend told me to use it, use it when time plays the right song for you. So I'm waiting." @Peaceswore

Dekan sits in his room, hearing the commotion through his crows. He had an idea that could end these new rookies. But he was... Intrigued by them. Would they be the ones to defeat him? If so, he would be pleasantly pleased. Dekan rises up he looks at the front door that goes into the largest room if the church: The Baptising room.
Chase walks into the church further to find a passed out Ken laying on the floor he smiled glad to see that the guy was getting some sleep, he contemplated leaving him alone but he assumed if anything went wrong his birds would defend him with there lives and or get help. He observed the church scanning for any dangers before leaving, everything checked out as far as he could see besides maybe a watching crow then again that may just be is paranoia and he headed deeper into the church.
Meanwhile, a ship was approaching the coast of the Island. Mukade stood there in front with a Den-Den Mushi on his hand. "Again, Morgol...Why am I doing this?" Said him to the Den Den Mushi, while picking his nose.

Sango walked calmly into the church and heard the commotion going on. "hmm, fighting would be fun." he said to himself before noticing the passed out Ken on the ground. he walked over and sat against the wall next to him, he leaned his sword against his shoulder. "perhaps, though, it would be easier to gain their trust if I watched over their sleeping companion." he thought. @Peaceswore
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In the marine HQ, in a darkened office room lied Morgol Jack. He picks up the Den-Den Mushi that was communicating him with Mukade. "I've already told you countless times, Mukade. maybe you should stop melting everything, because I think it's happening with yor brain. I want to make sure you eliminate that bastard Dekan. He has been very suspicious, and every marine that I send to check on him has never come back. If these rookies don't beat him, you finish the job the least you have to do is make sure that he goes nowhere until a marine ship comes and takes him to Impel Down. Is that clear?" @Tellmeastory
"Kahahahahahahaha! Sharp tongued as always!" Mukade laughed before continuing to speak to Morgol through the Den Den Mushi "What about the rookies? Should I go for them as well? I've sent one of my men ahead to spy on them." Mukade paused, thinking for a small amount of time. "Tell you what, since you said 'If these rookies don't beat him' I'll stand by here until I'm 100% sure he has the upper hand...Maybe you should come and have some tea with me, so we'll wait him together!Kahahahahahahahaha!" Mukade said, Teasing Morgol. He only saw Dekan going at full power very few times, most while clashing with him. Surely, not even an Army of Marines would take him on and survive. Mukade sat down on a Stone throne at the deck of the ship and picked Another den den mushi, Calling for Sango.

@National @Sir Grego
Morgol slams his fist onto his desk. He personally despised anythingnti to with pirates, and that meant the warlords. "It doesn't matter. Just make sure he is in Impel Down, that's all I care about. If you fail, I'll end you myself." And with that, he hangs up the den den mushi. @Tellmeastory
Peaceswore said:
Nine robots remained and they split into groups of three. Three went for Dru, three went for Alexia, and three went for the Sazuya. Each attacked them trying what they could to destroy them.
@Drumonkey @Sinister Clown @Sir Grego

Stella sighed as she looked over at Cornelius. "Odd you haven't eaten such a powerful fruit... Is there a reason for this? This fruit is very powerful... It can do quiet a bit."

Dru was in a rage and charged grabbing one of the robots crushing it in between his hands then he threw the ball into another one before grabbing it's ankle and swinging it over his head before he tore the robot apart and used the pieces to beat the last robot to scraps. Dru stopped and roared as loud as he could before he rampaged through the church breaking down walls as he went.
Sango answered the den den mushi after being sure no one was listening "hello? Make it quick or my cover will be blown." He says
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"It's me. Did you estabilish any contact with the rookies yet?" Said Mukade to Sango, awaiting for his response, after which he said "Well, according to Morgol, they appear to be clashing with Dekan's Crew at the moment. You're free to take action, but again, don't blow your cover. And if he goes Berserk, contact me immediatly, understood?" @Sir Grego
There was a loud rumbing as the wall broke making Stella turn her head to the door. "What's going on" She muttered as she set the fruit down. "S-Stella sama..... Th-Three Bzzt bzzzt *white noise*" "Three what?? Why are you malfunctioning? What was that rumbling sound!" She asked as she kept her fingers on her ear as she listened to the broken robots garble. "Bzzt Bzzt Stella-sama a-a-a-a-ape...... Bzzzzzzzzt t-t-t-t-t-t-t-two m-m-men! O-O-O-On w-w-w-w-way!!!" "What?? Ape and two men? How did they get by you! Answer me!" However all she received was more white noise. "Damn it!" She growled before she started to think of what to do.

"We need to relocate." Pressing a button the table Cornelius was on started float she then walked down another hall that led to a small outside area. This area was completely flat and had a dome over it. "This is going to be annoying." She muttered. "I think they are after you, so when push comes to shove I'll just use you as a hostage." She said simply as she tossed the devil fruit up an done in her hand now sitting on a stone in the middle of the dome field.

(So you have to pass by her lab, then there is a hall that leads to a flat circular land with a dome, that's where you will fight her)

@Sinister Clown @Sir Grego @Drumonkey @National
Sango listened to his boss "I found one of them unconscious. I am protecting his body so as to convince them I am helping. Perhaps you could fire some cannon balls at my den den mushi signal and I will cut them in half to prove I protected him from actual harm?" He said.


Alexi finally caught up to the robot which had ran from him into a secret passage. He found it broken down in a lab. An open chest sat on a table and some scratch marks on the ground indicated another table that had been under pressure. He searched around and found what he recognized as a lever that opened up a hallway with natural light at the other end. @Peaceswore
"Oh...Yeah...Cannons...I forgot those..." Mukade didn't remember to bring the cannons...as His boat arrived at the coast of the Island. "Tell you what, just send me the signal and I'll be there." Mukade said. @Sir Grego

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