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Fandom One Piece the New Era

Mukade receives the signal and and looks at the chuch ttowering the whole island "A dark, glloomy, possibly abandoned church...I wonder why I didn't noticed that first hand..." Mukade then Turned to his men and yeeled "Alright, men. Everybody to town! I'll go and talk to Dekan myself. You see any "Zombie" or "Undead" you take it out! Make sure the Island is Secured and don't call attention to yourselves. Don the disguises!" Dekan's men started putting on Marine clothing and marching toward the village. Mukade himself donned a dark blue cloak, Jumped of the ship into the Island's Beach and began walking in direction of the Church. "No Hard feelings...Right, old friend?"He muttered to himself.

@Sir Grego @National @Peaceswore @Offspring @Sinister Clown @Drumonkey
Peaceswore said:
There was a loud rumbing as the wall broke making Stella turn her head to the door. "What's going on" She muttered as she set the fruit down. "S-Stella sama..... Th-Three Bzzt bzzzt *white noise*" "Three what?? Why are you malfunctioning? What was that rumbling sound!" She asked as she kept her fingers on her ear as she listened to the broken robots garble. "Bzzt Bzzt Stella-sama a-a-a-a-ape...... Bzzzzzzzzt t-t-t-t-t-t-t-two m-m-men! O-O-O-On w-w-w-w-way!!!" "What?? Ape and two men? How did they get by you! Answer me!" However all she received was more white noise. "Damn it!" She growled before she started to think of what to do.
"We need to relocate." Pressing a button the table Cornelius was on started float she then walked down another hall that led to a small outside area. This area was completely flat and had a dome over it. "This is going to be annoying." She muttered. "I think they are after you, so when push comes to shove I'll just use you as a hostage." She said simply as she tossed the devil fruit up an done in her hand now sitting on a stone in the middle of the dome field.

(So you have to pass by her lab, then there is a hall that leads to a flat circular land with a dome, that's where you will fight her)

@Sinister Clown @Sir Grego @Drumonkey @National
With his senses heightened Dru only had to worry about a few walls before he burst into the lab and sniffed twice before he roared down a hallway towards the dome then pounded on his chest with his large arms before loping into the dome and roaring loudly at Stella as he charged at her full tilt. He had every intention of tearing her apart then destroying the church and anyone else that gets in his way.
Alexi nearly dodged the beast barreling past him, he quickly followed and entered the dome for himself. he looked around at the scene. a woman, a man tied to a table and a giant ape. that's when he spotted it. a Devils fruit in the womans hand, if he had to guess the man tied to the table must be the person he was suppose to help rescue, which made the girl a bad guy. he reached his hand out and used the pull pull powers to pull the Devil fruit from her grasp. "Hi, I was asked by some guy to save that guy right there." he said casually. "and I think it would be easier if the bad guy didn't have any devil fruit powers." he then pointed at the big ape man who was staring at the woman "also, that thing looks angry, so..." he began, then used the pull pull powers to pull the table that Cornelius was tied to towards him. "...I'm just going to get the guy I was supposed to rescue away from it. @Peaceswore @Drumonkey

Sango walked to the entrance of the church and saw his crew mates dressed as Marines running around outside. he then turned to the unconscious person and wondered if he would ever stir. @Peaceswore
As Mukade entered the church, every time he got user, more and more cries would appear. At one point, the entire ceiling above him was covered with crows as he nears Dekan. The two large doors were open, and Dekan looks at Mukade as he enters.

Cornelius struggles against his bonds again, hoping that these guys could help him out. @Peaceswore

Alexi holds the Devil fruit to Cornelius and smiles "here, is this yours?" he says. he gives the chains a look and smiles even wider. "this is impressive." he takes out some tools "I'm a decent fighter with my devil fruit abilities, but my true expertise is in fixing, building and in some cases, breaking." his smile was almost sadistic at this point "mind if I...give it a try?" he asks Cornelius, holding a hammer and a small hand saw. "I promise to be delicate." @National

Sango calls over some of his crewmates to the church, who are met with being suddenly and without warning knocked unconscious. "I am sorry brothers." he says to each of them as he knocks them out with the blunt end of his sword. he arranges them around the room and tears a part of his shirt so it looks like he was really trying to fight. he then shakes Ken to try and rouse him from his sleep. @Peaceswore
Stella sighed as she saw the fruit leave her hand and the money charge at her. "Now you are taking my hostage? I don't know nor care who you are, but you are annoying me." She growled. With that she shot off from the rock side stepping to avoid Dru she sprinted right at Alexi. With a sprint she was in front of Alexi, delivering a hard punch to his gut she sent him flying before grabbing the fruit. "Brat know your place." She said before placing the fruit in the thick grass where he couldn't see it. She then looked over at Dru waiting for him to charge. Getting into a fighting stance the android was ready.

@Sir Grego @Drumonkey @National

Ken didn't even budge as he kept sleeping through the commotion. His birds Ixie and Penance kept watching the man ready to attack him if he showed the smallest intention of hurting Ken.

@Sir Grego
Lucas entered the church and ignored everyone but Ken as he kneeled down and began taking his vitals smiling at his birds to make sure they wouldn't try to attack him or something. Lucas then began rummaging through his bag and spoke to the birds "I am going to help him. I will carry him to the ship and let him sleep there."

Dru punched the wall crating a huge hole in it as the android moved out the way. Dru quickly reeled around and charged at her with as much speed as he could muster, his rage causing his arms to get beefier as well as his muscles to increase. Dru was going to try and rip this android to pieces. @Peaceswore @Sir Grego
Alexi flew backwards from the punch to the gut. he stood up and felt wobbly on his feet. "man, I have got to train with haki some day." he said in pain. he Pulled himself to the center of the dome and raised his hands so his body was in a star shape. He began to use his pull power on the entire spherical dome. a building of this size would take a really long time to build up the tension to cause it to collapse in on itself, but with the monkey to distract the android Alexi thought he might be able to use the technique he had never gotten a chance to test. he started to lift into the air as he struggled to balance the pulling force between the different directions of the room. while doing this he was also focusing on using his power to keep the blood from leaving any internal wounds the androids punch might have made. this was a one shot move if he failed, but if he succeeded he could atleast defeat this enemy. @Peaceswore @Drumonkey
"Hey, Hey, I'm just here to talk. Keep those things away from me, now, would ya?" Said Mukade to Dekan, while Grinning at him. "I really don't want to pay for the Damage that could go at your base if we fought. I mean...Remember what happened at Punk Harzard?" Mukade removed the Hood from his head revealing his face.

Dekan walks down as two undead zombies pulls up a chair for Mukade. Dekan sits down in his own chair as he looks at Mukade. "Of course. It has been uninhabited ever since, if I remember correctly. I am guessing you can here, because you know these rookies can't take me on full power?" @Tellmeastory
Mukade sits down at his chair. "Kahahahahahahahahaha! I'm just here to Observe. I ain't Morgol's lapdog, you know? Man's been pissed at you for quite a while now!" He crosses his arms nd legs while talking. " Even that other admiral doesn't bear a grudge at me and I gave her a Scar to her stomach! What the heck did you do to make him so mad?"

Dekan snaps his fingers, and suddenly, several shambling creatures start to trundle over, and they were all wearing Marine outfits. Dekan looks at Mukade as the army of marines shamble around the large room. "They keep sending marines to check up on me. However, every time they do, the marines never come back." @Tellmeastory
Mukade looked at the Zombies...Thankfully none of them were his men, he let out a Jolly laugh "Kahahahaha! You haven't lost your touch! Morgol's just frustrated, then. But if he keep throwing tantrums he bound to come here Himself. And not even I wanna be in his way!" He then Began to Heat up without knowlege scorching his Chair little by little.

Dekan snaps again, and the zombies slowly trundle away. After they all left, Dekan looks up at the ceiling. "Morgol would no doubt destroy us all. None of us would stance a chance, even if we are united. His deadly powers would kill us. However, what if you make a big enough army? I starting to make my own army, and we will soon be able to overthrow the marines little by little." @Tellmeastory
"Your own Army?" Mukade's smile disappeared. He reviewed Dekan's line in his head "Overthrown the Marines? Are you out of your mind, Dekan?" Mukade stood up, uncharacteristically serious.


( @Offspring you can pop up here anytime you feel like it!)
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Dekan stands up as he looks into Mukades eyes. "You really think I care about my position? I only took this name for time. L.G and I may hate each other, but I made a shaky alliance with him. Soon, the marines will crumble." @Tellmeastory
"Dekan...Of all the people in the world...Why are you the only one who doesn't learn his lesson?" Mukade began Heating up, his skin gained a faint red glow as the ground beneath him began to scorch, the Rug under him began to caught Fire. "I dislike the Marines as much as you do...But I have something to protect here." There is steam coming out of Mukade's body as th cloak he was wearing began to catch fire, "What do you plan to do after handling the Marines?"

Dekan extends his hands, and a purple mist starts to emanate from Dekan's body. "The marines have held an iron fist ever since The Pirate King Luffy died. And now, it shall be time to show that the era of pirates is not over. It won't be over for years. I can promise you this Mukade." Dekan grins as he looks at Mukade, his eyes glowing a dark purple. "I will do what I do best, Mukade. Spread fear to the world." @Tellmeastory
Mukade stands in front of Dekan, the heat at his side was blistering causing everything around him to combust and or melt, which contasted the cold darkness emmanating from Dekan. His side was soon scorching hot and the floor beneath his feet became molten as he rapidly sinked there. Mukade disappeared from the room completely. The scorching heat remaining there.

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Dekan watches as the man gets close to him. He felt something strange. Mukade got even stronger, and it amused Dekan. Mukade was always considered one of the strongest of the warlords, being easily one of the top three. His must heats up and disperses, and then it reappears again even darker and more dense. He watches as his friend goes straight through the church floor. "We shall see what happens Mukade." And with that, Dekan walks back to his throne, and sits down. @Tellmeastory @Offspring
Chase hadn't gone to far seeing as he could hear someone entering behind him it seemed to loud to be a crow so it was human but knowing all the people around here it could be friend or foe, easy sign would be a how Ixie and Penance reacted. He walked onward looking around until something began to happen more people had made there presence known "Have those zombies been activated?" he looked back to see what was behind him and no sign of trouble could be heard from the birds but something was happening then the population of crows became dense somewhere in the church grew "What's going on now?" he questioned. He hesitantly headed into that direction to find some doors opening to a man, he waited and watched as the man entered then slowly made his way over listening to there conversation, They discussed the destruction of the marines and soon things became heated he backed off after seeing a devil fruit that powerful not affect the other man all that much. He contemplated confronting Dekan but he did anyway following heading towards his throne room, he kept he body relaxed and casually approached the throne standing about 30 feet away "It's none of my business but that guys right the marines have the World Government to back them a bunch of Pirates even those big name guys don't truly know what the World Government is capable of" Chase felt a bit stupid speaking on the topic but it kinda involved him being a pirate and he did know how crazy dangerous the government is outside of the marines.

Dekan glares at the boy as he smiles. He walks down, and he puts a hand in Chase's shoulder. "And their opposition is just as fierce. L.G Hardy is a deadly fierce captain. Besides, the other Yonko will surely fight with him." @Offspring
Chase was bothered by the lack a space between the two and even more worried about Dekan touching him, the priest nearly shattered his leg with a touch assuming the power of his devil fruit Chase could become a crow. He brushed off his hand "Maybe your right but I doubt it, Pirates aren't as organized as the World Government who have been in control and want it to stay that way a counter attack is already set in place" he pauses for a moment "Whatever about marines, I assume you killed Toto a crew member on my ship, I promised to have his back so defeating you is the least I can do" Chase said stepping back "All I need to do is test him out and escape as I always do" he thought.

Dekan raises his hands, and he quickly dwingd them down. Suddenly. A huge pool of shadows start to swirl around Chase. A huge crowd eruotd and attacks Chase. @Offspring
Chase grabs his staff from the holder on his back as Dekan raises his hand, the room becomes filled with shadows and a crow begins to attack Chase before this would have put him in a bad spot but he was training and working on ranged attacks. He grabbed his staff with both hands and swings it with incredible force creating a boom and a fierce gust of wind comparable to a room sized hurricane, whether this was good enough to even affect the thing he didn't know so he relocated anyways and kept his guard up.


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