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Fandom One Piece the New Era

Peaceswore said:
Stella bashed away the stones that were thrown at her. Finding herself more pissed by the second she had enough. Let out a scream of fury she charged Dru head on putting all her power behind her punch as this was going to be her last attack. "DIE ALREADY!!!" She screeched.
Dru roared in approval at the womans callous and final mistake. Once she got close enough Dru stuck his foot out and jumped at her using his weight and the foot to grasp her torso and pin her down. Once she was trapped under his weight he grabbed her remaining arm and tore it off then crushed it into a ball using one meaty palm. He then roared close to her face while flexing his foot causing her chest to crumple. With one last Roar he tore Stella's head off, crushed it between his hands and then threw it with the body over his shoulder, letting out a final roar before he changed back into the normal scrawny Dru. Dru upon reverting back stumbled a few steps then fell onto his hands and knees while looking around at the damage he caused. "damn it, I lost control."
(..... Well then.... there went stella...... She dead, like really dead... Not much for me to respond to since she is like really really really dead...)
Suddenly, the church starts to rise as the ground gives way. Suddenly, the earth erupts as a huge undead giant rises, the church on its back. It roars, the earth falling off its body. It had dead black skin, with two large horns poking out of its mangled green hair. Dekan sits on the top as the giant starts to lumber to the ocean. @ everyone
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Mukade stands at the shoulder of the Undead Giant. "Really, Dekan?" He heats up considerably, his skin tone turning a Bring sade of red. A flashback goes through his head of him heating up and entering the Church's structure before leaving it at the rooftop."I should have melted this whole place. Oh heck. Melting this abomination with certinly Do it."Mukade raises his fist "Oy Dekan! I ain't letting you have all the fun!" and Slams at the giant. "Eruption!" sending heat Energy throw all of the Giant's body. "Allright time to gamble...Will it Burst like a bubble or instantly combust!? My money's on Combustion!"

Alexi looked around, they where now up in the air. he turned to the others "What do we do?" he asked. "I could try to get us out of here with my pull pull powers, unless someone has a better idea."
The giant roara in pain as it stumbles into the ocean. The steam of its fall covers the island for a moment as it disperses. The giant stumbles as it gets up, and Dekan throws a storm of crows at Mukade. "This giant will be a carrier for L.G's forces. Leave it be." @Tellmeastory
Mukade's Heat simply scorches the Crows without h=even noticing. "So that's that...Huh...Damnit, Dekan, you leave me no choice other than doing my job." Mukade's skin tone turns into a solid red. Steam coming out of it while the floor he steps on becomes instantly molten. Mukade takes a battle position with a serious Look on his face. "By the Order of the world government and of the Admiral Morgol Jack, I the Warlord Mukade shall take your head." As he finished, Mukade Jumped and struck the Giant at the stomach with a punch, sending heat energy through it's body. "Hot Gong" Upon landing he stood in the monster's way, maintaing the same look. "You won't pass." @National
The giant falls back down, the waves slamming against the island. Dekan jumps back down, and he looks at Mukade. "Hell's Passage" and purple crows encased with purple shadowy flames fly straight at Mukade.
Mukade tries to dodge, only to get caught in the attack. "AGH!" He stays up, hoding hus arm that still burning with purple flames, he puts his fist on the ground. "Kahaha...What's with that...The years are finally catching on, Dekan?" While distracting Dkean with the conversation Mukade consentrates a huge quantity of Heat energy on the ground he stands on "Why did you become L.G.'s Lapdog, eh?". After being done with the conversation, Mukade gathers some Salive from his mouth and makes it evaporate in it. He lets out the Blinding Vapor at Dekan's Face "Mouth Sauna!" As he uses the smokescreen to get behind Dekan and push him tot he Area he left th Heat Energy. "Erupt" The earth under Dekan Explodes with Heat and Molten Dirt. Mukade then begins to run away. "That might hurt him a little. But I have to think more through!" Mukade Hides behind some Ruins.

(Tactical wit! I'm Feeling like Sherlock with those moves like Jagger,
@National )
Dekan covers his eyes, the mist completely blinding him. He falls into the hot ground and gasps in pain as the heat, burns him. He stands up, Hus eyes now purple. "You really got me angry now Mukade." Dekan fully raises up, and his hands start to change. His body from enlarges, now even taller as he transforms into his hybrid version. "Hellish Passage!" The angry Dekan starts to search for Mukade as the crows search for the man. Mukade was one of the most strategic warlords, and it pussed off Dekan. @Tellmeastory
He went Hibrid, huh...Mukade thought, while hiding. If I remember correctly, last time we clashed, my only advantage was keeping it cool and planning ahead...But a simple paramecia is nothing compare to a mythical Zoan...Mukade heats up and sinks into the molten ground, his entrance hardening soon after he passed thorough it. While "swimming" underground, he kept thinking over many strategies in his head. I guess it was kind of Brash of me, saying all that stuff...I could let him to do his busyness...He would probably betray Hardy in the last second and get all the fame to himself...No...What am I thinking...If Hardy keeps doing what he wants...That place will be in danger. I'll need to figure something out. Mukade emerges from the molten Ground Grasping for air near Dru. "BWAAAAAH! *pant* *pant* Damn...I must be really getting old..." He gets both his feet at the solid Ground. "This escape took too much energy from me...*pant* *pant*" During his Clash with Dekan, he had used almost all his energy. Mukade then looks at Dru...Finally noticing his presence. "Oh...*pant* Hey there *pant*" He says, with a dumb look on his face.

@Drumonkey @National
Dekan continues to patrol, searching for Mukade. "Where is he?" Dekan snarls as he searches for the man. The crows all fly out to search for Mukade.

While Dekan was patrolling, Cornelius continues to search for his devil fruit. He sees a glimmer of sparks, and he reaches his hands into that spit, emerging with his devil fruit. "Thank god." He says weakly. Cornelius was beaten. He had no fight left in him. It was a journey just looking for the fruit.

As Cornelius puts away his fruit, an ominous presence is felt. He looks up, only to stare into the eyes of Dekan. And Cornelius had no escape. (Save him someone.)
Out of no where a hard kick with some haki was delivered into Dekan's side. Now standing in front of Cornelius was Ken finally awake. He had woken up and completely confused as to where he was Penance told him of his comrades trouble. "Got over your head didn't you." Ken said calmly a scythe in hand as he glared at Dekan. "I was trying to take a nap, but with all the damn noise I could only get a few hours in." Though he sounded pissed it was obvious those few hours were great for Ken as he looked awake and more than ready for a fight. "Now then, instead of picking on the smiling idiot. Why don't we have a small skirmish?"

Dekan laughs as he fully raises up, his crows encircling him. Suddenly, crows start to bombard Ken. "You have many years ahead to fight me. I will kill you befire you even reach it!" (@Tellmeastory and @Offspring you'll need to help ken. I dont think you want a dead ken @Peaceswore
Ken didn't say anything back as he got in a fighting stance focused on his enemy. He knew who the man was, and he knew not to underestimate him. Taking a small breath he opened his eyes and was ready for the fight. "Assault rifle!" At this Ixie changed into the requested weapon which fitted perfectly in Ken's hands. Ken did a roll to avoid the barrage and shot at some of the birds killing quiet a few but some got nicked. He then pushed off the ground and ran toward Dekan still firing at the birds. When he got to the warlord he didn't hesitate as he charged. "Scythe." Ixie once again change and Ken sent a diagonal slash at the warlord trying to slice right through him.

Mukade heard the fighting going on. "Oh, He found someone." He jumps over to the scene and Sees Cornelius, Ken and Dekan. "Just small fries? Where's the captain?" Mukade stared for a while and finally decided to make a move he grabbed some pebbles around his feet and heated them up inside his hand, throwing them at Dekan."Hot Shot: Light Version" He Jumps away from his Location and Yelled at Ken "Hey Kid! Don't let him touch you!" Mukade then began running in direction of the fallen church, hoping he would called Dekan's attention.

@Peaceswore @National ((Come back to us! @Drumonkey @Offspring ))
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Dru was about to respond to the crazy looking guy but he got up and did some crazy move. it was at that moment the Dru saw Ken who looked remarkably better than when Dru had seen him last. Dru forced himself up and looked around, quickly finding a pipe and lifting it up as he slowly approached Ken and his enemy. Dru didn't notice it yet but he was a little stronger from the jaunt as a n ape but Dru did remember that he had another one of the medicine balls that could induce a primal rage. @Tellmeastory @Peaceswore @National
Dekan looks up as the scythe gets stuck in his ribxage. But no blood came out. The straw started to slowly overtake the scythe as Dekan slashes at Ken with his huge claws. Dekan snarls as the pebbles hit his shoulder, and he throws a barrage of crows at Mukade. @Peaceswore @Tellmeastory @Drumonkey (so wait the rumble ball has no side effect on Dru?)

Cornelius looks at everyone, and then he looks back down at his devil fruit. (Can Cornelius finally eat the lightning fruit? @Offspring @pbtenchi
Ken did a backflip and moved out of the way just as Ixie turned into a sword without a command seeing as she thought it would be a good choice. Ken got scratched a bit only causing him to bleed a little. Backing up a bit he looked at Dru. "Monkey get Cornelius out of here! In the shape you two are in you will only get in the way! More then usual I mean!" He shouted. "Pistol! Explosive rounds!" With this Ixie turned into a blue pistol and Ken started to open fire as he kept some distance between his enemy. Each time a bullet hit a small explosion happened causing a decent amount of damage.

@National @Tellmeastory @Drumonkey
National said:
Dekan looks up as the scythe gets stuck in his ribxage. But no blood came out. The straw started to slowly overtake the scythe as Dekan slashes at Ken with his huge claws. Dekan snarls as the pebbles hit his shoulder, and he throws a barrage of crows at Mukade. @Peaceswore @Tellmeastory @Drumonkey (so wait the rumble ball has no side effect on Dru?)
Cornelius looks at everyone, and then he looks back down at his devil fruit. (Can Cornelius finally eat the lightning fruit? @Offspring @pbtenchi
(he is exhausted although his muscles have beefed up faster than a normal work out but that was because of the zoan aspect.long story short it made him tired and a second one will almost kill him.) "Don't- Don't tell me what to do navigator." Dru tried to lift the pipe and attack Dekan but he stumbled and fell next to Cornelius "Ok maybe I should get away from here and find the doctor." @Peaceswore
Dekan grins as he sees that he made contact with Ken. "Perfect. Soul Esperada!" Dekan flicks his scarecrow like hands, and Kens wound starts to widen and deepen until it is a nice gash on his chest. Dekans power can manipukate a persons soul, expanding it to where it can rip through flesh. The expanding stops as it leaves Ken with the deep gash. Dekan watches as his arm falls of from the bullets, and the straw from his arm slowly reattaches back to his arm. He grimaces a little in pain, but he flexes his reattached arm. @Peaceswore @Tellmeastory @Drumonkey
Mukade stopped midway his run and Heated up, Sinking into the ground the moment the crows would reach him, he then Emerged sending a Splash of Molten Earth at the Crows, Scorching them. "Dekan, I know you can do Better than that!" He grabbed a chunk of Rubble on the groud and Heated it up, THrowing it up high So it would fall in Dekan's Direction. He then got into fighting position, putting on a Brass knuckle he hid in the Half-Kimono he wore and Heating up his fist. He only hoped his Strategy worked this time. He was not used to Gambling in a fight against Dekan.

"Red Hot..."

@Peaceswore @National
Alexi held on to his side and looked on as the battle ensued. "Darn...what am I doing? how can I help them?" he thought to himself. then he suddenly had an idea. he started pulling himself around the island, circling Dekan. he then started Pulling his birds to the ground as hard as he could, knocking them hard on the pavement, then continued pulling around Dekan so he wouldn't be spotted.

Sango was standing on the rooftop, that kid he was helping had woke up without noticing him. he used Haki to jump up into the air and help out with the fight.
Ken let out a groan and took a few jumps back. "Damn it!" He growled before glaring at Dru, "Do it monkey! Get out of here! You are in the way and completely vulnerable! You already had your shinnying moment don't try for another." He before he shot even faster with the same explosive bullets though he was getting a better aim and was trying to hit Dekan's vitals.

@Drumonkey @National
Peaceswore said:
Ken let out a groan and took a few jumps back. "Damn it!" He growled before glaring at Dru, "Do it monkey! Get out of here! You are in the way and completely vulnerable! You already had your shinnying moment don't try for another." He before he shot even faster with the same explosive bullets though he was getting a better aim and was trying to hit Dekan's vitals.
@Drumonkey @National
Dru sighed heavily and glanced up at Ken angrily "I would love to get out of here but I am quite tired from my shining moment as you call it. I can't move that fast, but give me a few minutes and I should be able to get out of here with speed.

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