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Fandom One Piece the New Era

Dekan geowls as he feels a strange pull on him. It was the pull pull fruit, Dekan could tell. He killed the former owner, and that itself was a fight. But he could tell this person wasnt perfectly efficient. Dekan growls as the bullets rain on him, the explosions hitting him full on. He was getting very annoyed by this. Dekan fully rises up, a deadly gleam in his eye. It was a sign that Dekan was ready to end this. @Peaceswore @Tellmeastory @Drumonkey @Offspring @Sir Grego
Mukade stopped on his tracks beforeit was too later. "Kahaha...He's finally pissed enough..." Mukade smirked a little, feeling nostalgic. "Looks like It's time to end it..." Mukade's skin turned red, completely changing his appearence to a Shining Red Human. "The last time I got this Hot was facing that Admiral...3825 Cº That's enough to melt human bones...But I know you're not human, Dekan, So I will take this a little more seriously..." The heat resonated to the area surrounding Mukade. He got into fighting position.

@National @Peaceswore @Drumonkey @Offspring
Ken saw (and felt) things were getting serious. He snapped his fingers and Ixie understood that signal. With that she turned back to a crow and rested on his shoulder. Ken ran forward quickly grabbing Dru and Cornelius. Tossing Cornelius over his shoulder and holding Dru under his arm he instantly ran else where seeing that these two would get in the way and they couldn't fight in their condition. "Things are getting serious." He said as he made some distance between the enemy. "I would prefer not to melt."

@Drumonkey @National @Tellmeastory
Alexi got away as well, the heat was vary intense and he could tell these two where on a completely different level.

Sango stayed behind the Rookies, cutting spurts of lava that came to close to the group.
Dekan rises fully in his full zoan form. He was now at a his strongest form. Purple, shadowy crows the size of large boulders start to circle Dekan, purple shadowy flames circling Dekan. The entire isnd starys to darken as more and more shadows start to form behind Dekan. He raises his hand, and several large claw like hands appear from the shadows. @Tellmeastory
Dekan looks up with his shadowy eyes, the large part of the area behind and around him a dark and gloomy graveyard. He swipes down, and the huge claws swipe at Mukade. @Tellmeastory
Mukade takes the attack, but didn't receive much damage, Stryking dekan at his chest with a fierce punch. The ground under him erupts Proppeling HIm upwards. He takes a position and begin spinning horizontally with his leg streched out. "Meteor!" The kick, powered by the spinning and the intense heat was aimed at Dekan's Head.

Dekan plummets back fown to the ground as the intense heat and impact of the kick made the ground erupt. dekan smarls as his fave was on fire, and he bats it out. Suddenly, he disappears into the shadows. Instantly, he cones up from behind Mukade and slams him in the back, throwing him up to the ground. Shadowy hands wrap around Mukade, and they slam him right back down into earth. @Tellmeastory
Mukade coughs out some Blood and Jumps away from Dekan. He puts both his fists on the ground, causing it to become molten around him. He stands on a Small Scorched rock in the middle of a Molter Lava Lake. He jumped high enough and Landed in the middle of he magma, the impact Creating a Tidal wave that wentin Dekan's Direction.

Dekan throws his hands up, and a storm of crows barrage the wave of lava, stopping it. Dekan growls as he stares at Mukade. Dekan lowers his clawed hand, and he swipes it im the air, 4 large slashes of shadow trailing after Mukade. @Tellmeastory
Ken stood in the distance with his tired comrades as he went into thought. "This match will go on forever... A fight like this shouldn't be bothered, honestly I think now would be a great time to sneak off." Ken said calmly as he watched. "Which ever wins may still kill us, though there is a good chance they will be exhausted from the fight and won't bother..." He trailed on as he watched unsure what to do. "Where is the captain?"
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Mukade dove into the pool of lava in order to dodge the attack, Emerging with a body covered in molten rock at Dekan with an Uppercut, diving back again and emerging at the toher side of the pool. He knew that if he would keep that form for too long, he would detonate an Eruption that would probably kill everyone in the area. I hope it doesn't come to this... As soon as the thought came through his head. He stomped the ground, Storing some heat at his position in case he has to dodge any attack again. He Maintain his focus at Dekan. "It's sure getting too risky in here, Dekan! We already busted your home."
"Great question, set me down and let me go before I try to slip out of your grasp. Dru sighed after saying that and vainly tried to free himself from Ken's grasp. Dru could faintly hear the fighting going on behind him but he was tired and didn't want to have to fight someone. Dru was trying to get up and free himself. @Peaceswore
(Hehehehehe. Oh I have a great idea. Commencing it now. )

From the shore, a ship docks as the pirates all climb out, except the captain and his first mate. Kandish smiles as he looks at his first mate. "Make sure to get the pirates (everyone else, like ken and dru and cornelius and Alex) to their ship safely." Kandish moves his hands around a little, and he starts to jump in the air, using his strings to jump towards Dekan and Mukade. He knew of he got too close, he would due from the two fighting. But, he could still assist Mukade. He opens his hands, and razor sharp strings start to surround Mukade and Dekan. He was creating birdcage so Mukade wouldnt have to worry about blowing up the whole island. Dekan stares at Mukade, not noticing the strings that were crwating birdcage. The heat was getting to Dekan. Was ready for his final attack. He lifts his hand into a fist, and shadowy, purple flames, start to surround his fist yntil the condense. His fist coats itself in armament haki as he looks straight at Mukade. "Hell's Final Passage!" And he punches at Mukade with his most devastating attack as the birdcage finishes, sealing Mukade and Dekan in together. @Tellmeastory

The White String ourates finally locate the others, and they quickly run over to them. "We're here to help you guys get outta here!" (You can use your dragon girl @Peaceswore) @Offspring @Sir Grego @Drumonkey
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Ken dropped Dur and grabbed Ixie who had turned into a pistol and aimed her at the approaching pirates. "Whoa Blue Reaper. I'm here to kindly escort you guys to your ship." Leandra said as she held her bow in hand one arrow on the sting. Ken narrowed his eyes at her. "Why?" "Captains orders, something about you guys being worth the trouble in the long run. Now are we going to jabber or are we going to go?" "..... "

@Drumonkey @National @Sir Grego
Mukade receives the punch directly, Coughing out blood. It wasn't mortal damage, but certainly something that won't let him fight for a while. As he gets Tied with dekan he Get's over the spot he Left to overheat. "Kaha...KAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! WHAT A WONDERFUL BRAT! Sorry Dekan, But it apears it's my win!" The ground Explodes under them, propelly the Duo skyward."It's been a pleasure knowing you, Dekan! I wouldn't mind seeing your seat back at Mareijois taken by one of these Twerps! In fact, I'm looking forward to it!" They begin to fall to the pool of Magma, as Mukade, somehow manages to Aim their bodies while in midair. "I've never done this before! How do you think I should name this one? I was thinking of 'Bomber Comet' or 'Hell's Dive'. Oh well! Might as well Heat it up!" Mukade's Body heats up even more, as he began shining brightly, as both went plummeting Headfirst into the Molten pool. "10.000 Cº: HELL DIVER!"

(THat's the closest I'll get to a finisher, So I might as well flair it up a bit! @National )
(No problem @Tellmeastory)

The two plummet into the lava, amd that was the last ever heard of Dekan. The entire island glows as Dekan dies, and the island was now free of Dekan. Horidious island was free to claim. Kandish slowly descends down to the chaotic volcanic outland. He looks into the pool of lava and calls out. "Mukade, you in there?" @Tellmeastory
Mukade emerges from the pool, back to normal. Extremely tired. He looked at Kandish with a jokey smirk , even though he was exausted. "Hey...Brat...*pant* *pant*" He got up, holding his stomach. A rib or two might have been broken. But no serious wounds. "Normally, I would melt you for tying me up with another man. But, you gave me the rush of a lifetime. Kahahahahahahaha! Pity about Dekan though. I knew him for a long while." He sees nearby tree, completely intact from the literal heat of the battle, bearing an Fruit, he see's it's texture morphing into that of Spirals. He then felt a little bit of sadness as he walks to to it and picks it up. "You wouldn't mind if I keep it, would ya?" He asked Kandish.

Dru hit the ground and rolled to a seat and looked up at the woman that was standing there offering them safe passage and looked up at Ken unsure of if he was going to accept the offered help or not. Dru was for it but he didn't have the energy to fight back. @Peaceswore
Ken sighed seeing as his teammates were too tired he let go of Ixie who turned back to a crow. "Fine." He said calmly. Leandra smiled and placed her bow on her back. "Looks like I arrived a bit late. The fights over..." She said with a sigh. "Shame. Don't worry your boat is fine it wasn't trashed I was kind enough to move it away before it could." She said pointing in the direction of the ship.
Kandish nods as he looks at the fruit. He trails his finger around the spiral. "If course. It is your spoil of war, is it not? By the way, my first mate moved your ship away from all the carnage. It's all safe. I guess it's a good thing I came around here."

The Navy were now again in panic. New traveled quickly, since one of the den den mushis that they use to contact dekan were all dying. That meant the man was dead. Morgol starta to get really angry as the blue fire around him picks up. He grabs the new set of bounties amd signs them all.

Captain Chase: 100,000,000

Cornelius: 95,000,000

Ken: 90,000,000

Dru: 90,000,000

Alexi: 85,000,000

He growls as a navy vice admiral walks in and drops fown two new bounties.

"White String" Kandish: 160,000,000

"White Dragon" Leandra: 100,000,000
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Mukade thanks Kandish with a smile and see's one of his men, carrying a den den mushi. "Boss! It's Admiral Morgol!" Mukade Picked up the Snail as he talked into it. "Hello this is Jon Jonatan Jonson, from the Jon Store, can I helpe yoo?" He said with a fake accent and modifying his Voice into a Kermit the Frog style.

"Oh." Mukade then said, Picking his nose while speaking, with a dumb look at his face. "He sided with Hardy, so I followed your orders and Melted him from the face of the earth. By the way, you missed the move I sused to finish him! I flew up so High into the SKy and got up to 10.000! You know how hot that is? I think you could convince your lady friend there at the HQ to get it on with the big man here! Oh tell her I'm sorry about the scars too!" He said all of that casually, just so he could Piss Morgol off even more.

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