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Fandom One Piece the New Era

Everything went silent as the flames arpund Morgol died out. The silence tensed all the marines around as Morgol whispers into the den den mushi. "You have a day to get to the holy court for a meeting to decide the new warlord. If you aren't here by then, I will hunt you down myself and watch as I sap away your soul and rip your body in half. Am I understood, Mukade?" @Tellmeastory

Kandish uses his strings to fliat down next to Leandra as he looks at Ken, Dru, Alex and Cornelius. "Good, you are all safe. Where is your captain?" @Peaceswore @Offspring @Sir Grego @Drumonkey
"Hey, what about my hot date?! Are you really gonna keep me hanging? Kahahahahahahahaha!" Mukade kept laughing as heard the sound of the call ending by force. "Kahahahahaha! I needed that..." Mukade then got up as the Island finally began to Rumble. "Whoah, no! Not again!" "Boss! It's not safe in here! WE HAVE TO LEAVE NOW!" As his subordinates ran to his ship, Mukade turned his attention at Chase and Kandish's crews for an Instant, SMiling with confidence "Hey, Brats!"

@National @Offspring @Drumonkey @Peaceswore @Sir Grego
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Dru sighed as sleep wanted to overcome him but when the island started shaking he rolled backwards and flipped onto his feet looking around then noticed the crazy guy that was fighting earlier talking in their general direction. Dru looked at the woman offering them a safe passage and quickly said "I have no idea where our captain is, I lost sight of him a while ago."
Chase could be found at the bottom of the sea meditating this was something he had never done before, on land in in his workshop that was he day to day, he takes a deep breath consuming the water around him and a sea king accompanies him, no words or gestures were occurring between the two and the tension between the two was no existent. The sea king circled Chase then left violently Chase shook it off as a sea thing that he didn't know about, obviously things had settle above so it was time to return to the surface, Everyone was gathered together as he climbed out the water were his staff and the rest of his close a distance away from the others, he got dressed and grabbed his staff ready to head back.
Kandish sees the fishmen, and Kandish lowers himself back down to Chase. "You're the captain I am guessing? I'll introduce myself later, but you need to get to your ship now. The island is collapsing." As he says that, the whole island shifts, and a large piece breaks off and sinks down to the floor. @Offspring
Chase nods seeing the surrounding deteriorate more and more, oddly enough he didn't notice a thing which was a good thing personally but not the greatest thing seeing as a lot happened and he left but assuming from what the guy had said nobody in his crew was killed, he heads back with Kandish "I'm Chase captain of the Rowan pirates" he said nervously thinking about his previous actions.


(It's official were the Rowan Pirates hope everyone is okay)
Kandish nods as he leads back Chase.to his group. "The name is Kandish Bullock. I am the captain of the White String Pirates, and to inform you, we are.both supernovas. I wanted to talk to you. Something huge is going to happen soon." They reach Chases crew.amd.his ship as Kandish's men was on his ship. "leave this island, and once on the ocean, I want to talk to you." @Offspring
Leandra was able to drag the group to their ship with little problem. Having to be careful not to get hit by any lava for the destroying island she had to tae a slightly longer route. She an the others arrived at the ship a hit after Chase. Ken climbed aboard immediately tossing the tired Cornelius and Dru on board. He then rolled his shoulders and stretched a bit. "Well what's next?" He asked.

After getting the crew back to the she Leandra returned to her own and waited for the captains instructions.
Mukade gets in his boat and sits on his stone throne as the ship's doctor, approached him "Boss, what have you done!? Why did you go as far as kill a felow warlord!?" Mukade just looked at the medic, who already began patching him up "You see, doc, Crows are naturally savagers, they go for or crops or carcasses. In either way they profit from other's Tragedies. I've figured, if the biggest crow in the world would fall. The others would soon follow." Mukade was speaking nonsense at the doctor's point of viiew. But he knew exactly what he meant. Mukade then picked up the Devil Fruit from his Kimono and his whole crew looked Shocked. "I may have caused the other salvagers to target lil' old me. Well, we have no choice. Change the course, we go to Mareijois." Mukade then grabbed a Den Den Mushi at his side and Called Sango, who was hopefully at the Ship with the Rowan Pirates and The White String Pirates. "Hey! It's me! Pass the snail to the captains!"

@National @Peaceswore @Sir Grego
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Kandish grins as he sees Leandra. "Looks Like everything went according to plan. I just need to see if these guys will ally with me. Leandra, let's get off this island." His crew run around, getting the ship ready. He signals at Chase to follow his ship, and Kandish's boat starts to sail off. @Offspring @Peaceswore
Chase watches the island crumble "Hope the citizens will be okay" he said to himself awaiting for Kandish to sail out and once he gets the signal he got ready to sail out saying "Ken you okay to sail, I can take control for now since Kandish is leading the way" he said.

@National @Peaceswore
Leandra smiled and sat on the railing as she looked out at the sea. "Things are going fast aren't they? And the maries are getting generous, guess that's just them showing that they want pirates to be dead all the sooner." She said with a small laugh as she placed her bow on her lap. @National

Ken was already getting things ready and was at the wheel. "I had about three or so hours of sleep, after four days of no sleep... I'm doing great." He said with a smirk as he started to follow the other ship.
After they leave the island and they were in the ocean, Kandish's ship goes next to the crew, and it lands a drawbridge right on top of the crews ship. His crew board the Rowan's ship, and Kandish follows last. "Hello, Rowan Pirate. I am Kandish Bullock."
Sazuya had tagged along with Ken for the majority of the time, once seeing the Ship he was some what glad that now he had the chance to get off the island, without telling anyone earlier it was an obscured fact that Sazuya was actually stuck on the island rather than using it as a place for training, in fact Sazuya's first 'voyage' was quickly brought to it's heel once coming close to the island, the bottom of the ship was torn by large rocks and left him stranded, despite making a nice living for himself on the odd island, he truly wondered if he would ever see further than this despicable place.

Once seeing the other ship as they head out to see Sazuya was curious on the events that may occur after this 'Another little mice, how amusing hehe' he thought deviously in his mind as the Pirates boarded their ship, although remaining quite and leaning back on the railings of the ship and crossing his arms all that was seen is his eerie smile and gloomy glare.



Alexi was running around the ship marveling at some things and coming up with ideas for new parts or repairs for other things. "This is a great ship." he said enthusiastically. "it has had quite an adventure. I am glad to be able to be apart of it." he jumps up and down excitedly.

Sango had made his way onto the Rowan pirates ship, feeling almost as if they hadn't even paid much attention to him despite everything he did to try and pretend to help them. he walks right up to Kandish and CHase and tosses his den den mushi to them. "here." he says, as he sits and pulls a bottle of saki from his sleeve.

@Peaceswore @National @Tellmeastory @Offspring
After sailing for a short while the String pirates and the crews ship became conjoined with a bridge and the String pirates crosses lead by there captain Kandish, Chase hopped that what ever Kandish wanted to speak about was something good. He returned the greeting to the String pirates, seeing the Den Den Mushi he catches it "Thanks I guess" he says to Sango, he wasn't sure exactly why he was given this but it would probably come in handy, he then looked at Kandish "Alright so lets talk, what's the going to happen?" he said.

@National @Sir Grego
Kandish grins as he sits down on a chair he took from his ship. He snaps his finger, and a chair for everyone was pulled up. "I want to talk alliances Chase. You and I ate both supernova's. Our crews are both powerful. It would be nice to unite." @Offspring
Chase to his seat and listened, to him an alliance was obviously a good thing to have but why have an alliance right now, the String pirates were powerful enough to survive on there own. Chases always thought an alliance was only formed when facing something bigger than you or when both parties shared a common goal, Chase smiled realizing he was overthinking this way to much "I don't mind an alliance as long as my crew is fine with it" he said.

@National @Sir Grego @Sinister Clown @Drumonkey @Peaceswore @pbtenchi
Ken was quiet as he sat down and leaned back. "....... If the captain has no problems with it then neither do I." He said calmly as his cold eyes looked at the other crew trying to figure out what they are planning.
Sango pulled out a secondary Den Den mushi and spoke into it "Boss, I gave the string pirate captain the den den mushi." he said "Permission to get out of here before they realize who I really am?"

Alexi was sitting with an obvious excited face "A pirate alliance? that is like one of the best things I have ever heard. being part of two crews for the price of one." he said excitedly.
Kandish looks at the den den mushi, knowing who it was. He grins. Thus was Mukades way of keeping tabs on them. Kandish flicks his hand, and a map that was attached to a string flew up and hovered in grin of the crew. "You're probably wondering why I am asking thus alliance. If you didn't know already, a huge war is coming up."
"Get back to the base then! You can go, now." He answered Sango. Mukade maintained a stern look at his face...Mareijois wasn't a big ryde by boat, but still some miles he reached his destination, he grabbed a baby den den mushi and hid in his garb as he finally reached the "Holy Land" and took a deep breath and Began laughing "KAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!! Man, I finally get to meet the others!" he stepped into the dock and began walking to the place where Morgol and the other 5 warlord awaited him
Ken nodded at that. "I assume the war against Hardy and the marines..." He said as he crossed his arms and looked at the other.

In the room waiting was one man who was leaning in a chair and his feet propped up on table. He had his eyes closed as he kept flipping a purple poker chip. "That laugh... Already here, laughing bastard?" Ash said with a smirk and a small chuckle, his words weren't hostile, really they were nothing more then a small jab. He didn't look at the other as he remained in his seat and kept flipping the poker chip.

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