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Fandom One Piece the New Era

Mukade looked at Ash with a Smirk as he sat down "Kahahahahahaha! Well, I'm kinda responsible for the meeting happening...And Morgol threatened me, so, yeah! Kahahahahahahahaha!" @National @Peaceswore
Ash opened his eyes and flipped his chip again. "So I heard, off that creepy crow bastard right? Good riddance that man was terrible at poker, he couldn't hide his hand well enough, always annoyed me." He then chuckled as he shook his head. "So that man threatened you as well? I was suppose to have a special event in my casino today and someone couldn't wait to be in my presence."
Mukade maintained a Jolly tone "Ah, so you still have that place? Can you introduce me to one of your showgirls?" Mukade maintained himself playfull, the others stared at him and he felt their gaze piercing him. "As for Dekan...He betrayed us for Hardy, so I too the liberty of Axing him off before he became an Actual threat." Mukade was a man that would do anything so he could have a peaceful life. Dekan joining Hardy would be a meanace to it.
Nobody seemed to be against the alliance so chase was glad about that but what followed was another subject, a war that would end with chaos if the marines are destroyed then criminals across the world would be free to roam as well as the problem of the king of the sea. The One Piece and the title of pirate king would become nothing if Pirate already rule the world, these were his thoughts but he chose to reply saying "Yeah I spoke with Dekan about it, I am not for a war but I am a pirate, most likely I will be effected by it so I should embrace it, I still don't see how this alliance is related to that war" he said.

Dru climbed slowly to the crows nest having nodded his head in acceptance at the alliance. Lucas just smiled and nodded his head slightly at the alliance thought then he walked up and whispered into Chas's ear "Captain I think I can fulfill your request now, come visit me in the lab when you can so I can start surgery." Lucas chuckled and smiled as he waved at the rest before he took off back to his lab. He had some things to work on so that Dru wouldn't become useless every time he used a rumble ball.
Sazuya stayed quiet, as of now he felt as if he should be observant and assess the situation thoroughly, although he wasn't against the alliance he wasn't all for it either. Sazuya wasn't a man known to stay and often liked taking his own side but I guess in this case it couldn't be half bad besides the individuals on the Ship were all interested in some way or another 'I wonder how it feels to stick something in their flesh..' he thought to himself deviously although appearing to be deeply enjoying the thought he sat on a barrel beside the railing of the ship, leaning his head into his palm which rested on the rail he observed everyone from a distance. It wasn't like anyone was talking to him anyway.
Erica was balancing on her tail in her own chair when Mukade came in "well, Hot head took out the nasty scarecrow." she said, getting down from her tail and onto her feet. she walked over to Mukade and smiled at him "but you know, I thought we where, like, a group. you know, making decisions with eachother, not FOR eachother." she said. "So, if I'm not being too bold, can I ask why you thought it was a good idea to open up a warlord position?"


Sango stole a life raft from the pirate ship and used his vivre card to make his way to the captains ship. when he arrived he found they where anchored at merriejoi. "Oh great, we are here." he said, rolling his eyes. he got onto the ship and waited for his captain to return from his meeting.

Alexi decided to leave business to the captains, he went around the ship and pulled out some of his tools. he started to repair parts of the ship, it had been badly damaged with little to no repair. this crew desperately needed a shipwright. he began pulling himself to different parts of the ship, fixing holes and with a little finesse, making the ship look almost brand new.
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"Well, Dekan went away from that rule, Y'know?" Mukade Looked around and Couldn't find Morgol or any Admiral. "Hey shouldn't there be a Marine representative around here? And Erica weren't you more flat chested before? I mean now you can go work on that guy's cassino, so you can leave this place. Kahahahahaha!"

@Sir Grego @National @Peaceswore
Erica smacks Mukade for suggesting she was flatchest, then immediatly begans smiling "you think they grew?" she says cutely, then goes back to hitting Mukade for suggesting she work in the casino. "I'm a warrior, not a Bimbo!" she screams. when she calms herself down she looks around the room, "looks like it's just us pirates for this meeting."

@Tellmeastory @Peaceswore @National
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Ash sighed and had a fake hurt look on him. "My dear! Do not doubt yourself! I'm positive you can be both!" He said with a smirk as he flipped his poker chip some more. He then looked at her up and down and thought about it before shaking his head. "Though she would appeal to the clients with the more...young taste. She is still not good enough to work at my casino. I'll have you know I only get top of the line girls." He said with a chuckle as he once again tossed his chip in the air. "As for the admiral.. If I had to guess he's meditating so he doesn't come in here and out right try to kill us. After all his hate for pirates his legendary."

@Sir Grego @Tellmeastory @National
"What, did you do any survgery?Kahaha-GUFAWGH" Mukade's body goes through the wall. He then gets up, completely lacking any harm "Well, that's what you get for trusting Morgol! The man isn't responsible enough to attend a Meeting he himself called for..." Mukade grabs the Human Human Fruit Model:Bubak from his Half-Kimono. He looks at it with a hint of sadness and goes back to his Jolly Self."Anyways did you guys hear news of these Newbies? One of them Faced Dekan and Survived! And the other went to my base to try to piss me off!Kahahahahahaha! Youngsters these days have got some Balls!"

@National @Peaceswore @Sir Grego
Erica was getting red in the face "I'd never be in your stupid casino anyway! I'm far superior to some top of the line bimbo!" she said. "I knew I should have gotten the love love fruit." she said, crossing her arms. "besides, I'm older then I look, much older then these rookies who have shown up atleast. what is your reading on them Mukade? anything we should be worried about for now?"

@National @Peaceswore @Tellmeastory
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Mukade's expression became serious, yet he still smiled. He , let out a sigh and sat down "I've seen what they were capable off, without a doubt, they will cause an Uproar in these seas if we just let them be...I myself see no harm, they've Taken down, Woody and Iscariot, andI would Probably lose to Dekan if it weren't for one of those Brat's intrusion...I say we let them keep theyr little party for a while. Now to more important issues..." Mukade looked at Erica and Ash's Direction "My my, wishing for the Love Love Fruit, Erica~~? How bold of you, however I'm already a Taken man!" Mukade said that like a flustered married woman.

@Sir Grego
"I WOULD NEVER USE THE POWERS ON SOMEONE AS BENEATH ME AS YOU!" Erica says, getting into a pose to memic one of the warlords of the past, Boa Hancock. pointing her finger down at the ground in Mukades direction, while looking up at the ceiling. she begins laughing like a Noblewoman "OHOHOHOHO!" Her left hand directly beside her mouth, as if to hide it.


Ash rolled his eyes at the display of the other two though he had to admit they were grand entertainment. Looking at Mudake he smirked at the question. "I believe that is Jackal...something. Never bothered to learn his name. A fellow warlord." He said with a grin as he closed his eyes. "Mongol, I have a business to run, so if we could hurry this meeting that would be nice." He said as he flipped his poker chip in the air again.
Erica walks back to her seat angrily and sits with her arms crossed. she mumbles under her breath, but it is inaudible. "HEY, GOVERNMENT DOG! GET IN HERE AND PREACH SO I CAN GET OUT OF THIS ROOM! VOLCANO-FOR-BRAINS IS MAKING IT UNBEARABLE!" she says, not even saying anything to the new comer.
Jackal only smiles as he flips his gun around, looking at the three. He opens up a small door out of thin air, and.he pulls out a den den mushi.

The door suddenly bursts open, and blue fire starts to encase the room. Morgol walks in, and he walks to the front if the room. He pulls out his seat and sits down, glaring at the warlords. "Only speak when you are spoken too, or I might kill you. Is that clear? As you all know, Mukade killed Dekan because apparently Dekan tried to betray us. And I would hate to admit it, but Mukade did a job well done." Already knowing Mukade, Morgol adds. "If you speak about, I'll burn your soul. Let's make sure everyone is present. Stand up and say your name, bounty, pirate name, etc." @Tellmeastory @Peaceswore @Sir Grego
"Erica Robins, 500 Million Beli Bounty, Mythical Monkey Queen, Captain of the West Journey Pirates." Erica said proudly, shooting Mukade a dark glance, she hadn't time to react to his laughter when the marine came bursting in.
Ash remained in his seat as he looked at Morgol. Sighing he flipped his chip and shrugged. "I don't see the need of a roll call, there is only the five of us including you." He said in a calm tone. "Just to play along. Ash Levanter, captain of the Gamblers and owner of the Pandemonium Casino. Previously had a bounty of 420 million berry. Titled one of the most handsome man in all the blues, thought I should throw that out there." He said with a smirk.
Mukade finally finished laughing and regained himself, he stood up, proudly and began "Morgol Jack, I'm an Admiral, I peed my pants when was Fi-" he dodge's Morgol's attack at him and then spoke "Mukade "The Volcano", Current Captain of the Fireland Pirates, former bounty of 550 million Berries, I like long walks at the beach, I have 3 ex wives and my three sizes are-" He dodges Morgol's Punishment again. "Sorry! Sorry! But it's so easy to make jokes with you guys!"

@National @Peaceswore @Sir Grego
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Morgol glares at Mukade, and Morgol does something a bit unnatural. He goes over to Mukade and picks him up by the throat. "Just keep pushing me Mukade. I think I might have snapp-" some of the marines begged for Mirgol to drop the pirate, so he does. Morgol looks over at Jackal. "Your turn."

Jackal stands up, smiling. "Hello all. My name is Jackal "The Silent Reaper", having a bounty of 525 million berries, and the captain of the "Jackal Pirates." @Tellmeastory @Peaceswore @Sir Grego

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