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Fandom One Piece the New Era

Sango thought for a second "I've heard legends of skypia. the city in the clouds. I heard the legendary pirate king Luffy supposedly traveled there once. I myself grew up in Wano country, where strange occurrences and mysticism are everyday things, so a floating island has never been far off in my mind. is that where we are headed?" he said, taking a swig of his Sake and looking up at the sky.

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Leandra let out a small laugh as she looked at the sky and remained leaning against the rail. "True captain... It's rather intimidating. This feeling, you know something is going to happen, all we have to do is wait for a spark. With that chaos will unleash and the strongest will be on top." She said as a soft smile crept up to her lips.

On the other side of the check point a lone ship came over the horizon. Even though it was only a speck in the distance judging by the speed and the way it gleamed in the sun anyone could tell it was the Flare's Might. With the ships speed it arrived at the checkpoints in mere moments after being spotted. When it got close enough it's anchor hit the water and kept it in it's place before a wooden plank was placed down. Moments of nothing before foot steps were heard. First there was the blond, the main swordman Rasa who got off the ship and made his way down. He was followed by Ryuu and Teresa. When the three got to the bottom they moved to the right and waited. Shortly after Obito and Kibto both made their way to the plank. Their aura was powerful though for the sake of Hardys crew they just did a bit as a warning. Both brothers stepped onto the plank at the same time and they started to make their way down.

Obito had his snake (which is a black mamba) coiled around his arm, the creatures head resting on his shoulder. Behind Kibto his enormous polar bear followed not making much noise despite it's weight. When both brothers made it to the land they walked to the desk keeping there eye on Hardy. Obito had a stoic look as if he were trying to see through any trick Hardy may be playing. While Kibto just gave Hardy and his crew a friendly smile. When the two sat down Kibto kept his kind smile. "I'm surprised we are meeting so soon. How have you and your crew been faring?" He asked nicely. Obito rolled his eyes as he crossed his arms and leaned back in his chair. "What do you want Hardy." He asked getting straight to the point making Kibto sigh.

"No...I'm heading there, you're going for Mock Town to rest..." Mukade stood up and walked to one of the ship's Railings. He stared blankly at the Sea as he were searching for something that drifted away. "I've finally found you, "Whirlpool"..." The steel Railing began to melt immediatly...
Hardy laughed, his kings haki drifting on the laugh as it made everyone's bones shudder. Elden Shar only grins as he nods at the main swordsmen if the opposing crew. Hardy's haki would eliminate most of the competition, but this wasn't the time for that. Hardy looks at the brothers. "I want to ally for the war. You know, two yonkos finally taking down the corrupted crown called the World Government. I thought you two would want to take this chance. You have heard of the legends, correct? That clues of the one piece are in the World Gov? And I know both of you want the One Piece. So why not fight with me? Unless you want to fight right here and now, which would be bad for both us." @Peaceswore
Rasa kept a look at everything going on, of course he had respect for the other crew so he gave Elden a small nod back as he stood next to Obito. The brothers listened to Hardy with curiosity. A small smirk appeared on Obito's face as he listened honestly he loved the sound of bringing the government to it's knees.

Kibto on the other hand lost his friendly smile as he listened. "Hardy, is there a reason for you to want to beat the world government? If they have a secret that's has something to do with the one piece, why not send a spy? To take down the government..." "Is an interesting idea! Think about it brother, those damned marines that are far worse then most pirates will get what's coming to them." "....... I think the idea is foolish." "And I think it's interesting and worth the risk." Kibto looked at Obito and the two were locked in a small starring contest. Rasa let out a small sigh and walked between the two brothers. "Captains before you make a decision let's here what Hardy has to say. He must have concerns if he is coming to you two. Especially after recent events." He said in a calm tone to which stopped the brothers small contest. Nodding they looked back at Hardy awaiting an explanation if there was one.

Erica sees the doorway appear next to her desk and the den den mushi is placed on it. she picks it up. "I'm listening. so Mukade shut me out like I figured he would, what information did that marine write on the back of that wanted poster?" she asked, looking at her nails and waiting for an answer.

Suddenly, L.G slams his hand down, and a small piece of paper appears on the desk. "I want to destroy the world gov. There is something I need in there. Something that no one know about " suddenly, 4 walls shoot up, blocking everyone from L.G, the brothers, Rasa, and Elden. To the people outside, this was a move if attack. But L.G looks at the twins. "Don't worry, you aren't going to be hurt. I just don't want anyone else to hear this. I want to go to the world gov. To rescue someone." @Peaceswore

Jackal smiles as he picks up his own den den mushi. "All he put was whirlpool, and that the guy was a powerful rookie. What are you planning to do, Erica?" @Sir Grego
Erica smirks "Mukade always gets to have his fun. I figure if I follow him this time I'm sure to run into a bit of fun myself. protecting the people of merriejoi is so boring. besides, This Whirlpool guy sounds interesting." she says, pulling open a drawer that had vivre cards for all the other warlords. she had collected them just incase she needed to keep tabs on them. she had told the Marines who got them for her that they where for the Navy's benefit, but in reality she just wanted them for her own reasons. she picked up a snowglobe-shaped object that had a peice of paper with Mukade written on it. she walked to her door, opened it and gave the globe to her navigator. "Take us close enough so he can't see our ship." she walked back to her cabin and locked the door. "you could come along, if you are so inclined." @National
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Jackal stands up, and he shouts to Hus crew. "I'll be right back!" And he opens a door and steps through. He opens a door behind Erican, and he pulls her through. He opens another door, and they are on the ship of Mukade, in a an empty room. @Sir Grego @Tellmeastory
Erica smiles and whispers "seems I made the right choice when I trusted you. the other warlords don't seem to understand how useful you can be." she looks around the room, some sort of storage. she then pulled two strands of hair from her head, which immediately grew back to the exact length it had been. the hairs transform into exact copies of herself. "this is how I escaped impal down five days before they figured out I'd left. with two genetic copies of me back on my ship, any vivre card Mukade might have will point him towards them rather then me. be a dear and send them back for me." @National @Tellmeastory
When the walls sprung up Rasa had his hands on the handle of his blade and was ready to strike. The snake and the polar bear had also gotten in a defensive position. The brothers however didn't do much... Though Kibto did flinch a bit. When Hardy said this wasn't an attack Rasa and the two animals relaxed. At the mention of a rescue Kibto and Obito's look changed from one of slight playfulness to full on serious. "Who is it?" They asked at the same time.
Jackal opens two doors, and he ushers the two clones in. He closes the doors, and he whispers. "They are in position." He opens another door and reaches in, pulling out his pistol. @Sir Grego
"now we just follow Mukade without him noticing until he leads us to Whirlpool." she says. she takes a strand of hair and it transforms into a staff. she holds onto it, prepared for a fight if need be.
"....." Both boys were quiet at this and they looked at each other as if having a silent conversation with one another. After a small bit they looked back at Hardy and sigh. Obtio leaned back in his seat and crossed his legs. "I'm still with the idea, if we made an alliance then we would truly be unstoppable." He said with a smirk while Kibto shook his head. "I get this is your son Hardy, but you are asking us, rivals, to risk our crew for your family.... I don't think it's worth the risk." "Brother this would be a great chance! We should join." Obito said stubbornly. Kibto sighed seeing as he and his brother were once again view things differently. "......... Hardy, you are asking for quite a bit. You will need to give us a few minutes to consider what you are offering."
Jackal sits down as he looks at Erica. And he nods. He opens another door and his hands start to fiddle with whatever is inside. "Have you gotten any messages from the revolutionary army Erica?"
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"What's with you kids and not listening to adults?" Mukade entered the room where Erica and Jackal were at."You know it isn't nice to intrude into other's Personal lifes, right?" Some of Mukade's Men entered the room, armed and ready to fight, while he simply signed them to stop. "No fighting in my ship. Be cordial, prepare something to eat. You two, feel free to Accompany us on dinner. I guess I have some explaining to do." Mukade waited for both the other Warlords to respond.
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Chase heads off after speaking with Alexi, he was hoping to get a little training in before shit went to hell and seeing as this war wouldn't wait on him he had to make use of his time wisely, he began thinking of his weak points and brainstorming to figure out how he could get rid of them. With a dumbbell in his right hand and a pencil in the other to sketch out his thoughts as if he was creating a weapon like back at the shop, although his mind wondered off thinking about his family and how things were going back home.
Erica sat there and thought for a bit. "once. back when I first started to make a name for myself as a pirate. they wanted my skills to overthrow the world government. wanted me to break some guy out of impal down. I failed that mission, I was the only one who escaped alive that day." she looked off in the distance for a moment. "I had heard about their people, back then I was afraid of them so I didn't send any word to them. by the time I was as powerful as I am today, unafraid of anything the revolutionary army might throw at me, the world government came to me with a warlords contract. sometimes I wonder if this kind of freedom is really worth it."

suddenly Mukade burst through the door. Erica created a circle around her and Jackal using her staff, a protection power that defends against incoming attacks as long as you remain within the circle. when he ordered his men to put down their weapons she relaxed. "and I was really starting to have some fun playing super spy." she said, then she got excited at the sound of diner.

Alexi walked to the center of the ship and started to practice Haki. he hadn't learned much about it except that it could help him improve the use of his devil fruit powers. "come on, come on." he said, trying to focus on hardening his skin.
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Jackal looks up at Mukade, seeing his men come in. Him and Erica would make a good fight, but it wouldn't be time for this. He puts away what he was working with and goes to follow Mukade.

L.G grins as he taps the desk. "There is one last thing I can tell you all. What if I told you. That I know about some things if your past, that you two don't know?"
Mukade and the other two reached a large and fancy Dining Area, complete with vaious Tables, notified one of his men to alert the cook of the new company, he then Proceded to the Officer's Table where a he sat on a stone chair designed for him. He signaled both Erica and Jackal to sit down, as a Woman dressed in a Fancy Tuxedo poured plates and Silverware over the Table. "So...While we wait for it, Youu can start asking, Go ahead!"

((Chill I was writing))
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Kibto looked at Hardy with a glare as he mentioned this, sitting up straight he observed him carefully. "I would say you leave it there. I'm not interested in anything that had to do with me and my brother before we became pirates." He said in a low voice that was a bit threatening. Obito on the other hand looked interested. "I would be curious as to how you came across this info... Been prying into our past? You must be really interested in us if you want to look at our past.... Or did the person that saved us tell you something moments before you killed him?" He asked as he kept watching Hardy.
"who is whirlpool?" Erica said, getting straight to the point. "and why does the sight of him make you angry?" she sat and waited for his answer.
As Mukade signaled them to sit down, Jackal secretly turns on a den den mushi recorder that starts to record the conversation. @Tellmeastory @Sir Grego

Cornelius sits on the ship, playing music as he watches Alexi and Chase train. Suddenly, he feels an ominous chill, hut he couldn't say why.

Elden tenses up a bit. He puts his hand on his sword, but L.G waves him down. "Where I got it, it was from your savior. And also, from your parents. You two aren't alone. What if I told you that you both have a younger brother?" @Peaceswore

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