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Fandom One Piece the New Era

The crow flies back, and it explodes in a blanket if shadows. Suddenly, from behind, Dekan appears, and he he swipes at Chases chest with purple fire. @Offspring
Chase takes great pride in his victory over the beast and loses focus for a moment giving Dekan a easy opening, he defends with his staff and attempts to counter a with a kick to his midsection.

Dekan looks down as the kick hits his midsection. But for skmebreason, Chase's foot sunk into His chest... Full of straw? He raises his hands again and slashes down onto Chase. @Offspring
Chase foot sinks inside of the man and he immediately thinks about the priest and his BS devil fruit, he defend the attack as best he could but it was a difficult feat to do this while his foot was stuck. He fell back pulling his leg out and rolled back and recovered then went for another attack from the looks of it Chase was going to have to push him a little to better understand what this devil fruit was capable of doing, He charged for an attack hopping to shove his staff into Dekan's body so that he could toss him around if he brushes it off then Chase can forget about fighting any longer.

Chase halts in his tracks and heads the opposite direction he didn't have a counter to this attack, yeah he could swing his staff again and possibly disperse the flames but there was no guarantee that it would work. He acted on instinct and avoided the attack the best he could getting hit by a smaller majority, he was still able to fight but he honestly didn't want to he felt he had learned enough and that as usual he was outclassed. He stood ready anyway.

After the robots had been finished, Sazuya decreased back to his original size and stretched his right arm "I must say, this day just keeps getting more and more interesting" he said to himself realising that everyone had left him behind as the wall came down and they rushed in making their way to what looked like a dome in the distance Well giving up on this would be useless wouldn't it? Besides these guys could be my ticket off this island.. he thought to himself pondering what he should do, after a few minutes of thought Sazuya made his mind to follow the others eventually joining them at the dome where the others were, when approaching them he gestured a slight wave "Thanks for leaving me behind now." he said in a sarcastic tone.
Stella's eyes widened at the huge ape that charged her, for some reason he seemed far bigger than before. She was about to move away, but she tripped over her own feet and was hit square in the chest sending her flying into the dome. There was a huge crack that was created from it. letting out a groan she fell forward landing on her knees. "Bastards! Stop bothering me! I have important experiments to get to!" She shouted before running toward Dru. Getting in the right position she grabbed Dru's arm and threw him straight at Alexia. She then grabbed her disk over her head and tossed it at the newly arrived man. "Drop dead pest!!"

@Sir Grego @Drumonkey @Sinister Clown
Dru flailed for a few moments before hitting Alexia and catching himself then kicking off him. He was held mostly in place by his powers and that combined with Dru's strength had him launching himself at the android like a speeding cannonball of fur and teeth. If he hit her he was gonna hold her tight and tear her to pieces, after he did that he would destroy the building until nothing was left but rubble. Deep inside his mind though he wanted to take control and stop the rampage. @Sir Grego @Peaceswore @Sinister Clown
Cornelius coughs as the floating table was finally broken due to some debris. He stumbles off, and he falls to his knees. He gets up, and he looks at the battle. He had a plan, but it was risky. Its been forever since he used this trick, and he wasn't very good at it. He only one of the Voices, and he was very poor at it. But he had to try. "Voice of the Gates: Hurricanes Meoldy!" Cornelius sings, and a huge gust of wind blows at Stella to knock her down, and the recoil makes Cornelius fly into the wall, crying out in pain as he hears the rest of his ribs crack.@Peaceswore @Sinister Clown @Sir Grego @Drumonkey

Dekan stalks closer to Chase, and Dekan raises his hand. He looks up at Chase, and his eyes were a shadowy purple. "Child, I hope you have a plan to escape. WleWelcomevome to my home." He cackles as he claps his hands, and a huge flock of crows fly right at Chase. "Hells Passage!" @Offspring
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Once seeing their reaction to Sazuya heading towards them, as he decreased in size when meeting with them he noticed a disk flying right towards him, in a natural reaction he used geppo to leap up in the air, moving through as if he were plainly walking he dropped ontop of Stella's head squatting down slightly "What a lovely bunch you are~" he said with an eerie smirk as his eyes dimmed, it appeared he was truly enjoying himself.

(Sorry for the late reply)





@Sir Grego
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"EVERYONE! RUN FOR THE EXIT! THAT CRACK JUST MADE MY TECHNIQUE WORK FASTER!" Alexi said, refering to the crack Stella had created in the wall. the walls started to creak as they pulled inwards, visibly bending.
Chase smiled in realization Dekan was right this was his home and he did have the advantage but if Chase could get away he could turn the tables, he ignores the crows escaping the attack by throwing his staff in a spiraling motion breaking the wall for easy escape. He moved as fast as he could knowing that the crows where going to catch him sooner or later, he reached the outside and headed towards the sea.

Stella was getting pissed at this. Noting the Ape charging in she was about to move only for someone to land on her f-ing head. Not bothering to look at the pest that was weighing her down she grabbed his leg and with a powerful toss. Threw him right at Dru who was in mid flight making the collision inevitable. She felt the blast of wind and in a spilt second she used the wind to her advantage. With the strong gust she followed it giving her more speed til she was right under Alexia. When she was she used her powerful legs to jump up, grabbing Alexia hair she smirked. "You are too noisy shut up." She growled before delivering a hard knee (which is made out of steel) to his solar plexus to knock the wind out of him.

@Sinister Clown @Drumonkey @Sir Grego @National
Alexi was in enough pain as it was from the punch from earlier, but now the girl was pulling his hair and had delivered yet another hit on him, this time he bent over onto his stomach, releasing his pull on the building, which was still shuddering as pieces fell. "it's...to late." Alexi said, getting to his feet and breathing heavily.
The collision happened but it didn't slow down the ape. Dru caught the projectile hurtling towards him and shoved it out the way landing where Stella was, creating a crater. Dru roared again causing the collapsing ceiling to crumble even more then he charged at Stella and Alexi who were now on the ground. Dru batted Alexi away unknowingly knocking him towards the exit and grabbing Stella by her arm and swinging her around by it for a minute before he slammed her towards the ground hoping to tear her arm off and crush her skull. @Peaceswore @Sinister Clown @Sir Grego
Sazuya just stood back and watched, seeing as the large ape had been tossed towards him, he used geppo to leap up into the air and maintained there seeing the destruction the large ape had caused after and felt it pointless to do anything after, the force of the last attack should hopefully have been enough to end it; Sazuya just stood and watched to see.



Stella was about to dodge the ape once more, only to find her initial path to escape blocked by some rubble. With this split second delay she found her self grabbed. Swearing a bunch she tried to get out of the ape only to be crashed into the earth. Let out a scream of pain her eyes widened when she was suddenly free. Moving away, though she was completely dizzy she noticed sparks were leaving her. "What?" She muttered she froze when she found out why she was sparking. "M-M-My arm?!?!?!? WHERE IS MY ARM?!?!?!?" She screamed in terror only to finder he robotic arm in the apes grip. "YOU SON OF A B*TCH!!!!" Her eyes began to glow red and steam left her body. "POWER INCRESE TO MAX! I'M GOING TO KILL YOU!!!" With that she was in front of Dru. Using her only arm she punched the ape so hard he flew across the room. Her glowing red eyes then turned to the other man. Not giving him a chance to react she held out her hand and a smog left it. It was a power sleeping agent.

@Drumonkey @Sinister Clown

(Sorry for delayed post)
The hit almost freed Dru from his rage. When he hit the ground his body stopped moving and he was almost knocked out but the rage caused his adrenaline to pump harder and then the rest of the medicine kicked in. Dru then shifted fully into an ape larger than normal and roared before picking up a large rock then throwing it at her. If that didn't work Dru began to charge at her, scooping up some stones that he would use to throw at her with extreme force and speed. @Peaceswore
Stella bashed away the stones that were thrown at her. Finding herself more pissed by the second she had enough. Let out a scream of fury she charged Dru head on putting all her power behind her punch as this was going to be her last attack. "DIE ALREADY!!!" She screeched.

Dekan raises his hands, and the crowd retreat. One crow, a bit larger than all the others, squawks at Dekan. He sighs. "So. Dommy has fallen, and Stella is close behind? Sadly, that entire group is probably exhausted and beaten. I'll finish them all myself." Dekan raises his hands again, and the church starts to shake. @Offspring @Tellmeastory
Chase slows before stopping in his tracks he turns to see the church, it was shaking possibly transforming into something else either way whatever was happening it was easy to assume it wasn't something good. He wasn't sure whether to go back inside knowing that the others were in there could mean they were in trouble then again would Dekan also harm his own crew member, Chase just waited and watched before making a move.

Sango walks to the unconscious Ken and picks him up as the church begans to shake. he dodges falling rubble and takes Ken to a safe location. he then saves the crewmates he knocked out earlier, it seems they where not necessary. He stood on the rooftop he had taken Ken and watched everything happen. @Tellmeastory @Peaceswore

Alexi noticed the church start shaking before anyone, he knew he hadn't destroyed the structural integrity this much. "Something is wrong." he says. "we need to get out of here."

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