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Fandom One Piece the New Era

(Alright sorry buddy for the long wait, but I now have my rookie.) @Tellmeastory

Dekan Sighs, knowing that Mukade was right. L.G was becoming a huge threat to the Navy. He thought it was a huge comical bit though. "Alright fine. Once the next meeting starts, I will be there. Have fun with the rookie." And with that, Dekan sets down his den den mushi.

The man looking at Mukade was a slim man with a green silver shirt and a pair of silver gloves, his silvery hair gently flowing with the breeze. The man does a small bow as he smiles. "So you are the legendary Mukade? You appear to be more than I thought you were sir." @Tellmeastory
"'Sir'?'Legendary'? Kahahahahahahahahahahaha! I'm still young and normal in my book, Kiddo!" Mukade sat down while still laughing "Sit, kiddo. I invited you to eat something, right? Kahahahahahahahahaha!" Mukade's seat glew red as he entered in contact with it. "Boss! You're gonna melt your chair!" Said an underling "Oy, Oy, if you keep calling me hot, I'm gonna think you have a crush on me! Kahahahahahahahahaha!" Mukade laughed and the temperature went down in the whole room. The chair returned to normal. "Sorry about that! I forget that this power of my sets off everytime!Kahahahahahahahahaha!" Mukade laughs again, a man dressed ina waiter attired serves the food on the table as all the other subordinates sit down to eat. Mukade opens the enourmous tray, revealing a Massive Crab like creature. Everyone in th Room cheers. "Tekka, you've done it again! Kahahahahahaha!" After Mukade congratulated the cook, he and his Crew began to eat voraciously as he picked one of the crab's legs and began eating it. He signaled Kandish to eat as well.

@National No worries, I got a little anxious... I've been wanting to play Mukade for a long time.)
(I will start at the cafe since my character is a hiding at a cafe....in the island...somewhere. I hope one of you find him)

Devil D. Leon or better known as Devil Eyed Sniper is currently hiding in the cafe because he is a runaway prisoner. Right now, he's serving some wine for the customers. Yes, he is a waiter. Don't blame him, blame the other guy who framed this innocent man. He look around the place and hoping that he could find any pirates. Unfortunately for him, its not his lucky day. 'How long do I need to hide in this cafe,' he thought. 'Sooner or later, marine will find me and if they do, I might not gonna see this world again.'
Kandish sits down, and he signals in the rest of his crew. His 120 man crew, a decent size for a rookie, all walk on in and start to eat as Kandish grabs a leg and eats the soft meat inside. "Your cook is no pushover Mukade. This is excellent. I've never had such wonderful crab." Kandish looks at Mukade. "I am going to guess you were talking to another warlord? I apologize if it isn't my business." @Tellmeastory
"Just an old rival! If you keep sailing you risk on getting one too! Kahahahahahaha!" Mukade said, while grabbing another leg. "I was actually surprised that a famous rookie would pass through my turf! Most ships just go the other way for some reason." The man kept eating the crab. His 499 men kept also slurping on the other food in the banquet. "I'm glad you like this, Boiled King Crabs are my favourite! Kahahahahahahahahaha!" Once Mukade finishes his meal, he stays still waiting for his fellow men to finish the meal. "Now, Bullock, was it? What did you want to talk to me about? Is it about the Warlords? rumors? Marriage proposition? Or...Is it possibly...My head?" Mukade kept his Jolly tone, while his men Tensed up.

Leon sigh before looking back at his surroundings. All this time working at the cafe and now he realize that....he just serve a wine for a zombie. That was unexpected. "Bloody hell! How the I got here?!" He exclaims loudly. He back away from the counter really slowly as zombies around him starts moving.
Kandish's men all tensed up, sweat dropping down their necks, while Kandish keeps his calm demeanor. "It would be pure suicide for me to challenge you. Also, even if I did manage to gain enough miracles to defeat you, a larger majority of my crew would be dead, and that would be the end for my journey. No, I can't cone for your head... Yet" he grins as his crew finishes eating. "No, what I want to know is, I'm sure you know I've been the terror of the navy since I started sailing a year ago. Tell me this: Do you know what the government are trying to hide from us? I want to find this thing that they're hiding." @Tellmeastory
"That's something I can't say, Bullock, sorry about that. I can tell you my Cook's three sizes if you want!" Tekka, the cook picked a Frying pan and Bashed Mukade on the back of the head. "DON'T, YOU LECHER!" He raises his head, now with a bumb and a Nosebleed. "Kahahahahahahaha! It was a Joke, Tekka, a Joke! Kahahahahahahahaha!" Mukade then turned serious "Even if I were to tell you, who could tell how you would react? Would you turn yourself completely to the WG and become a 'Trained Dog' like me or would you raise an Army and try to take down the Government by your own hands?" Mukade stood up, bashing his hand at the table, with a smile. "What I have found out is no easy matter. Even I am Horrified at it and I regret this same discovery every single moment I draw Breath! If it was revealed the world would only Shake with the Chaos. I'll keep it in until the moment of truth comes to light." Mukade sat back down at his chair, which upon contact began to melt. The Heat on the room became unmeasurable.

Kandish puts his hands together, grinning. "I understand Mukade. I'll figure it out in due time. In due time. Others matters on the side, I understand L.G is being a huge problem for the government. Which side are you joining?" @Tellmeastory
Mukade stood still, smiling at Kandish. His whole crew was tense, waiting for his answer. He stared deep into Kandish Bullocks eyes, with a wyde, Jolly, yet unnerving Grin. His seat started turning red again, resuming the melting that had already started. mukade took a little while before noticing and stood up. "That's hard to know, kid. If I let Hardy alone, he might keep wreaking havoc. If I choose to fight him, I may meet my end for sure. All of all, it won't change the fact all he cares about is his own freedom. That man wishes for chaos, he will create chaos, if he wishes for peace, he'll create chaos in order to create peace. If I am a Monster, that man is a Demon. His stubbordness is comparable to the "Iron Willed Pirate"s and his Hatred is Comparable to the "Mad Priest"'s ." He crossed his arms and put his legs over the table, keeping the same expession on his face. "As a Warlord, you can say I'm obligated to be at the World Government's side, but, as a man, I'm at my Crew's side." Mukade then stood up and walked back to his quarters. "I think you overstayed your welcome, so if you were so Kind, leave my territory and go back to adventuring around the seas."

@National @Peaceswore
Kandish nods as he stands up., and his crew shuffle out of the large room. "Thank for your input Mukade. Hopefully, next time we will see each other, and not on opposing sides. Thank you." He leaves the room, and he then looks right at his fist mate. "That went smoothly." @Tellmeastory @Peaceswore
Leandra smiled a bit as she swallowed the last bit of crab before looking over at Kandish. "Seeing as none of us were melted and it didn't end in a life or death battle... Yes, I would have to agree with that." She said not noticing the bit of crab that was one her face. "Though sometimes I don't understand you. Do you plan to go to all the warlords, asking which side they are on, and hope none of them lose their temper and try to kill us?" She asked as she adjusted her bow.


Ken sighed and looked over in the direction Stella had ran off to. "I think a crew mate of mine is in danger, I need your he-.... I need you to beat the person that is endangering him since I'm not in top condition at the moment. There is also a high chance we will have to fight a warlord if we want to get off this damned island." He said in a calm voice though he was slightly worried, after all he didn't know these men, and he had no clue if they were capable of being much use.

@Sinister Clown @Sir Grego

The statues were made with advanced robotics, the statue that had it's head twisted rose it's hands and just turned it back around before it went to attack Dru. As they attacked a wall came down preventing Dru from going any further till the robots were destroyed.


Stella smiled as she kept looking at the devil fruit. Though she was tempted to claim the power for herself she decided to do more research on it instead. "Hush now. I'll experiment on you soon enough. You honestly don't think you can leave correct? You are on captains island and you have hurt Dommy~ So we won't be parting ways till you die by my experimentation." She said in a joyful tone.

Alexi shook his head "yes, I can help. where do we need to go?" he said indicating for him to grab onto his shoulders. "I can get us there in no time." he reached his hand out and waited to be told where he needed to pull them.
Kandish jumps up on the ship, and levitates there with the help of his threads. "I only need to know what position we're in. We are joining L.G still."

Cornelius sits there, now fully scared

Suzuya laughed at Alexi "I believe I know where you're talking about, I can get us there the fastest but if you think Alexi is a better choice then be my guest." he said calmly seeming not too worried about the new uprising issue.
Peaceswore said:
Leandra smiled a bit as she swallowed the last bit of crab before looking over at Kandish. "Seeing as none of us were melted and it didn't end in a life or death battle... Yes, I would have to agree with that." She said not noticing the bit of crab that was one her face. "Though sometimes I don't understand you. Do you plan to go to all the warlords, asking which side they are on, and hope none of them lose their temper and try to kill us?" She asked as she adjusted her bow.

Ken sighed and looked over in the direction Stella had ran off to. "I think a crew mate of mine is in danger, I need your he-.... I need you to beat the person that is endangering him since I'm not in top condition at the moment. There is also a high chance we will have to fight a warlord if we want to get off this damned island." He said in a calm voice though he was slightly worried, after all he didn't know these men, and he had no clue if they were capable of being much use.

@Sinister Clown @Sir Grego

The statues were made with advanced robotics, the statue that had it's head twisted rose it's hands and just turned it back around before it went to attack Dru. As they attacked a wall came down preventing Dru from going any further till the robots were destroyed.


Stella smiled as she kept looking at the devil fruit. Though she was tempted to claim the power for herself she decided to do more research on it instead. "Hush now. I'll experiment on you soon enough. You honestly don't think you can leave correct? You are on captains island and you have hurt Dommy~ So we won't be parting ways till you die by my experimentation." She said in a joyful tone.

Dru cursed again and began bouncing around picking off walls and then he drew his sword and swung it to decapitate a robot then continued to bounce around kicking off walls and the robots. Dru was starting to get tired and was worried he would have to use the vitamins that Doc Lucas had cooked up for him.
Ken sighed and grabbed Alexi shoulder. "The church you can see the top of it not to far from here, that's the direction she ran at... And I think Cornelius said something about heading there." He said so both men could hear him as he started to nod his head trying not to fall asleep. "We need to hurry... Something tells me that smiling idiot is in trouble." He muttered.

@Sinister Clown @Sir Grego

"I didn't think your earlier decision would change." Leandra said with a smirk as she climbed onto the ship. "Besides I told you I support that decision, the twins as powerful as they may be. Compared to Hardy they are still wet behind the ears." She said with a smile as she did a stretch while looking across the deck.


The robots who were programmed by Stella were now started to get used to Dru's movements and were starting to predicate where he landed and what he as going to do next. Their moves getting more precise and they were starting to get deadly as time went on, after all they didn't have stamina unlike Dru, who would eventually get tired after a time.


Stella looked over to Cornelius for a moment, and seeing his fear just made her all the more happy. "Now now, don't be so frightened! You should be happy! You are going to be the stepping stone I need in order to make logia androids! Isn't that wondrous! You should be ecstatic!" She exclaimed before she went back to study the fruit. "Though... I'm very curious to the power a devil fruit will have... The captain has it... You have no clue how much willpower I'm using to not just eat this disgusting powerful fruit." She said with a giggle.

Alexi nodded and activated his ability, they where zooming across the city in almost an instant, as the long distance caused the inertia of his pulling ability to grow exponentially. the two of them crashed through the window of the church tower. as they landed, Alexi reached up and grabbed his tophat, placing it on his head. "thank you for flying air Alexi." he said jokingly.

@Peaceswore @Sinister Clown
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Sazuya had chosen to use his own ability to get there himself "More more: Speed one-hundred fold" he also sped there next to Alexi using geppo once they arrived he remained Sazuya caught eye of another figure fighting off robots it appeared they had been protecting the church, Sazuya looked to Grego & Ken with a slight tilt of his head as a expression of curiosity covered his face "This island is becoming more and more interesting by the day." without a second glance Sazuya rushed into the fight with the robots he first came into the middle in attempt to take out most of the robots "Rankyaku: Amane Dachi!" he got onto his hands and twirled around using his legs to form the Rankyaku hitting all the robots that had been around him Dru was also in danger from the attack.



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Dru was in fact getting tired and slowing down, in hindsight that was lucky because when one of the fists connected with Dru he got knocked back into a wall and only suffered minimal pain. Dru quickly reached into his pocket and swallowed the food pill whole. He waited 5 seconds before he tried to protest then he doubled over in pain falling over onto the floor gasping and shaking with pain. @Peaceswore
Ken lay on the ground ignoring the glass shards that were embedded in his shoulder. ".... I officially make terrible life choices when I'm asleep..... The smiling idiot should be around here somewhere.... I don't know where... You guys go check it out... I-I *yawn* keep watch here." He muttered before he passed out from pure exhaustion.

@Sinister Clown @Sir Grego

The statues looked at each other for a moment before shrugging, with that three out of the remaining twelve charged at Dru with swords raised ready to kill him in one hit.

Cornelius struggles. "Don't you dare eat,it. I was given that by a friends dying wish." Cornelius pulls and struggles viciously, but the nausea of pain keeps him down.

Kandish grins as he drops down."The twins are deadly. They are very gifted, and they themselves could do a lot of damage. But you are right. L.G has the more experience, being able to kill the recent Yonko. Anyways, are we ready to set sail to the island if the celestial dragons?" Kandish grins. In everyone's mind, they think it is suicide to go to the celestial island and knock them out. But to Kandish, he thought this was an opportunity. @Peaceswore
Sazuya followed behind Alexi, He seemed like a much nicer guy than Ken was as they ran into the church Sazuya had stumbled upon the two figures in the room one staring at a Devil fruit "Ohhh, A devil fruit!" he said at the sight of the thing, although Sazuya wasn't able to gain the abilities of another Devil fruit himself it was also fascinating to see them in their eatable form, Wonder who will eat it he pondered to himself while also thinking he should be rid of it before it becomes an issue.
Peaceswore said:
Ken lay on the ground ignoring the glass shards that were embedded in his shoulder. ".... I officially make terrible life choices when I'm asleep..... The smiling idiot should be around here somewhere.... I don't know where... You guys go check it out... I-I *yawn* keep watch here." He muttered before he passed out from pure exhaustion.
@Sinister Clown @Sir Grego

The statues looked at each other for a moment before shrugging, with that three out of the remaining twelve charged at Dru with swords raised ready to kill him in one hit.

Dru then changed, his skin grew dark fur and his arms grew a little longer and bigger while his legs shrank and the muscles grew more pronounced. Dru stood up letting out a loud growl as his chest filled out and his canines grew completing the change into his new middle phase the only downside was that Dru was now in a primal rage and seeing 3 statue robots coming at him made him even angrier. Dru punched the robots with shots strong enough to break stone and dent metal. Once Dru knocked away the 3 charging at him he let out another loud howl and charged the rest of them.
*edit* Alexi ran through the church looking for the person he was trying to save until he came to a room full of robots. "Oh....hi....you robots wouldn't happen to be friends with ken would you?" He asked as he slowly backed out of the room. "I'm just going to assume not."

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