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Fandom One Piece the New Era

(I actully wanted to Cornelius and Ken to Attack Suzuya...But then @National Reflected the attack and I was like...Uh duh hell...So now Suzuya can bettle his own spirit and win...Or something...I need to figure out myself a way to defeat Dommy.^^ ;) @Sinister Clown

Dommy floats around Cornelius "Tee hee hee hee hee...You're giving Jack a hard time...Aren't you...? Maybe I should Help...Tee hee hee hee..." Dommy suddenly produced a large ghost that dashed in Jack's Direction. "Painless Hollow" Dommy removed every feeling from Jack's Body."You can't feel pain now...Tee hee hee..." @National
(Well, I actually use to use Horo Horo quite a bit myself because of it's effectiveness ^-^ If Suzuya is battling with himself, it may take a while. Suzuya has a strong will and all that but he's not use to being under confident about himself therefore, the results will effect him pretty bad xD But back on what I was saying, from the looks you're using astral projection, the only way to beat you is by aiming for your unconscious body which is normally what you should try protecting when in astral projection, if someone finds your body it's pretty much game over.)

Sazuya looked towards what was happening, and although ever muscle in his body told him to charge in, he felt himself unable to even get up from his knees, his body rendering useless right in the middle of the battle field 'What...what's happening to me..' he thought to himself, his eyes widening with fear of this new and unwelcoming feeling 'D-damnit...' it seemed within his mind he was still healthy but it was clear his mind & body weren't working together and Sazuya couldn't help but feel this overwhelming hate for his own life. He fell to his hands attempting to keep himself up although he was only on his knees, it was obvious Sazuya was struggling.



Cornelius looks over at Sazuya, and he runs over. "Hey, you okay? Snap out of it." Usually you cold spray someone with salt water, but he was a devil fruit user, and that could really kill Sazuya. @Sinister Clown

Jack lifts back up as he puts his head back on. "Thank you Dommy-kon! I can fight again!" @Tellmeastory
(I know you guys want to post but if there is something for my character I would really appreciate it if you waited so I'm not left in the dust TT-TT )

Stella looked at Lucas and smiled as she thought about it. "I don't want to answer all your question.... I'll answer one. I'm a doctor/scientist. Now back to far more important matters! Are you related the giants?" @Drumonkey

Ken who was some distance for Cornelius and wasn't paying attention as his vision got blurry got hit square in the chest with the hate hallow. His eyes widened a bit and he gritted his teeth as the hallow took effect. @Tellmeastory
"Stella..Stop being a boring hag and Fight too..." Dommy yelled with a Weakened voice at Stella, who was distracted talking to the tall guy Dommy saw at the ship. "If we don't kill them quick, Master will come to kill us!"

(Which one, Ken or Stella? @Peaceswore)
Lucas smiled and pushed up his glasses again and smiled at her. "On my mother's side I am. Would you like to go somewhere where we can talk and I can perform surgery on you?" Lucas wanted to see what made this woman tick. Lucas was also losing interest in the battle going on around them @Peaceswore
"My life is pointless...I have no purpose...My life is nothing but disgrace!" Sazuya seemed to have lost hope in himself, although he did seem to be able to stand up although barely, his expression become somewhat hollow, blank despite his cheerful and eerie expression before it seemed that the 'hate hollow' had rendered him emotionless for a time as he kept telling himself harsh things before chuckling a bit "But we all make mistakes.." his tone was hollowed "More more: Size one hundred fold" he had used this ability on himself to make his whole figure one hundred times larger than it's normal size "Stomp." he lifted his leg up and sent it down with incredible force possibly trying to wipe at everyone in the scene.




Cornelius jumps back as he looks at Sazuya, grinning angrily. "Are you insane?! Calm down idiot! You really gonna let a kiddy ghost beat you?" Cornelius strums His guitar. "Song of Fate: Ten Thousand Diamond Rain!" He strums his guitar, and a flurry of crystals fly out at Suzuya. @Sinister Clown
Sazuya glared at Cornelius as the crystals had headed towards him, without any reaction he allowed the crystals to him being sent back a few feat before limping back slightly he was clearly injured from the attack but seemed to lack care to realize the pain at that point despite this he didn't fight back only thought of the words being told to him it was rather simple although it was still difficult to wrap his head around This was done by that ghost, what I'm thinking is just an effect, a figment of my imagination that he triggered.. he thought to himself obsessing over the idea, it was by this time he had started coming back, his size going back down to it's original condition as he sat down trying to get a grip.
Stella let out a sigh as she shook her head at Dommy. "But I'm doing this for the captain! I may have found the perfect subject!" She exclaimed gleefully as she looked back at Lucas not care about the literal giant behind her. "You must come to the church with me! Everything about you is utterly perfect for being and experiment!" @Drumonkey

Ken was on his knees muttering words of pure hate to himself not bothering to do a thing at the situation they were put in.
Jack looks at Lucas and Stella. "Stella-Kon! You need to fight the enemy. Undead Burial Bomb!" Jack dives into the ground as he digs straight for Lucas. His hands shoot up, and he grabs Dru by the ankles.

Cornelius looks at Dommy. "Hollow Hollow fruit huh?" He thinks. He needs to find the child's body if he wanted to defeat him. That's it! It was still a child. Maybe he could trick the child unto telling him where his body was. "So I'm guessing you were close wherever you left your body. Bet you were dumb enough to bring it close to the battlefield." @Tellmeastory @Sinister Clown @Peaceswore @Drumonkey
Although Sazuya was knowledgeable of devil fruits, he had never once encountered Hollow-hollow before only assuming the ghosts weren't safe, although at the time he was hearing all of this he was still trying to get a grip of himself still showing the same hollow expression on his face muttering harsh words to himself still.
"Tee hee hee...I'm not that dumb...It's far away...Tee hee hee hee hee..." Dommy cackled at Cornelius. "But I won't let you move now...You're dangerous...Tee hee hee..." Dommy points his index fingers at Cornelius "Hollow Gun" A small ghos launched itself at Cornelius's Direction
(Yuppity Yup yup) @National

"Ghost Rap" Dommy snaps his fingers as the tiny ghost Explodes violently on Cornelius. "Tee hee hee...You're done now...! Tee hee hee...!"
The explosion erupts the ground, dust flying up everywhere, covering Cornelius. A few seconds pass, and the smoke starts to disperse. There stood Cornelius, his entire chest bleeding as his head was lowered. He grins as he holds his guitar. "Thanks for that *cough*". Blood spills out of his mouth as he stumbles. He strums his guitar, but Dommy didn't know why he did that. Cornelius grins. "Is that all you can do?" @Tellmeastory
Dommy looked Blankly at Cornelius. He Grinned "Master said it's bad to waste your A game with weaklings...So I don't think I should try it...Tee hee hee..." Dommy suddenly creates a Large Ghost a launches it a Cornelius "Special Hollow" The big one approaches quickly Cornelius as it were to eat him. "Here a Big Version of that Small guy...But that's the best I'm Giving you...Tee hee hee hee hee hee hee"
Corneliau grins as the ghost explodes, the explosion knocking down trees, the shockwaves pushing back anyone near. The dust disperses, and Cornelius was on one knee, blood covering his entire body. "He he. Thatnka little guy. Every time you attacked me, I used the sounds of your ghosts to track something that was similar. Your body. That big ghost gave me enough info to know exactly where your body is." Cornelius stumbles back, and he grins as he raves towards the church, where Dommys body was. @Tellmeastory
Dommy 's face changed to one of Annoyance. He simply Flew at High speed and Entered Cornelius's Body "POSSESS" Inside Cornelius's subconcious, the boy was trying to take control over the musician's Body. "Tee hee hee...Let's see how strong is your will...Tee hee hee..."
Cornelius buckles to his knees as he fights Dommy. "Possess my body? I don't...think so!" He struggles against Dommy, the boy slowly winning. Wile it seemed Dimmy was winning, a wickedly cruel idea passed through Cornelius's mind. Since Dommy could see everything he thought of, Cornelius started thinking of the most naughty things in,the world. @Tellmeastory
Cornelius takes this moment to regain control of hus body as henluahes out Dommy. "Aaah!" He stumbles a little before continuing to run towards Dommys body. He races down the fields before he gets to the church. He rips open the bedroom doors as he lookabat Dommys body on the,bed. Cornelius grins. @Tellmeastory
Stella let out an irritated sigh. "Sorry experiment... I got to deal with a pest." She muttered as before she ran off right after Cornelius. 'Damn annoying musician getting in the way of my perfect test subject!"

@National @Tellmeastory

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