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Fandom One Piece the New Era

Dommy stayed quiet there at the Daggers would pass directly through him without causing any harm. "You...are really a dummie...aren't you...?" Dommy floated to Sazuya and stare him deep in his eyes, and he proceeded to cackle ominously "Tee hee hee hee hee hee hee...You do look like a dummy...Tee hee hee hee hee..." Dommy floated back up high and produced two ghosts from his hands "I ate the Horo Horo no mi...I'm a Hollow Human because of it's effects... I'm not "material"..." Both ghosts dashed at increble speed at Suzuya "Slow Hollow" @Sinister Clown
Ken pushed his head out of the ground and spat out dirt before looking behind him. At the sight of the boulder he pushed off the ground rolling to the side dodging the boulder. "Sword." He muttered and on command Ixie changed into sword. Ken then ran forward ready to send a strike to Jack's neck. However his body had stopped working with him for a second and he stumbled making his attack hit the stomach and it wasn't as strong as he wanted it to be.

Jack looks down at the sword that passed through his stomach. Being the zombie he is, this didn't really affect him. He grabs Ken by the waist and holds him up in the air. "Tombstone Bomb!" And with that, Jack slams Ken into the floor. @Peaceswore
Ken gasped a bit at the feeling of being slammed into the floor. His body did move like he wanted to as he twitched a bit in slight pain. "Shotgun." He whispered but Ixie heard clearly. Taking a breath he aimed the gun at the zombies head and fired hoping to bow his head away wanting to finish this battle since he knew it was only a matter of time before his body gave out.

Jack towered as the shot blew him into the chest, but it didn't quite the head mark. Jack holds up his foot to stomp in kens head until

Symphony of Fate: Cricket Meadows." Cornelius smiles as he appaeara behind Jack, strumming his guitar. The zombie stumbles as his head gets separated from his body, and the zombie tumbles down @Peaceswore
Ken growled as he lifted himself up one hand on his head as he tired to remain focused. "I didn't need your help." He muttered ignoring the feeling of blood trickling down. Ixie turned back to a crow and landed on Ken's shoulder. "Don't interfere with my fights like that, it's damn annoying." He said before his shaky body once again began to give out on him making him fall to his knees.

Cornelius smiles. "I know you want to act tough, but its alright to get help from friends." He smiles as he helps up Ken. "Ldtsnget you to the doctor." @Peaveswore @Drumonkey
Ken glared at Cornelius and pushed away from him. "I'm fine. That bastard is the one that put me in this useless state." He growled as he looked behind him. ".... Do you guys hear that? " Ken asked as he looked around. Not far from them heavy yet quick foot steps were heard and they were getting closer and closer.

Soon on the other end of the town was Stella who already had her eyes on her target. Running forward she grabbed the disk over her head and threw it at Cornelius. "Watch it!" Ken shouted as the disk flew through the air.

@National @Drumonkey
"Don't hurt my patient!" Lucas cried out as he stepped in the way and created an operating room and caught the disc then threw it away so that it would be a fair distance away from all of them, then Dru lowered his room. @Peaceswore @National
Cornelius looks at the cyborg girl. "Wow, I haven't seen one of you since I read about the Yonkos." He struma his guitar. "Song of Fate: Burning Passion!" The guitar unleashes a large funnel of fire straight at Stella. @Peaveswore @Drumonkey
A smirk grew on Stella's face as Lucas showed his operation room. "The Op op fruit... Amazing." She whispered before she noticed the fire blazing toward her. With a small sigh she grabbed a random zombie that was near her and with her pure strength she hurled it at Cornelius, not only use it as a shield for the flames but to also knock down Cornelius.

She then ran right by him and stopped right in front of Lucas and instantly started to inspect him. "Intresting, interesting! You seem very fit! And you have great height! Hmmm Are you weak hearted? What is your blood type? How are you with pain?" She asked a small note pad already in her hand ready to jolt down his answers.

@Drumonkey @National
Cornelius falls down startled as the corpse pushes him back. "Amazing..." He mutters as he gets up. He strums his guitar again. "Song of Fate: Mystical Charge!" And with that, a bolt of lightning strikes down at Stella. @Peaceswore @Drumonkey
Lucas begins examining her as well taking the time to adjust his glasses as he watched her carefully. "my heart is fine, I am O positive and I have a slightly higher threshold of pain, now my turn. Are you a doctor like me or just curious? What exactly can you do? For someone so lean you seem so strong why is that?" Lucas looked up a little glad that he wasn't getting hit with that lightning bolt. @Peaceswore @National
Stella smiled at the tall man before she was struck by the lightning. There was a loud sizzling sound coming from her and her eyes glowed a bit as she looked at Cornelius keeping her smile though there was a hint of sadism in it. "Thanks, I was doing my experiments all morning that I forgot to eat." She said before she looked back up at Lucas with more cheerful and nonthreatening features, the exact opposite of what she showed Cornelius. "A good heart? O positive? And a good tolerance for pain!? Amazing! And you are doctor? Interesting interesting.... " She said before walking to Lucas side and lifting up one of his arms. "Good muscle mass. Your height is something. Are you related to giants or are you just big boned?" She asked ignoring his questions.

@National @Drumonkey
"I would love to tell you but you have to help me out for me to help you out. answer my questions and I can answer yours." Lucas was warming up to this woman more and more as the moments passed, he had seen her sadistic smile and it was similar to his own along with the fact that she had taken that lightning strike as if it were nothing at all. Lucas wanted to examine this woman both for the sadistic monster that was inside him as well as the gentle medical professional he was. @Peaceswore
Chase was steadily drinking as all the action went on around him, he felt his presence wasn't necessary from the sounds of it everyone was having fun and handling the situation just fine. He chugged his drink and then grabbing another seeing as a zombie caused some communication barrier, he took a sip and then headed out side, to get a better look he hopped onto the building and viewed the fights going on, he watched for a moment "Okay maybe I was wrong, Ken looks tired, Cornelius attack was ineffective, and Lucas is befriending the enemy" he continued to watch before getting involved though he stretched making sure he was ready to go.
Sazuya giggled, he was actually unsure on how to win this one how could he hit something that's not all there? He didn't think too hard about it "More more: Speed one-hundred fold" increasing his movement speed and using Soru momentarily after, the combined forces of the two techniques resulted in the Slow hollow completely missing, Sazuya would be seen again before Dommy, striking with his Katana upwards as it passed straight through his body Sazuya appeared to keep trying, although it was clear he already had an idea that he wasn't able to hit the other it was as if he thought by striking him enough something will reveal itself.

Cornelius strums his guitar. "Song of Fate: Beautiful Mirror!" The song reflects the little ghost right back at Dommy. "The little boy from before! I knew you were trouble."


Note and more crows started go watch the fight. And Noe some of them were landing next to Chase, all their eyes having a mysterious shadow inside.
Sazuya hopped back once seeing him place out his hand, his speed was almost overwhelming as he appeared at all different places never really staying in the one spot while talking to him, instead saying what he can between the times he changed his location, he did this in order to be able to speak without the worry he could be placed at more of a disadvantage (People underestimate hollow hollow so bad..) "You can call my Suzuyz-kun" he stated with a canny smirk before adding "Now be a good toy and tell me yours."

"Now I know your name..." The hollow reflected by Cornelius went dashing in Dommy's Direction, Hitting Suzuya passing through Suzuya and entering Dommy. "Oh...Looks like the Hate Hollow caught you...Suzuya...You hate yourself...?"The Hate Hollow was an ability that controlled other people's emotions making them feel incredible anger at a Target chosen by the sender. It only worked if the user knows the target's name. Dommy then shifted his attention at Cornelius and floated to him.. He began to stare intently at cornelius, while emanating an Ominous aura. @National @Sinister Clown
(Poor stupid Suzuya :P )

Suzuya had stopped at the moment Dommy asked if he had hated himself dropping to his knees with a silent agonizing expression he run his hands through his hair taking deep breaths it was clear he was beginning to get angry, but at who? It was unclear (Didn't know if you're trying to turn Suzuya against someone else or himself.)


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