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Fandom One Piece the New Era

(Bloody fine, your not even letting a single one of my attacks do a thing any ways, no reason to even fight you)

Wolfgang tossed his blades aside, melted down to molten metal. How was this guy so damned agile?! Oh screw this, Wolfgang stretched his shadow back to dodge the crows, but got a glancing blow to his gauntlet. Wolfgang screamed out, "Bastard! You can't fight me like a man? Go back home to the sea, then see who's caring!" Wolfgang coated himself with his shadow, and vanished from sight. He ran into the woods, bringing forth his Doppelganger in the opposite direction running past Dekan.
Ken sat up and rubbed his exhausted eyes. "The town? .... Right new island." He grumbled as he let out a yawn. "How long was I out anyway?" He asked as he shook his head and forced himself to remain awake Letting out a sigh feeling slightly more impenitent then usual he stretched before looking at the door. "Town... Right I'll head there."

Dekan watches as the boy escapes. The crows squawk, and they swarm around Dekan unti they break away, and Dekan was gone.

Cornelius nods. "We are on a Warlord's island. The Warlord killed Toto." @Peaceswore
Lucas was about ready to punch Cornelius for attacking his patient and his hand was beginning to twitch while his grin got more sadistic and he stood up behind Cornelius while adjusting his glasses. "Oh Cornelius why did you injure my paitent purther? Do you want to be the next one on my operating table?" Lucas's expression was one that Ken should know well by now since he always uses it on Ken right before surgery.@National @Peaceswore
Lucas looked down on Cornelius and said in a low voice "Not if you use him as a trampoline it won't. Next time you hurt a patient you will become one. I don't think you would want me to poke around inside you now do you?"
Cornelius pokes his own stomach as he glares up at Lucas with a smile. "I don't think you would want to cross that line. You only use the opi opi no mi in surgery, not in combat. You can, but I know you aren't at that skilled. Don't threaten someone when they have a competing bite." @Drumonkey
"I won't be fighting you I would be operating on you and you are already in my operating room. That means I can immobilize you and then perform surgery on you there is no combat involved in that, especially since you willingly walked into my operating room." @National
Ken didn't hear a thing the two had said way to tired and grumpy to bother listening. He left the ship and moved to the town rubbing his eyes in exhaustion. Letting out a small yawn he pretty much didn't notice the zombies as he walked by them and went to the center of the town."
Cornelius jumps back a few feet. "And I'm out. Once you're done feeling so high and mighty, come down to the town. All the people here turned into the walking dead." @Drumonkey
"I was already there." Lucas then appeared behind Cornelius "Also that wasn't the edge of my operating room but nice try." Lucas then closed his operating room and walked away his medical bag in hand as he went back to examining the Zombies like he had been doing before Toto died. @National
Suzuya had waited within the cottage while the recent events were occurring, surprisingly over the time he resided on this island he was able to establish a cottage to his fitting. Suzuya often didn't do much and had no idea of the others presence on the island but then again he didn't often go out but it wouldn't be long for them to come there and if they did Suzuya would consider it his lucky day for such versatile combatants to step foot on what Suzuya liked to call 'His island'. (Sorry thought I already posted this)
(Hahaha, well he isn't exactly a 'bounty hunter' I mean he'll do a few bounties at times but he doesn't really class himself as anything he just does what he wants to pretty much xD And it was easy for me to do since everyone is here already)
Suzuya grew tired of his cottage and ventured off, it was time he went back to that town which had become infested with zombies, once nearing the area Suzuya heard clashes coming from Town 'Oh? Visitors?' he thought to himself as a devilish grin grew across his face as he headed towards Town, he was hoping for a worthy challenge. (Best I could do xD )
Ken walked into the town having slight trouble staying awake. He shoved by the zombies honestly still having yet to notice that they were in fact zombies. Just before he reached the center of the town he ran right into someone making him take a few steps back. "Hey watch it." He growled darkly as he straightened himself up. Now that he had stopped walking he decided to take a look around an was thoroughly shocked at the sight. 'Zombies????? What the hell! I was asleep for two three hours! What happened??' He wondered before he looked back at the man in front of him. "You....Are not like these other things... Did you cause this or are you a survivor?" He asked his hand moving to his pocket in case he had to fight.

@Sinister Clown
Suzuya appeared to be resting his arm across the sheathe of his Katana, twirling a piece of his hair before answering the other figure beside him "I live on this island." he said rather bluntly to Ken noticing he was ready to fight if need be, which in Suzuya's case it wasn't a need to fight, it was the joy to he added a moment after "And you're trespassing on my home." he said with a grin on his face, slightly unsheathing his blade from it's sheathe.


(Also if anyone is interested in a HunterXHunter RP here feel free to join my one I made Hunter X Hunter: Generation X | RpNation.com - Best Roleplay Forum)
Ken got into a fighting stance and glared at the man. "This is a town... You don't have the appearance of a mayor... So you have no right to say I'm trespassing." he said before looking at Ixie who landed on his shoulder and glared at the male. He nodded at the bird and moved his gaze back to Suzuya. "If you unsheathe that I will fight you. I would think twice before challenging a random stranger you know nothing about..."

@Sinister Clown
Suzuya smiled with an amused expression on his face "I would take your own advice." the blade still hadn't seemed to be completely unsheathed by while talking Suzuya had slowly released it a bit more from his Sheathe "In fact, it's when I draw my sword that this fight will be over." showing a sarcastic grin as if trying to toy with the man.

Ken glared at the man not really in the mood for a fight. "If you are going to fight hurry the hell up. I was told to head to the center of town and you are wasting my time." He growled as he kept his eyes on the other watching his body movement carefully.

@Sinister Clown
Suzuya glared at the man for a moment "You were told? By who exactly..?" he asked the 'trespasser' still keeping his hand on his blade.

Ken sighed as he placed his hands in his pocket. "That doesn't concern you. Now move out of my way. You have wasted my time and it's irritating." He growled as he stood up and started to walk toward him planning to pass the man. Ixie kept a close eye on the male just incase he actually planned to attack.

@Sinister Clown
Suzuya gave off a dull glare "You have quite the mouth" he mumbled just loud enough for Ken to know what he was saying before peeping out another world "Soru" where he was became nothing more than an after image of Suzuya as he appeared in front of Ken holding his palm out to his head, this wasn't used to harm Ken in any way but instead intimidate him since normally when the unfortunate see him they crumble down in fear of what he might do to them, in this case that wasn't happening..Yet.

"Scythe." Ken said simply with that Ixie changed into said weapon. "I said you are irritating me. Block me again and I will attack." He growled dangerously as he once again walked by him. 'He knows how to fight... That was not move common people know. Fighting him will be annoying, does he just want a fight? Or does he want to stop me from going to the center of the town? If that's the case why would he stop me?'

@Sinister Clown
Yet again stepping in front Suzuya's expression seemed to also dull down, becoming much more serious than he was before "You didn't answer me, Why have you all come here? You confirmed there were others that came here too no?" it almost seemed like Suzuya hadn't had any real experience on the island himself only knowing few things of the island not really being the one to explore the place much before getting bored.


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