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Fandom One Piece the New Era

Dekan listens patiently. He was a very patient man, and he knew how his crew worked. "If you must, once we capture these pirates ,you may use their bodies. I am hoping to have an army of them." Dekan opens his hand, and a crow lands on his finger, gently pecking his palm, searching for food.
Stella smiled before nodding. "I'm sorry for taking up your time captain. Though I would appreciate if one or two remained alive. At the rate I'm going as soon as I crack this last problem an army of androids will be at your finger tips. Do you need any thing of me? If not I think I shall head to my own room and rest up a bit to prepare or tonight."

Dekan hands the crow some bread, and the crow flies off and out of the church. He looks back at Stella. "No thank you Stella. You are not needed for right now, you may be dismissed. As you wish, we shall leave some alive so you can test them." @Peaceswore
Stella nodded and with that left the room and headed to her quarter, still lost in thought about her experiments.

Ken was still unconscious on the floor in the crew quarter, probably not waking up any time soon.
Lucas tossed Dru a few little tablets with a symbol that resembled a smile then he sat in his lab working further on his experiments. Dru took off as soon as the boat anchored quickly walking around reverting to normal to save strength and examined the tablets then thought about what the tablets might do to him. Dru resolved to be careful and wait to the last possible moment to use it. After some time about 30 minutes Lucas knocked on Ken's door then opened it and peeked in to check up on his favorite patient.
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Toto arrives at the ship and finds Chase at the deck. "Ah, Chase!" He had a large smile on his face and bowed to the Half Fishman "Thank you for everything! I've found my family here. I guess this is where we part ways, isn't it?" Toto stood up and looked around "Where's Ken-chan?" I have to thank him too." @Offspring

Dommy arrive at his room and saw his body on a bed, heavily guarded, he entered his body. It stood up. "Tee hee hee...Feels like I haven't been here for a while..." Dommy's stomach suddenly rumbled "Oh yeah...Living things need food...I'll go ask master..." @National

((@Peaceswore on both))
Ken was still passed out on the floor of the crew quarters, having been awake for almost four days straight, he was out like a rock. Waking him up anytime soon, may not be that simple.

Stella was in her room that was only a small extension from her lab. Of course she wasn't sleeping, instead she was looking over a few notes she had of her experiments.

Before Chase headed off he was stopped by Toto he seemed to be leaving us now "Well you will always be apart of my crew, if you ever need anything let me no and I will help if I can, also I assume Ken left...then again he probably had to steer the ship this whole time so he could be sleep, you'd have to check for yourself" Chase hopped down from the ship waving good bye.

"I see. Well, give Ken chan my thanks. I rather give him a proper farewell, but I guess he would just yell at me." Said the old man, keeping his smile, he the walked away from the boat and back to his family house. Memories from the Past 30 years began flowing through Toto's mind while he Walked. The faces of his Family, crew and newly made Friends...All passed through his mind. All the pain he endured for so long was about to end. He felt Happy, Complete. He would now live the rest of his days with the ones he parted ways so long ago. "Scope, Zenzo, Ganryu, Bokon, Cano...I did it..." He smiled as he'd open the door to his house. @National

"Master...Master..." Dommy was walking at the halls of the Reaping Pirates's Base, calling for Dekan, who was nowhere to be found. His stomach Grumbling. He passed by Stella's room while having his hand on his gut. "Hey...Stella...Where's Master...? I'm hungry...." He whined. @Peaceswore
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As Toto opens his door, Toto's wife was lying on the floor, dead on the floor, blood seeping out if her body. Toto's daughter was crying as she was bounded to a wooden scarecrow. Fekan was sitting in a chair, looking right at Toto. "Welcome home, Iron will." Dekan stands up, and his hand is enwrapped in a shadowy aura. He stalks over to Toto. "I apologize. It is time to take your crown." He opens his hand, and a flock of shadowy crows rip through Toto's chest. @Tellmeastory
Stella looked over her shoulder away from her notes and shrugged. "Probably off doing business. You know he isn't your personal cook, correct? If you are so hungry I guess I can take a break and experiment on what we have in the kitchen.." She said as she closed her note book that was filled with dribbles.

It took a while for him to notice the hole in his Chest. How lucky...It barely hit the important stuff. He coughed of some blood while keeping his hand tight at his chest. He looked at his dead Wifes body and his Daughter and finally at Dekan...Toto's eyes shimmered with Hatred, still, he couldn't help but laugh. "I knew...I knew she was lying from the start...It just makes me disappointed you actually would try to attack an Defenseless old man to prove your strenght...Seriously..." Toto joined his hands and Bulked up "HOW DESPERATE ARE YOU, BRAT!?" He said as he threw a Haki Imbued punch at Dekan

(Dude, I rather him die in an Epic fight...It's so lame give him those power and not being able to use them.
@National )

"No way...Your cooking's the worst..." Dommy said. He still walked with Stella to the kitchen and grabbed a Sack of chips that he began to eat. @Peaceswore

Dekan throws up his palm, and the powerful punch hits his hand, sliding back the crow king. "Hah

Would you look at that, still powerful. Let me tell you something Toto. I do not need to prove anything to my self. What I do need to prove, is with your dead body hanging on the prized village tree, it will show the village that I rule. They are not allowed to fight back. A vice admiral came to check up, and he is now in my zombie crew. A zombie vice admiral, very convenient. Do not test me Toto, I am the closest to fear man shall get. I am the Crow King, and it isn't a lie. But I shall promise you this. Your daughter shall live. She is the only person in this town who doesn't have a curse I gave to the village. Just look outside the village." As if on cue, the sun finally fades away, and night time comes. The entire village goes silent for a moment as all the villagers pass out. Suddenly, all their skins turn gray, and they all lifelessly get up, shambling around the village. Dekan watches. "All these villagers were already dead. I made Dommy make sure their souls were intact until night, where they turn into zombies at night. Your daughter isn't affected. No, she has something I shall not disturb." Dekan looks at Toto with a cold, emotionless look. @Tellmeastory @Peaceswore @hudhouse

@Sinister Clown @pbtenchi @Drumonkey
Dru had been walking around the village when people turned into zombies. Dru jumped off the shoulder of one of the zombies and landed on the roof and began hopping from roof top to roof top looking for any sign of someone living or needing help.

Lucas had been on the deck of the ship when he saw people turn into what could only be described as zombies and his eyes lost their warmth and his smile widened. He quickly grabbed his bag and headed into town ready to experiment. @National
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Wolfgang found jack shit! It all burned down to nothing. He approached the town, to find zombies all over the damned place. Wolfgang approached one quickly and tried to tap it, using the Seastone outer coating of his armor to see if the zombies were Devil Fruit based. If not, he would form a swarm of brick bats and send the zombie away in torn bits. The man looked up to Dru and said, "Hey! Do you know whats going on jack rabbit?"
Toto smirked "Are you asking for my blessing? Didn't your Daddy teach ya how to Sit down and Listen to your elders?" He then threw a left hook at Dekan, making the warlord go through the House's wall into the middle of the Village. He then gripped at the bae of the Wooden scarecrow and smashed it, grabbing his daughter "Jaya. Run away." He walked through the hole and stood in front of Dekan. "Get up Shitty Brat! Warlords should fight like men!"

hudhouse said:
Wolfgang found jack shit! It all burned down to nothing. He approached the town, to find zombies all over the damned place. Wolfgang approached one quickly and tried to tap it, using the Seastone outer coating of his armor to see if the zombies were Devil Fruit based. If not, he would form a swarm of brick bats and send the zombie away in torn bits. The man looked up to Dru and said, "Hey! Do you know whats going on jack rabbit?"
"Why are you calling me jack rabbit? Do I look like a damn rabbit to you?" Dru held up his hand then did a handstand flicking off the random guy with his feet while his tail waved back and forth then he landed back on his feet "I am not a medical professional so I have no clue what the hell is going on and I just got here." Dru was fine with most insults but that one was way out of line.
Dekan stands up, wiping his shoulder. "I do not wish to touch her in any ways. Know this, Toto. Once you close your eyes for good, you shall see the rest of the island kn the other side." Dekan flicks his hand, and a storm of crows surround Toto, ripping at his flesh. @Tellmeastory
"................... My cooking isn't that bad." Stella muttered as a cloud of depression floated over her while the two walked to the Kitchen. Upon arriving she went for the fridge only to stop and look out the window. "..... Captain has started..." She said in a calm voice as she crossed her arms and looked at the moon. ".... Those pirates, I'm curious if they have anything of value...."

Toto got on guard position Protecting his face from the famished crows, with both arms he ram through the swarm of crows and Tackle Dekan."I said fight like a man!" After that he coated both his arms with Haki and closed both fists together "IRON WILLED HAMMER!" Toto slammed both his fists at Dekan's Stomach and sent him away. "If you wanna take me down, then use your own fists Brat!" Toto got back on Guard position, Haki still coating both his arms. @National

"They're weaklings..." Said Dommy with a mouth full of Chips. "All of them, even the "Iron Willed" is nothing but an old frail man...Why does Master obsess so much over that old fart...?" He inquired to Stella, while opening another bag of chips. @Peaceswore
Dekan smiles as he stands up. He holds out his hand, and his hand turns into a straw-wooden clawed hand. It cloaks itself in haki, and he vanishes. He appears next to Toto. "You did well Iron Will. However, you have a time, and it is now. Apologies." His hand was in Toto's chest as he stood there. @Tellmeastory
Toto's chest was pierced a second time. His body went limp for a moment. A Dekan was to remove his hand from the old man's chest, Toto tensed his Chest muscles, getting Dekan's hand stuck. As he roze his arms Toto looked Dekan Dead in the eye. "You call that a punch...?" The old man was panting, the pain was spiking on him. But he didn't give a Damn, He had to do it, over the past 27 years he was tortured, Starved, pierced, maimed, mauled, Burned, Shot, Slashed, Sliced, Strangled, Waterboarded with his own blood and still stood alive to see the next day. Dekan's Attacks were as nothing. Toto was used to the pain. He live through so much worse. "It's too weak...You have fragile knuckles, Brat." Toto's coated both his arms with Haki and began Throwing a Heavy Flurry of Punches at Dekan. "IRON WILLED BARRAGE" He would not faulted, not give a minute to the warlord to rest. While holding Dekan's Hand Toto kept Stryking him with no end. "You better give up on this arm! 'Cause I'm not letting go of it!" @National
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Dekam acknowledged the mans powerful attacks. But there was something Toto didn't know. Dekan rips off his own arm, leaving it inside Toto. But no blood came out. Just... Straw. His arm reforms as he looks Toto right in the eye. "You want do die by a punch old man? Fine by me." Delan grows in height as his body grows, his entire body turning into straw and wood, his claws insanely sharp. He looks at Toto with his hybrid form, his hollowed eyes and straw likeouth grinning. "Then you shall die by that." His entire left arm is coated in armament Haki, and mysterious shadowy flame surrounds his arm. "Passage of the Dying." He says as his fist rips through Toto again, the flames eating his soul. @Tellmeastory
Th arm rips through Totopassing through him as he stood still. Toto fell with his back to the ground. He felt nothing, Like he was floating on nothing. A smile appeared in his face as he was feeling his energy go away. "Ehehehe...Ehehehehehehe...HEHEHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!" Toto's began laughing so loud, the entire Island could hear him. @National

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