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Fandom One Piece the New Era

(That's fine.) Dekan nods. "Of course." Dekan snaps his fingers, and a few if the undead cone over with two chairs, a table, and a few beers with cups. One of them offers a chair to Toto and one to Dommy. "What would you like to talk about Toto?"
Wolfgang heard the legend of the last pirate crew who discovered the One Piece, those who held the strength of gods by the end of their journey. The swordsmen who could chop through boats in a single swing, a rubber man who could defeat giant giants! But the one that stood out the most was a woman who could control weather, and with that, Wolfgang had an idea. A projectile weapon that could use ammunition to do such, but that technology for the ammo would be on Weatheria. He'll sail off there one of these days and make a weapon like that, but something for now? How about, a new sword? Something had to be unique about it, something interesting... what if it had no handle, but instead was a single chain?

Wolfgang got to making two long blades and two long chains that would attach to gauntlets. He then suddenly realized just how much this place loved to not tell him things.
"There is something you're not telling me..." Toto grabbed a cup and poured some beer for himself, intantly chugging, after that he continued "...I'm made a name for mysef on my own right...But it is not spoken around these seas ever since my defeat...And now even your subordinate knows who I am." Toto turned his head in direction to Dommy, who was still staring at both men. "If I'm correct, I was "killed" by the Mad Priest 27 years ago..."
Dekan starts to laugh. The crows squawk and fly around him as he sips from his cup. "The "Iron Willed" Pirate beaten that easily? No, I didn't believe it. And you should know me Toto. I have crows everywhere. I learn a lot. Besides, I knew Iscariot for a bit. I escaped from him, and he probably told you I took over your island. Trust me, your child and Wife are still here." He snaps his fingers, and the door once again opens, revealing two people standing there. (You can control the family.) @Tellmeastory
Beyond the door an Old woman with a marine coat and cap hidingthe upper half of her face stood near a 30 year old woman with pale, fair skin and jet black hair trying to hold back her tears seeing the old man in front of her. Toto couldn't believe his eyes. The old man walked slowly to them, wide eyes "Becca...Jaya..." he said in disbelief. His knees suddenly hit the ground, and he lowered his head holding back his tears. "No...I can't... A no-good husband and Father shouldn't look at you..." The 30 year old woman walked to him and kneeled grabbing his hand "I've never seen you..." Said her, fighting back her tears "I have a memory...but it is far too hidden in my mind... I know ou may no consider yourself good enough...But please, I want to look at my father's face." Toto roze up his head and looked his daughter in the eye. "Jaya...I..." Jaya hugged him sobbing. The Old woman then walked to both of them and "It's the first time she sees you...But Toto...Did you really expect us to hate you? You were a good man who wanted to follow you dreams..." Toto looked at the Old Woman as two scars crossed her eyes...A stream of tears following "B-Becca...your eyes..." His wife, once a former brave marine soldier, stood there, blinded, her faced scarred for life...Toto began to feel to much guilt as he Cried even louder. Even with all his mistakes...his family was still there for him.

Dommy began giggling eerily..."Gee...Master...Did your heart go soft...?Teeheeheehee...?" Toto only payed attention to his reunited family, unaware of Dekan and dommy behind him. "Should I tell him that it was you who blinded his woman...?" Whyspered the young boy to Dekan.
Dekan watches the scene unfold. It was a touching scene that warmer the heart. Too bad Dekan didn't have a heart. The crows flutter around the family. Dekan listens to Dommy, and his grins only widens. "Give them their reunion. The true events shall follow soon. He was easily the villages strongest pirate. And now, that only brings a more juicy sacrifice for me."
After calming down wyping his tears, Toto looked at Becca and finally asked, "Who...who did this to you?"

( @National , can you take control of them, it's kinda hard for me...)
(Sure @Tellmeastory )

Becca opens her mouth to speak, but then a cold wind brushed by the family. And she shakes her head. "When I was working, some pirates attacked us. I finished them, but they got some blinding strikes on me. Just a price I paid for Justice." Jaya looked at Dekan, Jaya knowing the real truth, but was afraid to speak it. "Ever since, this island has been protected by Dekan. He is keeping us safe from attackers."
Toto knew his wife enough to know when she was lying, but he decided to ignore it out of happyness. "I see, Becca... Could you go home for a now? I'll finish talking to Dekan here and you can wait me back home." Said the old man with a Smile, hugging his Wife and Daughter as Tightly as he could before walking back to Dekan and sitting down at the table, filling another shot on beer so he could end it again in One gulp. "Dekan, I can't thank you enough for protecting my family and this Island. If there's anything I can do to repay you..."
Wolfgang encrusted his hammer in shadow, forming kinetic rings of shadow that made each impact even more powerful. His doppelganger worked on the simple blades as Wolfgang finished the chains. There were bars between each rings with a single button that jetted out carved spikes to work like grappling hooks. The mechanism would only send out spikes ahead of the chains, and the button aimed forward towards the tips. Wolfgang dipped the tips with flame, heating the ends of the chains while fusing them into the main blades. Now all he had to do was wait for it to cool, so the doppelganger vanished. Wolfgang turned his head to the other two forgers and said, "How would this work? Grappling hooks mixed with offensive blades, and if you want to the blades could be used as daggers."

Wolfgang looked up, and noticed that for some reason there were... tons of crows. Wolfgang said, "Uuuhhh... why are there somany ravens, and what were you saying about the 'since then'?"
Dekan only raises up his hand as his mysterious grin remains on his face. "No price is needed. I am a warlord, and like any warlord, we tax the islands in return for protection. And that is why this island is under my protection. No need to thank me." @Tellmeastory

The forgers whistle as they look at Wolfgang's impressive work. "That's a nice piece right there. Just temper and coo it, and it should be done." The two forgers look up at the crows Wolfgang was looking at. "Those crows are watchers. Don't so anything fishy, or they'll get ya! The two man laughed, the laughs having no humor in it. They both turn back to their work as if nothing happened, and as if he didn't ask that question of "Since then". @hudhouse
"God made him a monster...And now he's a Warlord...What a Lucky Heathen, right, Old man?"The priest's words echoed through Toto's head...What kind of monster could that man be? Toto just smiled to the Dekan and wave him farewell " Well then, I'll pay you my earnings so you can keep the island safe as well. It's all I can do for now. Thank you for having me, Dekan." Toto walked out of the church to the town in order to meet the crew and say goodbye to the crew who helped him get there, but he couldn't shake the feeling that the Warlord was up to something.

"Teeheehee...Master...You let him escape..after I had such a hard job bringing him here...Teeheehee..." Dommy spoke to Dekan, floating around the man in Circles.
Wolfgang rapidly cooled down the blades with water and place the chains down. He snarled in displeasure, and stated bluntly, "Its good materials, but I can't replicate the bloody thing I was making on that ship! Bah, I need to go out for a moment. I'll be back in a few, thank you for being so welcoming." Wolfgang got a small idea, priests are normally 'helpful' in his experience. Maybe a priest could help him, or at least send him somewhere more helpful? The people here were... strange, and maybe their hopes of gods and prayers were something that would help. Still in his armor, he marched up towards the church, and just prayed this would work, please not be another crazy.
Dekan watches as the old man walks out of the church. The crows squawk as the original fivenreat back onto the throne. Dekan stands up fully, revealing his tall frame. "He didn't escape little Dommy. I only gave him more time before I finally finish of Horidious island's greatest Pirate. It will be a beautiful moment indeed. For now, we wait until the night."

(Which Church did you go to? Because the main church is not in the village, and is seperated by a huge abandoned field.) @hudhouse
Bloody hell, he couldn't see that giant arrow-like tip of the Church from here because of the damned trees! Wasn't it near this damned place? Oh screw it, he wandered to the beach to see if he could scavenge anything from the explosion.

(Though there was only one and in the pic you could see it from the shore, so I thought it was close)
(They have a tiny village church but countless times in OOC I said that it was separated from the village.) @hudhouse

The crows follow Wolfgang as they watch him, analyzing him from their parts of the trees. The forgers whisper to each other back into the town. "Can't we just tell him? He could get caught in the same trap!" The other foegwr shakes his head. "What's the use? Were already dead."
Chase awoke from his slumber and looked around "Oh man that felt great...I should go find my people" he got up and walked out onto the deck, the ship had docked at an island. He hops off to ship heading into the island it looked rather normal so it was probably best to head towards a tavern, he was sure to find someone there plus he needed a drink.
Ken had finally passed out due to his exhaustion, he didn't even make it to the beds and was currently asleep on the hard wood floor.

Stella finally decided to leave her lab letting her most recent experiment have a small rest. "Did I miss something? I see recent heat signatures leaving the room... Was it important?" She asked as she looked at her captain.

@National @Tellmeastory
Dekan looks over Stella, his crows circling around him. "Ahh, you just missed Toto, the famous "Iron Will" Pirate of Horidious. He just reunited with his family, a reunion that will be gone shortly. We shall just have to wait until nighttime. How is your invention going Stella? I hope all those fresh bodies didn't go to waste." He looks at Dommy. "And little Dommy, who else was on that ship?" @Tellmeastory @Peaceswore
"A Group of Weaklings..." Said Dommy with a wide Grin. "They all have bounties, but none as high as yours...The only one that gave a hint of Streght was Toto...Teeheehee..."

@National @Peaceswore
Stella ignored Dommy as she smiled at Dekan. "My experiments are going great! I'm getting closer to making someone like me... But at the same time I'm far... Hmm I think having a living body would work... But not one of those weak villagers. Needs to be a body that can with stand a good amount of pain." She said before she started to thing about a few different idea's and possible candidates. "Sorry I zoned out. Do you know if they have any devil fruit users?" She asked Dommy.

@Tellmeastory @National
Dekan listens to Dommys report. "A ship of weaklings, hmm? Quite a shame. But they must have been strong enough to beat Iscariot, which is quite a great. How else would Toto have escaped? Have a good rest Dommy. And if you are going to play around with the prisoners, close the door behind you." He watches the child leave as he looks at Stella. "Another of you. That would be very helpful to the crew. More and more robotic crewmates, much stronger than a human. Have you tried maybe one of the undead?" @Tellmeastory @Peaceswore
Stella let out a small sigh before nodding. "I have, but their bodies are too fragile for what I have to do to them~ I think it needs to be a healthy living body... Not sure but it would be nice to test out my theory. I would prefer not to have to do the same way I was made... It's too crude for my taste." She said as she started to go off and wonder about her experiments.


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