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Fandom One Piece the New Era

When Ken was woken up he glared at Lucas. "Why would you keep me up another ten hours? Now is the best time for me to rest. What if we get in another storm, or go off course, or get in a fight with a pirate crew! I won't be able to defend myself if my body is to exhausted to listen." He growled angrily detesting this situation even more then having to fall asleep in front of someone he doesn't trust.
Peaceswore said:
When Ken was woken up he glared at Lucas. "Why would you keep me up another ten hours? Now is the best time for me to rest. What if we get in another storm, or go off course, or get in a fight with a pirate crew! I won't be able to defend myself if my body is to exhausted to listen." He growled angrily detesting this situation even more then having to fall asleep in front of someone he doesn't trust.
"Because you had to go and push your body so hard if I hadn't woken you then you would have slept the correct am out of time you were supposed to."
Cornelius smiles as he watches the two bicker, and he plays a soft tune, looking up at the nice, bright sky. It was wonderful, no doubt, the very little clouds gliding quickly across the wind. He looks at his small treasure chest and smiles, the little box dangling from his belt. He looks over at Ken. "Where is our next destination if I may ask?" @Peaceswore
Ken glared daggers at Cornelius obviously very pissed at his situation. "The bottom of the sea if you keep opening your trap." He growled as he walked to a different part of the ship. He was in a very bad mood to say the least. "What asshole makes it so I can't sleep for then damned hours!? With this I would have been awake for four full days!" He shouted at Penance who was sleeping on the railing. "Oh rub it in!"
Peaceswore said:
Ken glared daggers at Cornelius obviously very pissed at his situation. "The bottom of the sea if you keep opening your trap." He growled as he walked to a different part of the ship. He was in a very bad mood to say the least. "What asshole makes it so I can't sleep for then damned hours!? With this I would have been awake for four full days!" He shouted at Penance who was sleeping on the railing. "Oh rub it in!"
(oh yeah... let's pretend like the doctor put him back together)
Toto woke up on a bed in the Infirmary back at his frail self he looked around and got up with a startled expression "OH!"
Out in the Navy office, Morgol looks down at his papers, and he looks across his desk at one of the new Gorosei. "The Warlord Dekan is turning into a problem sir. He could very well play a huge role in the war that is brewing." The humble gorosei member looks at Morgol as he sips his tea. "Ahhh, do not worry Morgol-shi. I am sure everything will fit just fine-shi." Morgol only looks more concerned. "And the other Warlords? The Gambling Pirates could quickly turn on us. And let's not forget about L.G and those Twins!-" the gorosei holds up his hand. "Calm down my friend-shi. All we can do is wait for time-shi." Morgol sighs as he looks at the Gorosei. "Yes sir."

On the ship, a small crow lands on the crows nest as it looks down at the pirates. It looked like a normal crow, so there was nothing suspicious to anyone... Except maybe Toto. (Toto should talk about Dekan.) @Tellmeastory @Offspring @Peaceswore @Drumonkey @pbtenchi @hudhouse @Sinister Clown
Toto, with a morbid look at his face, quickly jumped off the bed and ran to the deck a grabbed the streering wheel, trying to change the course of the Boat so they could avoid the Island. "WE CAN'T GO THERE!" He yelled, mortified "WE CAN'T FACE THE CROW KING!"

@National ('old on I need people to react)
Ken almost fell over board when the ship suddenly turned. "What the??" He growled as he pushed off the railing and moved to the steering wheel. "What are you doing! You are going to get us in the wrong current!" Ken shouted as he moved over to the wheel and quickly grabbed it turning the ship back to it's course. "Don't change the ship course like that! What's the matter with you!?" He shouted obviously still in a bad mood as he had yet to get a wink of sleep.

Dru who was sitting in his crows nest noticed the crow land on there and looked at it confused then he heard the old man yell about some crow king or another "Well there is a crow here what do we do about that? It looks almost harmless." Dru chuckled at an irritated Ken and waited for something to happen. @Peaceswore @Tellmeastory
"This Island!" Toto began trembling "Is a dangerous Place Ken-chan! I can't let you stop there! We must stay away from it!" Toto maintained a firm grip at the wheel while talking to Ken "There's a Dangerous man in there!". A flashback went through Toto's mind while at it...Iscariot had just finished torturing him while reading a newspaper. "Hey old man...Isn't that the place you told me you were from?" Toto analized the name on the paper and nodded. "Well...Too bad...It was taken over a week ago according to this article...It appears it was by the "Crow King" Iscariot smiled with anger on his eyes. "Tsukaka...If I had captured that monster when I had the chance this would have never happened... But God made him a monster...And now he's a Warlord...What a Lucky Heathen, right, Old man?". Back to the Present Toto change to his bulked up form "Even though this is the place where my family is at...I CAN'T LET YOU FACE HIM NOW!"

@National @Peaceswore @Drumonkey
Dru swung down from the crows nest and landed with a roll then popped up landing on the section holding the wheel up and tilted his head looking at the two of them fight over the wheel. "Guys if this crow king is so bad, it might be a bit too late for that now since there is a crow onboard." @Tellmeastory @Peaceswore
Ken glared at Toto as he kept a firm grip on the wheel. "We don't have a choice! That is where the log post is pointing to next and we can't move on till after the log as recorded it's magnetic field! Now let go of the damn wheel old man! I'm the navigator and if you want us and the rest of the crew to survive we head to that island." He growled really just wanting to dock so he could pass out which would probably happen soon.

Toto, seeing no other choice pushed Ken away from him. "Listen to your Elder, Kid!" He said, now with his face showing all his desperation "That Island is home to one of the Seven Warlords of the Sea! A Terrifying man with the Title of Crow King and a Bounty even Higher than Mine!" Toto, kept turning the boat, still glaring at ken "Even a Monster like the Priest is nothing but a Fly ready to be swatted! That man is trouble! You can't trust a compass alone, Ken!"

Ken fell backward not able to get his footing in time getting up he growled a bit at Toto as a few tic mark appeared on his head. "This is the grand line you senile fool! We have no choice but to go to that island if we want to continue! Our food stores will run out eventually! Now move and stop messing with the ship!" He shouted as he walked over to the steering wheel ready to get the ship back on course.

Toto got into his fighting position and Glared at Ken "I'm Doing this for your own good!" he said.

Behind Dru a floating young boy was watching the scene, apparently appearing out of nowhere. The Boy had white hair and Big staring Eyes. A scary smile formed on the kid's face.

"Hey, misters....Why are you running away...?" The boy asked with a weak voice.

@Peaceswore @Drumonkey @National
Dru leaned back and supported himself on his hands as he looked at the kid upside down "let me guess that is your bird up there? If so then it should find a new place to roost since that place is taken... by me if you havent noticed." Dru then flipped around and sat supported by one of his monkey feet ad he watched the kid. @Tellmeastory
Ken glared daggers at Toto as he grabbed the wheel. "You plan to help me by fighting me? Look we have to go. It's as simple as that." He said Ixie now resting on his shoulder keeping her eyes on Toto. Hearing the voice of the boy Ken looked over at the kid. "Who are you and why are you on this ship?" He asked coldly not in the mood for any of this crap.
"Teeheehee...No...That's Master's...." Said the kid playfully, letting a out a frail, but ominous laugh...

"I'm Dommy...Nice to meet you..."Blue Reaper"...Teeheehee..." The boy floated around, making loopings while laughing. He suddenly stopped and looked at Toto...He began staring silently in an Awkwardly scary way.
Cornelius looks up at the child, smiling nervously. "A floating child. Who wanted to sleep anyways?" He holds his guitar and leans on it. "Dommy the Blue Reaper." Cornelius mutters as he thinks about the crew this child could be from. @Tellmeastory

The crow squaks at Dru as two other crows land on the nest.
On Horidious island Han had only been on this island for a few days now, so far there didn't seem to be anything that intrigued him but something made him stay 'There's gotta be more than this' he thought to himself on his small boat for himself as he laid back glaring towards the islands terrain, it seemed to be something out of a horror movie and could be related to Thriller bark is chosen, only difference it seemed was there were no undead walking around.

Han was pretty disappointing about this fact, he was eager to get himself backed in a corner as that's when he fights best but despite all of this Han had chosen to stay at the island for a few more days and explore it further to see what the island truly holds.

(Best I could think of right now xD )
Dru sighed at the kid and noticed the two extra crows. Dru got it into his head that he should see if they could speak or not so he swung his way up to the crows nest and looked at the crows "hey shoo, get out of here. Go back to your master you freaks." Dru sighed heavily. @National
Wolfgang's eyes snapped open, and he raised himself up to grab his head. Pain, why was there pain? Then, he felt the cold seastone that linted his armor, also the bloody reason his armor was made of three different materials with cracks in it. But where was he? Thick trees lined the horizon except for one large church tip that seemed to pierce the air, let alone the sky at his position. He lumbered upwards, and looked out to sea to find a burning bolder-like ship. Great, there goes his forge! He had to survive, might as well find that damned town. Wolfgang walked in his armor with a care in the world, and four swords strapped on his hips and his back.

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