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Fandom One Piece the New Era

From behind Dru stabbed into Woody's back then withdrew his blade and flipped away. Lucas called out "Ken you should come back here so I can bandage your wound." @Peaceswore @pbtenchi
"hic" the wound from Dru's dagger closed. "The real strength of plant zoans is their strong regenerative ability's hic"
Ken coughed a bit as he backed up. "Scythe." He muttered to Ixie who looked at him worried before doing as she was asked. "Stop your yammering! And return Venny!" He shouted as he got into a stance completely ignoring Lucas. After taking a deep breath he charged forward and sent a powerful slice to Woody's gut with the weapon that was once again tipped in haki.
"Zoan? This is one of the strangest Zoan types I have ever seen." After the stab into the gut Dru jumped up and stabbed downwards aiming for his spine with his sword. Lucas coughed and Ken could almost feel a cold tremor "Ken if you pass out from blood lost then we will have some problems. I will introduce you to Jekyll's Operating room." @Peaceswore @pbtenchi
"Crap, Crap, Crap." Dru flipped and used his agility to catch branches or spin and bend between them to avoid getting impaled while using his tail to cut some of the branches.
"Then I won't pass out." Ken grumbled as he used his haki to avoid the branches. "Grenade. I'm tired of this useless fight." With that Ixie turned into a grenade. No hesitation what so ever, Ken pulled the pin and waited a bit before running to Woody and tossing it at his feet. He the dodged a few more attacks as best he could despite his very blurry vision. Seconds later Ixie blew up causing a decent size explosion.
The explosion surprised Dru and he flipped away from the explosion and Woody wishing he knew how to use haki like Ken did.

Lucas crossed his arms over his chest, he was going to have to work out this Ken kids issues.
As the smoke cleared, a few roots disintegrated to reveal a slightly charred Woody. "yur gonna... hic... pay for that... hi-" at that moment. pbtenchi's hand pierced Woodys back. "Paralysis stab. Where is Venny?"
Ixie reformed and flew back over to Ken who was still standing with his arms crossed, blood running down his side and dripping onto the floor. Even though he was ticked at the fight he glared at Woody. "Answer or I will have Ixie here become something more powerful than a damn grenade." He growled not bluffing in the least. He was starting to feel light headed, but he kept his usual blank expression and refused to show how much pain he was in.
"What a waste of time." Ken muttered as he headed for the hold. Turning is back to Woody he walked off even as black dots started to cloud his vision he refused to notice. The blood that was leaving him was quite a bit and anyone with eye could see he was pushing himself to stay standing despite all the blood loss.
Cornelius lays his hand on Men's shoulder. "Please, friend. I understand you don't want to look weak. But trust me, using a friends shoulder to lean on after a hard battle does not make you weak. Let me help you." Cornelius, with a smile, extends his hand to Ken to help him. @Peaceswore
Ken being the stubborn bastard he was, was going to refuse the help. However before he could his legs gave out and he was forced to put his arm around the others shoulder so he wouldn't collapse. "Lets just get Venny and go." He muttered as his eyes got heavy. "We have places to be, and being here with this pirate isn't one of the places." He said after shooting a glare at Woody.
Then Luca's large hand place itself firmly on Ken's shoulder and Lucas smiled down at Ken but his eyes were devoid of the normal warmth they carried and he spoke in a low voice to Cornelius "Could you please give my patient and I some room so I can show him the consequences of his silly actions?" @National @Peaceswore
Cornelius nods as he takes Venny from Pbtenchi. He looks over at the charred woody. "Is he already beat?"Cornelius puts the guitar on his back as he gets close to Woody. @pbtenchi
Ken pushed off of Cornelius and looked around. "If this is it... It was a waste if time." He mutter before looking at Lucas. "Calm down I haven't passed out yet so no need to get pissed." He muttered as he kept his arms crossed and leaned against a near by wall so he wouldn't fall.
Cornelius nods, and he takes Benny over to the girls room. He gently lays her o one of the beds and covers her up with a blanket. He closes the door and smiles. "Alright, I am read- Cornelius's eyes widen as he feels around his waist. "My chest.... Where is my chest?" He jumps off the boat and sprints back into the island. A few moments later, still smiling, he comes back with his small treasure chest.
Lucas picks up Ken and heads to the ship with the others, the last one being Dru. The moment they were all on the ship Lucas pushed his glasses up the bridge of his nose and smiled a bit sadistically as he held Ken's shoulder and in a low voice Lucas said "Dr Jekylls operating room. Let surgery begin." Then Ken was split into various boy pieces and Lucas set his head on a table to watch. @Peaceswore
Ken was too exhausted to even argue about what was going on. Whether it was due to blood loss, or navigating through two storms in one day, or the fact he hasn't gotten a wink of sleep in three days, he didn't know. When he was sliced up he watched with a bore expression as his eyes got heavy again. ".......... I need to be in one piece when you are done... After all I need to get the crew to the next island." He said in a quiet tone as he still fought off sleep

Peaceswore said:
Ken was too exhausted to even argue about what was going on. Whether it was due to blood loss, or navigating through two storms in one day, or the fact he hasn't gotten a wink of sleep in three days, he didn't know. When he was sliced up he watched with a bore expression as his eyes got heavy again. ".......... I need to be in one piece when you are done... After all I need to get the crew to the next island." He said in a quiet tone as he still fought off sleep
Lucas looked at him "Sleep boy you have 30 minutes of sleep before you can even move, Doctor's orders. After that you will be wide awake not really all that rested but awake." Lucas smiled widely and began to patch him up and transfuse blood into Ken then he sent Dru to get a syringe from his laboratory and to bring it out to them.
Ken hated the idea of falling asleep in such a vulnerable state. True there probably wasn't much he could do even if he remained awake. But with his huge trust issues the idea made him feel slightly sick. "Ixie.... What should I do?" He quietly asked the bird. Ixie looked up at Ken and tweeted something soft to him which made him look up at Lucas. ".............................................................. I still hate the idea of sleeping now..... But since you think it's fine....okay." He muttered before he let his exhausted eyes close finally.

Peaceswore said:
Ken hated the idea of falling asleep in such a vulnerable state. True there probably wasn't much he could do even if he remained awake. But with his huge trust issues the idea made him feel slightly sick. "Ixie.... What should I do?" He quietly asked the bird. Ixie looked up at Ken and tweeted something soft to him which made him look up at Lucas. ".............................................................. I still hate the idea of sleeping now..... But since you think it's fine....okay." He muttered before he let his exhausted eyes close finally.
Lucas chuckled manually and looked at the bird "he thought he was going to get away without Sleeping, when will that boy learn Doctors orders are final." With that Lucas finished working on Ken and closing his wounds 27 minutes later Lucas injected the contents of the Sryinge into Ken's heart jump starting his system and jolting him awake Lucas then told him "you should be awake for the next 10 hours without fail after that you must sleep for a few hours I dont care where you are just make it happen."

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